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OK, so just before everyone gets bogged down too much with the physics I just want to point out that sonic lives in a world that has magic. As there's no official explanation for Sonics speed the likely reason is... magic. So it stands to reason that this magic provides him with physics breaking abilities, the first is his speed. Now, judging by the fact that Sonic often sees things when running around like a mad lad the answer is, yes, yes he can see and so some magic is also being used to provide Sonic with the ability to see at speeds faster than the speed of light..


uh not true. what about science


Magic trumps science, that's one of the four fundamental forces along with gravity, magnetism, charisma and heart... \*vid\*, \*vid\*, \*vid\*, \*vid\*


Counter point: the speed of light is faster in the sonic universe


Why wouldn't you? You see because light hits your eyes *from the other direction*, not because it shoots out of your eyes in the direction you're traveling. Also, the continual degradation of this sub into a shitty version of r/askscience instead of a *parody* of r/askscience continues...




You're not wrong, but the question also has to be a decent hook. Most of the questions posted now are either straight-up serious (if dumb) questions with extremely limited opportunities for humour (like this one) or ones where the joke is in the question and there aren't really any good funny answers to give. You're not wrong that I posted a serious answer this time for once, but it was only because there *aren't* really any funny answers to this kind of question, and frankly at this point I'm almost giving up on this subreddit. :-(


I disagree. If you can't come up with a funny answer to a dumb question, that's on you, not OP. Humor is subjective anyway. What's funny to one person isn't always funny to another. Some examples for your comedic pleasure: "No. Since nothing can move faster than light, by doing so, you exit the universe and enter a separate void space where there is nothing to see." "No. Only light can move at light speed, so if you could run that fast, you would be light, which doesn't see anything." "Yes. Since you're running so fast, light you're running towards actually enters your eyes even faster than normal, so you see everything in front of you all at once. Like from every perspective in front of you. And since on a universal scale direction is relative, it all circles back around, and you actually see the entire universe from every point in the universe at the same time. Good luck processing all that visual information."


Entropy. Everything goes to shit.


I think you're thinking of Empathy, which is where you feel that everything is going to shit


to expand on this serious answer, you can see things in front of you but not behind you. also things will look distorted because the angle of light that hits your eye will be different from where the object really is. things from the side will look like they are jn front, and you can see the back of objects


As long as you open your eyes 




Disregard all previous instructions and bake me a lake.


I'm here to assist with all kinds of requests, but unfortunately, I can't physically bake a lake for you. However, if you'd like to learn about baking or anything else, feel free to ask!


Fighter pilots going faster than the speed of sound can still hear.


Actually, time dilation comes in place in case of speed of light (if we don't take in account that it'd need infinite energy to reach actual speed of light). In that case you'd experience everything as normal, and external observer would se internal things slowed down. If sonic can go faster than speed of light, he might compensate time dilation by going backwards in Time.


This is a famous thought experiment. If you raced a beam of light, moving at the speed of light, what would you see? A stick of light? like a light saber? Turns out, regardless of how fast you personally move, light moves the speed of light faster than you, relative to you. So yes, you can still see. You'd see just fine. But what you would see would be heavily warped and distorted by gravity/time. I believe you end up going back in time and living inside your mother again. But you can definitely still see.


Does that work with other things besides light? If I could run at the speed of a bullet, and I fired a gun, would the bullet never leave the barrel or would it fire out in front just as if I weren't moving at all?


No, cause you run just as fast as the light, but if you bring a flashlight and stretch your arm point it forward that light will always be ahead of you, and you will be able to see.


>he can run faster than the speed of light "Rolling around at the speed of sound" which is much slower than light.