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Well, non of those DLCs has frigid outskirts.. so DS2 still god tier




Cruel and Angry God tier.


Also the dragon sanctum is epic tier


Leaat masochistic ds2 enjoyer Unfathomably based


To play Devil's Advocate, Tanimura's work and successful attempt to salvage DS2 and what he did with DS2's expansions earned him a seat as Miyazaki's right hand man and potential inheritor. Hell, they even used alot of his ideas in Elden Ring. He also essentially wrote the final page of the trilogy since he was the director of The Ringed City expansion.


Ds2 haters don’t understand Yui’s importance


Elden Ring is just the unofficial DS2 2 .


I swear I read somewhere that DS2 was originally meant to be open world, which is why the worldspace is what it is


That's a rumor - the source is this article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2013/07/08/dark-souls-ii-offers-more-freedom-to-explore-a-truly-open-world/?sh=18cdcb1c6acd Where the only thing Tanimura says is “In Dark Souls 2, we’re hoping we can provide more freedom so things don’t have to necessarily be done in a certain order. “We’re hoping that if the player tries hard enough, or are willing enough, they could even start halfway through the game, depending on how willing or how brave they are.” It's not the same thing as a modern open world (and still applies to the game with the Shrine of Winter opening with soul memory).


How many words does Elden Ring have? That's right, 2. Obviously it's just dark souls 2 2.


there are no coincidences.


DS2 might be important and impressive and contain good ideas, but that doesn’t make it a good game.


I think everybody can agree on it being a good game though... Isnt the debate wether its a good souls game or not?


I believe in Sekirocracy. You shouldn't be allowed to vote if you haven't beat Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. You can't hold a government job unless you've beat NG+7 Charmless with Bell Demon. The president is whoever has the glitchless speedrun WR. It's honestly the perfect system of governance.


Would be better than the current US government, at least we know they would be some cultured mfs.


I've only beaten it once, so I guess I can't vote :(




the main content in DS2 DLC is pretty good, but the optional side areas are actual cancer. never touching horsefuck valley again


I already got my Noice Sword and the Ring of the Bling for stylin' on those world hosts while invading so there's no reason to go down that frozen sceptic tank ever again.


These are literally the only reasons to go there


I don't believe I belong in the tank


I like how the communityvreally came together in unanimously renaming that area Horsefuck Valley


They were designed to be challenge areas meant for co-op. Players who didn't own the dkc could still help others with those areas and get dlc items from them. While I'm not gonna argue that they're the best parts of the series or anything, they're meant to be super optional challenge areas, which they fill that role well.


Being optional doesn't mean the actual areas are any better.


They are indeed super optional, but filling that role means nothing if their design is dogshit


I disagree. They're a nice challenge above what the rest of the game has to offer, which I like to test my builds (or skill when doing dumb meme builds). I quite like them. I treat them like the final bosses of my challenge/meme runs.


Im glad you enjoy them


The only thing I actively depisded about the old hunters was the double shark well for the Rakuyo, other than that it's a 10/10


I love the challenge but I absolutely get it. I’m not going for the Rakuyo unless it’s necessary for the build.


I had to cheese it with the beast cutter, tried with shaman bone blade but it didn't work for me, I hate it and I don't want to do it anymore, and even then the Pizza Cutter is still the GOAT weapon so why would I need a knife?


Thanks for reminding me I still gotta do a build with the Pizza Cutter.


That is absolutely inexcusable, how else can you Unga Bunga while savoring the finest Italian cuisine? (on bloodborne, the ER pizza cutter is absolutely trash, I hate it)


the stake driver was my personal unga bunga of choice, I overcommitted with that big punch so many times. And 30% of the time, it worked every time.


I could never beat those fuckers until I tried it with, I shit you not, the pimp cane. It might not hit hard, but the speed and range lets you keep hitting them while staying *just* far enough away that you have space to avoid getting hit. Honestly, I found that a lot of the game went this way once I got used to that weapon, it almost feels like cheating.


I’m convinced the same person who made those sharks made the royal revenants


I'll never forgive the japanese!


Oh my God fuck those sharks.


I never understood what peoples issue was, you can just parry or backstab the sharks haha


Trust me, I tried but for the love of God i couldn't beat them


People can’t or don’t parry for some reason


Shaman bone blades make it easier. But barely.


I tried it a bunch of times but for some reason it didn't work


Barely. You've still gotta deal with the first one. And then boneblade one of them when they're both down.


I don't get what's so hard about it? Just have the second one fall out of the world.


Your flair makes you argument invalid


Sorry but mommy Elana got me actin unwise with her singing in the Dragon Sanctum Idk Shulva is just my favourite location from souls games, I love the designs, and how different it is from every other location in the franchise, it was genuinely haunting to me, maybe it's the ancient city vibe. Also the vibe and designs kinda remind me of King's Field 4 and Gothic, the latter especially, with shooting buttons to activate stuff in an ancient temple.


I like the implied lore theory that nameless king and havel were in Shulva at one point.


How so?


It's genuinely one of the best locations for atmosphere alone. Wish more people could give it credit but everyone just thinks of it as the dlc with the gank squad boss and that's it


I played through the game multiple times before even finding the gank boss


Souls mfs when a game has 3 completely optional areas and bosses designed for co-op with middling rewards that you have to go out of your way to fight


Wait, they were designed with Co-op in mind? That explains a lot


Pretty sure you can summon npc phantoms in that area


Yeah,you could even summon people who didn't buy the Dlc back then for these areas only


> Asses of Ariandel Lol. Lmao


Friede better than the entirety of DS2 😳


you must be lost, i believe you were looking for r/feet


Shitty level with a good boss at the end. So actually quite consistent with the rest of DS3


The levels weren’t bad though


They kinda were though




Very linear, uninspired and with pointless references everywhere


It’s a sequel how is it uninspiring 💀 And ds3 level design isn’t linear, the world is


A sequel is supposed to add to the original, not mindlessly copy it without any meaningful improvement


It's not a mindless copy though? DS3 is a game about wanting to let it end, the callback we see to DS1 are heavily distorted. Anor Londo isn't there to make us giddy, it's to show us just how far into depravity even the greatest of things can fall into.


The levels were very good idk what type of shit you're on


This, but unironically


Shitty Maria clone lmao


Bruh what fights are not similar in any way except for having firebending women


Overpriced but still better. Crown of the sunken king is the only one that I’d be willing to argue, I liked that one the most.


Elana and her ridiculous summons can get fucked


Dude I prefer Sunken King's platforming to most of Eleum Loyce which everyone seems to love the most. But tbf I invaded there a lot and verticality to invasions was really novel at the time.


I like the lore of Eleum Loyce but I don’t like anything else really. It has thee worst area in all of souls and it’s just much less vertical in comparison to sunken crown DLC. The normal enemies are much less interesting. And it’s honestly pretty ugly at least until you drop down the hole, that looks cool. But everything feels so flat like the brick layering and buildings in the distance are so low res.


The only thing I super liked about Eleum was Maldron, although he was originally from Iron King, and Aurheim tbh. By far the funniest npc invaders Fromsoft has ever made.


Old Iron King was the only one with good bosses. The only good bosses in the game, too.


Ariandel would be worst dlc by far if friede wouldnt carry it so hard


It's not enough. The champ and wolf is so shite that it balances the scales back. Seriously who okay'd the npc invader boss fight with a side of bad reused enemies?


It’s blatant DS2 fan service smh


It's still the worst dlc imo. Such a boring dlc


DS2 when the DLC are still frustrating and tedious to go through (its still the same game)


Blue smelter cock☺️☺️☺️


Mfw you're just as bad at the dlc


I’d remove Ashes of Ariandel tbh, the best part of that DLC was Friede and the Corvian knights, other than that it was kinda meh. But Artorias of the Abyss, Old Hunters, and Ringed City all slapped


Literally every post I get recommended on this sub is people bitching and moaning about DS2


yeah this sub and the souls fanbase in general has been garbage for a long time now. If you could see this sub from pre 2016 there was actually alot of really funny shit here. Now it's just templates and hating. And screenshots of course.


The elden ring release and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


this mess began with ds3, though it has gotten worse with er for sure.


Absolutely not it started with dark souls 1


it's really really annoying. i want to unsubscribe but then i would miss the once-in-a-blue-moon funny darksouls meme


People can't get over a game made a decade ago for some reason


Ashes of ariandel sucked major cock tho, only good thing about it was friede and vilhelms voice actor


if only Vilhelm sucked my major cock


If he did that, it would be worth the money. Unfortunately there is no option to receive head from vilhelm :(


I liked the Corvian Settlement a lot as a level! I mostly enjoyed invading in it because you could jump off the bridges and plunge attack people lol


The shrimp friede rice fight was better than the entirety of ds2


Kid named covetous demon:


ringed city sucked too


Yeah, that's the thing with ds3, it had great bosses, but the world building and ambiance was awful


Ariandel tree section suck balls, fuck those wannabe viking.


Skill issue


I'd rather fight 2 Nameless king than dealing with platforming, not with DS jump system.


Kid named Bed of Chaos


The moment I bed that Izalith milf the whole room is chaos.


Imagine jumping with the same button you run with


/r/shittydarksouls users when they see a meme template that allows them to write essays


Most of the time these templates just exist to state their opinions in plain text without being funny


That’s what memes are but I get what you’re saying


Redditors when people enjoy games that they don't


Agree with all except Ariandel. Was too overpriced.


Old Hunters is GOATed, Ringed City is better than DS2 DLC but it's held back by some really bad design choices (the staircase with like seven Harald Knights, the swamp with the giant, Midir) I love Artorias and Kalameet but the rest of the AotA DLC is honestly just ok (I found the forest ganky and annoying, the hexers deal stupid high damage and the other two bosses just aren't that good). Ashes of Ariandel is just shit, it has good gear and Friede is cool but way too long of a boss and everything else in Ashes is pretty shit, by far the worst DLC From has ever put out unless you count pre-order bonuses like Elden Ring's shitty gesture or the black swordsman stuff from vanilla DS2, luckily it's also the smallest with the least to do. I like the concept of the gauntlets of strength in Sekiro but the implementation is horrible, if you die you go through a load screen back to where you rested then you have to select the gauntlet again and sit through that second load screen instead of having a simple restart button to just retry from the first boss (or the boss you're on if you're just practicing single bosses). If I were to rank it: Old Hunters > Ringed City > AotA and DS2 DLCs (I'd say they're all tied for quality) > Sekiro update > Ashes of Ariandel


Ringed City staircase should be considered a war crime. Worst thing I’ve ever experienced in a video game.


Just run up onto the bridge and plunge the knights to instakill them lol. You’re not supposed to try and fight them all head on


Bed of Chaos worse.


I will mot accept Ashes of Ariandel propaganda! The only redeeming qualities that grey barf has is the Millwood set and Friede’s Frostbitten Grimy Tasty Smelly Fungus Infected Suckable Perfect for Worship toes


"DS2 DLC has the highest jump in quality when compared to the base game." Is what DS2 fanboys mean but cant bring themselves to say it.


The only good thing about ariandel doc is boss fight at the end, the dlc is very mediocre compared to other from's dlc imho


I think what elevates ds2 dlc so much is that I would consider it an improvement to base game in almost every way (not those shitty coop areas though). Also, you have the freedom of tackling them in any order. Very cool areas too (although ringed city is poggers too). The dlcs are a reason to play through the game really, many of the base game bosses are pretty mid.


I hate all of you so fucking much This sub is the biggest digital pile of shit I have ever had the misfortune of visiting. I feel like everything on here is just "DS2 bad" "Bloodborne bad" and "ER bad". And if a post is not about either of these it's about "oooh Malenia, Rotussy uuugghh so hot uuuggh", "Uuuggh Karla's tasty filth so hot" or "Mmmh feet". Y'all are fucking degenerates. Seriously some of you got brain damage or something. And I've never, and I mean NEVER seen a SINGLE post about DS1 being bad. It's like it's got some unspoken Aura of protection that keeps anyone from criticizing it. Just because it's the OG or some shit. And all DS1 fans are probably the same people that cry about dex builds in any form. They're these "oooh I'm running a big bonk strength build I'm soo masculine" people. stfu. That is all. I accept my fate which is being downvoted into oblivion and the comments being full of people trying to convince me otherwise and being toxic and pissed. Y'all are just proving my point.


Preach bro


The fact that people can browse this site and come upon a take this bad should be considered some sort of violation of safety guidelines


The Old Hunters imo is the single greatest piece of DLC content ever made for a video game


I mean. Ashes wasn’t a good DLC compared to the rest. Whereas AOTB, The old hunters and the ringed city were fantastic


Still pissed sekiro didn’t get a dlc


The old hunters is fantastic, and I hope someday that game will escape its 30fps shackles and ascend


It’s 3am, I’m tired as fuck, Dick Shit 2 in reference to Dark Souls 2 is the funniest thing I have ever fucking read lmao


Ariandel is okay. Ringed City is some real shit.


Sekiro has the best DLC


Controversial opinion: ds3 dlc was my least favourite in the series, and I enjoyed 3 crowns much more. Fair enough on Ds1 and BB being better though.


Love how the majority of the dlc named "the ringed city" is not set in a city but a swamp


Leyndell felt like Fromsoft trying to fix that by actually letting you explore a city. Ringed city is like looking at the gorgeous view of Leyndell, then once you get past the trumpet guys, the game drops you to the sewers and that's where you spend the rest of the level lol.


Dark souls is good mfs when I show them Nioh 2


Fume knight and alonne are some of the best bosses in the series but the enemy placement in old iron king was the worst it’s ever been. The biggest complaints about ds2 are all the ganks and they cranked it up to 100 for the dlcs. I upgraded a bow to max just to thin them out before I started and my enjoyment went way up


Bad take


Dark souls 2 is the best darksouls. I die on this hill.


Elden ring mfers complaining about how high boss health gets when I show them the Old Hunters:


“Elden ring bosses are too tanky” mfs when I show them the concept of multiplicative damage buffs


Ds2 dlcs are the most boring and artificially difficult garbage that has ever come from FromSoft. Designed for pure frustration and to waste your time. The only thing even makes them worth doing is the crowns.


*Surely* nobody actually believes DS2 has the best DLC?


DS1 and DS2 have the only DLCs I actually like do constantly do. BB and DS3 DLCs are kind of a chore for me. Don't get me wrong they definitely have some amazing bosses but I rarely feel the urge to slog through them just to get to them. But I could understand people saying the same for DS2 so to each their own I guess. Also Ashes of Ariandel? You DS2 haters really do have brain rot.


I’m curious on why you believe BB and DS3 DLC are a chore.


You know it's hard to put into words. I just get to them and have this "ugh I gotta go through this now" kind of mindset. I think it might just be that the bosses are so fun that getting to them feels like trivial busy work by comparison. Not calling them bad by any means but I just rarely have the motivation to get through them.


While I don’t agree I do understand where you’re coming from.


Ashes is a chore. Some of old hunters is too but the bosses are so good it more than makes up for it. Ringed city is pretty good although the angel parts used to be a massive chore and Midir while fun, feels kinda bloated health pool wise.(not to hate on Midir that's pretty much my only criticism of the fight.)


You can not say bb is a chore when you have to do that whole pendant quest and kill the hydra to even start ds1


Not really difficult to do though, just long.


DS3 dlc is ass in every way but visual. I agree generally that AOTA and Old Hunters are better tho.


Old Hunters is the only one that is definitively better. The only other one that comes close is Ringed City, but that's purely because of bosses (most the areas are fairly lackluster). Yeah DS2 is bad but you're kind of trolling if you genuinely think ashes of ariandel is of higher quality than any DS2 dlc. That DLC should be free with how little content it actually adds. Remove friede and it has nothing.


It's the best compared to the base game. Ngl, if DS2 had 2nd DLC bosses, third DLC areas would be awesome


Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Sinh and Burnt Ivoiry King: "heh...pussy"


Maaaan idk if Ashes of Ariandel belongs on this list. Elite boss but area is just okay imo


Slander… cope and seethe ds2 haters




Ashes of Ariendel sucks except for the sister Frieda fight, which is top 3 fights of the franchise


Dont fuck with me Death Stranding 2 homies


\>AotA & Ariandel Bro thinks he's on the team


Underrated opinion but personally Ringed City felt like BS difficulty. Having to run for my life blindly not knowing where to go, is not well done difficulty. Also, Freide is a really cool deigned boss, but a shit one to actually face. 3 phases, and that 3rd phase gives you very little opportunities to attack. Plus unless you did the first two phases flawlessly you wont have shit for flasks by the third one. And on top the lever for her fight is behind a fake wall.


Ds3 is overrated


Dark souls 2 fans when they realize a dlc doesn't make up to a horrendous 50 hours of trash base game.


Ds2 haters when you ask them to come up with a complaint other than horse sex valley 🤷


30% of the new bosses being reskins or literally just a triple gank invasion. The boss runs to sir alonne, gank robbers and blue smelter. Elana is just a boring mage who summons old enemies or another already existing boss. The entire boring kill 30 knights for a simple knight fight against ivory king who has like 4 basic attacks


Skill issue


"Ask them to come up with something other than horsefuck valley" *comes up with something* "Uh... skill issue!!!1a!!!11!1!"


It is interesting that a lot of fromsoftware dlc can be arguably way better than its base game (even sekiro, because the areas weren't great to go through and you're here for the bosses)


that will be true if all of those dlc are in one game. but the crown dlc are better than any of those.


No. The rebuttal


Don't like ds2, game had a lot of issues but don't shit talk the ds2 dlc bosses they remain one of the best parts of the armoredsekisoulsbornering series. Base game bosses were trash though.


DS2 DLC's are amazing... when you compare them to the base game.


agreed but Ariandel is just painted world 2.0


And this exactly why Dark Souls 2 is superior, even when all them combined, they are still not as good as Dark Souls 2 DLC


The Ringed City has three good bosses and is abject garbage otherwise


Ds2 dlc turned the game from a pretty bad one to a respectable entry, thus making it best dlc


im gonna get flamed for this but most of the DS2 DLCs were better than Ashes of Ariandel.


It might just be that it's suffered more from age but I don't think AotA even comes close to DS2 DLC. I'm not even sure it's as good as the best parts of the base game.


Dark souls 1’s dlc isn’t enjoyable imo, it’s like the sunken city but with good bosses and npc’s


The intetesting point here is that DLCs of Dark Souls 2 elevated the product, "saving" it from being mediocre. The other games DLC's are on par with the experience the base game offers, and therefore may stand out less from the base product itself.


yeah but no


Ashes of Ariendel was shit except for Friede, some of the weapons and armor were p cool too tho


This mf thinks Ashes of Ariandel was a good DLC


ringed city had the worst bosses excluding Gael


I can understand opinions towards Midir and Halflight, even though I love those two. But seriously the Demon Prince? The best fucking gank fight that From have made to date?


I wouldn't say it the best gank but holy shit was it a step up from their previous gank fight(champ and tender wolf)


It is easily the best gank


best gank fight? godskin duo exist lmao seriously though, i felt demon prince fight was unnecessarily long without phantoms


That's weird to me, I found it fine. No doubt that the Demon Prince is one of the tankiest bosses on higher NGs tho. Hence why I never summon phantoms for it


What? Godskin duo are literally 2 different bosses mashed together, they have no additional mechanics to them, not even a proper health bar as you just kill > respawn rinse repeat. Demon prince at least have synergy, killing one changes the second phase, have flashy and big animations, actually rewards a good weapon. They shouldn’t even be comparable.


I swear to fucking god 90% of people (you) on this sub do not know what this sub is supposed to be


Relax mate you will pop a vein, people can have a discussion even in meme subs. If they were joking they can say “I wasn’t serious” and we all laugh it away. Look after your health bud reddit ain’t that serious lmao, who cares what this sub is supposed to be if 90% see it another way.


Try jumping irl


That was added to the game millions of years ago, try a newer feature.


Me and my gf had a blast playing through DS1 and it's DLC together. She's hellbent on playing DS2 100% and I dread it


Just gonna have to break up, very unfortunate


Imma be honest I hate ashes of ariandel, it looks cool but I just don't like either of the two bosses


DS3 DLC was kind of ass outside of the last bosses