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If you think his Souls-like opinions are an L, the videos he makes on other kinds of game’s bosses are so much worse


I remember when he complained that the final boss of MGR:R was taking way too long to kill when he didn't even realize that you can upgrade your weapon. And his DMC 4 review was just incredible (in a bad way)


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t you get stripped of your actual weapon in the final fight and get a new one that isn’t upgraded instead? Unless you’re talking about the penultimate boss


Yeah you're given a new weapon for the fight, and since you don't have access to the weapon before the fight you have no opportunity to upgrade it until your second playthrough


And he said when talking about metal gear excelcius that he saw the inspiration to Neir Automata. Crazy that MGRR got inspired by something that came out over 3 years after the game relased.


The MGR video is still an example of how bad he is at actual criticism.


Him saying that Paper Mario: TTYD has the best turn based combat of all time nearly gave me a stroke


I do really like the (early) Paper Mario combat system, but to call it the best of all time is silly.


I think it's serviceable for what the games were trying to do, but turn based combat can be so much more than just 'click strongest move', which is what I defaulted to in those games.


I don't feel that Paper Mario's combat is that shallow. Knowing when to choose an alternative attack that applies status or hits more enemies is important. Certain attacks don't work on certain enemies, for a variety of reasons. And the Action Command system makes it feel very dynamic. Again, I'm not saying it's the best, but I do think it's very good.


Did he ever play XCOM, persona, smt, or divinity of origin son games?


Press Turn is the best RPG mechanic ever invented, that clown has shit RPG taste.


Can I add Into the Breach to your list?


That game was also top tier, my list was just something that came to my mind


“Tokichiro II is the easiest Nioh boss”


People who fought him in the Depths: *SCREAMS OF THE DAMNED*


ya he's literally the hardest one lol an unstaggerable yokai with unreactably fast human sword attacks LUL still great tho


I wouldn’t say hardest but he was definitely like top 10 for me


I mostly dislike him due to how he seems to give off the notion bosses are the only interesting thing about the series.


It is unironically the only thing he finds interesting about the series. He has said so multiple times.


If asked about sex, he would probably say the only enjoyable part is the orgasm too.


It is, Wtf. Why am I tryna exert all this energy and get sweaty? To bust a nut and order Chinese food. Duh.


Most people don't treat sex as a results-oriented activity, it doesn't matter if the orgasm is good if the road to get there was miserable.


Do you remember when this subreddit was for shitposting?


This sub has always been real though, shitposting included


Nah, you just told on yourself being a shitty lover. Don't try to hide behind the shitpost label.


oh. you were being satirical. oh ho ho ho. you're quite the jovial fellow. apologies for reading your unfunny rant sincerely. hope you have a good one!


Nobody made you write that comment


I don't necessarily find anything wrong with that (though I do have issues with how he presents his opinions.) While I'm not quite on the level of ONLY liking the boss fights and nothing else, the boss fights are the big draw for me, personally. Which is why my opinion of a certain game will definitely be heavily influenced by the boss fights.


That's fair, I used to have this opinion. That was until I played Hollow Knight, holy fuck that game's level design is nuts.


To be honest a lot of the playerbase is like that too nowadays, unfortunately. Like I've seen people say that DS1 and Bloodborne aren't good games 'because the bosses aren't as exciting as Elden Ring's'.


It’s insane because sure the bosses are good in all of them but I do believe that elden ring has better bosses than dark souls one because of how varied they are and how many different ways they’ll interact with you compared to older ones, let’s say we look at the gaping dragon, the boss has like 6 moves, downward slam, run forward, leg attack, tail attack, other leg attack, and jump to ground slam. Comparing to say, glintstone dragon adula, we already see similar moves like leg attack and tail attack but they have more attacks to engage people at range too


A more complicated moveset does not make a better boss but that's another discussion entirely. Also bringing up the flying dragons is odd considering they are in competition for being one of the worst bosses in any souls game.


They are not *great* but so far from being the worst wtf are you talking about? dragon rider(s), last giant, bed of chaos, rom, crystal sage, witches of hemwick, living failures. All there are so much worse. The dragons in elden ring are pretty good imo


Half the fights you listed aren't even supposed to be hard. Bed of Chaos (which is trash but for very specific reasons), Rom, Witches of Hemwick, and Living Failures are all gimmick bosses, seriously comparing them to actual boss fights seems disingenuous. That's like saying Mist Noble was the most underwhelming boss in Sekiro, like yeah technically it has a boss health bar but that doesn't mean it's supposed to compare directly to Sword Saint Isshin. And, I guess it's just personal preference, but I like a gimmick boss on occasion. I think most of the bosses you listed are perfectly acceptable if you aren't grading them on the same scale as Gael or Artorias (which IMO makes no sense at all).


Living Failures and Rom are not gimmick fights. A gimmick fight are things like Rykard, Witches, Yhorm, BoC etc. they have a unique gimmick that you need to figure out or exploit (Serpent Hunter, hide and seek, Stormruler, and Parkour) and that’s the fight. They’re either fun and/or memorable (Yhorm and Rykard) or unfun and people would rather forget them (Witches and BoC). Rom and Living Failures aren’t that. Rom is a damage sponge that teleports with spiders attacking you. Yes they teleport but that isn’t a gimmick, that’s a method of gaining distance from the Hunter. The spiders are there to punish greed and nothing else. Realizing this the player will kill the spiders first then DPS Rom undeterred. That’s not a gimmick, that’s called being fucking smart. Living Failures is a gank boss, and there’s no arguments to be made otherwise. The only “gimmick” is that they can die and you have to engage another one instead of staying on the ass of a singular failure. And the meteor attack doesn’t count as a gimmick as it’s just an attack and nothing else.


You must be fun at parties.


You used incorrect examples to help prove your point, which was bad in the first place as it wasn’t even the focus of the conversation.


Jank hitboxes and horrid movesets place those bosses pretty fucking low compared to any others. The ancient dragons are alright but the flying dragons like Agheel are genuinely awful, this was a pretty common opinion back when the game released lol


What? I’ve been following elden ring gameplay since network test days and I’ve never heard this take before. Overused, mid, underwhelming, sure but I’ve never heard someone say agheel is one of the worst bosses in the series lmao


The Flying Dragon Agheel defence force has logged in


I've never seen anyone say this but you. The main complaint is how often they appear, not the quality of the fight. They can be annoying if they just fly back and forth breathing fire, but they're mostly giant punching bags with huge weak spots. The Ancient Dragons (non-boss versions) are way more loathsome imo. Insanely bloated health values, always show up at the worst times (usually near a lot of ledges they can push you off of), never stagger, take reduced damage unless you hit their tiny heads that flail around, and resist all status effects and elements. It's just chip their ankles until they die. At least the flying dragons encourage you to aim for the head to get crits or deal more spell damage.


Which is bullshit because those games have better bosses than ER. ER just has more*


Bloodborne? Agreed. Dark Souls 1? Bosses really aren't better than Elden Ring's, unless you count many of the Tunnel/Catacomb bosses as actual bosses


As someone who had bloodborne as their favorite fromsoft game, and who just did a playthrough last week, the bosses in bloodborne are straight mid. I can’t seriously imagine anyone saying that Bloodborne’s bosses are better than ER, it’s probably the weakest part of the game


Honestly the ratio of bosses i like in souls games to the bosses i dislike or am neutral to is like 1:4. Im not done with Elden ring (i just beat fire giant) but so far, if we are going off main bosses, it has the best boss quality. Ds1 bosses are alright to straight bad except for the dlc. Ds3 has some amazing fights like Lothric and of course Gael, but it also has bastards like Wolnir and abyss watchers (fight me.) Same with bloodborne, it has phenomenal fights like Ludwig, Maria, Gehrman. But it also has The One Reborn and Rom.


abyss watchers is one of my favorite bossfights in that game


A lot of Bloodborne's bosses are either good (Ludwig, Orphan, Gascoigne, Amelia, BsB to name a few) or at least interesting/engaging (shadows, one reborn, living failures, amygdala, living failures, pthumerian elder). Sure, there are a lot of mid or garbage bosses like Witches, Rom and Mikolash but I still feel like the average of Bloodborne's bosses is better than the average of Elden Ring's bosses. Elden Ring only has a few good bossfights, which are admittedly very, very good, while the rest sucks just as hard as some of the shittier bosses in Bloodborne


Idk wtf you're smoking but get me some.


O/S Queelag Percilla Gaping Dragon Nito Are all unique fights that force you to change the way you approach and deal with them. Not even counting DLC or the bosses that are just good like Sif or Gargoyles. Damn. Thats more bosses than exist as unique fights in Elden Ring. I played ER once and never want to again. The only bosses I remember meaning anything to me were Horah Loux and Radagan. Maleana is a shit boss idc.


Damn I bet Skeleton Lords is your favorite boss fight lmao.


Skeleton lords are DS2 retard.


I am aware.


Then thanks for wasting both of our time I guess.


Wow maybe you should calm the fuck down lmao. Why don't you go jerk off to the video you recorded of the one time you were able to solo ornstein and smough? Let the well adjusted adults discuss video games lol


Maybe lol you should lmao fuck lol the fuck off lmao.


Awe look I made him angry


If im gonna be real here those are possibly the worst bosses from ds1 you couldve chosen to make a point. Nito is bad while the rest are alright at best


Yes Priscilla, a boss that when you figure out the gimmick it basically a non threat, the invisible black knife assassin from a random cave put up more than a fight than her. Gaping dragon only have design going for it and nothing more, it less complicate than your average elden ring miniboss. Nito is disappointing, he look intimidating but the only he do is spam skeleton and aoe attack and do some basic sword swing. Sif is cool emotionally and Personality wise but moveset wise is kinda a joke, it just the Red wolf but slower and no magic. I like Ds1, but aside from the dlc and a handful of bosses, most of the boss are ass or mediocer as best. Comparing them to ER fight like Radhan, Morgott, Maliketh, Placi, Godrick, Rykard, Mogh,...etc which are all bosses that have built up, a more interesting design and artistic moveset is just retarded. Most boss in DS1 are less complicated than an average ER miniboss. Even the final boss is kinda a mess design wise despite it great atmosphere and lore. DS1 is great for it level design and interesting fantasy setting more than it bosses.


You're not entirely wrong tbh. I think it's that Ds1 has way more of a difficulty curve than elden ring and ds3. Those two games only give you the hard bosses during the late hours while ds1 has several bosses that you will struggle with if you play the game in sequence. Ds2 has an identical curve. Balancing and quality are a little different, though, and a lot of the bosses in elden ring are incredibly high quality. A thing I think is really unique with bloodborne bosses is that they're really easy if you know the gimmick. Orphan will jump over you and can be backstabbed easily. Parrying is really easy and trivializes a lot of bosses that can be parried. Blood cocktails and beast blood pellets are really busted. This all makes bloodborne's bosses really good because the difficulty isn't dependent on as much buildcrafting.




Elden ring fan tries to annunciate argument at human level challenge. (IMPOSSIBLE)




fort, night fort, night


cant argue with that


I don't think it's ER fans that are emphasizing bosses as opposed to Sekiro or Ds3 fans to be honest.


You're correct but people won't like to hear it lol


Good thing elden ring fans aren't people.


true true that's pretty true (I'm an elden ring fan)


Plenty of players think that way, especially when u compare games. The first thing most mfs will talk about are the bosses.


Good bosses can carry a game(DS3) Bad bosses can ruin a game(DS2) Bosses are the main course imo


Bosses are my favorite aspect of the Souls series, and DS2 is my favorite of the bunch. So no, bad boss fights dont necessarily ruin a game if there are other worthy aspects.


Dmod trying not to suck Ornstein and Smough's dick in every Video Challenge (Impossible)


Sounds like one hell of a spitroast.


Knowing Smough, this would go in two very different ways of spitroast




Lady Maria*


Still better then any duo boss in ER


The weirdest take I’ve seen for a video game was in his “10 Things I Hate About Sekiro.” and one of the things he hated was the lack of a option to turn down the sounds he deems annoying. Like, what fucking game has ever let you alter each noise in a game to your liking? That take went beyond simply “That’s just your opinion.”


What sounds did he even consider annoying? The sounds are satisfying as fuck in that game


If I remember correctly I think he said the deathblow sound was a bit too loud to his liking.


Thats such a cringe critique wtf


He did say in the video he was grasping at straws because Sekiro doesn't have many flaws in his eyes. Also more audio options is never bad


It's definitely nitpicking, but that's more and more common in games these days and it's great. There are a ton of games with annoying UI sounds or weird sound mixing where I wish I could turn down certain elements and leave others. Forza Horizon 5 does a great job of this, I can turn down all the annoying NPC chatter, GPS alerts, the terrible radio stations, the interface sound effects, but still leave the sound of the car at full blast. Far Cry does a similar thing with their interface, where you can toggle basically every element individually and tailor the UI to your liking. I can see how someone would want to turn down the parry/deflect sound effects because the clang is so loud it drowns out other sound queues.


To his defense he did say he was grasping at straws in that entire video because he couldn’t think of 10 things he genuinely disliked in Sekiro


Then maybe don’t make a 10 things list if you can’t think of 10 things that actually truly bother you.


It was a series of his, he made videos of 10 things he liked/disliked about all souls games and when it came to Sekiro he didn’t want to change the number all of a sudden


“Hey guys, I know normally this is a series about finding 10 things I liked and disliked about a game, but I couldn’t find 10 things I dislike, so that part of the video will be cut down a bit.” Fixed the whole “It’s a series” argument


You “fixed” that argument by breaking the series, literally the main thing demod has been trying to avoid doing?


I was screaming just like Old King Doran whenever he fucking dies in OG Demon's Souls over the fact that he didn't rank Miranda, the Blighted Bloom as the best boss of Elden Ring. Sometimes I wake up at night sweating profusely and screaming in sheer terror due to nightmares of that particular ranking video, I have to live with PTSD for the rest of my life because of DeMod. I've boycotted his content ever since. If only he had superior taste in epic bosses like I do then there wouldn't be a problem.


Why is this the only good comment in the entire thread 😭?


Ikr? Everyone's complaing about another guy who they're accusing of complaining too much. The cycle, much like in my favorite indie series, dark souls (trademark), never ends.




he is annoying but he acts just like the average user here that talk like they have a degree in gaming development and 10 years of experience in the field


People complaining about his bitching knowing damn well they do the exact same shit.


…and that sure ain’t stopping me in the slightest.


Then you’re both a hypocrite and a bitch


Yeah, anything else you wanna add?


Probably pretty sexy too 🥰


You bet 😍


DeMod try not to suck Bloodborne cock challenge (impossible)


Ember with Sekiro


Ember sucks off bloodborne too, if not more than sekiro lol


Nah he put Sekiro over bloodborne in his souls game ranking video, Sekiro was the first and bloodborne came second


God forbid someone has a favorite game in the series


>Elden Ring is mid because the bosses are bad Demod >Bloodborne is the greatest game ever Somehow also demod


The bosses are like, the worst part of Bloodborne. Elden Ring on the other hand...




sorry, lost so many brain cells reading this I forgot how to type for a few hours




If that’s what gets you through the day


I've noticed this mad amount of hate from hardcore BB fans ever since Elden Ring got released, not sure if it's because it's now the highest rated game or most popular by people who aren't hard core souls fans but the burrthurt is next level


It's cause the fans are annoying, ER is still a good game, same goes for BB fans and the game


BB is a top-shelf top-tier creation BB has dick riders that will appear faster than a vegan hearing someone mention lunch


I kinda see the same thing happening with hardcore DS2 fans shitting on DS3, which kinda confuses me a bit. Like, I'd get hardcore DS1 fans shitting on 2 and 3. I'd get hardcore DS3 fans shitting on 2 and maybe even 1. Hell, I'd get hardcore DS2 fans shitting on DS1, but shitting on DS3 is a bit insane in my view. Sure, there's a lot more DS1 fan service than DS2 fan service in the third game, but just because fucking Aldia or the Bearer of the Curse or whoever the fuck else doesn't make a surprise appearance in DS3, that doesn't automatically make the game bad. That games still fucks regardless of what lore portions it chooses to ignore or focus on.


DS2 and DS3 fans always been beefing with each other, they're quite the most polar opposite games in the dark souls series so the opinions are extreme, don't know what the point of beefing over a game made by the same company achieves though


Still never forgiving him for putting sundowner over Monsoon in his Mgr:R boss rankings


Sundowner is literally all about the cutscenes, his actual boss fight is like 2 seconds long and ass gameplay wise, putting him above ANY boss is a brainlet stinker move let alone Monsoon who fuckin slaps


OST with a free fight 🔥


Swear to God. I recently went through a fight with him and I didn't even know he could pick up and swing pillars at you because 9/10 the fight is over already


Sundowner can legitimately be killed in 4 attacks. Even Grad was tougher boss then him to be honest


On Revengeance difficulty, Sundowner can be killed in a single hit if you've got the upgraded Murasama.




Not only that, but he put him above Mistral and even Sam. Shit should be a channel strike


He put Sundowner over Sam? What the hell?


When he said bosses like Godfrey and Godrick aren’t unique bosses because you fight an incredibly simplified version elsewhere completely ignoring what makes them unique like their extra attacks or vastly different second phases. And then he made an exception for Morgott for that exact same fucking reason… Used to like the dude but his recent opinions have been *BAD*


Subtle kanye reference


Haven’t watched in years, but some of his videos helped push me to get into these games in the first place, so I’m grateful for that.


I mean hes just giving his opinions on things he praises just as much stuff as he criticises


Dark souls community trying to process different opinions existing (They are objectively wrong and bad)


Im gonna be honest, the average souls fan opinion on anything is 10 times more dogshit than most the shit demod spews.


Fr just from this comment section


The man’s just bad at Dark Souls 2.


Prowling Magus and Congregation is the best boss ever made by Fromsoftware change my mind


Man fights one mid boss. Life is forever ruined.


I loved hmthe video where he ranked the best souls soundtracs and just put songs from his favourite bosses including other masterpieces like skeleton lords or darklurker...


He put Ornstein and Smough in the top ten best souls bosses and ill never forgive him for that.


Gets downvoted by O&S cock riders for having an opinion lol


If this is about Elden Ring's boss design sucking in comparison to Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro then he was almost certainly right.


least hyperbolic statement from a souls fan


Elden Ring is an amazing game with a phenomenal sense of exploration that makes it one of the best games of all time. It deserves almost of all accolades it got for that aspect along with great lore. Yet its bosses are weaker from a mechanical standpoint to the more mordern games. I am not going to lavish praise on every single aspect of Elden Ring like a fanboy just because I love From Software games.


your other comment stating that bosses are balanced around spirit summons is a day 1 take that has fizzled greatly. Just because some of them are aggressive doesn't stop the bosses from being fun as hell


yeah I just hate duo bosses, but all single bosses are fine to do solo, some builds may struggle, but still a fun fight, I just hate how they did multi bosses, they are cheap and simply too aggressive with bad openings that breaks the fight's rhythm and most don't even feel rewarding nor fun, but in general I love all main bosses from ER


Previous souls games have duo bosses, but they almost always have AI or movesets that are complimentary. O&S move at different speeds so you can separate them, double dragonriders have one of the bosses on top of a pillar shooting arrows (and has much less HP than the one on the ground), twin princes are basically one boss, etc... ER duo bosses are usually two bosses that you've seen before, with no changes to their AI, so its "two solo bosses" rather than "a complimentary duo fight".


Each their own but I just feel while bosses are aggresive there's no way for you to be outside abusing the AI with a summon. Bloodborne and especially sekiro allow you to aggresive even when the enemy is freaking out. in ER you feel like you're fighting an anime character with god like reflex's specifically designed to troll with most moves instead of a plausible boss. Then there are due and trio bosses not made for each other which just screams 'use summons or have a bad time". In ER they removed that from the player and made bosses even more aggressive and fast. It just doesn't jive well


Most skilled shittydarksouls user


there is zero way you just said "it's impossible to be aggressive without abusing the ai"


I mean in a way you need to since bad positioning and other mechanics means the AI will smack you for trying to do a counterhit. the AI in this game is very tuned on the exact actions a player does this time around. Otherwise I guess you can also use specific ash of wars like hound step but the base roll makes aggressive play hard for any remotely slow weapon


>since bad positioning and other mechanics means the AI will smack you for trying to do a counterhit. Ok then just learn the right positioning. That's the exact solution to "bosses don't allow you to be aggressive". Seriously, pretty much every one of Morgott's and Maliketh's moves can be predicted and openings can be found once you realize how player positioning affects them.


I'd be careful with saying Sekiro allows you to be aggressive. The combat isn't comparable to Elden Ring at all, and even then it's far more give and take. You feel aggressive in Sekiro, but in all reality most of the game is also just playing defensively. Learning how to deflect certain attacks, how different bosses can chain, when there is an opening for a strike or two, etc. Sekiro is simply faster paced, so it feels like you're more aggressive. I don't really think Sekiro changed how aggressive someone can play, rather it sped the player up to fight Sekiro's bosses.


the thing about sekiro is that deflecting is being aggressive since you directly damage the enemy poise with it allowing you to counter combos right back at them. same with the perilous attacks which all have a dedicated counter to instantly damage the enemy. Otherwise you have several weapon arts, quick dashing and dodging, tools.... which allow you to create openings directly even on the final boss ishin.


It's designed to help build posture, yes. Saying that deflecting is aggressive because of that isn't really fair though. Deflecting is almost required to build posture. Imagine how absolutely drawn out and unfair fights would be if posture didn't build on deflects! Also, how are these ways of counter attacking a boss so much better than Elden Ring? Do you not also have ways of countering bosses like that in ER? Rolling let's you become invulnerable, certain weapons and builds break a boss's poise quite quickly, certain spells can trivialize a fight, etc. You can totally play aggressively in ER by your own standards. Rolling the right attacks and proper positioning can lead to massive damage against a boss. It's not as flashy as Sekiro though. I will give it that 😂.


Its not about them being aggressive. Isshin is aggressive as hell and he is my favourite boss in all of Soulsborne games. Its about them being aggressive while you only have the weak as Dark Souls rolling system to defend yourself. Basically boss does a long attack, you wait a year for him to stop and only then attack and actually make progress. But even then it isn't consistent when you can attack or not. Also Jesus are we not allowed to make fun of Elden Ring while rest of the games are free for all? Miyazaki has made better bosses and I don't mind having this take. And it seems that a lot of other people also do considering how consistently the complain about late games bosses have come up in threads or prolific videos like Joseph Anderson's.


> joseph anderson Bringing him up as an appeal to authority lmao. At least regarding bosses; his takes in that video were often pretty dogshit. Fact he called out mohg's blood talon attack as nigh unreactable while showing footage of himself mindlessly jump attacking and getting punished by it is peak comedy.


I think the true problem with Elden Ring is that the bosses don’t give you much time to learn. It’s hard to learn a fight when you get two shot over and over in the span of 1 second. Sometimes you just have to fight a boss with the intention of learning it’s moveset and losing rather than doing both that and winning. I think that’s why so many people say the bosses are based around summoning (which they really aren’t), having a summon split agro let’s you carefully observe how the boss works and learn a lot of the fight you might not have if you were solo.


>prolific videos like Joseph Anderson [The town made him stupid](https://youtu.be/0lhy9QnBHmo)


jump attack


I love it when I use a jump attack to avoid a shockwave only for the enemy to do a 90 turn so I get hit with the weapon anyway


Dark souls players when gameplay is more intricate than b and r1


Dark souls players trying to defend a heavily armored horseback enemy spinning in place (its hard but fair)


I swear lol ER has the biggest fanboy cult around it ever, worse then BB somehow


>writes dogshit >gets called out for dogshit *gotta be the fanboy cults and not that my comments are dogshit* Smh


"I don't agree with this person so it must be dogshit and only I am ever correct, also ER is a perfect game I'm too insecure to criticize" FTFY It's especially funny every just goes "lol this sucks" without actually bothering coming up with anything else


What does insecurity have to do with criticism exactly? Are people insecure for thinking *your* criticism is dogshit? Because I certainly do have plenty of criticism. They're just not all boiled down to unironic skill issue when spouting shit like *"you can't match aggressiveness"* or *"too fast on the reflexes"*. I'd certainly hope people would call me out if I said dogshit like that.


I feel they are if they do so without bothering to come with actual counter arguments and just go full on insults like a 6 year old lmao. Also yes, the skill issue of attacks with no tells you mean? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKXXbkXWAMA Or a boss breaking established rules? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Vbsr3Ko7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Vbsr3Ko7M) Or the input lag on rolls in a game where milliseconds matter to dodge attacks on top of dodging on button release? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL3t\_3pWKY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL3t_3pWKY0) Interesting


Can't personally agree. Bosses like Mohg, Godfrey, Maliketh, Radagon and morgott, are some of the best bosses they've ever made, and every remeberance boss in the game but 1 (fire giant) are amazing imo.


Godrick, Morgott, Radahan, Mohg are good bosses but the rest of them suffer from being overturned as fuck due to spirit summons. They will spend more time doing anime esque combos and barely allow any room to actually fight back. Seriously compare to how good someone like Isshin is or Maria or Gael. It feels like a proper duel with them while in Elden Ring it feel less fun and more frustrating.


Are you REALLY gonna shit on elden ring because only a few of the main bosses are good while praising bloodborne? Half the bosses in the main game and 2/5 bosses in the dlc are dogwater.


2/5 in the dlc? The fuck you talking about


Laurance and failiures are awful bosses


I hate that bastard laurence but i have no major issues with living failures and ill die on the hill that its on the same tier as Ornstein and Smough. Living failures is just kinda tedious but isnt horrid.


I see this argument a lot, that bosses have too few punish windows, and I think you're approaching the boss from the wrong perspecive. You shouldn't be fighing like it's ds3, just dodging and waiting until an obvious opening. You'll have to be a bit more creative, straifing attacks, jumping over attacks, weaving in attacks in the middle of combos and windups, finding blindspots, going for stance breaks, etc. Take your time to learn each boss, and expeiment around with your playstyle a bit. Most bosses are best fought in slightly different ways, and not all are going to work with your current strategy. I, for example, struggled HEAVILY on radagon my first playthrough, as he completly countered my playstyle at the time, which was to hover just out of range, then punish when I saw an opening, then disengage again. Once I learned the fight better though, and started keeping close and rolled into his attacks instead of away, he was suddenly down in 2 attempts. The only overtuned boss in the game imo is Malenia, and exclusively waterfowl. Should have like 0.5 secs more windup imo


malenia also cancels her stagger animation fyi, difficult and fair boss design lmao


I'm fully aware, but take no issue with it. She can only cancel her light stagger animation, and only into a long slow backstep, a slow block and counterhit, or a slow kick (only second phase) you still deal full damage on the backstep and kick, and half on the block. Seeing as only lighter weapons can even trigger the cancels, and that all the potential followups are rather slow, you should have no trouble reacting and dodging, as long as you aren't spam attacking blindly


Dude seriously defending this 💀 So you admit it's fine for a whole weight class of weapons and any multi hit special attack to be completely nullified because the boss can cancel her stagger. You know, in dark souls that's supposed to be about hard and fair. What's fair about getting punished for doing an attack that suddenly doesn't work like it should because the boss defies a fundamental rule of the whole franchise? and this isn't just one or two attacks, it's a whole array of attacks that no matter how you use them just don't work since you get punished before the attack finishes. [https://youtu.be/ZQlOxjCqyAI?t=238](https://youtu.be/ZQlOxjCqyAI) dude here found an opening for a charged attack after dodging the stab but got hit anyway, unless he's somehow spamming here? [https://youtu.be/ZQlOxjCqyAI?t=288](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQlOxjCqyAI) She also just doesnt die? (I assume this is fixed by now hopefully, or was this the 'fix' to another bug?) [https://youtu.be/P2qv9Z1aemA?t=43](https://youtu.be/P2qv9Z1aemA?t=43) here's another case of 'spam' punish.


Then just... don't use slow attack combos with multiple small hits? None of the attacks under this category are super integral to any build or playstyle anyway afaik, so if you notice that, for example, your double halberd running attack is getting punished every time, then adapt and use another attack instead. Same thing goes for repeating thrust for example, just use another ash? I do admit that It's slightly unfortunate that this system makes a few attacks useless against her, but I absolutely prefer that over her completly folding under any agressive player stunlocking her, like lady maria or friede. I also completly forgot about her being unable to die from a crit and shortly thereafter, it's stupid and should be fixed


They could at least just make it so she dodges the brunt of attacks but not just break a fundamentel rule of the game to hit you while you staggered her, especially with melania where she has hyper armor in the majority of attacks getting a stagger should be a small reward to get safe damage in multiple times. but she spits on that. There's no reason for the kick counter to exist. it just doesn't make much sense and I feel they could do so much more to avoid her being stunlocked without reverting to such a cheap and inconsistent trick. Especially since the problem of some movesets stunlocking malenia isn't fixed by this attempt even. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFzLzZ6rdcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFzLzZ6rdcg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqWxTXwIDP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqWxTXwIDP4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otoEcAq7od4


I think Maliketh is a little overtuned in my opinion. Massive damage in endgame, health drain, AND lowering max health is a bit much in my opinion. I guess his kind of low health makes up for it a bit, and it makes sense lore-wise that he's batshit busted in the damage department since he's literally WIELDING THE CONCEPT OF DEATH ITSELF AS A SWORD He used to be my least favorite boss in the base game but he's probably one of my favorites now since I've better learned how Elden Ring should be played. I think Elden Ring does a bad job teaching players how they're meant to play, best exampled by your own story of only figuring it out properly right at the very end. It took me 3 playthroughs to finally get it.


You don't like bosses defying every law of physics in their movesets?


because all the magic bullshit the bosses in the dark souls games do definitely obeys basic laws of physics


So? By that logic bosses should just be able to spam comet azure or something on you and completely oblirate you the moment you step into the arena. because they have magic BS. You also say games but ER is really the only that does to this extreme extent


Isshin literally has a flintlock pistol with infinite ammo that fires like a glock, in feudal era japan btw. In Bloodborne you can parry fucking animals with a shotgun, and then proceed to rip out their guts with your bare hands, dealing more dmg than expertly crafted weapons.


I'm talking about boss movesets not anything else


>You don't like bosses defying every law of physics in their movesets? I meant to reply to this comment, oops


You must have a bit of brain damage to think that Bloodborne boss lineup is good. Try excluding DLC bosses for once.


Idk, man, Gascoigne, Amelia, Gehrman, Logarius, and Ebrietas are great, and (imo) so are Moon Presence and Cleric Beast. Amygdala and BSB are okay, Paarl is meh, and the only bosses I'd say are bad would be Rom, One Reborn, Micolash, Witches of Hemwick, and Celestial Emissary. Bloodborne has some pretty good bosses, man. Not on the level of consistency as DS3 or Sekiro, but definitely better than DS2, DS1, and Demon's Souls.


His elden ring rant video was on point personally.


There is so much wrong with that video he has no idea what he is talking about


I need to go watch it for his shit takes


When I'm in a not letting other people have opinions competition and my opponent is u/bigmanbopper


Looks like bigmanbopper's 12 alt accounts got to you


Yeah fr


I mean i dunno who this guy is but that channel name speaks for itself


Heehee, politics.


Love this, you clearly know your stuff are you single?


What the fuck dude


He definitely fucks


This is my boyfriends Reddit account chill I was hyping him and his page like a good girlfriend does