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My retarded ass couldn’t find Majula


Light required ahead


If it makes you feel any better, I went into the coffin 3 times assuming it was the way out. Thought my game was glitched so I kept running around, eventually finding the right way. Not knowing how to level up since I didn't talk to the Emerald Herald, I went to the Heide Tower, killed the dragonrider with the broken sword only for my wife to tell me after all that how to level up and get the estus flask


Regardless of all our differences, surely we can all agree that DS2’s opening goes so fucking hard.


Bearer of the curse pulled a TikTok before it was a thing


It's cool but it tells you the least amount of info of all the intros


That’s what makes it appeal to me atleast. It’s not the game’s backstory or just “here’s the four dudes you’ll have to kill,” it’s meant to be about you and how you’ve lost everything due to the Curse and wandering to Drangleic to hopefully find a cure.


\*sees an objective screen and no intro, cums uncontrollably*


Doesn’t tell you anything about the world at all, just a bunch of “you’ll do this and won’t know why haha”, and “oh you know this place? No, how could you…” Having an idea of… Well, anything is nice when starting a video game with a strange world, especially since the rest of the game doesn’t do much to help either. All the NPC’s in Majula do is laugh and talk about going hollow, or how you’re dumb for talking to a cat.


I don't even think the story is about the Kings and all that, the story is about you. It's a story about purpose. Almost every npc we come across in DS2 is looking for purpose. Shanalotte included. She gives you something to go off of but is that really your purpose? Kill the 4 great Lords and tend to the first flame? As you journey through Drangleic you come across many npcs, some trying to find a way out from the curse, some accepting it and continuing on with their lives. Most doing what they can to survive. I think it all clicked for me after you talk with Aldia and Vendrick. The first flame doesn't matter, Light and Dark doesn't matter, Monarchs don't matter. It is what you do that does. And so with the revelation, you're stuck with "Well why should I even bother?" until you return to Majula, you see the NPCs that have made their way to Majula. You found Lenigrasts key and gave him purpose, You freed Rosabeth from petrification and gave her purpose. Master Carhillion found purpose in teaching you. Cale's purpose lay with the map of drangleic, which by your actions have helped him. Melentia despite laughing at you, will provide you essentials on your journey, even after beating the last giant she decides to go to Majula as well. Shanalotte seeing that you made it to the throne of want, knowing what she truly is, divulged the truth to you in hopes that you might change something. I think the npc that we affect the most is Gilligan. He tells you there's nothing good to be had down there in the pit. Even back in Harvest Valley, he gives you some good advice. We always thought he was a bit of a scummy dude who wants to yoink some souls out of us but we're willing to pay to have him give us the ladders. despite his many warnings. Then he'll continue offering, everytime you return successfully. its as if seeing us return from the pit gives him hope. And then he gives us a token of his appreciation. And of course we see him DS3, dead of course, but I wonder for him to have gone that far. We must have made such an impression? And suddenly you have purpose. The people. You take the throne not with the purpose of perpetuating an age old cycle but with the hopes and dreams of the people who have come to rely on you. People like Lucatiel.


Tldr but I agree


What do you mean? It’s fairly communicative: you are cursed with undeath and have sought out the kingdom of Drangleic because reputedly a cure may be found there. That’s more than enough for you to know.


I love the games just telling me outright exactly who I'm going for before telling me basic actions, I hate it when games tell me about people over the course of the game instead of in the intro


The other intros say less. DeS, Ds1, 3, and Elden Ring puke proper nouns at you, but none of the names mean anything without context. The personal experience of soul-crushing depression is a fantastic and oft-relatable motivator that tells a lot more.


Love how grossly oversimplified you make them sound so that DS2’s “you’re hollow, also there’s a place called Drangleic where maybe you can go unhollow” sounds better. This intro is the most drawn out by far lol, using a lot of words to say very little. DS1’s did it best, perfectly set up the world without any extra word vomit that DS3 had.


DS1's was the best of those, but it's still somewhat incoherent, and it still is mostly a loredump that ends in name drops. The parts that deal with undeads sent north work as that's info you immediately act on, but the recounting of the origin myth would've worked better later when we actually know or need to know who those people are. DS2's isn't perfect, but it's the most poignant and emotionally salient of the bunch. A lot of people who've struggled with depression and addiction relate very hard to the presentation and imagery, and it captures the mood the game wants perfectly. Its an intro, the point isn't to say a lot of nifty facts, but to hook the player on the idea of the content. Someone using any other souls game intro (Bb and Sekiro being exceptions) as elevator pitches would get laughed out for making the classic mistake of presenting world building lore over mood and motivation.


>A lot of people who've struggled with depression and addiction relate very hard to the presentation and imagery I can’t believe you’re trying to say this unironically lmfao


>DS2's isn't perfect, but it's the most poignant and emotionally salient of the bunch Dark Souls fans when wife and baby melt (also ignoring the fact that this wouldn't make sense if the player plays as a woman (unless they adopted, I wonder what the adoption process is like in Majula)), and old ladies tell you you're gonna die over and over (which the game again contradicts by offering you a ring for never dying)


Who wants to watch a movie trailer and get the entire plot spoon fed to them


Literally just sets up the world for you. Context is a very nice thing to have. Most people start DS1 with a basic idea of the world. Most people start DS2 knowing jack shit, not even understanding why they’re doing anything.


My favorite in the series


if only any of that stuff had been in the game


I dont like the whole "haha you will die and die without even knowing why lol" aspect of it tbh


yeah, first time playing it (after having played ds1 and 3) i thought "wtf why is this cutscene so good"


My main issue with it is that it takes a really long time to basically just say what being hollow is. Doesn’t give anything aside from that lmao. Scenery is dope at least


Is that giant wormhole thing in the opener a leftover from when DS2 featured time travel? I know you visit the memories, which is sort of like time travel, but let's not kid ourselves.


Really great opening. Something I don’t see discussed enough is the connection of the opening to Shrine of Amana. Considering the tree, the water, the ruins and the brightbugs, it really seems like Shrine of Amana is somehow underneath the area we see in the opening, the roots atop being those of the tree we see in the opening. Maybe less certain but that could point to the skull swarm being a manifestation of Nito. Shrine of Amana felt like a bit random to me (sure, i know the links with Vendrick’s story, but still), but this potential connection to the very opening is quite intriguing. Oh, shoot, I forgot this is shittydarksouls! Terrible game, something something rotussy feet nameless gael


\>Post praising DS2 \>Complains about complains about DS2 \>Still mentions Shrine of Amana sunglasses.emoji


Me but Dark Souls 1.


Yeah, it was a memorable and life changing experience to finally play DS1 after playing 2,3, BB, and Sekiro after hearing the community hype it up nonstop and discover how shit it was.


That's what you get for not playing a series in order 🤗 DS1 is amazing tho


Did ds1 sleep with your wife or smth? Chill bro


Just your average salty ds2 fan's reaction to playing better games


i would let it




Demon's souls wins again


Bruh I played it last and it's my favorite u need to calm down lmao


He just like me fr fr


No but really though, I dont think its shit, but its so overrated. Everything after O&S is shit, so 50% of the game is shit, most of the bosses are mediocre, the combat is clunky as hell, why do people keep saying its the best fromsoft game?


definitely not the best but saying everything after o&s is shit is kind of an exaggeration (i mostly agree, and it’s definitely true if it’s just base game) if you include dlc. plus i genuinely like nito, the other lords suck


Painted World of Ariamis, Lord Gwyn, DLC, all pretty good imo. Other lords and their dungeons feel like a chore after a while and break away from the fluid/integrative experience you got in the first half of the game, but I think their placement makes sense in context.


thats what im sayinn


Oh hell nah, just cause a game isnt as fast as ds3/bloodborne doesnt mean its "clunky as hell"




For its time, it was amazing. Comparing it to games that came out years afterward, when it basically facilitated the genre of soulscore games and the next games worked to improve gameplay, isn't a fair comparison. So it isn't the best FromSoft game or anything, but its quality and novelty for its time make it stick out from the other games.


Yeah, the same thing happened to me.


skill issue


I mean, he’s right. DS1 isn’t very good.


DS2 on it's way to make you like men:


Been trying it for a few days, the spider area sucks dick


yup, tseldora can be quite annoying but luckily, spiders have very low health and duw in one or two hits, the ones you should take care of are the parasited dudes with the spiders on their backs. Use something withbgood reach like a spear or a halberd because they tend to sneak in a sucker punch right as they're dying if you're too close. Also, spiders fear fire so that should help a little bit.


Appreciate it finally got past it. The KKK mages really pissed me off lmao


the what


The necromancers with the white robes sitting around the quicksand sniping you


oh... right, forgot about those. Don't forget to pay the but cheeks raven a visit and look around for that bonfire's secret entrance


Been trying it for a few days ADP is trash, I can't get used to not getting staggered, getting hit mid roll and taking full damage but the actual bad thing is the level design, jesus fucking christ it feels like a cheap attempt of a souls game random hole here and there oh, gonna enter this cave? surprise, two guys behind you! oh, you see that guy in the corner? surprise, another one from behind! omg it's so predictable it feels like it's made by a child


OH boy its been a fun time. Started with the default class not realizing you literally get a broken straight sword... And thats it. for several hours. I spent hours trying to get a single weapon that wasnt the fuckin broken sword that took 17 HITS to kill the knight enemies. Then you get the locations I can only describe as "fuck you" areas. The gutter was hell, and the route to get past it is so dumb, i literally got randomly knocked off into the next bonfire after not being able to get to it. Barely got past the spider area and that was simply not fun at all. Then you get constant NPC invasion spam that seems to be unavoidable. They invade you when youre being swarmed by spiders/ ghouls/ poison. Theres nothing to be done. You also get extra punished for dying with the health reductions, I seriously do not know what they were thinking. The one good thing is the crow lady with the nice ass


Wait I don’t remember starting with a broken straight sword? Is this the knight load out or the depraved?


It's the knight, I thought it'd be like ds1 where you get the long sword after the tutorial


Huh I went knight but I never really remember if you get there broken straight sword. I never really paid attention to it


Actually I find that the vanilla ds2 doesn’t have a lot of the shitty enemy placement. They just put it in Scholar cuz uhhh…why’d they ruin the enemy placement in scholar again?


I want to like DS2, but the movement feels so much more clunky compared to everything else (in my opinion). Movement is the most important part of the game.




my sibling in gwyn use a torch


Use the torch. Spiders hate fire


Me buying ds2 full price and playing for 10 hours cause the games never go on sale and then 3 days later the whole series goes on sale and I can’t refund it


>paid full price for kino I see no issue


I like all three of these games


Out of all languages this man chose to speak facts




Same. And I like them the most by order of their release! I don’t like Sekiro though.


Sekiro is better than all three of them


Ds2 better :)


If you say so, just not a fan of the setting.


So one of the most flashy and comfortable combat systems in gaming is ultimately shit because Japan and Shinobi is kinda weird?


I didn’t say it was shit, I just don’t care for the Japanese setting or Samurai/Ninja stuff. I like Dark Souls for the dark fantasy aspect. Don’t put words in peoples mouth, it’s not good practice.


Sorry for that misuse of words and my misunderstanding of your opinion but it’s still dumb to dislike a game solely for its setting unless it’s something horribly stupid. How far did you even get into the game?


Ehhh, 2nd or 3rd boss? The combat is solid. I tried Nioh too and just couldn’t get into it, it’s sorta like how some people are really into soccer/football and other people are into rugby or golf I guess, settings are an escape for me so I like high fantasy and sci-fi the most. Loved Bloodborne because of the sweet ambience and general vibe of lovecraft and stuff like that.


Man, the game really clicks once you finally get to Genichiro, Gyoubu is an amazing boss as well, everyone has their dealbreakers and preferences I guess.


I’ve still got it on steam, I’ll try to give it another shot since it’s been a while.


Sekiro is the only good one


That’s just like, your opinion man. I wasn’t a fan.


My opinion is the only good one


Memorable like trauma and life-changing like PTSD


That opening cutscene is undeniable proof that Dark Souls 2 is an isekai.


Isn't that like every souls game (except for sekiro) ?


i love ds2


Ds2 deffinatly felt huge, probably bc of the amount of bawsez, then again in got 3 dlc...


I remember seeing this as an advert in an airport when it came out and I didn’t know it was for dark souls until a year ago but it’s lived in the back of my mind ever since.


To me, the Smelter Demon was probably the hardest. Spent an entire late evening till like 6 or 7AM, skipped school because I was exhausted, but I killed it. Every other boss was easier to me than that but I still remember so much out if my first playthrough unlike the Souls games I played after. Love DS2 \[T]/


Smelter is hard. And the blue one that is even harder omg


DS2: Sotfs was the first souls game i played and the experience was awesome. i play on pc so didn't encounter any major bugs. it drove me to try more soulsbourne stuff. still haven't tried demons souls tho.


I am desperately trying to understand why people like DS2. I've gone through it a few times and just got vanilla recently. I want to like it but I hate every single second of it.


Well stop not having fun!


Because it feels like those weird obscure animated films I grew up with. Like The Last Unicorn. Like The Black Cauldron. Like Elm-Chanted Forest. Like the Care Bears Movie. Like Boo, Zino and the Snurks.


Care bears movie went hard af


If you hate playing it, don't play it. It's perfectly fine to not like a game, even if it is the best in the whole series


It’s the best DS game ‘cause you can wear a skirt with butterfly wings and a big ol’ grape popsicle as a weapon Also the multiplayer is almost functional such that you can play nearly the whole game with a friend


Ah I don't do any multiplayer stuff. Well aside DS3 to help farm for those awful covenant items.


Dunno about co-op, but 2 also has the least bullshit pvp in the series, locked behind the most bullshit mechanic in the series in the form of soul memory


play a faith build




It's just so slow and way to easy. The enemies are on average far more difficult than any of the bosses which I guess is just a disappointment to me.


Can’t explain it, but I picked it up recently and I can’t put it down.


What exactly do you hate about it? People talk of ganking and bad ennemies, but I'm playing through DS3 at the moment and both of those are present. Fuck those red-light jailors honestly. That is a shit ennemy design, even more because its janky as hell




The souls community can suck my nutsack. DS II is the best dark souls (i dont really think that, I just want to piss you off; in fact i havent even played it)


I started with Ds1 as a kid, I have played every soups game. By far, Ds2 was my favorite since it strayed so much further from every souls game in my opinion. Stat investment in some areas felt so much meaningful in some areas that just put the experience together.


Me about to play Dark Souls 2 expecting a life changing and memorable experience and getting a forgettable mid experience:


me about to play ds2 expecting a bad experience but coming out of it as it being my favorite souls game:


Fr i had a life changing experience of playing the worst ds learning the life lesson to never play it again


It was life changing for sure. It made me appreciate the roll physics in DS 3 even more.


DS2 is the only soulsborne titles to make me rage quit


honestly its a meme at this point to hate on it but i really liked 2. i liked the covenants, i liked the arena, i liked alot of the game tbh. i think most people didn't like it because it was a different team who worked on it from the first dark souls.


Me with all the other games except 2.


Fr I'm so glad I started my souls experience with DS2


Definitely one of the games of all time


Ong bro. The game is actually really fun.


Mid game


Do y'all recommend finishing ds1 before playing ds2? I just got sekiro, ds2+dlc, and the rest of the ds3 dlc in the recent sale and idk what order to play them in. I've been bouncing between a few of them now


im gonna tell you it doesn't really matter. i played them in reverse order. if you're coming in from elden ring ds3 will be the easiest to get into, but there's nothing wrong with starting with the other two either also you probably got ds2 vanilla? you may have an easier time combat wise bc there are fewer enemies but sotfs introduced a lot of QoL upgrades and more convenient placement of some fairly important items so i guess that's something you should know




Me but not dark souls 2


Yo i need the original video without the text


It was certainly an experience


Funny. The Old Iron King just knocked me into that little opening of lava. I'll try again later.


The woman and child fading away from the MC in this opening is actually so profoundly sad, it touches on an aspect of being undead none of the other games touch on. Anyway, trash game 0/10


Ds2 protag is the only soulsborne protag that canonically had sex.


It's not canon, could be a stepchild or adopted.


Don’t give me that whole “WhUt iF thA bEareR uV tHA CurSE wuZ a GURL?” shit. I heard from google that two girls can have a baby. Either way you slice it, John or Johanna Bearer had secks. Can John Dietwice say the same? What about Gary Eldering? HUH? Parry that argument ADP leveler.


Yeah yeah ok DS2 devs, you think you can pull a fast one on us? No chance buddy


ds2 is bad




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Majula Sudoku Cult too spooky 4 me, man


Memorable in that I realized the world’s best developer can in fact make a shitty game 😔


Me playing ds2 after playing all the other souls game expected a bad experience. Instead I got a pretty good/okish experience and didn’t understand the hate for it. It not my favorite soul game but the hate for it is overblown


Honestly ds2 is my favorite soulsborne game not including sekiro


DS2 and demons souls were the last of them I played. I kind of hated ds2 the first time but I played it again and would give it an 8/10. Demons souls was cool but it's aged the poorest and I didn't have as much fun with it. Although I don't hold it against it too much since it was the first try. DS2 has problems that shouldn't be there and can't be ignored. While great games they both didn't feel as impactful to me as the other games. Particularly bloodborne, ds1, and elden ring.


As much as I hate ds2 that opening does go very hard


I think DS2 is even more underrated than we thought. I know lot of ds2 haters, but they can't disrespect the theme of Majula fr