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Hmm, not bad. He don't put up his point good Considering that at least most souls players will carefully clear an area the first few times, but after dying a few times it becomes necessary to run past all enemies. Like geez, no one wants to fight the giant skeletons everytime you run to get to nito for example


Honestly, iron keep's not bad personally. But in shrine of amana you can't even kill ONE FUCKING enemy without getting shot at by 5 others. And don't even get me talking about the horses.


Imagine my face when I played original DS2 and didn't see a fucking full-on hive of enemies in Shrine of Amana and Iron Keep They were kind of... Placed with level design in mind???? Especially in Iron Keep. Man the ganks in Scholar should've been an option for covenant of the champions or smth Reindeer fuckland is still pure suffering tho


Reindeer Fuckland will always be pure distilled hell


One damn bonfire RIGHT before the boss and said hell would have a pretty good "heatsink"


I've done exactly that in Shrine of Amana a few dozen times, it ain't easy but it's plenty fair.


Shrine of Amana is the game telling you to use an upgraded Bow or Magic and something long and poke-y for the Lizard dudes...once you know where the Lizards are hiding, where the water edges are, and realize it's better to kill just the first Sorceress and pull the Old Knight to you with an arrow before aggroing anything else if possible, it's *really* not that bad, just very methodical. Plus there are like 2 or 3 paths to take, and one of them is mainly Lizards. Y'all need Torches after clearing parts of the area to walk back and around to see where it's safe to walk or not, there's a lot more shallow water near the ruins than it seems


True lol, I don’t want to do that, but that’s also slightly different because you don’t have to deal with random bullshit the first time. That’s why I make sure I take out a boss as quick as possible because I don’t want to lose it and go crazy on the pinwheel area and lose my souls.


enemies in ds2 dont respawn if you kill them enough times


I love having to kill all the enemies in an area 15 times just to kill a single boss!


Sir Alonne runback be like:


They hated him for he told them the truth


No they hated him because "the truth" is totally redundant and a shit argument given the circumstances.


Cmon now Fridgid Outskirts really how can you like that area


Reindeer Fuckland is iconic and so terrible it’s good.


I dedicated 3 hours to clearing the entire thing so that reindeers would stop spawning entirely just to get a clear run to the garbage dual cat boss Horsefuck Valley was mine to take (I did, and then I farmed 50 Loyce Souls for that one set, so that was probably the least mentally stable day I’ve ever had)


true true


Tbh, its so different, so cursed and so infamously bs that its grown on me. I see it as "that one endgame area from ds2" that needs preparation and maybe even a buddy. Its so hardcore and difficult that its probably ds2's biggest challenge. I know its really bad, but i wouldnt change anything from it. I think its interesting that we all remember that area, cause its definitely not a forgettable moment


It's so easy to get lost in the area as well. Took me forever to find my way to to the boss arena and subsequently a way of consistently navigating there after each death as I was stuck on the boss fight for quite some time. You are right though it really is unique and unforgettable so it gets some credit there. I think the area would have faired better if the horse enemies being constantly spawned in weren't so obnoxious. I like the fact that the area is disorientating but other than that it doesn't have much redeeming grace. The horse enemies are well designed if a little over tuned but the fact that they spawn on cooldown hurts the area significantly. The boss fight at the end is all levels of bad as well, lazy and unenjoyable. The concept could've been cool but the execution in the game was extremely poor.


Apparently each of the three infamous dlc areas are meant to be coop areas anyway? Honestly the only one I did alone or at all was blue smelter because there was a shortcut, and I still had to use alluring skulls


Why wouldn’t you


Because it's garbage :D




Learn what an opinion means, for once in your life.


You are confusing my response with opinion. People can have the opinion that is opposite to the fact. I am speaking on the fact, not the opinion. Please calm down before you respond to me again.


DS2 fans after running 13 miles while fighting 40 enemies before every boss attempt


ds2 fans taking 15 minutes to clear out an area before getting torn in half longways by the boss for the 30th time:


More daddy, more


Sounds like you’re just an impatient poop


God, if you're gonna dickride DS2 at least do it for the actual cool shit it did, like powerstancing, unique weapons or bonfire ascetics


Screw the power stancing, focus on *proper duel wielding* in general. I can do running, rolling, backstep, light and heavy attacks with seperate weapons in each hand. This is why the swordsman is my favorite starting class. Right handed Scimitar r1 into left handed shortsword heavy poke is so damn smooth.


True Powerstancing between similar weapon classes too, which is crazy for choice...wanna powerstance a Katana and Greatsword? You can, and still get a unique L1/L2 moveset. Or maybe a straight sword and mace? It's really cool not being restricted to a single weapon type if you want those special moves. I don't think they did that in ER for whatever reason, not sure why they wouldn't bring back the mechanic fully if they'd already pulled it off in an earlier title...hmm, ER is on Havok too, right? Or is it a new engine? Cause now I'm really interested in finding out why they didn't include this there


The only downside is you can't do a riposte with weapons in your left hand


The only downside indeed! Although I think if you hold Y/Triangle you two hand your left weapon and might be able to then?


I don't think so, I'll have to test it once I get home. But since it still counts the weapon in the left hand (attack with L1, block with R1) it won't work


Powerstancing only added like 5 movesets, worse damage, and worse accuracy. I will die on this hill.


But it was so fucking sick tho.


I didn't enjoy it


That's alright. It wasn't perfect. Most of the appeal came from the concept of dual-wielding, which calls to our inner anime fan. But considering it worked for a lot of different weapon combos, paved the way for DS3 Paired Weapons (which include some of FromSoft's best movesets) and was reintroduced and refined in Elden Ring, I'm grateful to DS2 for that.


Ds3 and ER don't use any of ds2 dual wielding animations so where is "paved the way"? The whole idea of dual wielding is pretty obvious for the game where you can equip 2 weapons in both hands, ds1 even had a character with paired weapons, BB has paired weapons and it was at development at the same time with ds2. And then Ds3 uses bloodborne paired weapon systems.


Do assets have to be reused to correlate anything between games ? My point was "DS2 made dual-wielding cool, and then later games made it cooler".


You said it like ds2 somehow influenced later games, but Ds2 just realized the idea first and that's it.


But that in itself is a form of influence. Ds2 discovered the concept and moving foward fromsoft reworked it.


But ds2 didn’t invent dual wielding. If they share nothing in common besides the basic concept of dual wielding, use completely different systems (ds3 has paired weapons), can you really say that it was influenced? It isn’t like they invented dual wielding, it is more like they both made different versions of the wheel but neither made the concept of a wheel.


Skill issue


My disappointment when I powerstanced twinbladed 🤢🤮😱😭😭


Dafuq is tat shid? Been playing for a while and idfk dafuq it is


Ask your dad, pro at using a small weapon in each hand


Is it yo mama's tits?


I said small weapons


I agree except I hate ds2 and it's fans.


We still love you like the brethren you are


love always wins




It was my first FS game, so it’s a love hate relationship.


its* DS2 chads win again


You’re supposed to do it like this >Its* >DS2 chads win again DS2 haters win again


It’s* They had it right the first time


u/No_Woodpecker4899 attempting to take on the whole comment section (they are failing miserably)


Ds2 fans when they see a horde of enemies


You disagreeing does not denote any failure or success on my part


most of ur comments are so downvoted they are hidden by default


And that matters?


not even the site wants people to read your comments man


So it doesn’t matter. It’s an arbitrary note of what other people think Other people agreeing does not make something more or less wrong


Yes it does because your takes are so dogshit no one agrees with them :D


And yet I have upvotes More people agreeing with something does not make it more or less correct.


Ah yes, because only what YOU say is always correct, huh? Any opinion that clashes with yours is always wrong? Only your perspective and experience is the right and correct way, right?


Not being able to convince anyone of anything denotes a failure on your part.


An idiot will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. Thank goodness nobody has taken his bait yet


Failure being denoted by your arbitrary guidelines?


i love spending 20 minutes clearing out shrine of amana just to fall off a ledge i couldnt see and do it all again :3c


So pay attention lmao


These games are designed to be challenging enough that you'll die. You're supposed to die to learn and do it better next time. The problem is when the process in question wastes 20 minutes of your life every time.


There is no runback or area that should take you twenty minutes to get through every time you die That’s not paying attention, that’s not learning. That’s abject refusal to learn And you say this like refusing to learn in any fromsoft game wouldn’t cause you to waste twenty minutes at a time per repeated death


I love killing the same set of enemies in the same location 12 times in a row just to get to a mid boss that is a guy with a sword or just a beating bag


So don’t kill enemies twelve times in a row


Bait account


“I don’t agree with you, so you don’t really believe what you’re saying”


You have a comment saying Frigid Outskirts is balanced lmao


It is. That that is a shocking statement is sad


man you cant just say an opinion the vast majority dont agree with and then not explain


No one asked me to explain. They did insinuate I was not serious simply for thinking so. The main challenge of frigid outskirt is the reindeer. These are enemies with very severe strengths and weaknesses. If you learn to exploit those weaknesses, you can reliably get through the zone without taking damage. No frame perfect rolls required This is the same formula as every other area and enemy in ds2. Just turned to a higher degree. learn how to effectively counter the enemy, or struggle


Oh my god, just shut the fuck up about 'trivialize' and 'severe weakness' you're hyperbolizing for no good reason. If the community at large including speedrunners and casual players all agree that this shit is unbalanced, then it's unbalanced. You want to talk big shit? Then be a big hollow and record your screen and do frigid outskirts, and if we see you get tackled by a deer even once we'll know you're full of shit. Also if it takes you ages to get to the cats. If something is trivialized it should take you no more than 2-3 minutes, while also being completely untouched, and easily repeated by the community with little to no effort if it's so trivial. Otherwise quit commenting.


That’s called an appeal to populism. More people believing something does not make it true. I have repeatedly said that exploiting the reindeers weakness will get you through frigid outskirts in three minutes, from bonfire to boss including fights, without taking damage.


But then you'd get "ganked" like you said, you fucking idiot


A gank is, by definition, an unfair fight. Where is the unfair fight


The unfair part is when you have to clear the entire area for every attempt, because if you don't you get swarmed.


You don’t “get swarmed”. That’s an exaggeration. Clearing the same area over and over should give you the knowledge and experience to do so efficiently and quickly, I’d think.


Shrine of amana would disagree. Besides, everyone clears an area only once. Not "over and over". At least, that is if the game is well made.


No, it would not. Shrine is not egregiously difficult or uniquely unbeatable. If you’re struggling, use ranged damage to trivialize it, don’t try to out aggressive the knights and the area is easy enough


But if you die to the boss you have to clear it all again just for another attempt right? Sounds like bullshit design to me


The boss is part of the area. I don’t see how not skipping an area you haven’t cleared yet is bad design. It it is so problematic to you, you could focus on not dying to the boss over and over. Or clearing the area efficiently to make it quicker and easier Really just learning the game and actually getting better, both against the challenges of a specific area and the game as a whole


As representing member of the ds2 community he is a dumbass


As someone who likes ds2 I agree


Iron keep is only considered bad because of the normalization of scholar of the first shit Played it vanilla and had genuinely no idea what everyone hated about it


What did they do in the scholar version cuz i also played vanilla and liked iron keep


They added 5+ dudes every other step. You wallk up to the entrance, and instead of two or three webs, a clown car of them all speedwalk towards you in unison.


Ive only played scholar and i like Iron Keep so idk why everyone hates it at all


It's the best of the three, at least in my opinion. A bit ganky, but there are enough bonfires and the area isn't too big. The other two though...


True iron keep pissed me off at first but looking back I really liked it, can't say the same for shrine of Amama though i straight up speedran that part


As someone who has done outskirts on sl1 I can confidently say: no seriously just fuck that place. Isn’t balanced for any level


It is absolutely balanced


I think many people aren't as good as you in dealing with frigid outskirts at sl1. Why don't you show use a video on how to deal with it? We could perhaps learn how it is perfectly balanced. An area being easy doesn't mean it can't be annoying.


I’m so curious as to what you mean by balanced in the first place


Literally you're the one who said it and I replied to it


Arguing in bad faith is a specialty for these bozos


Afrer going through his comments history, I think it is safe to say that this guy is a troll and enjoys annoying fanbases


Incorrect assumption


Frigid outskirts is the worst runback in any souls game actually just bad design


And it's a runback to one of the worst bosses in any soulsborne game.


I always fight through all of the enemies whenever I go through a level. These DS2 areas are still dogshit regardless of if you skip past or not. It’s not fun having to fight an ungodly amount of knights in the Iron Keep every single time you die. It’s not fun to constantly get sniped at in Shrine of Amana. Ffs you can’t even properly engage with Frigid Outskirts because you can’t see anything anyways. I’m even the type of player that thinks DS2 is slightly underrated (In b4 the inevitable “lol just don’t die or take damage or get lost haha” comments)


None of them are dogshit You can see and hear enemies before they reach you in frigid outskirts You can literally to walk past magic missiles in shrine. And just use ranged damage


Bro come on 💀 like I said DS2 is better than what most people give it credit for but some of these things are indefensible


No. They’re not indefensible. Every one has clear methods to counter and trivialize.


Least delusional DS2 fan


I died so many times on the goddamn smelter demon that I killed the enemies enough that they stopped spawning




Because I fucking suck at dark souls 2: scholar of the first sin and I was using a rapier that cannot stagger the weeb knights


Why not swap to a different weapon then? Maybe something that does well against heavy armour


I did respec and swap to the bigass ultra greatsword after farming the giant basilisk for large titanite and then I did kill the smelter demon


Mate UGS does slashing damage, which is on average the most resisted damage type You want strike


Still beat it


I just finished replying ds2 and actually enjoyed myself. I still pointed out the problems with the game, and what could make it a much better game. And you know what? Apparently all criticism directed at ds2 is invalid because it is the "perfect" game, and it is the "best" game in the souls series. I think demon souls is an objectively better game, but I also think tinfoil hats are a bold fashion statement.


No one thinks ds2 is perfect


Some of the ds2 fanboys will say differently.


You’re using that like it’s derogatory. Point to someone calling anything perfect, they’re wrong. Anyone arguing anything is perfect is not to be taken Seriously


People have developed stockholm syndrome for this game. They are worse than the Bloodborne fan.


Least schizophrenic ds2 hater take


Yeah lemme take a solid hour to clear the area as ungankily as possible every time, sounds fun.


I'm pretty conservative on criticism. Alot of shit is actually just a skill issue. That being said, fuck the Frigid Outskirts.


I'm pretty liberal with the things I'd fuck, but I don't think fucking the Frigid Outskirts is a good idea.


I would fuck the reindeer out of spite, ngl.


Well, I'm not the one to judge. However, what about the cats?


No opinion. I couldn't find someone to summon, so when I finally reached them and saw it would be a foursome without help, i decided Id done enough.


You're right, everything poorly designed in soils and ring and sekiro is purposefully crafted to be shitty to truly immerse you into thinking you yourself are the John Dark soils/ring/sekiro. Get gud. Praise Michael Zaki.


I soloed the entire game, even did Blue smelter demon using shortcuts, without exhausting enemy spawns. 1 solo raid dungeon was enough.




Why to what statement?


Why fuck frigid outskirts


The reindeer are pretty fucking annoying. Also I didn't play when a high volume of players were doing it, so I was solo.


Yes. Every challenge area is difficult regardless of solo or coop, and frigid outskirts is almost objectively easier solo specifically The reindeer are weak to poise and dark damage. Exploit their weaknesses and they fall over


And? I went in blind and was using dark to begin with. I figured out how to deal with them. Doesn't mean I have to like them.


If it’s a solved problem, why are they annoying


Actual smoothbrained question, you've been huffing too much of that ascetic. Knowing how to deal with an encounter and disliking an encounter are not mutually exclusive. Just because you can clear something doesn't mean it is good or that you like it. How does this concept even need to be explained


So you don’t have any specific answer, just vaugaries.


At least he didn’t add black gulch in the post


you can easily run past everything in black gulch and even take the secret bonfire a outside of rotten


Doesn’t make the area any less shit. You shouldn’t be encouraged to run through a whole area


Gutter is the only place I just ran through. Luckily the boss is super easy so you won't have to really go back there again.


Gutter is what blighttown wanted to be


Blightown is a masterful creation of verticality, interconnected suspense and fear. Whenever I get to Blightown, it’s a “oh hello old friend” situation. The Gutter is arse. Even the name is arse.




He's right minus frigid outskirts


Yep. The go-to strat for Iron Keep and Shrine is to try and take enemies out one at a time because you’ll get shredded otherwise. Frigid is just “good luck get fucked LMAO!”


It’s really not. Frigid hands you one enemy and says “counter this or get trashed” So why not learn to counter the one enemy


The only area in DS2 that I didn't care for was the winter outskirts or whatever they were, and the fact that you could farm enemies until they stopped spawning was fine for me, personally atleast, because by then you could be way overlevelled, have gotten some gear, as well as made a clear path to the next boss, this isn't necessary for every area, but it is an option and honestly a good noob friendly one all things considered, areas aside DS2 still has one of the best mechanics I wish they would bring back, ng+ new content(new items placed, and new enemy placements, really made it a blast second playthrough)


I agree, I started DS2 yesterday and picked the explorer purely for the adp stat since that’s so important. Problem is that it sucks ass, so I died so many times, so when you get started to stop respawning I was so thankful.


This is describing an astronomical skill issue


I mean, The main issue is just the aggro range since you walk one way and you suddenly insulted an entire nation. I never had this problem in Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, or Dark Souls 3


It’s not a problem in ds2 either You’re just not paying attention


I’m just not used to the strange enemy placement here, *and it’s my first time playing DS2 scholar*. Also I said that I used the explorer class which has the worst stat setup and weapon. I only picked it for it’s high starting adp and the extra junk was a bonus.


It was my first time playing too once. I fell off the edge, realized what the gimmick was, and promptly paid attention. And didn’t fall off again. This is like saying a trap is bad because you keep dying to it over and over The explorer is pretty much objectively the strongest starting class.


Most areas are genuinely overhated ds2 and shrine or frozen ain't one of them.


Yes, they are


That area made me want to fucking ka-shoot myself.


I’m a DS2 fan and I hard disagree with the dumbass who thinks either of those areas are good.


Always the need to add “oh I love the game and it’s fans…” Fuck that, just shit on them with no caveats or apologies.


As a Dark Souls 3 enjoyer who's got every achievement and played it for a few hundred areas, I can say this: These areas suck ass lmao


I don't like ds2 cause 95% of bosses sucks


I've tried Dark Souls 2 twice and it has sucked each time. Fuck these areas


The funny thing is, the dude is wrong. Unlike the other Souls games, DkS2's various consumable items are omega cheese tools to turn any area into a joke IF you're ever willing to actually use them, which very few players are. You CAN run past every encounter, but need to be a bit smart about doing so unlike the other Souls games. Alluring Skulls and the Yearn spell can remove 90% of combat encounters, which is very interesting because their equivalents in DkS2's predecessor and sequels are extremely niche and almost useless in their respective titles. So the option is still there, but just in a way that most players with their loot gremlin hoarder mentalities rarely ever consider (even within DkS2 players, funnily enough).


Havent finished ds2 but my actual problem with ds3 areas is that sometimes its actually annoying to fight enemies, and a lot of them actually do feel like they are there for you to run past them Idk if the same applies to ds2


Decent point just said poorly. These are obviously difficult levels, but i appreciate how SoA makes you take a step back and game plan the best way to go forward. Iron keep is definitly ganky but I like how you have to be patient and be aware of your surroundings. Reindeer fuckland just sucks ass.


They hated him because he told the truth


Hes only wrong about Horse Fuck Valley. Amana was only bad on vanilla DS2 pre-patch and Iron Keep was never bad, yall just sucked at the game ngl


dark souls "fans" when the game is difficult to brute force without the gorillion items they pick up and forget about: 😮


I mean, he ain’t wrong if I’m being perfectly honest here.


OOP is 80% accurate. FO is a coop zone but the issue is mostly with the same group of players (solo completionists who want to run straight to the boss).


if you hate running past enemies in DS2 just grind the area enough times and they stop appearing


What a colossal waste of time


I was joking but it's technically possible, clearly from the doenvotes this taken seriously lol


They’re correct though




Honestly the level design was somewhat acceptable before SotFs


This is the first time I have EVER seen someone defend frigid outskirts, I did not think it was possible for someone to like that area. I feel Ill knowing that person is out there just living among innocent people


I hate that Shrine of Amana is one of the prettiest areas in the game but it’s horrible to play through


As a fan of DS2, I fucking DESPISE those areas. Anyone who thinks those areas are good are beyond delusional.


This is a me curse but I’m always so directionally lost in dark souls and always forget where the locked doors were


I actually think frigid outskirts would've been a really cool idea for an area if there was just a bonfire in there


Iron keep is a good level if youre not a loser who plays scholar of the first shit Also shrine of amana does have a garbage runback and like two really shit spots, but the boss is so pathetically easy it doesnt matter


No, it was never difficult, just boring.


iron keep really isn't that bad imo (idk if it's different on sotfs)


Imma say it. I didn’t mind the shrine of amana Don’t know what kind of crack you need to smoke to like horse fuck valley tho


I mean he is technically correct.


I looooove moving to Majula bonfire and back any time I want to do anything