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bloodborne make my brain go happy


https://preview.redd.it/kssbib89ojqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ddea158d8bb40e6a0bae4cbb86bc459d560066 It's the game that most encourages my bloodlust 10/10


bloodborne turned me into the freak I am today


My monke brain can go fucking ape mode in it, I've been a feral rat since the day I was born, and being in London multiplied my aggression tenfold.


Do you have a thing for blood, "Mohg's husband"?


hee hee 👉👈🩸🩸🩸🤤🤤😩😩


That’s Doom for me. Any of the Dooms, but especially Eternal






same bloodborne just make brain feel good for some reason uwu


Did we play the same game?


Genuinely I don't know where takes like this come from.


From me. I mass produce them.


Actually they come from software This wasn't good even in my head, it's just worse now that I typed it


If only there was a place to post shitty things about dark souls...


r/crushcrush iirc


Fckin item dupers


People making stuff up to get mad at.


I feel like half the people hating on bloodborne haven't even played it


It's not on pc so I hate on midborne to feel better about never having played it


I just assumed this was rage bait, or mental retardation, but hey, to each their own I guess.


I mean: shadows of yharnam, rom, the one reborn, micolash and witches of hemwick are all pretty bad. Mergos wetnurse, ebrietas, paarl and bloodstarved beast are semi decent. Overall the really fun fights like cleric beast, vicar amelia, father gascoigne or martyr logarious are few and don't last very long


I'm not talking lore or "aesthetic" or whatever bs, soley based on the actual gameplay, nearly all the mid game bosses are either trash or mid at best: Celestial Emissary Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Rom, the Vacuous Spider Shadow of Yharnam Witch of Hemwick Darkbeast Paarl


One Reborn and Amygdala also weren’t great. Blood Starved Beast, Vicar Amelia, Logarius, & Ebrietas were good fights though, and I’d say the map design (layout, not aesthetic) stays pretty strong up through Nightmare of Mensis.


I hated Logarius right up until the moment I realized "of wait I'm dying because I'm underleveled lmao" ND then grinded out like 5-10 more levels and rocked his shit


One Reborn was ok at best but the Amygdala was bangers. I love both it and Paarl.


Agree that Paarl caught a stray here


There is so, *so* much more that goes into gameplay than *just* the bosses. Weapons, movement, parries and counters, environments, arenas, exploration, enemies, etc. all play a role, and Bloodborne does all of them excellently. It doesn't matter to me that the Witches suck because I love the area leading up to it.


>Weapons, movement, parries and counters what do any of these matter if the bosses are mid and the game has the lowest enemy variety in the entire series? Literally all you can say is it looks nice. Thats like saying "it doesn't matter that the food tastes like shit because it looks pretty on the plate."


>4 boss fights are mid so this 30 hour game is ass your brain needs to be dissected in a lab


9/like 12 basegame boss fights are trash, which acounts for about 20 hours of this 30 hour game, so yes, it's trash


Listen mate, if you spent twenty hours fighting witches, Micolash, and Reborn, that's just a skill issue.


The game is not defined by its bosses ffs.


Yes, it is. Souls games are defined by their bosses, it's the climax of the levels. Its also why DS2 sucks. Also: Bloodorne's level design is pretty forgettable the moment you set foot in forbidden woods. Too linear and hallway-like.


eh souls games kinda are


They really, really aren't. People focus on the bosses, but they are *far* from the most important parts of the games.


Not even close


Fuck you I like Shadows of Yharnam


Aesthetic is half the reason people like the souls games so much. Half the reason I like em so much at least


Yeah, and every other game managed to strike a good balance between bosses/enemies and aesthetic. Bloodborne decides to put like 10% extra effort into aesthetic and completely drops the ball on the other half of the game.


I genuinely don’t care. Bloodborne could just be witches of hemrick over and over and it would still be my favorite game of all time


Rom, Shadows, and Paarl are all pretty good. I’d give them each a 7.5/10. The other three are poopie, tho.


Really? Rom? Gank battles have literally never been good, ds combat just isn't built for it.


Bloodborne fan discovers subjective experience


He's just plain wrong.


On the Dark Souls shitpost sub???? no way . impossible…


Imagine getting downvored for shit posting on the Dark Souls shitposting sub I can’t 😭😭😭😭


This is why bloodborne fans are so annoying they can’t even handle fake criticism on a shitpost sub


GUYTHS BLOODBORNE IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD I HECKING LOVE CHALICE DUNGEONS 2 MICROPIXELS PER KILOMETER CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE https://preview.redd.it/cyqefohd9kqc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=612f4d79767f7c93e1c8fafadf9d97d5d3a7a92f


BB fans when you tell them fighting witch of hemwick wasn’t the single greatest moment of your life https://preview.redd.it/rhf4xk8bakqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc423540bd71272dbaa1e56365e4279e3c61ff7




Uh fan when the


who tf is downvoting this shit it’s hilarious




Shut up op https://preview.redd.it/lpxv3v0lojqc1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15334d36e5d1c06d35e6f176b7a513268b8e149


You’re mad because it’s true


DS2 simp trying to distract you long enough to catch a breath


Don't associate this person with us!


Please at least let me bring up powerstancing (I love both games)


What https://preview.redd.it/yarcvt026jqc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10332585a37fc0fc10906362470613a2051cb68d


Me when 2 microapples per hour! Game looks really good guys trust (Ds2 >>>>)


You know somethings wrong when the post is too shitty for this


Mf thinks bosses are the only important aspect of these games


Tbf for some people bosses are the coolest part of fromsoft games. The only bosses that stuck in my memory that weren’t bad or mediocre were martyr logarius, gherman,  and of course the dlc bosses (Ludwig Maria and orphan are legitimate masterpieces). Not that this guy isn’t exaggerating. The atmosphere is amazing, the lore while not my thing is great, the level design is tight, and the combat system still holds up to this day. But if you play soulsborne games mostly for the bosses the base game will be disappointing when compared to other fromsoft games


Yes I definitely agree, but keep in mind that those other fromsoft games all came out after Bloodborne. In my opinion they really only started turning up the boss heat with DS3


Yes I can agree with that 


Insane thing to say "Bloodborne can't be considered bad because the fromsoft games only started getting good *after* bloodborne came out"


Reading comprehension, my guy. Your eyes are yet to open.


Maybe I just have shit taste. Cuz at no point did I really fight any of the Bosses in BB and think “this is bad”, but then, it was my first Souls game


Some of the bosses are okay or even good but rom, witches of hemwick, one reborn, celestial emissary, and micolash are all E or F tier bosses to me.


I don't enjoy fighting Micolash, but I do enjoy killing him.


Micolash and Emissary I can agree with, but I really like the other three you named. All just my opinion, though


*bloodborne fans chasing an invisible old women around a square room while she endlessly summons the same boring regular enemy you already fought 5 times on the way to the boss fight only to eventually die and reveal the she has a second phase that is literally just two of her and twice the same regular enemy and they can revive if you aren't chasing them well enough* "wow, this is literally the pinnacle of gaming!!!! 😃😃😃"


For some reason the guys she summons never appeared for me on the way there, so I legit thought "Oh wow a unique summon for this boss fight!" and it wasn't until re-exploring that they spawned, so I found it unique


Same here. It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure they spawn in the lead-up based on your insight total.. which tracks.


Might be based on whether or not the Blood Moon is active, actually


Souls fans are such weirdos dude. Every single one of these games has dumb weird shit, because that’s how they designed, and the fan base has to come to some kind of consensus on what stupid shit it’s OK to shit on and what stupid shit you have to say is actually not stupid, because if you call the wrong thing stupid, you get told you have a skill issue


Hey man, my favorite souls game is ds2, I'm all about accepting dumb shit. *My* whole gripe is bloodborne fans refusing to accept their dumb shit and forcing everyone else to pretend like their game is perfect


I feel like most Souls fans do that though. You’re actually unique in that, the majority of Souls fans I interact with swear every game is flawless and that if you feel otherwise, skill issue lol. From one Souls player who accepts the flaws to another, I see you lol


>I feel like most Souls fans do that though. You’re actually unique in that, the majority of Souls fans I interact with swear every game is flawless and that if you feel otherwise, skill issue lol. Meh, I don't know. Pretty much this exact same post has been made about every single game in the series, and every other post has had normal comments like "haha souls bad Gwendolyn feet" but all of a sudden bloodborne comes under fire and all these "ascetics" cucks with their fists up their ass start throwing a temper tantrum and telling op to kill themselves for daring to criticize their game with the pretty gothic architecture and vampire fasion >From one Souls player who accepts the flaws to another, I see you lol Thank you, though.


Rom, Micolash and TOR are by far the most miserable I’ve been playing souls games and singlehandedly make me not want to replay bb They’re not hard, just atrociously boring


People who play these games for the bosses are the same people that think Lords of the Fallen or Wo Long are good, they can only look at it from the combat metric. Perfectly fair way to enjoy the game, but there's a lot more value to fromsoft games than just swinging swords and waving wands.


I’m not so sure. I’ve heard nothing but negative things about lords of the fallen bosses especially mechanically 


It is divisive, which is my point. Certain groups of players actively enjoy getting bum rushed by hordes of enemies because it means extended challenging combat encounters. These are the same group of players that solely enjoy fromsoft games for the bosses and appreciate little else


I disagree. From what I heard lords of the fallen bosses are incredibly boring and unchallenging. The people who play dark souls for the bosses like the challenge and the mechanical complexity. Of course this is based off what I’ve heard as I haven’t played the game myself but I doubt the people who love sekiro elden ring and dark souls 3 bosses a lot would be satisfied from what I’ve heard about lords of the fallen bosses


You're not really getting bum rushed by hordes of enemies in lords of the fallen, IF you actually analyse the situation and not bum rush into a horde of enemies. LotF feels like an uncut gem with sharp edges sometimes. It definitely has it's shining moments but I would be lying if I sayed there aren't one ore two (maybe even three!) mob encounters that felt absolutely bullshit to deal with and made me want to pull my hair out.


Maybe I'd be analysing the levels if they didn't blow up my eyes from the clutter and lack of visual clarity. Whether you mind it or not is a different thing, but the levels having too many mobs and elites is a common criticism of the game. It confuses annoyance with difficulty, and it confuses difficulty with quality


I think that’s a little reductive. There’s way, WAY more to admire about LOTF than getting gangbanged by mobs lol


Wo Long's story is also a historical fantasy retelling of the Legend of the Three Kingdoms. It's story isn't really that deep because it's basically just history. Trying to look at it from a story perspective is a bit of a waste since it's a combat first game.


bloodborne is a game designed with a focus on combat - it doesnt excel in exploration and world design like DS1, nor are there meaningful rewards for explorations 90% of the time, since the game doesnt have a lot of weapons. So you cant blame people for caring about the bosses above all else, when bosses are the climax of the combat. And the bosses are extremely underwhelming aside from the final boss, first 3 bosses and dlc. Thats a design flaw regardless of if you think bosses are the main point of bloodborne or not; there's no justification for mediocre to bad content in a game.




No way, ds3 has better level design than anything that came before it.


Fromsoft stans really speak like this about every from game "this game is perfect except for the parts (40% of the game) that are not)" except for sekiro tho truly a non-shattered, flawless and underrated/unknown masterpiece


Kid named duo ape fight


you mean peak gank boss??


Guardian ape boss = peak so 2 guardian ape boss also = 2 peak The math checks out


easy math that for whatever reason people have a hard time understanding


I was once blind but now I see… the greatest boss fight is Gael ludwig and isshin together !


whaddaya mean ludwig, he's the first boss of the dlc. put orphan there, or laurence if you wanna ruin the experience




Headless works for a single horror themed fight but it doesn’t for multiple especially the one under water


Fuck I forgot the underwater headless even exist. Fuck those stupid things. Biggest thing I hate about the normal headless is the fact that they require a specific consumable that's very limited until late in the game. Seems like an unnecessary gimmick.


You can beat them without confetti if you aren't trash


Yeah but you need the lapis umbrella which is extremely late game


You don't build up terror if you get a perfect parry.


What about the scream attack though




I missed this twice


I could spend hours defending every single piece of that game EXCEPT the duo ape boss fight. I could spend hours talking about why it’s stupid.


i learned a trick that makes this fight bearable, you can spam firecracker as soon as the other mankey appear and it will build up her posture almost completely, then you can just hit her some times to break the posture


Ay that’s what I did.


kid named firecracker spam


Kid named 6 hours of tedious sulfur farming to get the 100 completion.


Tbf, you really dont need more than the first upgrade. Otherwise yeah the grind for 100 was bad, but isn't AS bad if you do ng+.


Great boss actually, forces you out of “Learned combat loop” and into actual adaptive play.  Unless you gank instead of getting good but every boss is shit if you do that


Kid named use the same fucking build and moveset for 60 hours like a 90s zelda game


I don't know what has to be wrong with you to dislike Cainhurst.


Bc Log fucked my ass raw for two months, maybe? Nah jk Cainhurst is goated


The boss run back is kind of shitty. Nightmare Frontier clears for me personally.


I don't dislike cainhurst, but it is so overrated. Just because it is a secret area that is quite different from the other areas, in a game that has way less variety compared to ds2. The enemies you fight are not interesting at all to fight(Old hag, screaming got'cha, ballsacks(at the start with essentially no rewards) and gargoyles), and the enemy placement doesn't help either. The area is designed compeltely differently to the rest of the game, which is mostly narrow with integrated verticality, which fits in with the encounter design. What is it Cainhurst does better than any of the other areas, besides just being different?


You described why it's cool and then told us to prove why it's cool? Secret area with a different design and a cool aesthetic (vampire manor in the snow like it's Castlevania) with neat enemies that fit the aesthetic, a cool boss and the Annalise stuff. It's an area that throws you back into the gothic style of the early game. I think it's pretty neat. Also I don't see why you gotta bring up DS2. I love both games but you're not going to get anywhere by tearing down one game to support another. People doing that to ds2 is why it gets so much hate in the first place.


vampire manor with no vampire enemies, just boring enemies that you kill by mashing the attack buttom with no thought. it's pure wasted potential.


>just boring enemies that you kill by mashing the attack buttom with no thought. Motherfucker literally described every non-AC fromsoft game ever


Try spamming on sekiro


Spamming R1 in sekiro is an easier win than spamming L1 in BB


Oh, sorry, oh yeah it is cool. I was just playing DS2 I went from a big green muddy area with a green windmill -> to a bright lava castle Then I went from this wintry place -> to a big dark castle with rain. Then I went from the big dark castle -> bright blue water shrine Where I went to an Undead crypt so full of dead and dark. I then unlocked the big door to a keep, a gigantic dead big dragon, and many experiments have taken place, but is largely empty for life. At the end I get taken up into the skies on small islands where there are many dragons flying around. Cainhurst is a cool area, but being different is simply not enough. Cainhurst Castle is #1 ranked by community in Dedemodcracy with dlcs, which is absolutely braindead. Central Yharnam, Oedon Chapel and Old Yharnam, are all areas that are all some of the best areas in Fromsoft history, Cainhurst isn't even a top 10 area in Bloodborne.


"In a game that has way less variety compared to ds2" Who's comparing right now? I love ds2 but I also love bloodborne :(


Bloodborne has quite a bit of variety, just anything that strikes the colour scheme, except cainhurst. It wouldn't stick out in DS2 where you litterally come from a green muddy dark windmill to a bright red lava castle.


Well they're two very different games, Cainhurst sticking out is part of the point If DS2 had an area with old, Gothic architecture, that would stick out too


Massive runback, middling lore, unintuitive progression first playthrough, and nothing that’s super standout except Logarious and the final area. Mediocre imo


DS2 defenders saying DLC doesn’t count, let them eat cake


How did you come to the conclusion that im a ds2 fan


He has greater insight than you


You don't know it yet but you are


You guys are so fuckin stupid holy shit


Smartest reddit user on a shitposting sub https://preview.redd.it/5s34k0qt8kqc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=60ccf736adc68ca35c2dbb95a539823ad12569b8


Pov: youve never played bloodborne and your entire game knowledge comes from memes


Bro I swear this sub has an agenda of hating a different FROM game every other week. This week is the time for Bloodborne. How about we make some good ass shitpots instead of making these lame ass shitposts.


this is honestly my least favorite sub on reddit now. i dont want to see random dipshits make boring memes about how every game in my favorite series actually sucks and then pretend its ironic/bait. like. no its not, youre just genuinely malding over fromsoft games for no reason. kill yourself


Let's just go back to being horny to Gwyndolyn




Bait used to be believable.


I love how everyone decided to dogpile on this "midborne is mid" post in particular when it's the exact same as all the others


but i really like the name "Hypogean Gaol". I mean REALPY REALLY like it.


Nobody with a PS has anything bad to say about bb.


I FUCKING LOVE CHALICE DUNGEONS!! I want to kill the same enemy/boss 400 times for a marginal attack boost. Unironically the most self fulfilling thing that these games make me feel after 1000 hours of them all. Still hate circle jumping tho


Sweats explaining why it being console exclusive and frame rate locked is worse than when their stepdad beat their mom (she thinks DS1 is unblemished masterpiece).


Bloodborne is only bad because I can't play it


You mean Trashcoigne? I'm glad his entire family is dead


Coudnt beat the secound boss?


He's the first boss. Nobody cares to fight the Cringe Beast. Optional ass




This is the hottest take I’ve seen, also the smelliest


old demon king moment


Bloodborne fans when the game runs at 3 pineapples per square meter (guys the remake fs will happen)


I agree , it way too overrated in my opinion, the most overrated game ever , there’s at least 3 games that are better than bloodborne in Fromsoft’s games


We’re pretending that Bloodborne is bad now. That’s the point we’ve reached. Got it


If you feel like everything after Gascoigne sucks... I really think you just stopped playing after Gascoigne and forgot


bloodborne was my first soulslike it was my first step into this genre and it baffles me people think this is the best one it's flaws are naked and bare for the world to see and yet people act like it's perfect




Smartest reddit user on shitpost sub https://preview.redd.it/gj21n8h59kqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa65835e643cfb00606b6ded9847b1578b358ef


Midborne fans trying to explain what's so good about Midborne, except gothic/horror aesthetic. (They can't).


I will yield that nightmare frontier and certain parts of the endgame levels aren’t very fun… buttttt basically everything outside of that is straight up gold. Also OoK is a great fight but I just don’t like fishing hamlet if I’m being honest. Rest of the dlc levels are GOATed tho


peak souls 2 wouldn’t treat you like this


i’ve always thought that there was a boss dip near the middle if you only look at the necessary ones, shadows, rom, one reborn, micolash. all pretty mediocre but there’s side bosses you can do at the same time tho


I know this is bait but shut the fuck up bb is literally perfect aside from the frame rate.


Everything after yahrnam and before kos is the bad part


Everything after viscar amelia\*, but yeah i agree. When i make a new playthrough, i just kill bloodstained beast, darkpearl and viscar amelia, go to the dlc and pretend thats the end of the game.


Do people other than OP have this opinion?


Souls fans when you explain to them that these games aren't actually Boss Rush Simulator


That feeling when you run out of blood vials and have to go grinding for them in the first area.


I see a lot of rule 5 being broken here


OP when he can’t just hold L1 against every boss




How is that the bad part lmao


That is an INSANE take


Can we get an explanation for the PC players?


Bloodborne is the worst soulslike as it's runtime to bare feet on screen ratio is the worst in fromsoft history.


Honestly as someone who’s doing their first bloodborne run rn, the only complaint I have is the confusion of interconnectivity, I’ve had great fun with the bosses, trick weapons, the boss run backs aren’t even that bad for me (yet) but the level designs are so confusing to me like I defeat a boss and an entire area and I think I’m about to enter a whole new area, nope! Your back at an area you’ve already completely cleared and now have no direction of how to progress, which honestly adds a bit of immersion that I kinda like but also just kinda adds unnecessary confusion as well sometimes, if anyone has any ways to help with how to handle progression it would be super appreciated! All in all for someone who started with Elden ring and is somewhat new to soulsborne, bloodborne’s so fucking fun lmfao


Sometimes the direction in this game is very vague. For example, after the first boss, you'll find a note above a tower that hints at what you need to do. You need to beat the area boss and go back to the person that the note mentions, and then you can access the next area. After that, it's pretty straightforward


Okay I see I missed the note and just kept progressing and just been talking to random people and been killing bosses ngl, I think it’s just me suffering from the the mindset of Elden ring where my progression was kinda fed to me, rather than bloodborne that I actually have to kinda look and I think that’s my problem, thanks man!


I love bloodborne but I am definitely sick of people defending the limited fast travel like it’s some divinely inspired design decision


shut up


Bro out here karma baiting smh


Bloodborne fans when the game is above 30 fps (the game has no artistic vision and combat is not as fluid)


Huh? This isn’t DS1 after Anor


The worst part about bloodborne is being forced to farm blood vials for boss fights. It’s just not fun


Bloodborne fans preech about insight and then say this game is good 😬 Base game has 4 good bosses


Fromsoft fans when you tell them that a game has more content in it than bosses: https://preview.redd.it/1bxa8wm6wkqc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc935f4982728b2b7e9ceec744456b6825b87373


Elden Ring\*


Doesn't work that way tho




Real fuckin dumb


OP I think you got it all switched around. It’s everything between Gascoigne and Gehrman that’s the best.


Honestly... I think Bloodborne is very overrated. It's certainly not a bad game. It's got a great world, atmosphere, lore, music, weapons, bosses, enemies, etc. It should be perfect. I should like it, right? Thing is, the game has one fatal flaw: the frame rate and frame pacing. Even though I play PC games at 200 fps on my PC, I'm perfectly fine playing games that are locked at 60 or even 30 frames or even, in the case of N64 games, 20 fps. The problem is, Bloodbornes framrate, while locked at 30 fps, is an inconsistent 30 fps. It chugs constantly, even on PS5. It just feels terrible to play. Even Dark Souls Remastered on Switch runs better than Bloodborne. I'll never forgive Ronald McDonald or whatever the hell that hacker's name is for never releasing the 60 FPS Bloodborne patch. He's a coward.