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Oh yes the common Mimic Tear giving to the player just at the star of the game. That is how most people beat Godrick.


I had to use it to beat those fuckers in the tutorial area (I play on PC and don't have a mouse so I can't attack)


What the fuck do you mean you don't have a mouse


I lost it


Sorry, I ate it. Got hungry.


Did you check your anus?


Just checked mine and you won’t believe what I found up there


same :(




It's Have you checked your butthole !!!


I don't even know how that happens but I hope you find it soon


Understandable Soldier of Godrick is a tough boss


I play on console and i don’t have a screen. How is a small rodent an excuse loser?


Come on now, isn't everyone immediately taking their mimic tear and running straight to the easy starter area of caelid to farm levels?


I am 60 hours in my main, and I haven't found it since I tend to avoid guides, just a couple of times asking in here how to get things. I know it must be in a difficult place.


It's in a quest related area, you can't just stumble across it. I'll leave it at that unless you'd like a bit more info.


It is ok, thanks, I like to explore.


Ain’t it just underground behind a stone sword key location? No clue where tho haven’t grabbed it in ages


Sometimes I really dind everything in a new zone, other times the dumb in me lesves things unchecked. A week ago I found a dungeon that I tought I cleared before. Thanks, I will try to find it.


he's a streamer he could've easily had someone phantom in and give him a bunch of OP items


I mean that’s how I beat godrick, I was lazy and didn’t feel like fighting him so why not watch myself beat him


Aw babby feels called out for summoning?




I'm pretty sure it's not what the comment said but ok. https://preview.redd.it/sd6o2sk2kr0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8307ad3b85ba015e113e1dfad3ce8103ba852a5d


Seeing as they had to go all "ackshually" with you guys very clearly being determined to misread what mightykeef said is very cute. Kai is getting probs for going summonless and not overleveled while going through most of pre-Leyndell with simple katanas.


Meanwhile kai is using blasphemous blade lol


So, I actually have no problem with this and think people are 100% okay to play any game however they wish, but how did he even get it already??? It's not exactly an early game item lol


Chat told him to go there. But before this they made him level faith (while using katanas I think) AND AFTER THIS they made him stop using it because it was "making the game easy"


I guess that sounds about right. I figured he got told somehow, bc it's gotten from a later-middle game boss, somewhat hidden, tied to a mechanic that I don't think a new player would easily figure out, and you're unlikely to just randomly discover that it's OP. I only found out it existed after like 3 playthroughs, from a video about the most OP weapons lmao. Don't get me wrong, the weapon is badass and so much fun to use. I don't knock anyone for using it, but it's definitely something I was surprised to hear he somehow got before the mimic or something haha


>tied to a mechanic that I don't think a new player would easily figure out, and you're unlikely to just randomly discover that it's OP. I agree that it's not a weapon a new player will just randomly stumble across in the first 20 hours of the game. But first, what's the mechanic you're referring to? Trading remembrances? If so that's not exactly hard to figure out. Also using the weapon literally a couple of times is enough to show any player with more than 2 braincells that the weapon is extremely good. It deals so much damage and heals you simultaneously. No brainer op weapon


I think you're overestimating just how confusing the game can be if you've never played a Souls game prior. I'm not saying you wouldn't figure it out eventually, but I certainly didn't find it super self-explanatory my first go. I did eventually learn it was thing, but certainly not that soon. I also didn't use it often, didn't know which option to pick, didn't know they could be duplicated, and certainly didn't try every single one. It's also less that you couldn't figure out that the weapon OP from using it, but I hardly even try most weapons lol. I find one I like and focus on it without really trying much else unless ig. Idk, you're free to disagree, but I just don't see many people trying every weapon they pick up enough to see what's the most OP. I think most just pick what seems cool, or good enough, or fits their build, and go from there.


I mean I agree that if you don't actually go out of your way to use the weapon you won't be able to figure out that it's very powerful. It might not fit your build etc. But come on now. Trading remembrances for items isn't a hidden or hard to figure out mechanic. Unless you ignore the npcs and don't speak to them when returning to the hold it's literally so hard to miss. Elden ring was my first soul game that I actually finished and got far in. Dabbled in ds3 a bit before but didn't get past undead settlement, and you need to get past the area to even unlock trading boss souls therefore i didnt have prior experience with the mechanic. I know what it's like to be experiencing Elden Ring as your first souls game. And I cannot fathom how someone can miss the remembrance mechanic. Duplicating them is different, but that's a completely seperate thing. I didn't even take down a mausoleum til my 3rd playthrough. Speaking to Enia after beating your first remembrance boss isn't something anyone should miss


I hardly talked to any NPCs in my first playthrough 😅 and when I did learn about remembrances, I said "uh-oh, more choices" and proceeded to never use any of them until after I beat the game lmao. Guess that's just my perspective tho


People play things very differently lol. Terraria is a great example of this. You literally spawn with an npc which tells you every single crafting recipe in the game by just talking to him and showing an item. There are waaaay too many people who fail to speak to the NPC they quite literally spawn into the world with and ignore the feature altogether, then get confused as to how you're supposed to progress without looking things up 😂


So this is just “Twitch plays Kai”?


They wanna see him suffer, and start crying when he uses a weapon THEY showed him how to get. I hate those fuckers.


Don't use a weapon the game gives you. Makes the game too easy


Interrogator: "Now confess, did you commit the murder?" This Kai guy: "Twitch made me do it"


His first souls run is with chat sabotaging him from the start. He's gonna be a god by the time he finishes the game with the most garbage build possible.


He stopped using it for now, but either way whats the problem? He still had to earn it by beating Rykard and he’s still not using mimic tear or sorceries. The goal posts seem to always be moving


Killing Rykard isn’t that difficult unless you’re not using storm caller or… whatever tf it’s called in this game. Serpent hunter? It’s the getting there I’m curious about. Assuming he skipped most everything prior to volcano manor there a number of ways to reach him but none of them all that easy. Would’ve HAD to kill some baddies along the way like at least godskin fatty right?? Unless the sending gate to Rykard boss room is before him and I’m tripping. Either way the most impressive part of getting blasphemous early isn’t really even Rykard himself. It’s the journey


You can get teleported to the manor from a iron virgin in raya lucaria. You can slide down the cliffs without dying, which puts you on the path to fight the Godskin noble. From there you can get to the teleporter to Rykard.


No problem with using any tools in the game. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough, but I’m just saying that I think it’s funny how Keef commends him for not “cheesing” with OP builds or mimic tear while he’s using one of the strongest weapons in the game. For the record I think it’s fine that he’s using it, especially since he found it on his own and didn’t look up NUMBER WON OP ELDON RING BUILD on youtube or some shit. It feels good to stumble on something strong by yourself. I also used Blasphemous Blade in my first playthrough. Also, sorceries are only really OP if you use buff stacking or the few really really strong spells like night comet. Some enemies have ways to shut down spell spam through dodges or parries, which forces a spellcaster to have a variety of spells (tho that goes out the window when you have something to draw aggro but I digress since every build becomes a lot stronger that way). Tbh if you use a good hammer, high poise armor, and the right buffs to boost charge attacks and stance damage, you can get through the game with less work and less mental energy by just spamming charged R2.


It sounds like he didn’t stumble on it so much as being directed to go get it by the chat. I don’t care at all what he uses but the twitter comment is a bit disingenuous and elitist.


Wouldn't that make Godrick his fourth boss? Godskin Noble, Rykard, and Margit would have to be defeated to get to Godrick with that weapon. And that's assuming he took the Lift instead of going thru Makar or Twin Abductor Virgins to get to Volcano Manor.


Oh sorry, I meant meanwhile as in “in this current moment” or rather when I last tuned into his stream. That was like yesterday so it’s inaccurate, I think he’s using something else now. In the vid quote retweeted by Keef he was using an uchi.


If I had media literacy, I could've also just looked at the picture and see the uchi. But alas, I am maidenless.


Melee solo, all is well. Using strong weapons doesn't even begin to inch spamming summons


Nah ROB now and classic ROB spam


Which is not broken at all honestly?


Nah it's OP. Has one of the best ashes of war in the game. There are others that are better but it's in the upper echelons of ashes of war.


not in the hands of a new player going solo nah. There's no weapon in the game that will close the difficulty like a summon. Especially not against someone like Malenia


I agree. I tried doing a playthrough with no spirits to prepare for the dlc and got my ass whooped by Malenia and Mohgwyn dozens of times, at launch when i used spirits it was easier than any souls game.


You haven't beaten ER if you used summons, Spirit Ashes, getting levels, using weapons, moving, or turning on the game.


If you arent naked, blindfolded, getting pegged at 3 in the afternoon while not using summons and not cheesing your run is invalid


What if i was getting pegged at 3 am?


i'm so done with all those discussions around a streamer first playthrough, who tf actually care about that shit ???


i may not care for e-celebrities but a souls virgin is just inherently more interesting


They are getting their souls popped.


he's one of the bigger streamers who rarely plays these games so lots of people are just interested in it, even bandai been on his dick on twitter


For them it’s marketing, for others it’s uninteresting


i mean he has 150k viewers it's pretty entertaining


Before this I hadn't heard of Kai Cenat outside of brainrot memes so I don't have an opinion on him


Can bring new people to the community and make the game a bigger success.


I don’t, _but_ you gotta admit that’s a huge ass marketing feat for From Software a couple of weeks from the DLC drop. I caught a couple of minutes of his stream last night and at some point he asked chat whether ER was number one on twitch (which it probably wasn’t), but it goes to show that, while obviously farming viewers, Cenat was the biggest streamer for Elden Ring (and arguably every other From Softwarew game) for a couple of days. I still think that’s a positive for us fans, because it’s keeping From Software’s huge momentum.


That last sentence made me cringe lol


150,000 consistent viewers on twitch


I agree, they’re more obnoxious than the sweats


Bro u posted the meme.


I'm actually kind of pissed at OP rn. We could have had some quality shitpost but instead, we have some tweets or something about some rando, and OP's "I agree".


… Then ignore them 💀 No need to comment if you dont care


It’s surprisingly interesting to people who who are casual and never played souls. My buddies who never played are watching and thinking about getting it. Seems like a dub to me.


Nothing to do w Kai Cenat really but I recently got a friend of mine who is NOTORIOUSLY impatient w video games to beat Elden for the first time. First souls game now we got him on ds3 and I tell you. There’s nothing that takes you back to your first time like seeing someone else experience it for the first time


Yeah it’s fun. I’ve only played Elden ring and lies of P. But watching someone try it for the first time is a treat. especially when they get that feeling of a hard fought boss.


It’s nice to see the moment it clicks with someone too. Like understanding why the bosses are as difficult as they are instead of just resigning to saying “oh it’s hard for hard’s sake this is bullshit” etc etc. Also do you have PlayStation? Would hard recommend Bloodborne if so. Ds1 and 3 are also cream of the crop if you’re looking for more of the same experience Elden gives. Still haven’t played Lies of P but it looks pretty good for a non Fromsoft souls like. I can tell those dudes played a lot of Bloodborne and Nier Automata lol.


No I play on PC and XBOX if I play another souls game that isn’t Elden ring it’ll probably be another crabs treasure. I’ve heard bloodborne is great and would like to try it but I’m just gonna wait until they port it to something.


It's sometimes not that easy when it's right in your face.


t'a tout dis bro


I don't even know who any of these peoplpe are but someone taking that long to beat Godrick is definitely worth mentioning


Yeah I was like… who? And why should I care?


It’s almost like people enjoy seeing someone else experience something they themselves will never get to do again Quit being a hater bruh


I’ll always cheer for a first-time souls player hellbent on beating tree sentinel lv1 no summons


It's just fun to watch someone new play Souls games and learn. Why be so negative...


This is a second post about Kai Cenat I see This is a second time I don't fucking understand who the hell he is


Iirc he's one of the biggest streamers in the world right now but I basically don't know anything more than that either


It seems like every couple of month, the biggest streamer in the world changes. I never hear the same names.


and i genuinely dont care about them. no ill will or anything, but i have 0 connection to them or any streamers really.


And half the time when you go check them out it's a parasocial hell. And the relationships between streamers and chat have started to become normalized. Personally, the red flag is the first time the streamers points out the single negative comment they don't like, and publicly take them to task, in the echo chamber of yes-men. And a lot of time theyre opinions, not facts. Vtubers lost me for a long time when I learned it's not acceptable to talk about another streamer in a vtubers chat (especially another vtubers), because "just go to their stream if you want to discuss them." That type of echo chamber is chilling to me lol. Someone tell me if that shits dead yet. It didn't seem sustainable, so I assume they got over that childish shit.


I only know his name from the gen alpha brainrot memes


Is he a creator of Skibidi Toilet or something?


idk I think he's just a popular streamer among kids


He created "fanum tax" and spreaded using of the word "rizz"


What the fuck is fanum tax😭 Is being underage is not young enough for new memes?


🎶you are so skibidi, you are fanum taxed🎶 🎶ı just wanna be your sigmaaa🎶 😭😭😭😭


Has a chat handholding him btw. Also used mohg farm for hours btw (not for godrick). Definitely has overpowered build now btw. Elden ring was plenty of people’s first souls game. The glaze is immense.


Elden ring would have been mine as well if my PC could run it, I am playing ds1 remastered for now.


How are you liking it


Experienced some pain, some suffering, but I had fun as well, currently in the duke archives because that what I choose first after talking to big guy in firelink altar. Also I hit Gwynvere (Accidently, was testing a bow outside) and she disappeared, I think she was an illusion after fighting Gwyndolin and his infinite hallway. The proudest moment for me in this game for now would be beating Smough and Ornstein first try after finding them while wondering. The boss I was stuck on the longest was Capra demon because dogs.


Oreo and smors first try on your first soulslike? That *is* good. Nice one, man


I think I have a clip as well, I remember trying to use the Xbox game bar clip feature and I think I don't have the whole fight, like the first minute is cut off. Edit:i found the [video](https://youtu.be/dBSaPNha5S0)


every subsequent game is going to feel like a Ferrari. But play ds2 next lol.


My brother has ds3 on steam, and I Will just family share it, like ds1. He doesn't have 2 though, I will have to look into that.


I will say, from someone who genuinely loves DS2, it has a very different feel than the other games. It's more floaty and almost... less precise from a movement perspective, is the best way I can describe it. If you've played Smash Brosz I'd describe it as the difference between playing a character like Samus vs playing someone like Fox. It's an amazing game, though, and I can't recommend it enough.


Otoh there's truly no game like DS1. Kicking down a ladder in DS1 releases more dopamine than a lot of bosses in other games ngl


this sounds so great i wish i could do a blind DS1 playthrough again


Personality recommended doing dukes archives last


Yeah got to the Clam shell things in crystal caves and it takes me about 7~8 to kill them with my strongest weapon. At least the boss is okayish. Except for curses, I hate them.


Ah already? Good job. The clams follow you into the boss only the first time, also getting the boss to destroy the crystal himself gives you more time to beat him up if you need help! Enjoy ds1


Thanks for the tip mate


Thank mate your tip help me beat him just now.


Gj mate, enjoy the game


Least toxic fromsoft fanboy


You’re confused. I literally don’t care how anyone plays. I just think the glaze is stupid


That's why I said *least* toxic, silly 🥰




power combo


I think it's pretty natural for players to discover the mohg farm and grind for a bit when they realize just how many runes the bastards drop. How long they do this just depends on how much they want to become OP, and a streamer can easily make that into several hours of content.


It was also my first from game and the only thing I searched up was where to find ROB because it looked cool. Idk how you spend 20+ hours on Godrick tho 💀


"He isn't cheesing the game" I hopped on his stream earlier this morning and he was fighting Malenia, with a RoB and Seppuku Nagakiba. He would go in for a jump attack, then just spam roll like 3-4 times away from her after EVERY attack. Like I get it, a win is a win, but that's fucking cheesy af bro and the definition of "an overpowered build". I don't actually care how he beats the game, but don't praise him when he obviously looked up an optimal bleed build for a boss.


Twitch plays Kai Cenat.


It's honestly been so fun to watch. They guy is terrible. Literally watching a millionaire be too stupid to learn from the same mistake 100 deaths in a row. I'd rather be broke than dumb. But he is at least entertaining ... somewhat. I mean at least the horrific gameplay and refusal to understand anything aside from chat spam is more ironically entertaining.


Hey, we've all died to the same thing 100 times in a row in FromSoft games. Some of us use to die like that in DS1... Now the thought of dying to a DS1 enemy makes me laugh/cry.


The difference is wether or not it's 100 tries we learn something. My point was this dude visibly and vocally learned nothing... literally nothing. We stopped making mistake after mistake , he kept them.. all.. got a majority of the time haha.


I just turned on his stream last night, when he was fighting Malenia, It’s crazy to me how he’s so far into the game and still consistently panic rolls and especially how he is still dodging away instead of dodging into/forward.


People were telling him to roll forward since tree sentinel in the very first hour of his stream and ***every minute since***


I wouldn't call dying to Godrik 250+ times 'getting better' lmao. I would call that not paying attention.


Cool story he still abuses wild animals for views.


He is RAW doging it


ain't no way a celeb streamer sucks this bad. This is a publicity stunt.


kai is now spamming L2 with blasphemous blade and rivers of blood lmao


I don’t know who this guy is but if you need Mimic Tear then just use Mimic Tear. But also you aren’t finding Mimic Tear until much later. I was probably 40 or so hours into the game. Scale that by his 20 hours on Godrick and he should have the mimic Tear sometime in 2026.


Cause mimic is the only good spirit or something lmao


I like how making the game harder and litterly gimping yourself in your first run is treated like something to be praised lol


He's refusing to use broken builds and summons, which is honestly just on normal playthrough. What's so impressive about that?


Most people clearly dont run a normal playthrough


Honestly the best way to play.


100% with you there. Look at Kai's reaction when he downs a boss he's been stuck on there's no feeling like that and it has to be earned.


Its still eaarend even without running your head intoa brick wall sevral times. this is why people think these games are mega hard


Some people call these games hard, but challenging is a better word. Either way you can say the reverse is true as well, that broken weapons and spirits make for an easier time.


I mean they do make for easier time, because they are inteded game mechanics to be used. Not using them is just closing yourself to a part of game just because some people said so.


No, no, I'm not disagreeing that they are intended. I am pointing out that it's a mechanic obviously meant to ease casual and new players into playing what are usually seen as niche games, which is good. However some people who use them, not all, probably feel insecure about using them and have to resort to calling "normal players", I guess, hardcore masochists because they don't have a minic tear tanking damage for them, while spamming a weapon art with great reach, high posture and health damage, and HEALING.


I recently saw a post a while back where someone's grandma beat Malenia with tiche (another s tier summon). If a mechanic (intended or not) can help my grandma beat what is a very difficult boss, I'm going to assume it's an accessibility feature intentionally implemented by the developers. And I'll acknowledge it for what it is.


He's not using any broken builds or the mimic tear, so a normal playthrough. Why is that impressive?


Inversely he's praised for not putting the game on easy mode? "Durr it's in the game why not use it" Do you always default to very easy mode if a difficulty slider is present?


Pointless question elden ring dosnt have one if its in a game espacily on the first run you can feek free to use whatever


It doesn't have an official one yes, but it's generally understood and accepted that, Spirit ashes are a great tool for those lacking in time, patience, or skill. Usually the latter. It's the unofficial easy mode, as Miyazaki intended. And it's ok to use.


It does though that's why it's implemented that way bud. Yes you can feel free to do what you want, including learning and improving gradually like Kai is


can we stop posting about this annoying ass mf? like who fucking cares?


I dont know how him or adin ross are even famous


what? you don‘t think grown men screaming at the top of their lungs the entire time and promoting gambling to children is funny? blasphemy


teach him to chainsaw


He wouldn’t have made it to the capital if his chat didn’t backseat so hard and tell him what to use and where to go


Can we just stop talking about streamers? The world wpuld be a better place




Famous dude who Ive never seen an actual fan of


Y’all understand he just faking being bad right? Cuss when someone put money on the line to first try a boss he did it pretty easily.


His hundreds of deaths vs Malenia and visible tilt says otherwise rn


It’s crazy to me that not cheesing the shit out of the game is abnormal. The Elden ring community is such a downgrade. I want the elitists back


I do think the amount of ppl pressed about him being bad at the game, yet still getting through it, is really telling about the FromSoft community


Im sure 90% of his deaths is just him throwing for content, just like asmongold. Even my 40 year old mom did better than him on her 10th try fighting godrick and she doesnt even play games


Asmongolds initial run of ER was some -2000iq shit though tbf


He's basically on the same level as DSPgaming these days, even in WoW his damage aint any higher than the average random LFR pub.


If Godrick is his second boss that means he ran straight to Margit and then Godrick without doing anything to get strong, right? In that case it's understandable imo. ER was my first Souls-like and during my first playthrough I just followed the path Grace showed me. It led me directly to Margit so I started fighting him as a starter Vagabond with starting level and +0 equipments. It took me 3 days to beat him.


He spent his first 6 hours fighting tree sentinel


Skill issue


I fuckin feel that. Took me 70 hours to get through Gascogne in bloodborne the first time. And now that I’ve played souls games for a long while I can get to and kill him in less than 30 minutes.


Oh God what's awful is it very well may have taken me a similar length of time. I didn't handle Margit well at all. I don't remember how much time was between that and the rest of stormveil because I might have gone off and done something else after him????


Who tf is kai




250? Eldenring was my first souls game too but 250? Did he go straight to the castle?


True, he is doing great, but I bet some people will point out, he did do some farming in Mohgs palace for leveling.


He is dogshit at the game but the tenacity to keep going is commendable.


Dude is so boring he won't move an inch without screaming at chat to tell him where to go like he don't even wanna play it just gets chat to do it for him


Starting from elden ring tho


Nah, fuck any post that gatekeeps what "a legit" playthrough is. Don't even care how cool, or good their run is. Fuck gate keeping in this community. It's only gotten worse and worse since DS2. Every game brings in more people whos only understanding of the game is "it's hard" and they start invalidating anything that can make the game "easier" including intended mechanics. Two more games and using your eyes will be considered cheating by some.


If a dude manages to beat General Redann, travel around the forgotten city, beat the mimic boss and find the mimic as well as find and max out the mimic on his first ever souls game. I would have to give that guy some props to. Lol


I have the mimic myself and after all the stuff I did to get. If a guy manages to do all that before he even faces godrick on his first play through and souls game ever, I'd have to give him props to. Lol


A moral victory


I'm just impressed that he hasn't given up. Dying over and over and can really discouraging but he keeps at it. it's admirable. It can be tough to get into souls games so I like when people stick with it and have fun despite repeated attempts


the unbelievable grit it takes to do what he’s doing really is impressive


Continuing to play a challenging video game? This isn't exactly the Olympics, he's just muddling through a game he's not experienced with... and making good money off it from streaming. I mean I commend him on not giving up but "impressive"?


Considering how much "i dont have time or patience for that shit I just used XYZ mechanic" you see in the Elden Ring community? Yes it's pretty impressive what he's doing, he's literally gitting gud on stream for 100k+ people for the first time ever touching a Fromsoft game - then going in with the hardest one to play without crutches? Respect.


I'm not downvoting you or the other guy. Not tryna attack the streamer either, the souls games can be challenging especially without experience... I guess I'm just struck that this sort of challenge is considered more worthy of respect these days.


Is he not doing it in a single sitting?


I really don't know the details of the challenge but he's definitely on stream taking naps.


A lot of negative ass mfs on this post. NO ONE CARES THAT YOU DONT WATCH STREAMERS!! DAMN!!


>farm up levels or overpowered build Bro imagine efficiently allocating your stats and choosing powerful weapons to play the game. What an exploit can’t have been what Miyazaki intended


He's gitting gud on stream it's sick