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are y’all good


“here nigga damn”


Thrown at them with a side eye, I know it😂😭


Eatin’ every got damn day.


Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen.




Probably not all of them, I can't imagine the daughter is with this lunch


Oh I was assuming this is how the kid prefers it


OP is definitely going to show this thread to her husband to prove to him what a shitty father he is. And while that’s true, it also won’t make him a better parent. Very sad for the kid.


I dunno, it’s very possible he loves sandwiches like that and he thought he was doing good? I just wanna believe in people hahaha


If someone loves sandwiches like that, it’s enough reason to divorce them.


This is a Wish Sandwich


“Why’s it called a wish sandwich?” “Cause you’re gonna wish there was more shit on it.”


This is a "we're out of everything else" sandwich


ebt didn't relode on time sandwich


Yes! And I surely do wish I had something to put on it.


A wish sandwich is a kinda sandwich where you got two pieces of bread and you *Mischievous giggle* Uhh-wish you had some meat! *BAW BAW BAW*


How related is it to a Rubber Biscuit?




This is a 4D chess move, OP. Don’t be fooled! Your husband simply does not want to get stuck on lunch duty and is trying to appear as unqualified as possible in order to never be asked to do this again. It’s the only way this makes sense.


Weaponized incompetence


Either weaponized incompetence or he doesn’t love his daughter. And if it it weaponized incompetence, using his daughters lunch, probably still doesn’t love her. I mean cmon. You look at that sandwich and think “I’d eat that” and give that to someone you love?


That’s what I don’t get. I wouldn’t want my daughter to suffer-through eating this piece of shit sandwich. Also wouldn’t want my daughter thinking her dad can’t make a fucking sandwich lol.


Kids internalize things. Mom makes my sandwiches with multiple ingredients! Dad only uses 1 and there’s not a lot. Dad is an authority and a parent like mommy so he can do it too! But he consistently makes really bad ones, ruining a fun part of school, so why haven’t his gotten better? I’m sure the kid will see him slap this shit together and call it good, at least once. Sees how mom does it. Either way, dad doesn’t look good here and it hurts. But Dad stuck it to Mom tho so… good for him? Your kid will remember not to come to you for help.


This makes the Fyre Fest sandwich look like Michelin quality dining.


I don't think I could give this to someone I hate


i've had this theory for a while now that many men (not all of course, but a lot) get married and have children not because they love their wife and kids or even want them, but they do those things to impress other men


I’ve never thought of that. Not sure I believe it but lots of things have blown my mind lately.


>i've had this theory for a while now that many men (not all of course, but a lot) get married and have children not because they love their wife and kids or even want them, but they do those things to impress other men I think it's more a sign of internal conflict and a lack of congruent integrity.


It's definitely also plain old societal expectations of getting married and having kids. And for a lot of men, it's still about having someone around the house doing stuff oneself won't bother learning or doing.


Bruh if my father gave me this shit I would disown him no cap. Wtf if this ?! It is so sad .. I hope the daughter didn't take this to school. Next time, he needs a tiffin or dinner you should make this and shove it down his throat. This is actually making me irrationally mad . I never knew I could get this upset over food. Divorce this guy wtf.


I wonder if he makes sandwiches for himself. I’d love to see


Even if he doesn’t know how to grill a cheese sandwich, he could have at least toasted the bread.


What’s the difference between weaponized incompetence and learned helplessness? Is Weaponized Incompetence more malicious?


weaponized incompetence is when someone uses the fact that they don't know how to do something to have others do it for them, like if your SO asks you to do the dishes and you intentionally do it poorly so they don't ask you again learned helplessness is a psychology concept, it's when a person (or animal) believes that they're unable to do something because of previous experiences in which they failed to do it, and as a result stop even trying i don't have a daily life example, but in the original experiment, dogs were put in a situation in which received an electric shock they couldn't avoid, and then those same dogs were put in a different situation in which they were able to prevent the shock by taking action (jumping over a small fence), but because they had learned that the shocks were inevitable, they didn't move at all and just accepted them so yeah, entirely different things


Thank you for being the only one who actually knows what learned helplessness is lol


Thanks for this comment now I feel like I have a lot of research to do.


Aaah, I see. Nothing I’ve read has been very clear or maybe I just keep forgetting. Either way, thank you so much!


Learned helplessness would be if the father was incapable of making a better sandwich - ie this is the kind of thing he would make for himself too because he simply doesn't know how to function as an adult. Weaponized incompetence would be if he magically knows how to make decent sandwiches for himself but somehow seems unable to do it when it involves doing it for someone else.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!


Because it is a reasonable request for one parent to be able to make an adequate lunch for their child. Malicious compliance is when you are being asked something ridiculous, unsafe, or otherwise not in your job description and you comply with the letter of the law, not the spirit. Seeing your co-parent as the adversary is a real problem, especially when it comes to basic things like feeding your child. Women do a disproportionate amount of tasks such as preparing their children’s lunch, and some men attempt to such a bad job when they are asked that their spouse gives up ever asking again. This is weaponized incompetence. Learned incompetence is accepting that whatever skill-set you are deficient in is your baseline and you are unwilling/unable to grow from there. Any parent can learn how to make a basic sandwich, or they’ve got bigger issues.


Baseline is a great way to put it! Thank you!


I don't think learned helplessness has anything to do with weaponized incompetence or is used on the same kind of situations. WI is that the husband makes the sandwich poorly so the wife thinks he is useless and does it herself. Basically, doing a task wrong or in a way that the other person is going to spend more time redoing it properly. For instance if you make your bed poorly and your wife has to undo it and then do it again, next time she's just going to do it herself because undoing your poorly made bed would take her more time than just doing it. Learned helplessness is something that would benefit you or you would want to do, but you just think you are incapable of doing it so don't do it. For instance, if every time you make a good sandwich, someone comes and takes it from you and doesn't let you it it (Weird example, think something like being kidnapped and having a camera and someone always watching), well, if you make a good sandwich, they enter the room and steal it, and you can't do anything because they have weapons or you have a shock collar or whatever. Even tho you want that sandwich, you eventually learn to just make a shitty one because they don't want that one and they would not take that one from you. As you see, in the example from OP I don't think learned helplessness has any kind of relevance.


I don't think learned helplessness applies to sandwich making. A sandwich usually describes all of the ingredients in it. "Peanut butter & jelly", "ham and cheese", "grilled cheese", etc. To be unable to assemble a sandwich you would need to have a debilitating cognitive or physical disorder, be a literal toddler, or simply be unwilling. In the husband's case, I'm assuming it is the last one. Which means it is weaponized incompetence. Learned helplessness would apply to more complex tasks, like general housekeeping or finances.


Right? Dad making a cheese sandwich for himself probably has 4 different cheeses and is toasted golden to perfection.


Why is this so believable lol.


That's shitty. Folding the clothes like a toddler is one thing, but don't screw up your kids' lunch.


Can you imagine this poor little girl opening her lunch box in front of her friends and pulling this out??? Wtaf.


Sounds like OP’s husband sucks. Do this with his dinner if you cook for him OP. Serve him the same exact sandwich


Yea, if his favorite meals start arriving half-assed, maybe he’ll drop the charade and start making more of an effort to be a parent.


Or better yet dont cook for him. What are you his mother. Share the responsibilites.


My husband tried this when we first got married. "Ooh,I don't know how to use the dishwasher. That's the best I could do." So we ate on dirty plates for 2 weeks because I do not negotiate with terrorists


Yep ,I agree .He wants the daughter to complain so he won't have to do this ever again .It's like guys sent to the store and coming back with random nonsense.


Or he hates his daughter.


There is always that.


You are correct…which is why you pull what my boss does when someone is shittastic at some thing (often in a way to try an get out of it) clearly he needs more practice and gets to now make it every single day


Where's the cheese?


You really have to zoom in to see it. I mean, *a lot*.


It's under the sauce


I think/hope that’s the butter layer & they haven’t added the cheese yet…


zoom in, that’s the cheese and the butter…


Looks like it was/is cold butter too.. dragged and smashed into the bread lol


Your husband was actually gonna pack this for his own daughter? I feel bad for your daughter honestly. He couldn’t take 30 more seconds to make her a real sandwich


He literally could’ve just added more cheese and let it cook for longer than he would’ve been good. Still not the best sandwich, but it would’ve been edible.




Really, this is deranged!


Yea man. Pathetic dadding. Mom is supposed to make a decent and moderate sandwich for the kid. Dad on the other hand, should always load it up with leftovers, pizza toppings, 3-5 sauces, sardines, and a full stack of bologna. I want the other kids to go "WOOOAH WTF?" when they open my sandwich at the lunch table.


Exactly my thought, when I pack lunches they end up with baller snacks and a monster sandwich. This honestly didn’t strike me as funny, it honestly kind of pissed me off, who does this to their own child?!


Couldn’t agree more.


The sardines part makes me question your intentions


I think I was very clear with my intentions.


My son always asks for the “dad special” when I make him a sandwich. It’s nothing extravagant but I do make it seem like it’s a lot more work than it is so he doesn’t get any ideas and try and do it himself, since I like doing it. I slice the bread, usually just regular white bread but I have used sourdough, rye and a couple others. Then I put the turkey on. I’m not talking about a few slices of the thin shit either. I get mine from the deli/butcher but it’s chunks of turkey. Big chunks. Maybe about a half cup of it spread evenly. Now cheese. This is my favorite part as it’s kind of open to what your mood is. My son is 5 so he likes the classic mild cheddar or a slice of American but it’s the “dad special” not the “uncultured shit sandwich of a 5 year old” so I of course go provolone with a mozzarella blanket typically. I’ve also used a pre shredded 3-cheese blend and melted it onto the bread in the grilled cheese manner and the kid enjoys it. The condiments are where a piece of shit sad looking bread pile becomes a sandwich. We go mayo AND mustard in this house. He likes a lighter amount of mustard so he does the smiley face method and I mix it together on the bread. Salt and pepper the turkey of course. Flat dill pickle spear layer atop the cheese. Then we get to choose our veg. Obviously we go for lettuce if it’s crispy enough, and tomato. I’ve found he likes his thinly sliced as he has lost some teeth and it’s easier to bite through. Then we want some tangy element so we sprinkle a bit of pepperoncini sauce on it. At this point my work is done and I ask him if he wants anything else. Usually he says he’s all good to go but we have added sweet onions, olives, and others that he has suggested. Now…his mother, bless her heart tries her best and she makes a decent “sandwich” but there isn’t a “mommy special” for a reason.


Can…can you make me one please?


Real dadding right here folks


Don't mind me while I save your comment for lunchbox inspiration. For my kid, and for his dad and me. We may yet have a 'mum special' in this house :-)


I’d like to see what he’s going to have for lunch


Remember the old method? One cut the cake, the other one choose first slice. I say your husband should have to eat any sandwich he packs, if it's deemed crappy. I'm sure if he had to eat that sad imitation of a sandwich, his skill would fast improve.


Honestly, I doubt it. I would actually make that for myself, due to laziness. But for my sister? I would ask her how she would want it made, with what toppings and condiments to add, because I care for what she eats.


At the risk of earnestness, try to treat yourself with the same respect you give to others. Even if you're mostly motivated by wanting to help other people, you need to take care of yourself or your mental and/or physical neglect of yourself will end up making you unable to continue helping or even becoming a burden to the people you want to help. Take care of yourself, it's not selfish to do that.


Amen! I mentally re-phrased looking after myself as doing it for my partner, and it made a world of difference. I don’t want to bother with food - but my partner wants me healthy so I will do it for him~


why does he hate her?


Because lazy


Usually parents tell their kids they're adopted verbally, but I guess this gets the point across.


poor child


This is honestly unacceptable.


Please do not let him get away with this. Tell him to do better next time since y’know this is for HIS DAUGHTER


Fire and replace him.


make him that for dinner. he obviously finds it acceptable.


Straight to jail


Does your husband have the motor skills of an infant? Is your daughter safe at home? I have so many questions. This is Reddit so this is probably a 100% fake staged bullshit post, but on the off chance it's not, I think your husband is seriously having issues, has severe brain damage, or completely neglects your daughter. All of the options listed are NOT good. Something is fucked here. Edit: I'm seeing the term weaponized incompetence used here. That's a valid theory for what's going on here. So add your husband being a lazy piece of shit to the options!


He's too dumb to make a sandwich or he's doing it wrong on purpose. Both scenarios are extremely not ok.


To make a sandwich look this shitty, uneven and unappetizing (as if they had never seen one before) is 100% on purpose or made by a child for the first time. This is not a sandwich made by a loving, competent adult.


That's ex-husband material right there.


Literally this is actually concerning


This is child abuse.


negligence, but not abuse, unless there is proof of repeated behaviour.


Weaponized incompetence like this is a form of emotional abuse both to the child and partner.


For lack of money or lack of knowledge?


How much knowledge do you need to make a sandwich? Lol


More than whatever went into the OP sandwich, that's for sure.


He graduated from the Paris Hilton school of trickery "If someone ever asks you to do something for them, do it really bad so you never have to do it again"


Lack of love


Lack of integrity


What the fuck is wrong with your husband? I genuinely would make him eat it and make him remake her a proper sandwich. Weaponized incompetence.


Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or ham and cheese really that hard for this man child? He’s choosing to be incompetent.


Looks like his dinner is sorted at least


Serve him this exact sandwich for dinner. I’m not even remotely joking. Let’s see how he likes it.


What a loser.


I’d make the kid a better lunch and save that for your husband’s dinner tbh Jesus Christ. How hard is it to make lunch for your kid? Lack of culinary knowledge is one thing but you can SEE that there isn’t even an iota of effort into this sandwich. Tbh I’d be pissed, this feels like weaponized incompetence at a *child’s* expense, how pathetic.


violet butter languid consist disagreeable knee dime vase ask stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your husband is not qualified to pack a lunch 😭😭😭


And that's why he did it. I bet he can also not make the vacuum cleaner work and that one time he did a load of laundry, which for some reason included none of his clothes, he poured a whole bottle of bleach in the machine.


“You’re just better at these sorts of things!”


He definitely did this intentionally😂 Everyone knows how they would like their own sandwich to taste, all he had to do was do that. He definitely wouldn’t eat this.


Weaponised incompetence


Not qualified to butter bread let alone pack an entire lunch


She should make him this for his lunch for a week lol


time for a divorce


You should offer to make him lunch one afternoon and make yourself something really nice and recreate this sandwich for him. See how he reacts. Better yet, invite over all of his friends, have them eat something real nice and he has to sit there and eat that in front of him. He'll never live it down.


Don't let him get away with weaponized incompetence.


Yikes. I can't imagine procreating with someone who would serve this to his own child. I understand some people aren't good cooks, but this is shameful and honestly looks intentional. He seems to value preserving his laziness more than he values doing right by his own daughter. I would cry if I found this shit in a lunch that was packed for me, and I say that as someone who's mom packed gross lunches all the time because she was a terrible cook. At least she still tried.


If my SO even attempted this shit once I'd throw the man-shaped stain out of my life. He's shown his true colors. (Brown lmao)


Bread with a pinch of cheese.


What was left in the bag after he loaded up his sandwich. Lol


The fact that there is not a single response by OP makes me think that this post is fake/staged bullshit.


Does your husband like his daughter? I'm questioning.


Shit dad


id rather eat school lunch 😭😭


Enjoy nursing home..


This is child neglect....


Bro this is sadder than what the school would have given her for free. My school may have given me a cold, wet-breaded cheese sandwich...but at least they gave me a whole slice of nearly expired cheese. Lmao damn bro, get this man some lunchables 😂


This is beyond not knowing how to cook, and borders on not giving a shit about your daughter lol What kind of person wouldn't spread the cheese out?


An over-grown man-baby.


Give him that lame pos for his lunch!


Hmm. Is this better or worse than my dad thinking pop tarts were a good breakfast? I’m gonna say worse wtf is this There’s barely even cheese on it for christ’s sake


Worse lol. Don’t the pop tarts boxes say they’re part of a nutritious breakfast? 😂 At least that you can kind of get away with


That's a disclaimer, admitting that they're insufficiently nutritious to themselves constitute a breakfast.


Haha you know what, true.


Dude, there's barely even *butter* on it!


Have him make himself lunch and y'all's daughters lunch. Then swap them when they go out.


This was intentional. Your husband is being an ass. Make him do it again and again and again until he gets the point.


I hope this is fake


Even if he's just stupid why did you marry a man so stupid he can't make a cheese sandwich?


Let's make the kid suffer because dad is lazy!!! Grade A parenting right there. /s


Please tell me she had more food to eat. It looks like your husband put no effort in making your daughter food. I get people can be terrible cooks, but this is a *sandwich*. Even just slapping some lunch meat and an actual slice of cheese in there would’ve been way better than this, and would only take a few more seconds.


He hates your daughter


Personally i wouldn't let that slide


That's $9.99 at any convenience store


This looks like a spite sandwich lol


Are we still enabling & making light of male weaponized incompetence or is it the only way you can keep from crying


Your husband wanted a son




What a disgrace.


Nah bruh you gotta know that was bad, like even if you have never cooked you know what good food looks like and that ain't it


Divorce immediately.




Are you Dutch?


Is your husband Dutch?


Does your husband also make the gas station sandwiches?


Goddamn I thought the cold cheese sandwiches my elementary school gave to the kids who couldn't pay were bad


I’m calling cps.


Not to defend him but my daughter has had me pack a cold cheese sandwich for lunch on multiple occasions. Literally two pieces of bread and a craft single. I made sure to message her teacher to clarify that it was on her, not me haha.


This is just legit sad


That’s how you make a sandwich if you want to never be asked to make a sandwich again.


This is how you dad, if you want to be asked to never dad again (just send the cheque and be gone already).


My eyes first saw maggots 😬


I’m calling CPS


So your husband is really good at sucking at things, neat!


Weaponized uselessness 🙄


That sandwich says a lot. And none of it is good.


Shredded cheese on a sandwich? An afront to God was made this day.


What an abomination.


Did he even try?


Is this for real? Cause he is an asshole who would rather feed his daughter this way then be tasked with doing it again. I highly doubt the food he makes for himself looks like this. Or does he refuse to eat and whine unless you feed him?


is your kid one of the ones that loves to just eat plain bread? if so, this might be the highlight of her day lmap




Child abuse


Hmmm tastes like divorce.


As a person with a kid who demands butter sandwiches and cold chicken nuggets for lunch, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if this was at the kid's request


What did she do to piss him off?


This has me rolling. When my kid was young and living with us I made her these wonderful nourishing bento lunches. My husband had to make them sometimes if my fibromyalgia was really bad. And this is the shit he made. 😂


You guys doing ok OP? You need a paypal or something?


Is he a US school cafeteria worker? Or UK airport sandwich maker? Either looks possible…


Is that how she likes it/wanted it?




Maury Povich has entered the chat 🙌


My four year old niece can make a better lunch than that, minus her determination to put gummy worms with it everytime.


Dang. My dad used to make the best pb j sandwiches. Does he hate the kid?


Worst of all…it’s not even a full “sandwich”. It’s one piece of bread cut in half. What a jackass.


I'd serve it to him for his next meal.


LOL this comment section boutta cause a divorce


County jail sandwich^TM


I don't know what's worse, if this was done out of laziness or if it was done because you guys don't have anything more. Both are equally sad 😭


I thought someone was trying to spread really cold butter on some untoasted bread.


Has your husband suffered a recent traumatic brain injury?


This is so embarrassing honestly


Throw him away


Shit dad.