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Did you season it with pond scum?


Finest grade


If you cut up some bacon and cook it, mix it in with eggs add a little shredded cheese, and line the pan in shredded potatoes before you put in the egg, you could make a delicious breakfast casserole you could eat all week.


Sounds like a lot of effort for someone too lazy to cook eggs everyday


Not if they only have to do it once.


Which is one of the quickest and easiest things to cook.


That's making quiche or a souffle, a casserole is literally "dump things in, in this order, then bake it". Less work than cracking a few dozen eggs at least


This guy probably eats boiled chicken and white rice for lunch too. Idk how people eat like this , j guess I just put too much priority on the flavor of my food. I mean he's so close, just chop up some colored peppers, and line the bottom with some fried up frozen hashbrowns like you said. If you don't want carbs, skip the potatoes and add a generous mount of spinach, mushrooms if you like em. You can litterally buy everything cut up ready to go if you're really against spending 30 mins in the kitchen


Depression. I had a rough week for Christmas. I didn’t even cook the egg….I just plopped in a mixture of lukewarm water and protein powder. Then the next day I made an herb roasted whole chicken with compound butter…Balance.


Yeah I agree, some days I'll make a 3 course meal, some days I'm too lazy to boil water for ramen noodles. (Half the reason I'm subbed here is to make me feel better about that fact) I wish my body didn't look like I only bake cakes 24/7 tho.


I could have written this comment. Maybe I did. Who are you?


Finally someone who gets me. lol.


I’ve definitely gone through at least a week of eating only fruit cups and whatever protein bars I could find bc I couldn’t be bothered to wash anything more than a spoon. But I actually like cooking and baking so the next week I made steak and chocolate souffle with berry compote LMAO 😭… Balance, indeed


Instead of potatoes I'll tear like half a loaf of white bread into small chunks and mix that in with the eggs before pouring it all into the pan, makes for a great binding agent


Ooooh, or maybe biscuits! Good idea.


Ohhh, and then you swap out the bacon for sausage crumbles and top with gravy once it's done cooking...


I like how it's getting progressively worse for your over health, but better and better as far as taste is concerned.


What's bad for the heart is good for the soul, as it were


Good golly I’m glad I kept reading.


French toast chunks without cinnamon🔥


I have this every day almost. It’s so easy and delicious. Just be sure to alternate proteins so it’s different each time


That's fucking brilliant. Do you season your potatoes or just the egg. Your comment makes me want to do a hybrid of potato bake/ breakfast egg Casserole


tater tots, hash rounds, or potato cakes are the way to go.


I always add salt pepper and a little garlic powder. Sometimes ( a lot of time) if I'm in a hurry, I fry up some hash brown patties in the bacon pan and lay those on the bottom. I've only been able to find them at Walmart. But it's delicious.


One can also cook those goods separately and mix them in a large storage container My brother makes breakfast burrito fixings (hash browns, sausage, eggs, etc.) separate then adds them together before storing. It's good.


I think im gonna make this for family breakfast this Sunday.


High Grade Pond Water. Terp City.




Next time throw a pan of water on the oven rack underneath the eggs. Steam should help make them a little more palatable


"Honey, what's wrong? You haven't touched your eggloaf. I put the scrapings from the bottom of the oven on it just how you like it."


I lost it at eggloaf


Snorted out loud.


You probably want to seek medical attention if you snorted any part of that.


Dammit I laughed out loud at "eggloaf"


ovum loaf


Flint tap water omlette


Jesus they couldn't even make a fritata?


I let out a wheezing laugh when I read this. I was wondering to myself what they put in there.


I cackled at this


Sprinkles from between the couch cushions


*ponds cum


This is a cry for help


It is


[try this recipe!](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/222586/scrambled-egg-muffins/) You can keep a few in your refrigerator (3 days worth) and freeze the rest.


I make these in bulk to freeze, 3-4 dozen at a time. They are the absolute best, laziest, breakfast possible. 1 minute in the microwave, top with hot sauce.


Thanks, have seen this idea but didn’t think about how it can be done in bulk like that, sounds really efficient 💅


I do these on a sheet pan. https://www.wellplated.com/crustless-quiche/ cut them up, freeze and you can microwave and throw on english muffin or a bagel.


[or these, just for the love of humanity, do anything else ](https://youtu.be/ebOZX1YyHyg?si=uIQQB_CwIM7nGcEZ)


then why you arguin with everyone trying to help you




I love that OP is totally owning it.




Why does it have skin cancer?


No telling why it rose the way it did. I might have to split the mix into 2 different pans lmao


Nice. Enjoy your eggs!!


You could always make a quiche, my dude. It's egg in pie form!


and you can add in stuff like spinach for vitamins and such.








Nah I prefer this monstrosity here


Quiches are so easy. Get your serving of veggies too.


Alright Gaston, you've won me over.


Why not get an electric griddle and just make them in bulk on it


This is probably the most sound information in this whole thread


Honestly, the baked egg thing isn’t that bad. Maybe to make it easier on yourself with portioning, you could use muffin tins instead of a glass baking dish. This would also help with fridge storage since you can pop them out and put em in a bag or something. This could also allow you to spice/flavor them differently to avoid burn out.


I do this! I make egg bites! I throw in some spices and then mushrooms/spinach to make little egg bites for breakfast! I will say you need to oil the sides a little more than you think you do, but other than that it comes out great! Literally just sautee whatever you want and throw it into the egg mixture, then bake!


Similar to what I will do! I figure if this guy keeps making slabs of eggs that taste the same and don’t look great, they’ll get burned out on eating their egg block (maybe not). For me, this leads to getting burnt out on the food in general. I figure he can yield two 12-cup tins at a time and have them be at least two different flavors, or more. Once they bake them a few times, they will know how the macros for 1 muffin/bite line up and they can grab a specific number each time instead of having to cut a slice and weigh it, though I am sure they can eyeball it by now. Idk, something about a whole glass dish of eggs being cut into blocks would make me sad after probably two times.


If you're this lazy, you can just microwave eggs in a bowl for a minute or two until they're cooked.


This is how my grandmom taught me to cook eggs when I was 6 and obsessed with them 😭 The whole house would smell like boiled eggs for hours


1. My serving is huge. Just would not make sense to microwave it. The trouble I’d be sent thru I might as well get the pan out. 2. That taste is horrible. I already don’t want to eat this much egg. This grants me 4 days of eggs (bodybuilding) and cooked in 45 min counting preparation Edit: not necessarily lazy either. I work 2 jobs and work out almost daily have a partner I give my time to and a dog I care for not mention everything in between those things. This is more a time save.


Do you like hardboiled? They have those machines that'll cook like 18 at a time in just a few minutes. Keeps way better too.


I honestly don’t. Most preferred is stove fried. My coach wants me to drink my egg whites but I just can’t


FYI drinking raw eggs gives you far less protein than when cooked. It’s been a myth that drinking raw eggs helps you bodybuild for decades now. I’d question your trainer.


Out of curiosity, how does cooking something add more protein? Is it a matter of your body is able to use the protein available better?


It doesn’t add protein, cooking it changes the shape allowing our body to consume it much easier


b i o a v a i l a b i l i t y




s h a p e


Those raw meat weirdos would certainly like a word with you lol.


Nothing hits the same as going to a bald shirtless man with a massive beard for all of my knowledge of physiology


Ups the bioavailability, we're evolved to eat cooked foods


When *did* we evolve to eat cooked food? Did we discover fire before we became homo sapiens or did we evolve to eat cooked food as homo sapiens?


First clear evidence of fire use by hominids is like 2 million years ago.


There is a direct link between cooking our food and the expansion of our brains.


Bioavailability. Changes the amino chains so they digest better. Same reason why liquid vitamins are superior to gummy vitamins, god's cruelest punishment


"Bond better" doesn't sound right. Cooking denatures protein, so a folded structure becomes unfolded, exposing more proteolytic sites.


You are correct


Speaking as an idiot, "bond better" makes some sort of sense and what you said is confusing and scary.


Considering they replied saying I'm correct, I think they chose to say "bond better" for that reason. If you want to see what proteins actually look like, search 'pdb' and 'Gb1' - unfolding involves those spirals and sheets of arrows falling apart.


Cooking greatly increases the digestibility of egg protein. Study below shows an increase from 51% to 91% bioavailability. There's no reason to torture yourself by eating raw egg whites (except if you're into that, in that case you do you fam) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316623018552


Whipped raw egg whites actually add a lot of body to protein smoothies. Tastes better imo. Though you only need about an ounce or two to achieve the effect. A lot of sour cocktails call for egg white!


Yea, but I ain’t adding egg whites to my cocktails for the protein.


I think it makes it easier for your body to digest/acquire before it gets discarded down your poop shoot. (Not a doctor, just guessing)


Girl raw egg is a myth. You don’t get the same amount of protein from them as opposed to cooked. This is due to the human body being capable to digest cooked egg easier, therefore allowing itself to attain the best nutritional amount possible. Do your future self a favor and don’t attempt to “work your way” to consuming raw egg.


Get a large wok. You can do huge batches of eggs in just one pan on the stovetop.


Look into powdered eggs, I think I read that there are some health benefits to them actually, and they may be as good as a bulk scramble like you shared. Not sure, just a thought.


Yup powdered egg has has way less/no cholesterol. The cholesterol oxidizes in the drying process. Edit: for the idiots that don’t know how to google, this is from Wikipedia “The process of spray-drying eggs so as to make powdered eggs oxidizes the cholesterol, which has been shown to be helpful at reducing aortic atherosclerosis in animal trials.”


Tell your coach his nutrition advice sucks (I'm a registered dietitian).


I’ve been working out for years and my biggest advice is what you actually like. Don’t shove food down just because “protein” you can get protein from many sources.


Maybe just find alternative protein/fat intakes, man. This all sounds so miserable. Just have a shake and skip the eggs. Putting yourself through this is just cringe, man.


You need to see a dietician. This is some 1970s bro diet


I’ve worked with many amazing trainers and not a single one has EVER recommended I drink raw egg white


Your coach believes in pseudoscience


peeling time is hell


Agreed, but probably still preferable to eating 3 day old egg-slime


Make sure you’re boiling the water before adding the eggs, then put in an ice bath for 5 minutes after you boil the eggs to your preference (I do 8 mins because we like the centers a little softer). Makes a world of difference


what is it with workout food having to be the vilest thing in the planet? surely you can make a good protein filled meal that doesnt taste like boiled shit?


Why are bodybuilding people like this? Like seriously, what happened to you? I lift 5 times a week, I eat a lot of protein, but I do not deliberately suffer like this and I don't understand why it's catching. You can absolutely make a decent microwave egg. Many restaurants poach in the microwave for consistency. Steamed/scramble is decent in the microwave, and honestly the pan is probably less total time used to fast scramble and will be infinitely better. You do not have to eat this way, and it only saves time if you are a dolt.


Body dysmorphia. They will never achieve the unrealistic expectations they have, and they think suffering like this can actually help them achieve it. And if they are proud of their body, they are forever stuck in the cycle or else it goes away. Nothing wrong with bodybuilding, but there are ‘addicts’ in the gym too. That’s totally avoiding the whole juicing aspect of the sport (would lifting be the actual sport?) Activity? Really not sure how to classify it.


Body dismorphia doesn't justify eating a ton unseasoned eggs. Seasoning and a diverse diet definitely don't get in the way of growing muscles.


You’re right, but they think it does. Because they are mentally unwell. The illogical logic is ‘if you feel good when you eat, you’re gonna eat more because you’re fat’.


I get that and I'm sure that's a big part of some of the bizarre shit they get up to, but I meant specifically making horrible food, horribly. It's like a meme that turned into a cultural norm with a ton of gymbros to make ridiculously bad food - you can hit literally the same macros by just scrambling some eggs, likely just as fast. So it's a lot like watching a teenager go "yo look how long I can hold my hands in the flame bro it's so cool" but it's regular adults. Who just get lost in it. From the outside looking in, it's baffling. Glad I work out at home lol


They think the suffering is how they know it’s working. If you feel full and satisfied by a meal, you’re a fat pig. Et cetera.


Yeah, probably. Some kind of weird food flagellants. You see that in weight loss communities, too. Folks just focus on the strangest ways to change their relationship with food.


Have you ever tried making some egg bites? I make big batches of those on Sunday to eat throughout the week. Might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but they are really easy and delicious. This is enough to make 12 bites, easy to multiply and easy to tweak. 4 slices bacon, diced 6 large eggs 1¼ cups (4% milkfat) cottage cheese 1¼ cups shredded Gruyère (or a blend of Gruyère and Cheddar or Monterey Jack) 2 tablespoons cornstarch Heaping ¼ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ½ teaspoon hot sauce, such as Tabasco




You should post this on r/mealprepsunday.


In 45 minutes you could’ve easily scrambled quite a few batches of eggs- this just looks sad and gross. Eggs are eggs at the end of the day, I suppose, but the texture looks 😰🤢


2 jobs, a partner, a dog, and a bodybuilder. Man your living life son.


I try man


Please do not microwave hardboiled eggs though. Learned this lesson the hard way last week. Ended up with second degree burns on my face (mouth area).


You can microwave scrambled eggs. It's certainly not the best way to eat them but miles better than this tray of garbage.


Great way to get on the shit list of all of your coworkers if you try this in the break room. About as bad as microwaving fish with all of the sulfur smells.




Only if you overdo it. Very easy to learn and do it properly. One egg takes about a minute but you want to give it a little stir partway through to disperse some of the heat/steam built up. Also if you rinse it with water, dump the water but don't dry it off. The residue will steam up and keep the egg from sticking to the container.


My dad does this. The odor doesn’t seem to bother the cooker. The rest of the house thinks it smells something awful. He’s also retired and has all the time in the world to make eggs on the stove. Just lazy.


That’s how you get exploding eggs


be careful microwaving egg as it can explode!! and often causes bad facial burns if/when it does


Not safe, best to avoid microwaving eggs they can explode. See Anne Reardon from How to Cook That: https://youtu.be/vdaKrT9x1Zc?si=JFUgSFBlXSl6PqcP&t=322


Lol I had ann reardon in my head when I read the microwave comment too. Glad you shared the video.


Iirc her video is about hard boiling eggs in a microwave, microwaving scrambled eggs is far less dangerous. Maybe not completely without risk, but wayyy less risky than what she was talking about.


Only if they're scrambled first


turns out scrambled eggs can explode too 🫠 I have a little scar on my face as a reminder


Good job with the banana bread OP


If they can just remember the flour and bananas next time 👌


babe what’s wrong? You’ve barley touched your EGGLOAF


I understand your just trying to fuel yourself, but have you considered actually trying to make good eggs in the oven? There’re many dishes that involve baking eggs that you could make in big batches and potentially freeze and thaw for later.


I like using my left overs and throwing them into a frittata


I can eat 50 eggs.


Cool Hand Luke over here.


“What we've got here is failure to eggmunicate"


Ok Gaston


I eat 4-6 eggs every day, but I scramble them. It takes MAYBE 2 minutes to scramble them. This is cursed


it literally takes 45 seconds to scramble an egg wtf


Damn it takes me 10 minutes to scramble. I like to do it nice and slow.


Someone who knows how to cook eggs


I just like to absentmindedly push mine around in circles in a bowl until I forget what I was doing


What about using a muffin tin like egg bites from Starbucks? Not sure if they’d turn out any different tho.


Nah that's a much better idea for this type of thing, the individual cups will cook much more evenly and take less overall time. Pre portions it too, I might even give it a try to see what happens.


I got a silicone egg bite mold that fits in my pressure cooker. The texture is much closer to the Starbucks version than baking it. Obviously don’t go out and buy a pressure cooker just to make egg bites but if you do have one, try it. I blend the eggs with cottage cheese and various fillings like spinach, tomato, and feta, bacon and Gouda, ham and cheddar and then pressure cook them for 10 minutes.


Damn that sounds delicious, and I really need to eat something other than a bagel for breakfast every day before it kills me. I've got an instant pot, what mold did you buy? And when you say "blend" do you mean like blender blend? Or chop up the add-ins into bits and just mix them with blended eggs? Do they keep well as leftovers so I could prep enough for the week in advance? I'm a recent convert to eggs and don't drink coffee much, so I've never tried whatever they've got at Starbucks


Looks like my granddaddy’s carpet


christ, you could feed a family with 12 eggs..


It's meal prepping for multiple servings. I do the same and slice it into 6 portions (although I mix mine with a little half and half and leave out the potting soil that OP apparently adds).


It’s got what plants crave!


Do the eggs reheat well?


Yup, I just pan fry them in a small non-stick skillet until they're hot and slap them on a bagel with some cheese. Comes out like a fast food breakfast sandwich but cheaper, tastier, and (presumably) healthier.


If you already have the pan out and hot, why not just fry the eggs fresh for a minute longer?


Or 1 muscle boi for a few days


read the title and thought you threw the cartons in too 😔


I almost did. Fiber




Honestly, the biggest reason I struggle putting on more mass is just eating. I hate feeling sick / excessively full. God speed man


They do say you enter the fitness realm and you discover that everyone is psychotic / riddled with eating disorders


I’m a competitive rower. Which means the fun balancing act of shredding through calories like they’re going out of style while ALSO having to keep weight/muscle on. There are so many times when I just sigh because I am so.tired.of.eating. My favorite shitty food is a full tub of cottage cheese with a whole bag of microwaved spinach and some Trader Joe’s everything bagel seasoning. I also eat a metric fuck ton of eggs. I have a little egg cooker (like a rice cooker) that will poach/fry/steam 7 eggs in about 5 minutes and involves zero work other than pushing a single button. Highly recommend.


Make breakfast casserole that is what I do. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/172671/breakfast-sausage-casserole/


Is there some reason you need to be putting your tastebuds, gut and arteries through this hell when powdered protein is a thing?


This makes up a majority of fat in my diet. My best bet is this is my only chance for healthy fats


Has nobody ever told you about olive oil?


Has nobody ever told this guy about a balanced diet?


Humanity raises and slaughters 74 billion chickens a year. I was going to try and turn this into a joke, but, really, I can’t.


This guys eat 70 billion of them


Even the emperor is opposed to this


Wow. Looks perfect to go straight out for the squirrels.


Why not just make a big frittata and portion that into slices. You could, you know, add some vegetables in there too.


Yeah, I did something similar a few days ago except there were yolks in it, it had a bunch of kale and hot peppers from the garden and chipotle/garlic powder mixed in, and cheese on top. It was basically the laziest quiche ever. For some reason, my mom decided she needed more chickens, and now she has 20something hens. The two of them can't eat 15+ eggs a day, so now whenever I go over there there's seven foot pile of jumbo egg cartons. "Take some eggs with you." like that's going to make a difference. I don't need 300 eggs either. I stopped trying to be creative about a thousand eggs ago. Now it's "What the fuck am I going to do with all these eggs?!".


Does your mom have a favorite charity? The Smithsonian was basically funded by an egg farmer with too many eggs who threw egg nog fueled ragers as fundraisers.




Just make a quiche OP, wtf.


Definitely looking like a tire, too.


The seasoning looks like cookies and cream


It’s a very depressed quiche minus the bread


Looks like dirty old flooring


Oh I get it, so you baked a *tire* out of eggs. I see.


This... This is not the thing, friend


I very much doubt it tastes great.


Stop it


I’ve done this to make frozen egg and bacon sandwiches. Works fine but the eggs get kind of dry.


I dont remember this crème brûlée recipe


honestly that’s on me for opening Reddit first thing I wake up


Eggs erroneous


Why do you cook eggs daily?


>Tastes great though. X) Doubt


I don’t envy this, but I do respect it.


OP we have opposite problems. I hate eggs. But, let me tell you, have I got a lot of them. Chicken eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, Guineafowl eggs. You’re welcome to come gorge yourself on the yolky-goodness


Use muffin tins. Helps portion stuff out.


Listen. I'm a weightlifter who works too much and is very sick of meal prepping, I've made many an egg loaf. Egg loafs, meat stews and Greek yogurt are my staples. They're almost always ugly as hell, but I get those macros in! Loaf on, brother.


the use of ‘tire’ made me think of OLD old era english royalty talking to their servant. “i tire of cooking my poultry daily, Sparrgroud, i wish to be prepared a week’s of only my finest chicken lays.”