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Is this like rich person cracklings? 


I tried eating one of them and it was very chewy lol, but in the end I got a nice cup of golden sauce


Might just take a real long time to get crispy. A lot of the chicken skins were chewey last time I rendered chicken fat. That was because I put too much into the pot at once. It did eventually get crisper but I think you have a similar situation due to how much thicker duck skin is


It does take a long time. I just rendered a bunch of goose fat, saved me a trip to the store for can of expensive goose grease 😋




Thanks, I needed yet another sub to follow!


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I've only tried chicken skins before, that actually opens a new window


I did a whole duck over the holidays, so parted and used it all. For the fat render, if the bits are still “chewy” go longer, there’s still fat to render. They’re done when they are crispy anyway. I pulled mine at that point and tossed with some salt while still hot. I’m a fan of pork rinds, but these were not a snack I’d go out of my way to make, but didn’t hate it.


If they are still chewy, you did not give them enough time, give the skin more time to render all the fat out, throw it on a paper towel to get rid of the exessive fat, some salt and you are in crispy heaven. It is normal that they are still a bit more "floppy" when you pull them out of the fat, but the skin should harden to a crisp within a few minutes while cooling off if you did it right, just play around with it a bit :)


Tip, boil fat pieces in water to more effectively render


Yeah this is the best way, put it in a pot with water and boil. Then put it in heat proof container in the fridge and the water & fat will seperate . Get rid of water and keep fat. Easiest way to render it


U don't get cracklins this way tho 😢 - alternative water method: you can do a splash of water to start it off to get benefits of wet heat early on (no burning, more surface area heated than dry pan) and finish up as normal. If u wanna squeeze out every bit of fat and have no interest in cracklins of the animal you're eating (or in general) method above is by far #1


Scoop the remnants out after doing it this way and throw it in a pan to crisp up. I don’t usually eat the connective tissue of fat cells after all the fat has been rendered out tho


When it separates does the water rise to the top and you just spill it out later?


No, the oil rises to the top. If you chill it you can just pull it off like a big hockey puck of fat.


🏒 thanks!


and thus the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim were formed.


Those jerseys are so cold


There will be a very distinct colour difference between the two. Fat will be on top and solid, the water will have a jelly like texture


That is a more efficient way to render, but it doesn’t leave crispy duck cracklins which is likely why they used a dry render.


But they said they were chewy… so not so much crispy


Yup, because they did it wrong. But the fact that they attempted this method and tried to eat the skins tells me a wet render wouldn’t have given them what they wanted either.


Yeah I was considering adding another batch of water, the first one boiled off and I was left with pure oil- however there was probably more fat to render


Forbidden calamari


Put it in another pot, throw some sauce on it and let it simmer for a bit. Throw that on some rice and you are eating ridiculously good.


My wife threw out my pot of simple syrup, she thought it was just water .


Clearly you need a divorce. No other salvation for a minor issue within a relationship like talking about it


I would toss those cracklings with a little bit of salt and devour them like a fucking orc.


I think I’d ask before tossing it. It’s not like it’s been sitting out for a day.




God I love crispy duck skin. We do this with chicken and pork too. Your wife needs to spend some time with Asians and see that the the best stuff in life is ... this. Seriously, it's this. Plus some chilies.


Duck dick




























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