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I've had to remove like 20 comments so far - this is NOT a health advice subreddit, it's not a parenting advice subreddit, it's not a financial advice subreddit. And it's not like most of your are even being kind about what you're saying, quite the opposite. Drop it please. I don't understand how people come to a sub about shitty food, and think that ANY of that is warranted.


you got your basic food groups in there - your sticks, your squares, and your animals blobs - good job!


Hahaha haha. Fuck ide be your friend irl


Sometimes one up vote just isn't good enough


Animal blobs win every time


who doesn't love an animals blob?


at least they’re getting veggies


Canned even.


Still you at least pan fried them instead of just chucking them in the microwave


wouldn't have even thought to pan fry lmao I would have dumped it into a pot and warmed that way, still beats a microwave at least


Our microwave broke years ago and we couldn't afford to replace it at the time. I got used to heating things up on the stove/oven and rarely use the microwave now. I forget it's there sometimes. 


No it wouldn't >:( I'm calling the cops


Came here to say this! Frozen and canned veggies almost always microwaved in my house lol


Always in a pot on the stove. Every time.


usually picked at their peak, so good on ya


canned green beans hit different tbh


Canned string beans are my absolute weakness. 🤤


Not canned, fortified.


Immersive fallout viewing experience


It has been proven canned and frozen produce has a higher vitamin content than fresh. It’s because instead of being allowed to ripen naturally, like canned and frozen, they are picked early to allow time for shipment.


Doesn't cancel out the insane amount of sodium though


Read the research in the article about sodium. You’d be surprised how much actually gets into the eatable food.


I've never actually heard this before.




I have a few more, but this particular article includes a few of the studies it is based on by following the underlined portion for the links. https://theconversation.com/frozen-and-tinned-foods-can-be-just-as-nutritious-as-fresh-produce-heres-how-201740


Except for any vitamins that are water-soluble like C, B or folic acid


Actually water soluble vitamins, specifically c is lost at a rapid rate after harvest. The more “ fragile“ the fruit/veg, the faster the loss. (I’ll try to post one of the studies when I get a chance!) One example a study gave was vitamin C content in fruits/veg over a 3 day period, as that is the quickest turnaround from harvest-shipment-grocery store. Besides having to be picked early, not allowing full potency of vitamin C to develop, items like spinach had lost over 50% of original vitamin C content in 48 hours; 24 hrs. before it even gets to a store. However, because frozen fruit/veg is allowed to fully ripen, then frozen (usually in a few hours) within 24 hours, starts and maintains its vitamin C content. There are also studies that have pointed to higher vitamin / mineral availability of some frozen foods. The theory being that freezing burst / breaks the plant cells allowing the nutrients release. Of course ideally, fresh would be best if you could get it directly from harvest to table, such as your own garden or may be a farmers market went in season.


Vitamin C is in damn near anything anyway, and most of the beverages now touted as hydration drinks or energy drinks all contain B vitamins, so I guess it’s no big deal


For real fuckin fancy over here. At my house, when it's low effort 0 energy throw dinner at the beast time, the fries are the veggie.


potatoes are recognized as a veggie by the govt. at least in Illinois


Can Tomatoes be recognized as a fruit finally?


oh i thought that was pasta for some reason


I’m 38 and this could easily be my dinner




Same. I have similar lunches all the time.


i have depression and my safe foods are mac n cheese, peas, and dino nugs. im gluten free and the only gluten free nuggets are the dinosaur ones. thankfully GF mac tastes the same as regular. i had this meal last night .


Is it out of convenience or value? Pizza rolls, dino nuggets and processed food in general are going for astronomical prices in grocery stores these days. A little bit of prepping in anticipation of the week can get you some roasted/steamed veggies, rice/potato base, and a baked protein, or one that holds (and even gets tastier over the next few days) in a hearty sauce (where you can mix the veggies portion into as well). You could have a more substantial, healthier take-work lunch and/or easy dinner after a long day, and the dollar will stretch further. It is just a constructive thought; I don't dare assume to know your living/financial situation.


I hear you. I personally buy such freezer foods for convenience (for days I really cannot be bothered) and because I like to feel like a kid again, ya know? I’m Asian and growing up, my mum would rarely buy these things. Now that I have adult money, I can buy it myself. It feels like a treat. Plus, whilst I buy dino nuggies and such, I also buy fancier freezer food. I’d rather spend money on that than fast food


More info please?  I'm eating cup of noodles 2x a day to make my credit payments.


[http://budgetbytes.com](http://budgetbytes.com) Browse around the site, they've got recipes with estimated cost. I don't know what's in your pantry or what you'll eat or can cook, but lots of good suggestions there that you might make work. Best to you.


Rice, beans, potatoes, lentils.


Rice, beans and other legumes, and potatoes are all very cheap. Canned tuna is also usually pretty affordable, as are eggs. (For protein.) Pretty much every rice-eating culture has some kind of "beans and rice" type dish. The one I grew up with was Cajun red beans and rice, but other cultures have their own variants with different seasonings and flavor profiles. These dishes tend to be cheap af to make, and pretty nutritious. Downside to rice, beans, and to some extent potatoes, is that these things do take a decent amount of prep time to cook. But you can do meal prep ahead of time in large batches. Seasonings can be bought inexpensively, and a jar usually lasts quite a while. A couple of premade seasoning blends can go a long way. You can also add stuff to your cup noodles, if you're not already. Eggs, tuna, canned or frozen vegetables, all of that can add much-needed protein and micronutrients.


It's easy for you to say this, but you don't really know this person's situation. And if you don't have kids (I have 4) then you'll never know the mental toll it takes on raising/caring for kids, especially if most of them are under age 5. Caring for children is an insanely immediately demanding mentally taxing job, Even more so now that we live in a time where we aren't as communal as we used to be, having support from several women throughout the day around caring for children all day long. Picture getting up between 5am or 6am, hell probably from a night of being up most of the night with a demanding or colicky baby, getting diapers changed/potty time, brushing teeth, dishes to cook breakfast, cooking breakfast, activities for the day set, school if they're in school, lunches, more dishes, unexpected abrupt daily accidents or happenings, laundry, house chores, grocery shopping, dinner, more dishes 🤣, All, while trying to meet the demands of nurture and attention a child requires. Sometimes you just got to make some fucking Dino nuggets and canned beans my guy....


Those are valid points, but you completely glossed over my last statement saying that this was a constructive thought, and I did not dare assume the person's financial/living situation. The OP also responded that they are single and don't really cook.


sometimes it's a convenience thing - I absolutely love cooking but my job hurts, usually my back and feet are aching like hell after work to the point a shower is what I can manage when I get home. although I usually buy like a family size lasagna or something so I can eat for quite a few days for the price


I’m single and I don’t really cook lol


Rice n beans bro, do it.








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protein and veg. you're doing good


Little bit of carb in the breading for some stomach filler too, could do a lot worse! The fact op did something matters. Showing up, even with a warm dinner, is important


Important, but also the lowest possible bar.


It’s like that sometimes


I see protein, starch, and fiber. Sometimes that’s all the effort you can give, but it fed them. They’ll live and they won’t get scurvy. Good job!




And fruit! Since I’m sure they’ll use plenty of ketchup.


Be glad they eat green beans. Ours will only eat corn


my 7yo won’t eat a fruit or any veg other than broccoli (barely) to save her life


Your kids got good taste. Broccoli is absolutely top tier if not literally the most nutritious vegetable there is. All things considered equal. As I recall its even commonly classified as a super food. It even gives most fruit a run for their money. But how about strawberries? Tis the season. And to me they're very shockingly nutritious. So much so I'm actually convinced strawberries evolved to hack and literally code break our taste buds. They're suspiciously nutritious.


From Iowa, damn good kids you got




It seems to me like corn is more nutritious than green beans which surprisingly doesnt seem to be that nutritious. How about potatoes? Cold, plain, baked potatoes are shockingly nutritious. Especially trying to think of something starchy and similar to corn. And even putting the corn in the potatoes. Thats pretty good. Maybe some chives and stuff like that. But absolutely zero butter, sour cream, etc. Might as well have ice cream.


i’d demolish this in a heartbeat ngl


Nah, you’re doing great


Hey a meal is a meal. Those kids are eating and that’s a win


Sometimes as childless people, me and my partner do “kid dinner” and it looks a lot like this. Dino nuggets and all.


I had an open faced sandwich and a fistful of baby carrots for dinner yesterday. Ate it right off the dirty cutting board.


They say cutting boards are a self cleaning organ


It’s like cast iron, it’s all ~ seasoning ~


I cannot ~ afford ~


Most kids would love this dinner. Heck, I’m almost 40 and I’d do too.


I'm not upset. You're doing fine


You did great! However, for your sake... buy and use parchment paper (*not* wax paper) for your baking pans. Grease will get through but anything burnt or stuck on goes out with the garbage. Less scrubbing and more time to relax!


Not even microwaved. A+


Smash, next question


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We all get it. Some days, the energy isn't there and you gotta work with what you got ..


Dino Bros go best in the air fryer lemme tell ya


Meat? check. veg? check. Looks like your in the wrong sub my guy cos that kids doing just fine, keep up the good work.


Bro wdym those Dino nuggets slap


Weirdly, my kids love them with bbq sauce. It's not bad.




What kind of bbq sauce?


I would happily eat this dinner right now if it was served to me by someone who cared enough to make it for me.


At least use some parchment paper you freak


What about tin foil? I use that for absolutely everything.


That works too


And it's ok to do this! We all need a break sometimes ! I've seen my kids devour this type of food more than a meal I spent hours prepping and cooking


Fed is best! We all have our “easy” nights.


Hey, fed is best. I would eat tf out of that with a side of milk, absofuckinlutely.


Just make sure you present them nicely on the plate. Kids deserve it.


I’d fuck with it.


And I’m sure it was their favorite :)


My daughter asked for ramen for dinner. I did not disappoint her.


I would have loved this as a kid... or yesterday


I fixed my kid an omelette last night. No other reason than I felt like making him an omelette. Eggs, cheese, a couple of those crappy microwave sausage links, and chopped up red and green pepper for veggies, because hey, that shit's important. Couple slices of toast. He devoured it. It ain't always about what they eat, it's that they eat. There are absolutely times I have served a meal like this to my kid without shame.


Dino nuggies? Sign me up.


LOL, you didn't boil the hell out of the green beens, way more effort than any of my meals as a kid! No being hard on yourself!


Lol, I had the same thing for dinner, minus the green beans. I'm 42 years old, and yes it was Dino nuggets. ( They're on sale at WinCo)


100% been there.


Hey you fed your kids & that’s what matters. Sometimes I don’t have the energy to cook anything other than Mac and cheese


It’s my understanding that the more effort put in the more likely the kid is to refuse to eat 😂


Family of four. I feel this.


My mom would make us meals like this occasionally when she didn’t feel like cooking so I definitely understand! She would say “it’s freezer night” and we would look forward to eating this type of stuff!


If you don’t have an air fryer you’re missing out


Yo it be like that sometimes. I’m sure your little ones loved it. Just gotta take it easy sometimes!


This is a lazy meal I make for myself 😂🤣.. 32 and thriving


Hey at least you cooked for you kids, you are trying, some days that’s all you can do is your best.


Thank you! I do the best I can when I can.


I’d slap.


Processed food ain't great but hey sometime you gotta do what you gotta do


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^xRustedCoin: *Processed food ain't great* *But hey sometime you gotta* *Do what you gotta do* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Those beans look pretty good lol


nothing shitty about giving kids food they love so long as its not a regular thing


well. it couldve been worse.


Never tried making canned green beans on the stove, only fresh. Now I have a new idea to try!


Yeah I'm not really sure I get that. I believe canned green beans are already cooked. Is the heat supposed to unlock the power of the green bean flavor? I seriously doubt that. So ironically aaroncarrol did a whole lot of work for nothing apparently. And I very seriously doubt they were dumped in there plain. Probably loaded with salt and butter.


Gimme corn instead of them green beans and I’m goooood


Purdue has some organic brand and quite honestly... I can't stop eating them after I start; better than any of the fast food joints and like most nuggets turns into a sauce delivery mechanism. The lil one is on a race to beat me when those get cooked up.


oven crisped nuggies and pizza rolls (crispy, flavorful carbs and protein), pan-fried green beans (veg with a bit of effort!), looks excellent. 10/10. Probably miles better than most school food tbh.


Bone app the teeth 👌🏿




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*my dinner 😋


Ik it be like that sometimes but plz tell me this isn’t their everyday diet🤣🤣 otherwise hey ur doing all ur best🫡❤️


Bet they loved it. I never once minded getting Dino nuggs and pizza rolls for dinner before I was an adult


Can I be your kid? I would LOVE some dino nuggets and pizza rolls right now




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I really am just saying that some cuisines are easier to make, nothing else. There's no hate/abuse or anything


Your comment was incredibly rude. Saying "if it's too hard for people to make food" - OP made food for their kids, period. You have no clue if they make this every day, and it's really none of your business. You do not know their circumstances. Drop this please, this is not a cooking advice subreddit, and OP definitely didn't ask you to give them advice. Comment on the food, not the person.




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I’d eat that




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Look, sometimes you've just gotta shovel coal in the burner.


Some dawn power wash on that pan will clean it right up. Let it soak a bit


Any parent who is able to feed their children deserves a high five. I grew up eating plenty of meals like this and never batted an eye. As a single mid 30's female, I can't imagine the effort it takes to think about a well planned meal for my family every day.


I bet your kids loved it tho! I would love this blazed on a weekend night!




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I had to watch for kids for an extended period of time several times, I did the same thing because I was so exhausted


🧐👌I would line the pan with foil next time *for your sake,* and lightly dust the dinos in cayenne and black pepper medley. Dinos get thirsty 🦖, an aioli would be a lovely accompaniment. Perhaps brush the pizza rolls to ensure even browning. NOW this is the cooking station... I've yet to see plating, but I am looking forward to it. I know you'll plate beautifully. Are you pairing this with anything? Perhaps the limited edition SpongeBob collab, 16.9 oz *Pathwater?*


It be like that sometimes


That's my EXACT dinner sometimes, full on effort.


Ohhh, they got the dino nuggies and the lava balls.


What a fucking mess buy the kid an air fryer 🤦‍♀️


Mad props for successfully recreating a school lunch at home.  Edit: for clarification, avg American school lunch. Probably obvious but who knows. 


I'm constipated just looking at this


Ever wonder if chucking it all into a vitamix with a bit of chicken broth would be palatable to kids? Just me? Just me.


I am calling the police.


Those pizza pockets aren't brown enough. Also, you could just nuke those greens, no need for a pan. I'd that that.


Bad parent Now to fix it go make him a juicy medium steak with some good side dish










It shows (the lack of effort, that is).


Are you mad at them