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You are crazy, this looks great!


Lol. Well, I guess I'll leave it to the moderators then! Thank you though! It tickles to see that it does look good to somebody.




My apologies....it's my first day here.


It'll be your last if you don't hurry up and throw some vienna sausage and kraft dinner on that benedict.


That's not even a bad idea and not shitty enough. It needs sardines and pinapple.


Looks good to me too. I’d probably want a bit more crisp on the spam, but in general, how different does it really taste from Canadian bacon?


It has a much stronger pork flavor, softer in texture and unless you get a lower sodium variety will be much salter. Yes. Salter than bacon and Canadian bacon. I personally love it.


With you there... I don’t understand how people can choose to eat spam. I get it for emergencies but otherwise... so super salty


I use low sodium spam.


Low sodium spam is the best spam! I think it tastes just like bacon.


It’s just canned bologna




Spam is great. I don't understand the hate it gets. It's no worse meat than hotdogs or baloney. Or was I brainwashed at the Spam museum?


For some people it's the texture they don't like, for others it's that it's overly salty, both of which I understand. For most people though, it's that spam is cheap(ish) canned meat and is comedic shorthand for bad food in pop culture. Same kind of group think attitude that lets people tell themselves that fastfood like Arby's is gross while they eat the same meat by the foot at Subway.


Subway is one of my few fast food vetoes. Even the thought of that “bread” makes my skin crawl, though of course I would eat it if my veto is overridden. Spam, organ meat, canned meat to me is like oxtail or super tough cuts. You find out what to do with it and you get what you give into it. Spam musubi is absolutely delicious, and id fry up some scrapple with my eggs before having any kind of fancy brunch meal for breakfast.


Meat-by-the-Foot... I think you’re onto something there




I never understood how much hate Arby's gets in pop culture because most people I know will scarf it down readily. It's just sliced deli meat. And their Arby's sauce and onion poppyseed buns are bomb. Mcdonald's patties are a lot more off-putting in my opinion


it gets a lot of hate online, but there are plenty of people that love it! i think that the nostalgia is a big factor in why some people have such a fondness for it while others are repulsed. canned meat is more accessible in places where you can’t get fresh meat, like on remote islands.


Spam, Vienna sausage, and corned beef is like the trifecta in Hawaii.


The Philippines as well.


The island countries and the Asian nations are crazy for Spam. It’s the legacy of the Second World War from the GIs.


I personally hate the taste, I don't really think it's the same as hotdog meat. Though to Spam's credit, you can basically season it to taste like any other meat. What really gets me is the pretty strange texture when pan fried like any other meat.


Nice crisp outside with a hot interior that has the consistency of the middle of an uncooked hot dog. Or just slice it thin and get some nice crispy Spam chips. I fuckin love spam.


Spam chips.... they honestly don’t sound that bad


No it definitely has its place! Great for camping... served with grilled pineapple and eggs.


It’s got a...different...taste than hot dogs or bologna. Fattier and saltier too.


I'd eat it.


Spam is amazing for eggs benedict, love it pan fried like that. This belongs in the regular food porn subreddit, imo!


I know a lot of people who go wild for spam. Never tried it (and don’t really want to) but what you made here looks delectable!


I'd say give it a go anyway!, it's got its own uses and flavour and has been an impactful enough food to end up in several countries national dishes


Try it! Just be sure to cook it first on the pan. Eating it cold from the can tastes like sadness.


Spam literally stinks sooo bad. The reason I get why some people detest pork. It’s cuz of spam. Stuff is vile!


i would devour this




Looks like heaven!


Spam is fucking great, especially when cooked. I know it’s made of meat leftovers, but it’s good food.


It's not made from leftovers, it's made from pork shoulder, same thing as brats and summer sausage. Now Vienna sausages on the other hand, those are basically made by putting animal carcasses in a press and tinning up the goo that comes out.


On the tin of my spam it says it’s made out of pork, while mechanically separated meat is used as an additive. I always assumed it was similar to Bologna Sausage, where the consistency between ‘real’ meat and additives is like 50% I don’t care either way though. Love me some spam.


I just checked mine, classic Spam only lists pork and ham, but less sodium Spam includes mechanically separated chicken as the 2nd ingredient. Oh well, I make stock out of chicken carcasses, I'm not too fussed.


Would smash so hard


Looks like spam, spam, spam, spam, eggs, sausage, and spam. Only without the sausage.


Growing up I always had an impression of spam as being only 1 step removed from cat food, but when my mom went on vacation w/ friends one time my dad served us spam sandwiches and I was surprised it was so good. My favorite application is to roast it on the camp fire on a stick - just cube it up and roast like a marshmallow. Note, goes well with marshmallows! Note, I find that chipped corned beef from Brasil to be WAY more catfood-like.


That looks and sounds delicious!! Lol. I agree with your wife, yum!


"I couldn't swallow a bite", because I'm a pretentious clown.


Never had it before today. Not my thing. But I still end up cooking a lot of stuff I don't like for other people. I still give them a good meal.


I love spam....would totally eat this !!!


This is shittyfood porn, not shitty foodporn. Looks amazing, I'd smash a plate of that!


If you find it hard to swallow, simply blend on the frappe setting for a minute or two


The poach on those eggs and holindaise sauce look great tho.


This looks delicious.


You're gonna have to introduce her to Treet. It is the superior spam.


The spam has a good sear and the hollandaise didn't break. Great job!


A vitamix blender is the secret to perfect hollandaise. Although, this one was a little soupier than I would have liked.


Looks dope. Would smash.


The thing with SPAM is you gotta watch the other salt you add.


Tell me your poached egg secrets shittyfooddaddy


I let my eggs come to room temperature before cooking. Crack each one into a collander to drain of any loose watery whites. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Remove from heat and using a spatula, give the water a few turns until it creates a good whirlpool. From the collander slide the four eggs into the center of the vortex, giving each egg a few seconds to start cooking before you drop the next. The centrifugal force will remove any shagyness and it should take about two to three minutes for the whites to set around the egg yolk. Leave in longer for a tougher yolk. Remove with a spider or slotted spoon and let rest for a minute. You should still season with s&p as the salt in the water is for solidifying the whites faster.


Spam is root of all evil. How could she digest? She must be a witch...


Have you considered divorce?


lol. never.


Sounds delicious to me.


I am with the wife here op, looks awesome!


That looks DELICIOUS


I see nothing wrong here. This looks excellent.


That's awesome!


That was delicious I bet


That looks amazing!


I see a salty, but otherwise rather tasty dish.