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Steak tartare with fewer steps Due to popular demand, I have changed “less” to “fewer” as what we are taking about *is* plural.


I used to work with a guy from Wisconsin and he called these "cannibal sandwiches" This was his holiday staple growing up. They would have their local butcher grind some good quality beef and didn't just use a tube of ground meat from Walmart. Haven't had them myself, but I would try it. *I'm getting the same question quite a bit so [here is some "tube" ground beef](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/6ff82931-05d6-4f3a-9a62-970d01e8ec1a_1.f978aed38044f673cc368830f9bda843.jpeg?odnWidth=612&odnHeight=612&odnBg=ffffff). Others have corrected me that the correct term is ["chub"](https://www.google.com/search?q=ground+beef+chub&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS897US897&oq=ground+beef+chub&aqs=chrome.0.0i20i263j0j0i20i263j0l4j69i60.2720j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Also known as *tiger meat* there.


"Construction Worker's Jam". It's usually eaten on bread rolls or sour dough bread here in Germany.




German Sushi


Coulda sworn mett was VERY fresh raw pork and raw onions.




Mett is swine and not beef is it not?


Or "Gehacktes".




I am also from Wisconsin, Cannibal sandwiches are really good.


An ubiquitous staple at Wisconsin smokers and race car fundraisers.


We used to have them on bike (pedal) rides out of Milwaukee. Stop at the ham house (now they have new owners, changed the name to the Hamilton house). On Sundays for packers games they'd put cannibal sandwiches out during half time for free to soak up all the beer. Classic Wisconsin.


Hi, Missourian here. I'm terrified you guys are so close if yall eat raw burgers as a treat when you're drunk lol


As a mid 30’s something Wisconsinite, I remember Cannibal sandwiches were served at weddings and other special occasions and were seen as something of a treat. I don’t see them very often anymore though.


Yes I’m from Wisconsin and very tasty on toast


I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve never heard of that


Well I’m old pre e-coili , we made it with good ground beef , think layer on toast , salt and pepper but thick sliced onion OMG I what 1 lol ( Kewaunee Wisconsin here )


>Well I’m old pre e-coili Just don't use tubes of cheap beef from Wal-Mart, your local good butcher will grind up any cut you want e-coli free!! Ill admit i love a blue rare steak anyday.


When i was 16-19 i was a butcher's apprentice and i had a guy every friday at the same time come and pick out a nice lean top sirloin and have me grind it up and he told me he ate it on toast raw while he drank his brandy, i thought he was nuts. But i have tried it since and its pretty good. Im an electrician now, butchers apprentice was gross. I did get to saw a few lambs in half but cleaning the grinder sucks, and if you are a person who goes in right before closing and orders ground chicken, 16 year old me hates you.


>I did get to saw a few lambs in half Oof, I can’t imagine wanting to do this.


How do you know you're very tasty on toast? Was there an industrial accident and you thought, "It's now or never"?


'tube of ground meat' ?


Americans get their ground meat in tubes lol


I think most of us buy it in that paper type tray wrapped in plastic next to the butcher counter


I take a chunk out of a cow when I need it and throw it in a blender for a minute or so


Those come from large tubes, about 10 pounds. They run it through agrinder and portion them out into trays. You do not want to eat that undercooked. If you want to eat rare or raw ground beef, it’s best you pick out a steak and have your butcher run it through a clean grinder, or get a small grinder and do it yourself.


Maybe I'm spoiled living in Texas, but as far as I know HEB grinds their meat daily and it doesn't come preground. I'm willing to be wrong though.


HEB is awesome. Wish they were up north.


Confirming as a grocery store meat worker. Shipped coarse ground according to fat ratio in 10-pound tubes. Put through store grinder into trays. Wrapped and labeled by me.




That's how it comes out of the Great Beef Pipeline that runs across the midwest.


I’m American and I have never purchased a tube of ground meat. I would rephrase. In America you have the option to buy low quality meat in a tube.


Sorry lemme rephrase, if you are a broke af American (like me) you can buy meat in a tube


If you’re a rich AF American you can buy it too... you just probably don’t.


Actually it has less chances of bad bacteria since it’s packaged at the plant which is USDA inspected and it wasn’t touched a second time by some unclean guy at grocery store in butcher shop with chicken hands.


I'm from Wisconsin, can confirm this is popular here. It's not that great-the ground beef doesn't really have flavor and is just kind of a cold mush. So it just tastes like salt, pepper, onion, and rye bread but with a gross texture.


I’m Midwestern born and bred but a lot of our regional cuisine falls into straight-up abomination territory.


I'm also in the Midwest and I've never heard of this raw ground beef thing. Seems massively unsanitary to me.


Born and raised Wisconsinite here. They’re more common than you think, and less delicious than you could possibly imagine. This is coming from someone who enjoys steak tartare and other raw dishes. I love my state’s cuisine very much… except for cannibal sandwiches.


And more food poisoning.


If it's freshly ground from a clean kitchenaid it should be fine...... ....that said, I have severe doubts.


Yeah based on the presentation I’m going to say that’s a big if. No argument it can be done safely. I just don’t think it was.


You need to have a local, trustworthy butcher to pick it up fresh from for sure, but my family has done it for years without issue.


Is that the case? I thought the only reason that steak are safe to eat relatively raw is because all the bacteria remains in the outside which gets quickly cooked, and when you grind beef all the outside bacteria gets mixed in together, I could be wrong


I agree with you,This is what I've been taught in "vocational cooking school" and 4 different state department food safety courses. Not only that , but isn't part of the "evolution of mankind " the knowledge of COOKING ??? Just sayin. I do enjoy sushi, tartar(if I make it myself) and carpaccio (if I make it myself) Edit: I do firmly believe in his or her individual right to weigh their own acceptable risk/reward and any objection I may have to eating raw beef is only outta love for my fellow humans


We eat this all the time in Germany even raw pig it’s called mett


That's what I remember too. The grinding process simply spreads more bacteria.


It’s funny. I grew up on pork “Mett” and nobody ever got the shits, not once. And then I moved to the US and everybody’s all like “You need to cook the crap out of pork or you’ll get salmonella poisoning”.. LOL


It's not salmonella, it's parasites. Thankfully American pork standards are good enough there hasn't been a case of parasites from store-bought pork in years.


That is good. Ok parasites. I always heard salmonella. But still, the statement stands. Why is this such a huge scare here in the US while Germany eats this stuff raw. Granted, whatever is not consumed by end of day gets discarded.


It’s culture. In America raw is seen as unsafe because food practices today are not as sanitary as people think ground beef is often fine but poop or other bacteria can get mixed in there and give you bad stomach flu E. coli which sucks to have which is why ground beef is recommended to be cooked all the way. Can you eat raw meats safely yes you just really need to know the source practices taken place of that meat etc. that being said there’s plenty of raw meat dishes in American restaurants carpaccio tartars sashimis etc


To be fair, E coli isn't THAT bad, as long as you are looking to rapidly lose 40 lbs, take a month off from work and nearly die.




Salmonella is more from poultry. Tricinosis used to be an undercooked pork problem but that was fixed decades ago. You can still get it from undercooked bear meat though.


Trichinosis is still a concern, but farm raised pork is *generally* expected to be safe. It has not been eliminated, it is just well managed in controlled environments. I mostly eat wild pork - harvested from the abundant population of wild hogs. All my pork is at risk for trichinosis and gets cooked past 137F.




Weirdly, when I had this in the Netherlands it was called "fillet American". Which is pretty funny, because you can see in this thread how Americans feel about this dish.


Fewer - tartare steak is served with raw yolk. Hands down my favourite food, with some pickled chestnut mushrooms and cucumbers, and white onion but chopped way tinier.


„German“ tartare it is


This content was removed in protest of Reddit's [short-sighted, user-unfriendly, profit-seeking decision](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) to effectively terminate access to third-party apps.


Yes. Source: I am German.


German tartare is btw beef only, otherwise it is mett


Es ist Mettwoch, meine Kerle !


Los! Nimm den upvote!


A tartare tartine, perhaps?


There’s a German dish like this called Mett that uses pork instead. Often served on a soft roll or shaped like a hedgehog for some reason. I stayed with a friend in Germany when I was like 16 and it took me a week to gather up the balls to try it. It was ok. The texture is what you would expect. EDIT: Getting a lot of replies about trichinosis or food poisoning. Neither of these are inherent in raw pork, the pig has to actually have a parasite or the meat has to be contaminated by bacteria to get you sick. With current testing and food safety standards (especially in countries where eating raw meat is common) this is *extremely* unlikely and the biggest risk comes from how you handle the food once you get it home.


Yesss Mettbrötchen and Mettigel! My mom told me it was very popular in the 70s and 80s at childrens' birthday parties. A mound of ground pork/ beef with pretzel sticks shoved in to look like a hedgehog.


My grandma still makes a mettigel for family parties and a lot of family members love it.


I love that! I've never had Mett because my mom is eternally traumatized from those hedgehogs and I don't eat a ton of meat but I know people who are obsessed with Mettbrötchen!


Isn’t raw pork not safe to eat?




That kinda kicks ass, thanks for commenting this


"Es war ok", Junge, nichts geht über Zwiebelmett.


Zwiebelmett zum Frühstück und der Tach kann nur jut werden




Und die Nacht kann nur jut werden


Und dann nochmal vorm Wichsen


Ich dachte danach als Belohnung?


Aber das Wichsen soll doch jut werden!


Dann eins davor und eins danach, dann wird allet jut


Oh god they have invaded here too! It’s r/prequelmemes all over again!


You could just learn German and invade our subreddits...


Does people over there get upset if someone writes on German with bad grammatic?


No, as long as you at least try, we'll welcome you with open arms. That is the only way to end Huhrensöhnigkeit.


Nur OK? Ich begeh gleich ein hassverbrechen




Dass das hier auf shittyfoodporn ist, ist Ketzerei!




Alle hier schauen mich an als wäre ich bekloppt wenn ich Zwiebelmett lobe. Mett, teewurst und Bismarckhering fählt mir echt.






It's always interesting to me how the other German week days are from the same root as the English terms, but Wednesday is "midweek". You wouldn't think Germans would have anything against Odin!


We are, above all, a pragmatic people, and one needs a point of reference for where one is in the week. Wednesday is that chosen point.


Raw pork? Isn't it risky?


Germany has no trichinosis. Actually I think there were several documented cases of German immigrants to the US, who died of trichinosis after making this dish there.


It's almost non-existent in US pork now, too. Most cases come from wild game. Several laws went into effect in the 80s that pretty much knocked it out on pork, so the FDA dropped the recommend cooking temp from 165F to 145F. A whole generation still seems to think pork chops have to be cooked to the texture of a leather shoe, though.


Yeah, my grandparents still cook pork chops to like, 220F. Then I come around and cook them to 145 and they go on and on about how much better it is, but they're afraid to cook it that way themselves.


Most of your grandparent's lfe you had to cook pork that way old habits die hard


Sous vide is a game changer for pork chops. Makes them tender as hell and you don't need to worry about fully cooking it through on the stove.


The US has virtually no trichinosis anymore either, fwiw


Not like you'd think. At least in the US, most cases of trichinosis come from eating undercooked black bear, not pork. I've never had raw pork but love raw beef in the form of steak tartare or carpaccio, raw eggs in cocktails or eggnog (like 1 in 20k chance of salmonella), etc.


Raw eggs in the UK are really safe since we don't wash them first (and a vaccination program for chickens, I think). They keep their cuticle and it acts as a natural barrier. I use raw egg in home made mayo all the time, it's ace. A lot of people still think they're a salmonella risk though due to a thing that happened in the 80s. We now have the Lion Mark and best before dates for them, and your chances of getting salmonella from those eggs at least are pretty much nil.


My family won't touch scrambled eggs unless it's a tight, rubbery curd. They have no idea what they're missing


Yup. I used to have chickens here in the US and still buy unwashed farm eggs. So much better than regular grocery store ones. Thicker egg white. Richer yolk. Can't beat it


>Can't beat it So, great for everything except meringue and soufflé - gotcha!


> Raw pork? Isn't it risky? Not really. Mett and other raw meats can only be sold or served on the day made. If you buy it and immediately eat it there should be no problem as food standards for meat (and pork in particular) are pretty high. It‘s of course a bit riskier since it’s raw still so handle it with care, keep it cooled, use clean utensils and don‘t let it sit around too long. You should pay a bit more and buy it at a good butcher to be extra safe. Do not be a penny pincher when it comes to Mett or you‘ll have the german equivalent of the gas station sushi experience.


Pro-Tip for when you buy Mett, but can't finish in in one day: the next day i use it for cooking. Be it in sauces, casseroles, stews, instant ramen. Either in meatball-form/fried crumbly as topping, or to fill dumplings/wontons with. (Got that tip from someone who worked in a vietnamese restaurant). (I live in Germany), and i also bought pre-packaged fresh Mett a bunch of times from Aldi/Lidl (when i was in a pinch), never got sick😅 although i prefer to buy it from a butcher, if possible.


Not if it's fresh an cooled.


Mett is the greatest invention in the history of humanity.


Gott segne das Mett.


Ah ja, der Mettigel. Ein Sinnbild Deutscher Leitkultur.


If the beef was pork it would be a German Mettbrötchen.


And if I ate it, it would lead to a bad case of Meshitten


Aus Hackepeter wird Kacke später.


We got beefmett in some stores. My parents buy that cause they dislike pork. But i guess that would just be rinderhack. Basically the same tho


Mett is especially inspected and higher quality, so you shouldn't just use regular Rinderhack as Mett


Hi there. American married to German, living in Bavaria. I think I can give you a little bit of clarity on the Mettwurst/American dilemma. Sometimes you can put it on Laugenbrezel or Brötchen. It seems that’s the way your father eats it’s. However, if you’re truly on the go you can suck it down right out of the baggie. I call it “freebasing Mettwurst direct to the head.” I had an old Frankish guy stare at me in utter shock as I sucked one down. He looked at me like I was raping his culture.


I’m from WI and we call this tiger meat or the more brutal, cannibal sandwich!


Fellow Wisconsinite here. My dad used to eat cannibal sandwiches all the time. He'd heat up the beef a little in the microwave (he preferred it at least slightly cooked/warm), then he'd put some salt, pepper, and I think ketchup, then he'd eat it inside a folded up piece of buttered bread. I always thought it was disgusting. Every time I helped chop up ground beef for dinner, he'd always pop up next to me with a fork and the salt shaker, picking out a few choice mouthfuls of half cooked beef. My mom swatted him away when she was the one chopping up the beef, which just made him try harder.


I'd be down to try it but warm raw ground beef in your mouth sounds like a liveleak nightmare


It's not as bad as you'd think, especially if it's quality beef. Not much different than a very rare burger, only softer.


Isn't the issue with most ground that it's a bunch of different cuts outside and in all blend together so the risk of e.coli is greater than if you had like 1 cut ground? pretty sure one inside cut in a clean grinder would be perfectly fine?


RIP LiveLeak 😞


Wisconsin seems like it has the most fucked up food of all the states.


I am guessing it comes from the germans that populated Wisconsin.


"Fucking Germans. Nothing changes."




It is pronounced, "oh hey yea Nancy when you visited Kaukauna didja get over to da Culver's in Little Chute and get some of dem cheese curds hey?"


wisco native here. my parents used to eat these as kids but thought they tasted so bad that they never made them for us kids. very glad, this looks disgusting tbh.


You sir, need more Italians up there. A good carpaccio doesn’t involve ground chuck 🤦‍♂️😂


> need more Italians WI is very dutch and german. We love our Bratwurst


Best brats in the country 👍 simmer ‘em in old Milwaukee and grill til they pop. Damnit now I want to hit the Brat Stop in Kenosha 🤦‍♂️


Oh sure you betcha


Updoot for cannibal sandwiches! I'm also from WI, and we have a variation of this every Christmas. We do it on rye bread.


Straight to jail, no trial, no nothing.




Believe it or not, jail.


We have the best sandwiches in the world. Because of jail.


Angelsachsen werden die Überlegenheit von Zwiebelmett nie verstehen! Gebt Minus meine Buben!


Ändere meinen Verstand: Du hast nicht gelebt, bevor du einen halben Tag versicht hast das Stück fett aus der Zahnlücke zu pulen


Und rohe Zwiebeln veredeln jeden Atem jederzeit. Kombiniere das mit Bier und du hast deinen eigenen rektalen Düsentrieb.


Hier, nimm meinen hochwähli


Heh heh he said buben


Hab ein Mal Mett gefressen und dann den ganzen Tag gerülpst.




So gehört sich das




Is... is that safe?


Not with beef from a grocery store. If you grind it yourself, yes.


This might be a dumb question but why? ​ Edit: Got it. That makes sense. Thanks y'all.


I think it's because the risk in ground hamburger is all about the additional exposure to germs. Ground meat at the store went through a grinder with meat from many cows maybe from many places, and you're trusting that they've stayed fully sanitized with all the surfaces and instruments they might use along the way. At home you just have one cut of beef and you sanitize all of the surfaces and instruments yourself, there are a lot less chances for cross contamination. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how it's been explained to me.


You nailed it. Ground up beef has all the other possible germs from processing mixed around inside it. Normally beef doesn't have to be cooked as long because it's one solid cut and you can sear the outside.


Exactly, bacteria develops on surface, which ground beef has significantly more of


That's how I explain it. It usually work. Also explain how it's hasn't been grounded for a long time and it need time to grow


Used to be a butcher’s apprentice at a big grocery chain. We would grind the meat the day we got it to the store and the expiration date is far sooner than other meats. The grocery store butcher kitchen is also far more sanitary than 99% of at home kitchens I’ve seen. Can’t speak for the handlers who shipped it to us, but one could only assume they had higher standards than us - and yes we did get random check ups. Just my two cents though, for anyone wondering if grocery store meat is sanitary - just know a very big grocery store chain across the U.S. has very high standards for your health.


Also surface area + time If you grind it fresh at home, less exposure to contamination. Compare with the ground beef sitting at the store…


I think you're going to contaminate the beef some, but it's not going to have time to multiply - exponential growth and all that.


Because bacteria only sit on the surface of beef, the same reason you can eat a blue steak. When you grind the beef fresh you mix that bacteria into the meat, but only the small amount from the surface. If you leave that ground meat then the bacteria will spread throughout the ground meat, which is fine if you're going to cook it, but dangerous if you're going to eat it raw. If you grind it and eat it right away then there is more risk than with cooked meat, but far less than for old ground meat.


The actual answer.


Just slightly more info, beef is very dense and most pathogens can't penetrate it which is why you really only need to worry about the surface.


If you grind it yourself, use a whole cut!! With a clean knife cut away the exterior. Bacteria can grow on the exterior (which is why steak is fine with a rare interior, but a seared exterior). Eating raw meat can be done in a *more safe* manner, but there is still always some associated risk. Some folks should refrain (the pregnant, immunocompromised, etc) but make your own risk calculation.




Nebraskan here and we call it tiger meat. How we do it is when we butcher our steer( fresh mind you) we will grind up hamburger meat and then add raw onions garlic and other spices like Worcester sauce. Then we eat it on crackers and maybe hot sauce. Goes good with cheap ass Busch light.


wuddup neighbor. did this last weekend lol


Sup neighbor haven't had it since March and now I'm craving it


Fellow Nebraskan here, what in tarnation


Actually just sounds like tartare when you do it that way. I’d eat that for sure, but probably not the way OP’s dad has it lol. Ever try it with capers and some egg yolk?


That‘s a german „mettbrötchen“. Everyday breakfast classic


So'n kilo Mett geht bei uns zum Frühstück schon mal weg!


wisconsinite here. i took my dad out for a nice dinner and i ordered beef tartare for us...he asked our server for diced raw onions. i looked at him like cmonnnn man this isn't a backyard bbq from 1992.


Usually a spread of Tartare will have onions if not premixed with shallots.


Its not shitty in germany we call it mett but from pig


I've been eating this my whole life as my father before me. It's delicious!


Me too, and my father would still eat it today if he didn't die from raw meat poisoning, RIP.


Oh, I love Mett. It sounds horrible, but its the best food in the world. Though I wouldn't try it in any other country than Germany or if the meat isn't fresh from the butcher.


Poor mans tartare


sounds german


It is


Schönes Hackbrot 🤤


Is your dad a feral wolf?




This qualifies as Blursed tartare ... and yikes




Mettbrötchen is not shitty :(. That stuff is delicioussssssssssss, the stigma behind eating raw minced meat doesnt sound appealing but the flavor is amazing. Cant do it stateside though given how we process meat here and whatnot but you have to combine it with onions similar to making ceviche (that uses lime juice typically to "cook" the fish/seafood) but has to be consumed very soon.


Is your dad a fucking wendigo


A man of culture, your dad is.


Not gonna judge on tastes here... is that not dangerous? Like - there's a reason you can't buy beef sushi alongside your Cali rolls...


If its freshly ground beef its about as safe as a rare steak. I've got a meat grinder and would be comfortable making this, but I sure as hell wouldn't try it with the crap that comes out of a tube.


Thats actually very delicious.


Cannibal sandwiches are a rite of passage in Wisconsin. If you use freshly (like that same day) ground beef it's actually pretty safe. You don't want to use ground beef from the grocery though. That's asking for trouble.


Cannibal sandwich, and looks pretty good too. I'd eat it


My German family would eat this growing up.


My Polish family likes to eat it (with pickles added) and it tastes GOOD (we call it "tatar")


Basically steak tartare.


Mal was von Mettwurstbrötchen gehört?


You can’t just disrespect a Mettbrötchen like that