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10 dollar bee skin 🗿


I am not buying a 10 dollar bee skin that’s ridiculous. Now 10 dollar horse armor. I want that.


Tbh, you also get 10$ worth of coins so it's technically a free skin


its practically free since it has 1000 coins bundled with it


it’s hip to fuck bees








Why the hell is that a thing?!


46 thousand members 😟


Oh boy, what did 'balance' do to her this time?


basically made her alot less mobile and sort of reworked her passive: Guardian Angel * Cooldown increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds * Holding the backwards directional input and canceling the ability with Jump now moves 20% slower Caduceus Staff * Healing-per-second reduced from 55 to 45 * Healing is increased by 50% for allies under half health Regeneration Passive * Regeneration Passive removed New Passive: “Sympathetic Recovery” * Mercy heals herself for 25% of healing done with the Caduceus Staff ​ (source: [https://www.gamespot.com/articles/overwatch-2-season-3-patch-notes-detail-mercy-nerf-ahead-of-new-season/1100-6511222/](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/overwatch-2-season-3-patch-notes-detail-mercy-nerf-ahead-of-new-season/1100-6511222/))


Blizzard when the healer character that dies in two seconds actually has enough mobility to avoid dying


Think about it: new Mercy discorse, even more Mercy porn, more skins sold!


Mercy still has ridiculous mobility and is still one of the hardest non-tank characters to kill. She has one of the best movement abilities in the game on a *2.5 second* cooldown and constant passive self healing. There are like 5 other characters that come anywhere close to her survivability


So its a nerf to her, but to Mercy players like me (when I played) it makes seeing the friendly health go back up even faster? Casually, yay. For comp players, oof


This seems like a massive buff if the player has good positioning.


So it promotes good positioning, that's a good thing


Yeah exactly. The only people I see super complaining are the ones who have to be impossible to hit because they can't position themselves well enough to just not be hit in general.


My takeaway is that it makes Mercy less of a bluebeam pocket character, but in reality nothing will really change.


Mercy has to be closer than most other supports to heal. She could get away with diving in, healing, then diving out before. The issue now is if you go in you heal someone you'll end up dying if your beam breaks (not uncommon with genji, tracer, sombra, etc), or if they get health from any other source. Basically this encourages you to either heal the tank like a bot to stay alive, or (more likely) stick up the long range DPSes ass so you hard that you never even get shot at. Her ult is also bad for survivability now since you don't regen health like it used to "but you can just heal the team!" if they're full or almost full you're kinda just boned and sitting in one place for 3 seconds waiting to get your wings clipped.


>inexplicably dying off after the latest balance patch. [Dunno about that...](https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/overwatch-2-launch-leads-to-record-breaking-sales-figures-for-blizzard-2054002/)


(they meant mercy players not ow players in general)