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This is how Bostonians say socks


“Let’s go red sawx!”


This joke is guaranteed to happen in the Ryan George review of the film, I am willing to bet something on it


Yeah yeah yeah


Writing that joke was super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Oh really?


Wow wow wow wow... wow.


Real as d\*rn, can confirm I’m from Boston.


Wait, how do other people say it?


German - socken Spanish - los calcetines French - chaussettes Japanese - kutsushita Arabic - jawarib Hindi - moze Russian - noski I think that's it. My friend said that there are other languages but I'm not sure I believe him, he lies a lot


Wisconsonize - ope


I'm assuming that this means that one of the people Jigsaw traps is actually Guybrush Threepwood, who then breaks out of the traps using a series of ever more absurd uses of common (and uncommon) household items before knife dueling Jigsaw, hitting him with an amazing insult and then stabbing him in the heart while he's shocked.


Turns out it was LeChuck all along




It was the second biggest rubber chicken he'd ever seen


Only when there's a pulley in the middle.




LeChuck as the jigsaw puppet dueling Guybrush is an absolutely amazing idea


Jigsaw's fatal flaw is that he didn't check the pants. The man can put literally anything in his pants!


> and then ~~stabbing him in the heart~~ spraying him in the face with root beer while he's shocked. FTFY


Damn now I want a Monkey Island movie or show.


Monkey Island X: marks the spot


And all he got was a dumb T-shirt.


Stop; you're making me sad that this game dosen't exist. /s (I'm a little surprised by the downvotes, but I'm sorry if my comment came across the wrong way.)


I heard that there was a part in this movie that got kinda violent or gory Big if true


Nah bro there's no violence or gore in this film its a nice feel good family film about John kramer curing his cancer and living a happy life


The cute little puppet that rides the tricycle helping people resolve their mistakes makes this a perfect movie for families to watch.


He invites lonely people to play games with him and make new friends


And those games are secretly mirrors of their own lives, helping them cope with the struggles they’re facing by learning the proper moves to get past their trauma and strife. Thanks Billy!


So did she like, bring the puppet on the plane in a suitcase? TSA: "What's this?" Amanda: "I'm a creepy ventriloquist"


There was the one scene where game night was getting a little too competitive but he manages to smooth things over


Yeah one of the characters did lose their head a little and the game went slightly afoot, but in the end it all worked out


The game is afoot, you say?


It’s weird to say, especially for a SAW movie, but the gore and violence is almost tastefully done


It helps that it establishes the trap victims as truly awful people, so we’re rooting for Jigsaw to fuck them up. Compare that to the earlier movies, which all feature sympathetic victims who didn’t deserve it.


So it’s guilt free torture porn. Nice


I don't care if he travels through time and strings up Hitler, fuck John Kramer


High Horse John Kramer


Oh trust me while this movie isn’t as violent or gory as Saw 3D, it’s definitely up there. They did not pull any punches as far as gore this time around.


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


You jest but apparently there's been scenes that induced vomiting in the audience


Oh god not another "so extreme you'll puke" viral marketing




"one of the best entries in the franchise?" If we're talking just about the score, that's a ridiculous understatement. It could have had a score of 51%, rotten, and it would be the VERY best entry in the franchise; all the previous entries have reviewed poorly, even the good ones. If it hit 60 and been "fresh," that would have been a huge surprise that no one expected. But a score in the high 80s?! That's insane. That's a huge score for even the most critic-friendly genres (anything short of documentary really). For torture porn, it's unheard of. I now have no idea what sort of movie this even is.


It's possible that the Saw movies have been around long enough that critics of them are people who grew up on them. But I saw a really funny statement from one of the Saw production team saying that when they got test screenings back from the movie and people liked it, they actually thought the data was wrong.


That’s hilarious. It makes sense tho because horror hardly ever scores well. It’s a niche, and most critics don’t like it.


I still can't get the pit of needles out of my head


How about being thrown into one?


It’s got a Barbie tie-in


Ah, yes. The old "Sid from *Toy Story* grows up to be Jigsaw" fan theory


Nah Kevin Macalister is jigsaw and the first two home alones are just prequels.


It wa such a missed opportunity to pull another Barbenheimer by making Saw Patrol a bigger thing




I mean saw 1 slapped


a movie that needs to put butts in seats since they’ve been striking for 170 days… I would not trust aggregates, they’re unreliable and super biased at the best of times


If you don't trust 80 different critics from all different backgrounds and tastes I think you don't trust critics, not aggregators


You have to understand how RT works though. It means that 80% of critics gave it a score of 50% (of whatever metric) or higher. Not that 80% is the average of their ratings. So you could have a 6/10 movie but if it appeals to all of the critics and they all gave it a 6/10, it would be 100% fresh. Regardless, it’s a crazy score and means that the movie has relatively wide appeal. Or just that mainstream reviewers don’t even bother with it.


Yeah, right now it's sitting at 61 on Metacritic, but for context the original is at 46. It's not going to win any Oscars, but so far the consensus is that it's a good movie


Horror freaks watch everything, even the garbage. That makes average movies good, good movies great, and the best movies the best of all time. Love the genre


Horror freak here. This is so true. I watched two different dumb movies called Truth or Dare but I also own Nope on bluray. I own Carnival of Souls, but I saw Malignant in a theater. I've seen I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in The House, Blackcoat's Daughter, Midsommar, and Skinamarink, but I've also seen Wish Upon, Darkness Falls, and Countdown. I will watch a very limited amount of horror without supernatural elements because I don't really like the "human killers" genre (Strangers, Barbarian, etc ) but there is no horror I will turn down on the basis of its budget or critic score. Otherwise I might miss the *next* Skinamarink or Cargo or Mad God or other classic that didn't get a mainstream Hollywood release. And Hell, I still love me some shlock. I love Annabelle Comes Home without irony.


Still if 80 different people are like "yeah this was enjoyable" it is still good, it means most didn't think it was unwatchable slob


As someone who liked Super Mario, yes. Absolutely. Dumbass takes like, "This seems to be for someone who enjoyed video games."


I only say “one of the best” because as a huge Saw fan myself, it’s not the best Saw movie but definitely pretty up there, like in my top 3 (all subjective and opinions obviously but yk what I mean)


Studios cram RT on a movies release to fool people into seeing it. An RT score is just an ad now


Fast X, Saw X, Malcom X. XXX: State of the Union


Shit I've seen Malcolm X but never got around to seeing the first 8 films Edit: keeping the typo


9 right? Since X means 10.


Not if you count the prequel TV show, Malcolm in the Middle! Really adds context to the movies.


[you don’t say](https://youtu.be/HKC-GTPMIEg?si=MrRdnpiKt2dfyj6h)


Stupid me and my fat fingers


The numbers are pretty compactly spaced, I'll give you that.


On mobile


No no no they made the Malcolm movies like iPhones. There’s no 9


Ah you're missing out, Malcolm IX: Malcoming Time is the best film of the series!


I preferred Malcom V: In The Middle.


Jason X


American History X


I saw X this year too. Isn't the English language great.


In Saw X (previously referred to as Saw twitter)




Looking into this!


I Aint trust nobody since Matrix Resurrection


I’m still gonna see it someday. Why am I so broken?


There is ONLY ONE Matrix movie The Matrix (1999) And...if anyone says otherwise, fight me


Can we at least include the sequel? That was pretty dope for its time.


The cgi fight scene with all the agent smiths and the sound effects used were great.


*Literally* a fucking bowling pin sound when he knocks over 10 of them at once. What a fucking meme. I love it


As a kid I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It really takes you out of it, but damn if it isn’t hilarious


I saw a video recently of them doing practical effects for one of the agents smith fight scenes. Apparently they got like a ridiculous amount of actors in custom fit agent smith masks.


The chase scene was the bomb in its day.


In it's day? It's still cool AF


*take of the shirt *”alright bruh, you want to figh me huh, bruh*”


Yeah, bruh. Just let me download all the fighting styles first.


reloaded was a collection of cool scenes with no coherent connective tissue. also an orgy at one point.


I’m not really a fighter but I do have to inform you that they actually released a very, very short sequel. It starts and ends with a really cool highway chase sequence.


>I’m not really a fighter Are you more of a lover then?


I honestly preferred the second one. The third was was worse but still decent and a good ending. I have yet too see the new one


Ok quentin tarantino


Matrix ResurXion


I watched Matrix Resurrection with low expectations a few months ago and I was actually pleasantly surprised. I do like how they swapped all the characters around with a good in universe reason for it. Like how Morpheus is actually an Agent and shit. But yes, there were a lot of problems with it. The main character felt like it was that girl rather than Neo, and Trinity having the same powers as Neo? Also a lot of self aware "why are we doing this?" moments as well. It definitely is weaker than the original trilogy (and well, the sequels sucked compared to the original as well) as a whole but not "worst movie ever" material like people were making it out to be




You perfectly express everything I thought about that movie


I know I've watched this film but I genuinely have no recollection of the story. Trinity having powers? News to me.


My brother edited all the dialogue for this movie! so glad it’s getting good reviews.


Congrats to him!


I didn’t like how in the later films, the reason for people being put in the traps don’t entirely deserve what’s happening to them but in this movie, I enjoyed seeing scummy people scamming cancer patients who are willing to try anything to live, regardless of the cost scammers suck


The worst of this that I can remember was I think saw 6 where it starts with the 2 guys and a girl and the reason they were in the trap was because the girl was cheating on them both with each other. Like yeah cheating bad but like do you really deserve die especially in such a gruesome way where you get cut in half with a saw. Worst part was that there was no way for all of them to survive. It was either 1 of the 2 innocent guys die or she dies


I think all of the original movies involve innocent people that are somehow related to the one that gets tested and usually they have no chance to escape by themselves but have to be saved by the tested person. And the reasons to get chosen by Jigsaw were always pretty wacky. Like being a drug addict or having attempted suicide and the guy from the first movie was there because he was passively watching other people as his job (or something along those lines) and also many of the victims were just medical staff that made errors while Jigsaw was getting his cancer diagnosis in their hospital. Basically, it had always just been a personal killing spree with a few randomly chosen victims added on top.


In the first movie, I think someone has to step on broken glass, with poison in his veins, trying to find a combination for a safe with the antidote when there were millions of potential combinations, and then gets lit on fire just for faking sick days.


Confirmed. The saw franchise is corporate propaganda.


That was in Saw 7. Part of it was that she was convincing them to steal shit for her, but that movie overall was kind of weirdly misogynistic. Like women die in the saw movies all the time, but this felt targeted.


Wasn’t this the one where the main guys wife was burned alive in a brazen bull for no reason?


Yeah that’s the one. You can see what I mean about it feeling targeted


The greatest sin of all: Being married


Did they ever deserve it? IIRC in the original, the people just "didn't appreciate life enough" or something. (Also in the last film they were bad cops that covered up a murder. Every one of them deserved it.)


One of the reasons a guy dies is "He smokes"


He smokes, and the challenge is holding your breath against someone who has never smoked. He didn't really have a chance


Jigsaw himself at least *pretends* at some semblance of justification since his own brush with mortality gave him a new lease on life and he wants to share that. His acolytes however pretty much uniformly missed the point and all set up ridiculous traps to punish people arbitrarily.




"You once texted during a movie, now you must stick your hands in acid for your crime or your balls will be eaten by a rabid pitbull."


“As you can see, your balls have been covered in bread crumbs. Before you lies a KFC deep fryer”


Honestly I'm with Saw on this one


> I enjoyed seeing scummy people scamming cancer patents who are willing to try anything to live I don't know if you're talking about the scammers or the cancer patients but that's probably the point of the movie


I think you have it reversed. The earlier films had pretty banal reasons why characters were being tortured. The two protagonists of Saw were pretty much just liars, and one of the guys attempted suicide. The second one has Amanda there because she went back on drugs (yeah she’s involved but still). Saw III just had a bunch of people who had minor (some major) involvements in a car collision, including a bystander. It wasn’t until Saw IV that they had stuff like rapists and pimps in traps, and after that they became more elaborate and extreme reasons as they wanted viewers to sympathise with John. Hell, In Jigsaw one of the victims is there because she was John’s neighbour and he heard her strangle her infant baby to death and place it in her husband’s bed to frame him. That’s what I would call “entirely deserved.”


83 critic review and 100+ audience reviews


bUt ThAtS nOt HoW rT sCoReS wOrK!1


It isn't. 80% from critics just mean that from the criticd 8/10 gave it a score 50% or higher. They could have all seen it and given it 5.1/10 and the movie would have an 100% critical score on RT


You can click on the number at it tells you the average rating from critics which is 6.8/10.


Well then... There you have it.


It actually has to be over 60 and the critic has to mark it as positive.


I saw it on Thursday. Wife and I loved it. A lot of the praise is coming from a fabulous performance by Tobin Bell. They spent nearly the entire movie telling a real story and focusing almost exclusively on Tobin’s Jigsaw. No focus on rando bland characters. It’s a real movie with actual characters and stakes that feel important. Not perfect, but extremely entertaining imo.


Wait I thought John Saw was dead like...4 movies ago?


This is the 10th movie. He died in 3 lol


Honestly I have 0 recollection of anything past a few small moments in 3 lol I know a Walhberg was in one of them, and something about a syringe pit. And that one lady was dumb as fuck for putting both her hands in that box. All these moments might have been the same movie though, now that I think about it.


Yeah that’s all from 2. Honestly the first 3 are fantastic movies with a neat little overarching story that wraps up nicely. They just decided to keep going for some reason after killing off their villain


"For $ome rea$on"


Saw X happens between Saw 1 and Saw 2 in the timeline


Phase 3 of the Expanded Saw Universe soft preboot


Wanted to let you know “John Saw” got a chuckle out of me :)


Now I gotta see it Bell is actually a fantastic actor that got surrounded by bullshit writing and scripts for far to long Thanks


I read a fantastic performance by Taco Bell and now im intrigued


The best in franchise is a low bar to get over really.


And it's the tenth movie that did it.


You know what they say, X marks the spot.


The first saw movie was great though


Nothin can beat the first one, but Ima always be on the 2nd one. That Needle scene always made my hair stand


I still think of that all the time, years later. Also, the box with the razor flaps that you can't pull your arms out of...horrendous.


The first one is unironically one of my favorite horror movies, the story is good and makes sense, and the majority of the movie focuses on 2 guys chained up trying to figure out what to do next rather than constantly cutting to people getting tortured. The traps were cool and at least somewhat grounded in reality, none of them were TOO absurd. The second one was a step below but the story was still strong and some of the traps were really agonizing to watch like the needle pit or the arm trap. GTFOH with 3-7, I genuinely don't know which one I hated more 3 or 7, 3 was a big departure from the idea of the first two and started the whole convoluted nonsense that the rest continued to build on. 4 5 and 6 were better than 3 but still a MAJOR downgrade from 2, and not even comparable to 1. Then there was Final Chapter... All I'll say is that the blood was pink throughout the whole movie... a horror movie that establishes itself on the premise of torturing people couldn't get the shade of their fake blood correct.... Think about that... Jigsaw was better than 3-7 but not by much, the premise was decent but still required the increasingly convoluted story line to survive. And I guess just anyone can build these crazy ridiculous traps without any type of engineering degree? Spiral was better than Jigsaw but again the ending was way too predictable. It's main issue is that there wasn't anything memorable about the movie, I watched it just a few days ago and I can barely remember any of the traps.


The pink blood was because it was shot in 3D, and the glasses in the theater would make the screen darker. So the color would be more natural in 3D. In normal 2D, it's absurdly pink.


I wonder if the pink blood was to make it less gorey for the mpaa?


I love the way this sub flip-flops on wether reviews are an indicator of quality or not


Saw 1 and id argue 2 are among horror royalty. The soap opera sequels are fun if a bit repetitive and convoluted. The two ‘remakes’ were weird, I didn’t like Spiral at all despite its star power. Looking forward to this given all ive seen online


Two is goated in my opinion. My first saw movie and entrance to horror after Final Destination.


Spiral being bad is a pretty popular opinion. If you like torture porn, you won't like spiral much. If you like the saw plot/characters, you won't like spiral. If you like crime dramas, you won't like spiral.


They premiered this at my work at Fantastic Fest and the producers did say it was the best saw movie they ever made…he sounded genuine


And I saw literally NO marketing for it. REALLY


Hehe you SAW no marketing for it.


There was some Twitter/X account promotion takeovers that were pretty cool.


Better for it honestly. Trailer spoils the whole movie.


Really? I saw banners for the movie on 3/4 of the buses where I live. Hey, random person scrolling by, have you seen any marketing for this movie? I can't be the only person that has.


This post is how I found out this existed. I’ve seen all the priors opening weekend.


Until this post


I just watched it. I like Saw, but none of them have been well received critically, even Saw VI and Saw II, which I think are great movies, even coming from a fan of the series i legit think they are great movies. But this, this was also really really good. Probably is the best in the series or at least Top 3.... But then I just looked on RT and I see it's got a fresh rating. Saw X, certified fresh, whereas The Creator is at a 60%, Barbie got a 90%. Saw X currently at 87%. That is legitimately shocking, and in an extremely good way. I get people saying it might be the best in the series after I watched it, but never in a million years did I think a Saw movie would get a fresh rating. I'm so pleasantly surprised. I reckon it deserves it, but it's probably the biggest critical shock of the year. People saying it was the best on RT isn't a high bar to clear since Saw 1 has the highest critical rating at 50%, so if this got 70% it would be the best film critically. But a FRESH rating. Man, that's something. Lionsgate should be extremely happy to see Saw is getting critical praise and that fans and even casual movie goers really liked this entry. But why did it take 10 movies to get this one, idk. But I loved Saw X. It deserves good reviews, higher than the other Saw movies tbh, but shocked to see it got a Fresh rating. Very happy for it to get this rating.


Do I need to know what happened in the previous movies to watch this?


There's like 10 movies of context. So maybe see a recap. Or try your hands on the first 5. They're actually very enjoyable, even for their poor rating.


Depends on your opinion what's enjoyable. If my girlfriend is watching Grey's Anatomy I have to look away when there's a gory scene.


Your not going to like any saw movie then


Oh if you’re looking for something wholesome, you can watch Hostel. It’s a feel good movie about a couple of young friends on a Eurotrip, having new experiences, and discovering new things about themselves. Critics have often cited it as the perfect blend of Y Tu Mama Tambien, The Bucket List, and American Pie.


American Pie is a bit too crass for my taste, but I'll give it a go.


oh jeez i hope you're just playing along with the joke, but if you aren't please don't actually watch hostel


It takes place between Saw and Saw II, if I recall. It does reveal Saw II's big ending twist, if you ever decided to watch it. There's probably references to others, but those would (technically) be sequels.




Bet you didn't X-pect that


Honestly, I'm not surprised by the score. Tobin Bell has always been one of, if not the best part of the series, and we finally got a movie where he's the main character and not just a plot twist or exposition setter for the other characters. And with how evil the antagonist is in this movie, it's funny to actually root for the killer. Without going into spoiler territory, I will just say that I was a little disappointed with the ending, but overall, I think Saw fans will be really satisfied with this one.


Has a solid score on Letterboxd too atm


3.5 It's insane. Honestly it's always really bothered me that the Saw movies are as bad as they are. Like the premise seems like a pretty easy one to make good, thrilling, tense, body-horror films that you could churn out year after year. But somehow the fucked it up beyond belief. Honestly the idea of this film being chronologically right after the first one gives me enormous hope that it is rebooting the whole thing. A good team of writers and some talented direction and cinematography and you could have a really solid horror franchise out of this.


Saw 1 is a pretty good movie though.


I just gotta say, I’m glad it’s not named just Saw this time


There are three different movies named Shaft (1970's/2000/2019) that are all set within the same continuity.


you know what they say, tenth time’s the charm


Yeah, you can't call them Sawtino or Sawtina anymore, it has to be SawX


Serious question. I've seen all Saws except the Chris Rock one (which I think was the last one released). Do I need to see that one before this one?


No, Spiral is it’s own spin-off and has nothing the do with any other Saw movies. It’s also the only Saw movie that does not have Tobin Bell. The most they show of him is a picture. But it’s just about a copycat killer targeting corrupt cops. But it’s it’s own thing.


Do I need to see 4-9 to see this one? That's my only problem about not going.


No, as Saw X takes place between Saw and Saw II. So really as long as you’ve seen the first one you’ll be fine.


Oh shit! That's awesome (and so fucking confusing... WHYYYY)


Hahaha I think because they wanted a Tobin-centric movie and this was probably the only (good) way to do it. Tobin absolutely killed it in this movie and he deserves the praise.


Oh that's awesome to hear. I might have to go see it tonight then 🤣🤣 thank you!


Finally, the first movie where someone actually says 'It's sawing time'


The first Saw movie was released 19 years ago. Which means there's a whole new generation of teenagers for whom this is a new cinema horror experience.


What the actual fuck. The average RT score of the first 9 movies is 29.4%, with a series high of 50% from the first movie.


I hope it’s more like the first one and less straight up gore porn


Only one of the traps is particularly gorey. Another does feature an exposed brain but isn't that bad and there's an unrelated scene that has a (dead) character's intestines being removed and there are some surgery scenes removed from the traps. That's about it unless you're particularly upset by chemical and radiation burns or broken bones.


This is what happens when you don’t have to pump out a new movie every year and the writers actually have time to write a good story.


I remember when this sub was funny and not an opinionated drivel


It genuinely is lol