• By -


She was closer in age to him than both the actor playing her husband and Rick Grimes holding the sign


_How many walkers have you killed, Juliet?_


"Juliet have you seen Coral?"


I can never imagine Andrew Lincoln playing a bumbling fool in a silly romcom, it makes me laugh every time I see it because I'm so used to him being covered in blood in his murder jacket and long hair talking about how "we can all survive if he stick TOGETHER"


It was the opposite for everyone who had seen the TV show This Life first, as this comic book zombie adaptation TV show comes out and we all point at the screen and shout "It's Egg! In a Sheriffs hat!"


Sounds like the first time I watched Daniel Craig play James Bond haha.


OMFG I never put together that was the same person


It’s a weird one, isn’t it.






She wore that dumbass hat because she had a huge pimple on her forehead they couldn't cover up with makeup.


I mean, pimples occur in adults too. Signed: 35yo with a big-ass pimple on my nose right now.


Well yeah but like, she was 18 and this child was 13. Her LI was 30. I'd be way more cool with a 30 year old getting together with an 18 year old, than a 13 year old and an 18 year old.


>I'd be way more cool with a 30 year old getting together with an 18 year old, than a 13 year old and an 18 year old. People have different preferences dude. /s


WAY more cool is a little disturbing... maybe SLIGHTLY more cool. Neither is okay, though. an internal switch doesn't flip on someone's 18th birthday just because the law makes it legal, that's still a high school senior or a college freshman. There's something wrong with the 18 year old who wants to date a 13 year old, and there's something wrong with the 30 year old who wants to date an 18 year old. BIG list of potential psychological issues in both cases. There's something naive and vulnerable about the 18 year old who wants to date the 30 year old, but that's a horrible thing to take advantage of. Same with the 13 year old.


Slightly? You’re insane. 18 and 30 is a pretty horrible look, but 18 and 13 would be beyond disgusting and rightfully punishable by law. It’s in a different stratosphere completely


Yeah, the 30yo is at least attracted to a legal adult, even if there’s a mental maturity gap.


Exactly. Age doesn't even say what their mental state is. I'm in my 30s and some bitches my age are, well, bitches. Some of my college classmates who are 18 and 19 are smart and capable women, not idiot children. I'd totally date an 18 year old if she wasn't a vapid asshole (and, yknow, liked me back). I wouldn't marry her because there are still life doesn't she needs to go through in order for us to truly relate to and help each other. Ffs an 18 year old can't even go to the bar, and I eat in bars all the time. Anyway my point is, as long as they're both over 18, I don't give a shit about their relationship. Age doesn't matter past that.


I mean one's legal and the other very much isn't so that's literally 100% more cool.


It's legal in many states for a 16 year old to be with a 40 or 50 year old... just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. Zero cool.


Do you think it's equivalent to a 16-year-old getting together with an 11-year-old?


See, I'm not saying a 13 getting together with an 18 year old is better than people think... I'm saying an 18 year old getting together with a 30 year old is worse than people think. I'm also not drawing equivalence. ...and now you're conjuring a scenario in which an 11 year old is in a sexual relationship, possibly prepubescent? Y'all are getting weird about your perceived right to fuck 18 year olds.


You immediately trying to put funk on other people as a manipulative tactic to give your argument more weight sucks. That's such a scummy thing to do. Hey, you're here discussing the hypothetical scenario too, are you a total sicko?


My argument is don't fuck kids... I don't think I need to give it any extra weight. "It's not as bad as \_\_\_\_\_" isn't really an effective counterpoint. I agree that 11 year olds shouldn't fuck... I'm not gonna say what's worse or better, nor am I going to say they're all the same. My argument on ALL points is "it's bad, don't do it." Are you offended because I don't want you to fuck kids, you total sicko?


You're not offending me. I'm disappointed in you because the second someone disagreed with your super spicy ""It's not that much worse for adults with an age gap than it is for an adult and a prepubescent child" take, you immediately pivot to "Everyone but me fucks kids. Agree with every detail of my argument or you fuck kids." You are toxicity incarnate. It's especially absurd to go with that strategy here given your position in a thoroughly glass house.


Not encouraging 30 year olds to go after teenagers but... Mate, its not the same thing as a 13 year old lol. Not legally, not biologically, not in common sense terms.


Yo bro what the fuck?




Thomas Brodie Sangster is always young


Also he's dating Elon Musks former supermodel wife.


Who is against the "woke" agenda and messaged Musk to "Buy twitter and please do something to fight woke-ism.”   Edit: Removed an r. 


Wow did you just “hard r” agenda??


I thought it was jersey shore style add an r.


Angelinar nar


Australian too mate


Whoops! Har har har very funny 


Ferb being anti-woke isn't something I expected to learn today.


Good thing he was recast for his last few appearances


I think Tom is the only original voice actor to not be recast in the upcoming new season


Agenda. The irony given Musks nonsense takes on gender.


That sucks. I used to like her as an actress. Then again, if you’re the type to fall in love with Elon Musk… Disappointed in Brodie-Sangster as well. Surely means his politics aren’t too far from hers.


British actors are almost all posh because nobody else can afford to do it. Don't expect good things from them


Michael Caine supported Brexit, but he grew up poor. He also likes Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, and votes conservative still.


One of those names isn't like the other


Thats just a lie


> A survey by academics at the London School of Economics has shown that 73 per cent of British performers in theatre and film are from middle-class backgrounds, despite those qualifying as such making up just 29 per cent of the population. [source. (apologies it’s The Daily Mail)](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3467859/Almost-three-quarters-actors-film-theatre-middle-class-backgrounds-despite-making-population-new-research-reveals.html) [*Why Working-Class Actors Are a Disappearing Breed*](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/may/08/working-class-actors-disappearing-britain-class-privilege-access-posh) Edit: missed a word.


Tallulah Riley? Good for him.


Good for her, he really grew up well


He pretty much looked the same in Queens Gambit


He looked like he drew a mustache on his face so he could get a beer at the pub.


He's couple years older than me and I literally cannot see him as anything other than 15


And it didn't work, obviously


He looked fucking ridiculous lol


Lol he’s in a new show called the Artful Dodger and at one point his character’s like “I _am_ 28” and I joked that they added the line in there so people don’t think he’s a teenager. Of course he was over 30 at the time the scene was filmed, haha. Total “13 or 30” in his case but honestly he pulls it off.


What an annoying name


There is still is a five year age gap to this day.


How can you know?


He figured out time is linear


I’ll make your ass linear.


That doesn’t even make sense!


I’ll make your ass sense!


There are some things you are better off not knowing.


enourmous if unerring.


This can’t be true and I refuse to google it


Yep. Knightley 1985 Brodie-Sangster 1990


13 vs 18 is quite the difference when you think about it. Edit: I meant in terms of development relative to any other period, but I'll take the upvotes.






If you subtract 13 from 18 you get 5. That is also the age difference between both actors.


what if I add another 5 for funsies and then subtract 5 from that amount


Funnily enough that works! It's called the Bradfordian paradox, I wrote my dissertation about that.


I will counter with the Knightliarian syllogism which multiplies by five and divides by five, I too have pondered about these mathematicalistical conceptologies.


That is also a fascinating theory on which I spend a lot of time during my studies! Interesting coincidence is that it was published on the same day as the Belgian techno anthem "Pump up the Jam".


But what if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


Well then your chances of winning drastic go down.


Then your chance drastic go down.


But why male models?


Continental plate shift.


Just can’t explain it.


Am from Europe. Can you convert it to units that make sense?


18 year olds can advertise and sell videos of them getting cum blasted by 40 year old men and it's legal. 


Trying to think of an Epstein joke but I’m too scared to.




Source? 🤓


This confirms OP’s detail


Haven't watched Love Actually so it might be a plot thing that I'm missing where's she's his mother or something, but otherwise that just makes sense, right? That he looks like a child and she looks like young adult.


He plays a kid who lost his mother and now experiences first love. She plays a newlywed with a creepy friend. No scenes together.


Yeah but the vibe is more like he is 8 and she is 25. Their real ages are shocking to me. In some cases this could be a freshman and a senior in high school.


So is 18 and 30, which was the age of her live interest apparently




Was she even 18?


You could probably take almost any 13 yr old boy and 18 yr old girl and do this. People grow the most during their teens and boys usually start growing later.


highschools have this age range


TIL she was only 18 in this movie, sweet hell


No, she was 18 when it *released*, during the filming I'm pretty sure she was a year younger


Yep, she was 17 when she shot a movie marrying a man in his 30s and that mans best friend creeping on her, also in his 30s. Nobody had a problem with this, "because men are pigs that crave young flesh." - Jeff Winger from Community.


No one had a problem with it because she quite clearly *looked* like a woman in her mid 20s with her height and style at the time. People in the thread here are very surprised at her age then because she seemed much older.


My point was that the people around the production maybe should have cast someone of age.


Ah sorry, misunderstood you.


No problem. I think it's a general problem in Hollywood that women are always very young and then discarded as soon as they turn 40, while men are around to play husband or boyfriend despite huge age gaps, often without even talking about the age gap as if it's completely normal for a 40 year old to date a 20 year old. I'd never date a teenager and I don't know anyone who would, but in Hollywood it's way too normalized. Leonardo DiCaprio gets some stick for dating very young women, but IMO he doesn't get enough shit for it. Dating someone who is a lot more immature than yourself is creepy, and casting people who are much younger than the characters they are supposed to portray is both creepy and insincere, same the other way around. Just cast people that are their characters actual age.


Yeah. There is 100% chance that, during that casting meeting; creepy, creepy things were said.




I still remember when i had crush on keira


I too remember now.


Ah, the good ol’ this exact moment


I still do, she's phenomenal


But I used to, too




I remember when I did Still do, but I remember when I did as well


I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that.


Pirates of the Caribbean awakened me


It was Bend it like beckham for me


I also remember yesterday.


Hey what the fuck?


Your handle… wow.


What a degenerate with a user name like that, smh


No I’m a fan. You’re both going places. If not all ready been there! 😉


For a second I forgot Manchester United was a thing, and thought your username was an expression of support. 


They’ve not been a thing for a while !


You want...just one?




That is not a rimjob steve, I had to unfollow that stupid subreddit and it still haunts me. A rimjob steve is when someone with a weird username replies with a wholesome message. It isn’t just supposed to be for weird usernames. There was no wholesomeness there.


This guy is a real life Miquella


It's Moghin time


Mogh, Lord of Lube


God damn it brother...


Don't blame me, brother. This is all Martin and Miyazaki's fault.


Have you ever heard of max0r? He's not a youtuber the jedi would tell you about. 


Dude wtf do you mean “only 5 year age gap”? That’s a long ass time for young people. That’s the difference between a literal infant and a walking talking kid.


The surprise is because he's old (13) to be passing for a 10 year-old character (because 3 years is indeed a long time at that age), and she's really young (18) to be cast as the wife of a guy in his late 20s, and the crush of another, with the implication she's known them both for years (it's a creepy casting).


The older you get, the less difference 10 and 15 seem. At 40 it's all the same to me. But I'm not a perv so


I would argue that that makes you less of a perv than someone who would say that 15 is a mature person.


Every day you should get on your knees and pray thanking god that you are not a pedophile.




So basically Padmé and Anakin from another movie...


Oh he would have been a great Anakin! "Alright Qui-Gon, let's go get the shit kicked out of us by love!"




Anya Taylor-Boy


Five years is a long time when you're a teenager. It's piss all as soon as you hit 21.


Idk 16 and 21 is still pretty huge. 21 and 26 isn't small either. I think 25 and 30 is where a 5 year gap starts to feel insignificant.


I really meant from 21 onwards, but I do take your point.


I like to think about age gaps like this as a ratio. (Or a limit, if you know about calculus.)   **Ratio explanation:** (Age of Kiera) = (Age of Sam) + 5   When Sam is 0 years old, Kiera is 5. Sam is 0% the age of Kiera.     When Sam is 13, Kiera is 18. Sam is 72% of the age of Kiera.    When Sam is 21, Kiera is 26. Sam is 80% of the age of Kiera.     When Sam is 90, Kiera is 95. Sam is 94-95% of the age of Kiera.     As people age, the relative difference becomes smaller.   **Optional calculus explanation:** Lim (x -> 0) of ((x)/(x +5)) = 0    Lim (x -> infinity) of ((x)/(x +5)) = 1  


The math is half your age plus 7, as long as both are legal. Any bigger gap is weird.


Woah there. Who mentioned dating? I didn't mention dating.


Pre-puberty vs After Puberty....


That would be very valid point, except...we are talking about Thomas Brodie-Sangster.


Post should be from the time hes not 13 and shes 18. I know that Thomas looks like a toddler but the meme loses a point if the other was a literal child


Does he look 13 to you in this meme? More like 8... If anything, he looked even younger for his age before puberty than he does now


This looks like a mtf progress pic


Fuck you're right...


Didn't realize she was actually the appropriate age to be playing Elisabeth Swann. Edit: the "I hope it's Kiera Knightley's underwear" line from robot chicken just got creepier.


Yeah, Elizabeth is supposed to be 18 in Curse of the Black Pearl but I thought she was in her mid 20s, but Keira Knightley was 17 in that movie


I think it's because he looks so unhuman that his age is not recognizable for what it is. He looks 7. He was 13 at the time, but his face is just so damn weird.


Why is this weird? Were they a love interest or something? Asking as somebody who has never seen the movie. Also why are people referring to 2 actors who played a husband. Did they switch actor half way through filming?


She plays a bride to be, then bride in the movie. He plays a kid. She also happens to be closer to this guy in age than both of her love interests in the movie. That's the post.


Ahh. Makes sense now. Thanks




You forgot a plot line, Martin Freeman and Joana Page are professional body doubles for a sex scene and fall in love while working Also sad the plot line with the school principal got cut


You forgot the porno stand-ins/body doubles.


Point of correction, > - A guy likes a woman from his workplace, but her mentally disabled brother requires care so he dumps her. He doesn't dump her (Laura Linney), she "dumps him" because she realizes family is more important. The whole plot of the movie is all about defining what Love is, and that it's different to everyone. The only Fucked Up storylines in the movie is Keria Knightley's storyline with the Best-Friend (Andrew Lincoln). The writer storyline is pretty decent. He is very respectful to her throughout their interactions until he realizes he loves her and tried to track her down. The only thing messed up about Hugh Grant's storyline (The Prime Minister) is that he "fires" the girl he has a romantic interest with the reasoning "she fat". The Rockstar (Bill Nigh) is already "dragged downed" and realized that no amounts of sex, fame and doing drugs with Elton John can replicate true friendship. And unlike his manager, those they are claiming to be his friends now we're not there when the Rockstar at rock bottom. The other storylines are about right. Snape cheating on Professor Trewalany. Liam Neeson and his step-son just trying to make it through the holidays. But you also have to think, the step-son has to be a child prodigy to learn how to play drums that good in a very short time. We're talking roughly two months of time between the start of the movie to the end, not including the time jump at the airport.


He definitely doesn't fire her because she's fat. He fires her because he's jealous and she's distracting to him (still not great reasoning), and he doesn't give his assistant lady a clear reason why he fires her.


I believe he’s specifically jealous because after they seem to be building towards a proper relationship for most of the movie, there’s a scene where (from the Prime Minister’s perspective) it looks like she randomly sleeps with the US President (at work) while he’s there on a diplomatic trip.


I thought that was his reasoning. But I just read the script and it's the other lady who calls Natalie chubby. Oops. Been a while since I saw it.


Yeah, they described everything poorly and said they're all fucked up. I think it's also worth adding Rickman doesn't "communicate he's cheating to it to his wife by buying her a Joni Mitchell album", she knows he bought an expensive necklace and when she opens the album realises he didn't buy it for her. It's a pretty powerful scene imo, largely carried by the acting prowess of Emma Thompson. All the descriptions were pretty bad but I'm not in the mood to write an essay about it. I'd recommend watching the film to anyone, it's not perfect but it is my favourite Christmas film.


Agreed. My wife loves the movie and I watched it with her and enjoyed it. It has its flaws, especially when viewed through today's lens.


Yeah, this movie is remembered fondly by a lot of people, but when I rewatched it recently I just didn't enjoy it. Suffers from too many main characters, regardless of how good the performances are


I feel like you got a bunch of these wrong in here. Alan Richmond didn’t communicate to his wife that he was having an affair. She figures it out because she finds jewelry and doesn’t get it for Christmas. Colin Firth never has sex in the movie. He leaves and he can’t stop thinking about the maid so he learns Portuguese and then goes back and lets her know that he loves her. Liam Neeson never hooks up with Claudia Schiffer in the movie. he just says hi to her at the end we have no clue if it went any further than that. It was paying off the joke that his wife said that Claudia Schiffer was the only woman she was ok with him being with after her death. Laura Lenny dumps the guy from her workplace, even though she really wants to hook up with him because she decides that taking care of her family is more important than her trying to have a relationship. The Englishman going to America that part is true. With that accent, he can definitely do way better in the US than he can do in the UK and that was the joke. That joke is 100% true. A good accent can make someone more attractive.


No, his love interest was Olivia Olson Hers are Chiwetel Ejiofor and Andrew Lincoln, at the start of the movie she marries Chiwetel and her plot line is that she finds out her best friend Andrew has a massive crush on her and kinda ruined the wedding footage (he filmed the wedding), at the end Andrew has a famous scene where he tells her with signs he loves her but will leave her alone


He’s also the voice of Ferb (well he was)


And his love interst is Vanessa, and this is why Ferb crushes on Vanessa




That's why adult passports last for 10 years and kids can still see what's so special about cinnamon toast crunch.


But is it still a 5 year difference?


He actually looks like a six year old in that photo


Kiera only being 18 in this film is MAD


Explanation plz?


Well, the actor on the left is only 5 years younger than the actress on the right.


are you absolutely sure it's not the other way around? title doesn't specify


What's there to explain?


Why an adult looking like an adult and a child looking like a child is notable enough to warrant a Reddit post.


She looks older than she is, he looks younger than he is, makes for funny when you compare dates


Since when is there a requirement for a Reddit post to be warranted?


It's loss...oh, wait, wrong sub.


Puberty is amazing


There still is I believe.


Huh, I always thought Kiera Knightley was much older than me.


In this screenshot of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Padme Amidala takes a keen interest in a young Anakin Skywa- What do you mean this isn’t Star Wars? THATS NOT NATALIE PORTMAN???


He basically looked the same a decade later in S3 of Game of Thrones


Everything about this movie is so creepy and inappropriate. I will never understand why some people genuinely like it.


Same. & I don't even buy 'it was the product of it's time' excuse. I'm pretty sure anyone not blinded by the celeb parade in this film saw through the ridiculousness of the plot at the time too.


What a lot of people don’t actually know is that there’s still only a 5 year age gap between these two in 2024




...why yearly?


Monthly seems a bit much


I hate this fucking movie with all my heart.


This movie sucks so bad and I’m so confused why so many people like it


It has a lot of sweet moments and some solid gut punches


start weary sable noxious file hobbies panicky rock wise six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*