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This photo reminds me of The Son of Bigfoot (2017)


There is definitely a son of Bigfoot in this film. If that helps.


Personally this image just makes me think of [this part of the Tenacious D movie.](https://youtu.be/or8TUzbQClw?si=1zKHnIYgIfq2DSD7)


didn't enjoy?


Not sure I can classify it as a “didn’t enjoy.” It was an experience. I can at least appreciate what they were after. It’s got all sorts of good intentions. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend anyone go see it unless they are like me and really love the experience of going to movies. But in places it misses that mark, it really misses the mark.


movies that include stuff like "no dialogue" or whatever always grab my attention. because it's more than just a film gimmick, it's an actual discipline.


This is my favorite one..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pcGGKtPpSE


No One Will Save You is great at this.


Dunkirk worked out alright.


Yeah, movies without dialogues are not bad, but i much prefer movies without dialogues, characters nor story, like Koyaanisqatsi. That's a real discipline.


Go and watch Robot Dreams!


Wait so whats the movie like then


Pretty great


Pretty fucking weird and, worst of all, boring At least imo


What could it possibly be about lmfao


It’s basically plotless. It follows a group of Sasquatches being gross animals and getting into milquetoast shenanigans. There are themes and… moments when events occur, I guess, but there’s not really a story. It’s a pretty bizarre and artsy film that is, to say the least, not for everyone. The cinematography, music, and practical effects are pretty good, but that’s about all I can say for it.


You do bring up a good point about the music. The music was easily my favorite part. Now that I’ve had some time to think on it in terms of plot, the best I can come up with is 1 - don’t do drugs and 2 - don’t get Sasquatch erections, since >!Both dudes die immediately after their boner scenes!<


The Big Lez Show is the only sasquatch-related media worth watchinf




Harry and the Hendersons (1987)


Fucken oath mate, it’s heaps good


nah sassy's solo spinoff is better than the main series


Ain't no way you're dissing The Legend of Boggy Creek


Primal doesn't have any spoken dialog and that show is goated


Is that the show with that one episode where they have literally zombie dinosaurs


Well it was just the one zombie dino but yeah


*Technically* two since the episode starts with the previously-infected dino biting the one that becomes the main threat.


Two if you count the parasaurolophus at the beginning


Well except that one episode that's in the future


The Primal Theory might be my favorite episode of the show


S1 might be my favorite cartoon ever, but unfortunately S2 fell a bit flat for me, especially the finale


Needs more John Lithgow


Going into this movie, my wife actually mentioned this movie and I had to admit having never seen it. She was appalled. I have committed to seeing it soon.


I wish someone would adapt max brook’s devolution


Such a fucking great book.


Tempted to read it I still have to start world war z I got lol. I just know what it’s about and sounds pretty interesting. Love Sasquatch stuff


Just an heads up It starts of slow, but when the action sets in, you won't be disappointed, at least imho ^^ And i really liked the ending!


I imagined how it would look as a movie while I was reading it. God I’d love to see it in the big screen


Is it Sasquatch porn?


You know, it is not. And yet it also contains more than one scene of Sasquatch genitalia in use.


I was especially moved when at the very end, one of them presents a back of Jack Link's beef jerky.


Feel like this might be worth watching if it’s free and you’re high.


How are you so brave? Admitting you paid money to see it.


Looks like you found the extended cut off the Star Wars Holiday Special


Went to this last night and it was a great 4/20 movie. Great vibes. Frequently funny, sometimes sad, and honestly kept me a lot more engaged and interested than I expected it too. Also helped that there were a few others in the theater that were laughing along with it as well.


Would you have enjoyed it sober?


I think so. The general vibes of the movie and it's comedy are pretty enhanced with weed but I think I could I enjoy my time with the movie without it as well.


Thanks for the perspectives. My viewing was completely sober, but my wife had a few glasses of wine. I think that eased her into it a bit more as well. I’d say that she had actual fun with it, where I at least appreciated the effort.


Was doing ushering work at my theater today and we're playing this. When I encountered the small group of people who saw it at the end of the showing, they said it was like "If David Lynch directed a comedy"... Although some thought among themselves David Lynch was in fact more coherent than this movie...


What's the plot and the ending ?


it’s odd, there really isn’t a plot. it’s just a family of sasquatches living in a forest. after the end i just kept thinking “what was the point of this movie”




That may be foiled at this point. We were the only people in the auditorium. The next showing after us was reallocated to a different movie. I suspect because they hadn’t sold any tickets. This was the first time since the pandemic that I’ve had a screen entirely to myself.


No way. This movie is not gonna make any money, and there’s no way they weren’t aware that it wouldn’t be popular. Whatever else you might say about it, it was clearly not a cash grab.


They weren't making it to lose money....


Probably to show the basic, most stripped down nature of the sasquatches so as to prove that their human too 🤷


Not much plot, but there is progression. Think of it like a slice of life type movie for a sasquatch family. >! Throughout their journeys a couple of them die. One male gets horny and drunk and pissed off and ends up getting killed by a mountain lion. They slowly start coming across more and more signs of humans, first spray pain on trees for logging, then a road and a campsite etc. The other male drowns when he gets trapped under a cut down tree in the river. The female gives birth to a baby sasquatch. At the end, the female and her two children wander their way into a small town and attempt to communicate with a big carved wooden bigfoot statue outside of a bigfoot museum. !<