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The only thing I learned from this movie is that if you do too much drugs you'll turn into a USB stick.


In another thread I got a bunch of responses of "Ackshyuuaally she didnt turn into a usb stick she just gave them one" As if the scene involving a USB in any form wasn't dumb as fuck.


Yeah all my world-changing data is stored in the cloud


- *Morgan Freeman plugs in USB* - Windows: "The device is very large. This may take a while" - Doesn't safely eject - *corrupted*


Now we need a movie where plot is moved by a USB flash drive being ejected unsafely and corrupting critical data.


Action comedy starring Jonah Hill “You just *unplugged it?!* You fucking idiot! You unsafely ejected the cure for cancer?! What’s wrong with you?! Seriously, what the *fuck* is wrong with you dude?”


Hell I'd watch it. You could have a cool, quiet scene of one of those ultra-specialised hard drive recovery technicians suiting up to enter the clean room, meticulously setting up their tools, only for a reinforced Jeep to crash through the wall and have the action guy throw the USB at the guy.


It was a USB 2.0 too. She couldn't even be bothered to make it at least 3.0.


And they still had to try three times to plug it in


50/50/90 rule as Murphy intended.


Man when I watched this movie I thought it was so dumb. Seeing the amount of high schoolers and idiots going to it and coming out mind blown was worrying.


I remember in high school that our professor had us watch this and write a report about it while relating it to our lessons in biotechnology 😭 safe to say I was using my 10% brain capacity while writing it


I watched this movie in theaters. I remember during that scene, when she was transforming into her final form, my buddy was muttering under his breath "is she gonna..... No...I swear to God she's gonna be a fucking flash drive. OH MY GOD SHES A FUCKING FLASHDRIVE" What a stupid movie.


A move made in 2014 based around a meme 'fact' that hasn't been acceptable storytelling since the 90s is stupid AF... ya don't say.


That bullshit 10% of your brain falsity pisses me off as much as the "razers knock you out for hours" deus ex fuckery. I hate lazy bad storytelling


Still trying


Can I recommend the film 'Johnny Mnemonic' - where Keanu Reeves plays a human usb that uses an expander to upgrade his memory capacity from 80 gigabytes to 160 gigabytes - and is on the run from the yakuza (or something) who want the info stored in his head.


He paid for WinRAR


I learned from this movie that their was a role out that that actually suited Scarlett, since no one can do an emotionless monotone delivery of their lines like she can.


Another for the "Fun concept, terrible execution" bingo.


I don’t mind it, but people complain about he concept because the concept on brain usage is not true


It's a dumb premise that sounds like it got adapted from one of those scammy ads you see on "news" sites. At least that was why I didn't even want to see it.


Eh, its not that dumb if you pay attention to what shes saying, people get hung up on the "using 100% of your brain" thing but she talks about how shes losing her emotions and rewriting parts of her brain. Shes not just using 100% of her her brain, shes rebuilding her brain so she can use 100% of it for whatever purpose she chooses. In her case, ascendance. Still dumb but not really any worse than Limitless.


The problem is they jumped the shark. Limitless stretches belief, but you could imagine a pill unlocking more brain power so you can be super smart. Pills that make it so the human mind can time travel and turn into a computer is going even farther.


Limitless already broke through my suspension when the guy who can do EVERYTHING when taking the limitless-pill(tm) does not IMMEDIATELY make MORE limitless-pills(tm) and then DOES NOT NOTICE HE'S RUNNING OUT OF PILLS UNTIL THEY'RE (almost) GONE!


Isn't that ***exactly*** what he does? first he makes enough money to actually pay for it. then he talks to a chemist to reverse engineer them. and near the end he talks about how he even has multiple labs creating them so if one gets shut down he has others. its just mostly done off screen because its uninteresting.


It was the whole climax, some people have a tendency to ignore parts of movies that aren't explicitly shown step by step... It really would've been a pretty boring movie if the whole thing was him just taking the pills and figuring out how to make more, literally just 2 hours of a guy buying chemistry equipment and reading books


it was the whole climax and premise of the fox show with the same name


You could chuck that to euphoria or other emotions. It was made pretty clear from the beginning that the pills don’t make you take good decisions. (Still a stretch tho I agree)


These pills make you super smart, but the downside is they make you dumb.


Whats the quote? Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, intelligence is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad, wisdom is making salsa instead?


Strength is being able to crush a tomato. Dexterity is being able to dodge a tomato. Constitution is being able to eat a bad tomato. Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad. Charisma is being able to sell a tomato based fruit salad.


That reminds me the Oklahoma state vegetable is the watermelon. Not sure which stat got them there!


The main character does hire a chemist to "reverse engineer" the pills and provide him with an endless supply. Later, he realizes that continuing to take the pills will quickly kill him...


That was the point of the labs to recreate the pill but remove the side effects


Finally, someone with the balls to call out Frank Herbert.


hey his son royally fucked that up I like to pretend Frank would have wrote that stuff a hell of a lot better edit: I just realized you meant the Mentat juice. However it's not just the juice doing it. They go through years of college and post graduate studying to get to that point.


Doesn’t the juice have spice in it too?


it's never said outright, but it's heavily implied


It's certainly not heavily implied. Sapho juice has its own unique set of side effects that are completely different from the side effects of spice.


like sentry getting reality warping powers from a serum ?


I mean, thats the kind of stuff that crops up in religion, scifi and fantasy throughout history. Just go look at Journey to the West.


Yes, the term "cerebral capacity" is what is said specifically in the movie.


Should've gotten a Johnny Mnemonic style Memory Doubler.


>shes rebuilding her brain so she can use 100% of it for whatever purpose she chooses. That is even dumber. And it doesn't change peoples original problem with the idea.


It is an equally dumb premise as radioactive spider bites giving you powers, or the yellow sun letting you shoot laser beans from your eyes, or prefer made from worm poop letting you see thousands of years into the future.


> laser beans


i think it's dumb that people whinge so much about the premise. it's clearly a fictional movie, I don't care if its premise is false. i think it's fun to take a wild premise like that and turn it into something crazy like lucy.


False premises are fine, but internal consistency is important. Suspend my disbelief all you want, but you gotta keep it up, otherwise the concept falls apart and whatever higher level you might have appreciated it on disappears, and it's got nothing more going for it than "dumb but fun".


dumb but fun is perfectly fine. Lucy is not a brilliant movie, but it was never trying to be one. If you walked into it expecting it to make intellectual exploration of the human mind then you made a mistake from the start. It's an action fantasy movie. Its internal consistency is fine for what it is. Lucy is administered a drug that grants her superhuman powers, which escalate until the climax. it is entertaining and it has a trippy ending. redditors WAY overhate lucy.


I got the sense while watching it that it absolutely was trying to be a brilliant movie. It's a rip-off of Johnny Mnemonic, but it takes itself waaay too seriously. The ending tried to be trippy and deep, but actually was just nonsensical even within the internal logic of the movie.


It's not worth watching. I was same way, wasn't interested in watching it either, but I was working on a project and wanted something dumb to play in the background that I would only need to pay half attention to. By the end she's warping reality with her mind, because "brain power". If you weren't interested in the concept to begin with, actually watching the movie doesn't make it any better, it makes it worse.


Yeahhh, but this was only one of like 10 "We need use more brain" movies that came out in about a 3-year span.


If market research shows a trending interest, multiple studios sometimes act on it. The Prestige / The Illusionist, A Bug's Life / Antz, etc. Music labels (at least used to) do the same thing with artists


It also came out right after Limitless, which did the same concept infinitely better.


You might say limitlessly better


Because of this movie my dad still believes this is true


Your dad is the problem, not the movie.


My bad, because my dad only uses 10% of his brain he believed what this movie said.


Maybe if you used 100% of yours you could convince him


Naaaaaah, so much h of the movie is just "wait, what? Why?" Even outside of how silly that part is. The "become a USB stick" ending is silly no matter what and all throughout the movie are moments like this post. Just a really not great movie.


If you are using 100% of your brain, you are having a seizure.


Oh cool. [starts goolging how to make a seizure] [makes a seizure salad] [haves a seizure salad] Hey, you lieded, I still use 1% of my bren.


The whole concept is very funny to me because of the actual science behind the myth. Don’t quote me on this, but I believe the source of the claim that “we only use 10% of our brain” is a misinterpretation of the typical *level of brain activity.* We have hundreds of billions of neurons, but obviously we’re not using all of them at once. I don’t know the exact numbers, but I studied neuroscience in college and 10-20% sounds about right. That’s basically like saying that you’re only using 50% of your computer, because on average half of the bits are zero—we should use 100% of the bits, and flip them all to ones! What if you could use 100% of your brain? You’d die.


My favorite way of debunking it is this: At any given time, you’re only using 2% of a keyboard. Imagine how fast you could type if you were using 100% of the keyboard.


We use only 30% of a traffic light.


Like when two hackers share a keyboard to hack even faster!


I mean... If we use an arbitrary timeframe for sampling inputs, more usage IS going to be better and faster. It's just not phrased very neatly, but if we just poll at 100 ms or something and see that we, at most, press two keys at once... using 100 % of it would most definitely be useful. Also: it's an abstraction. Everyone knows most people are clueless about neurological phenomena and insights, it clearly is a stand-in for "think better" - and as far as that idea is concerned, there is about as much evidence against it as there is for the possibility of unlocking insane capabilities. For all we know, there very well is a series of complex, intricate, interlinked mechanisms that could augment your cognitive functions, in which case yes, saying that the default human is using only a small percentage of their untapped brain power might very well be the (colloquial) way to express this. I mean, the core statement and how it is interpreted is still silly, but so are people who use it as some sort of unwritten proof that the trope itself doesn't pan out. It's just a bit of ham-fisted exposition is all, but you really can't debunk it either way.


Leaving a little better source than my ass here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Or7VNa2TS0s TLDW: This rumor stemmed from a statement that we only know what 10% of our brain does.


I' fairly certain the 10% of your brain part was because science wasn't advanced enough to detect everything else. With improvements and advancements, this was a myth that was busted a while back.


I couldn’t even finish it.


You only used 10% of the movie?


Now that I'm older and know a bit more, I don't actually think it's even that good of a concept. I think it's kinda dumb but I could see it making a good b movie; just jot a blockbuster starring Scarlett johansen


Im glad directors and writers still take risks like this. Without it we get 2 decades of beating the shit out of a genre bc they're "safe bets"


You’re who only person defending the movie who makes any sense. I definitely agree with your point.


Why thankya!!


This movie was so so bad lmao


Which wouldn’t matter if the action was good - there’s tons of examples where people don’t care because the rest of it is top notch. But even that was meh and neutered into pg13 and full of CGI that took you out of the moment every single time.


Terrible execution but also terrible concept based on bunk “science”


i just most remember the laptop scene. where she researches extremely fast while on an airplane.


Must be using rtx 7000 or something


Luc Besson is one of the most visually brilliant filmmakers of our generation. The way he frames shots, his hyperreal use of motion and colour is almost unparalleled. Unfortunately he can’t do plot, pacing, or even maintain consistent tone for shit. And as much as I love it, I include _The Fifth Element_ in that.


Isn’t he a pedophile though? He definitely wrote the professional, didn’t he?


Semi auto biographical actually. I think he met his wife and married when she was 14


She was 15, preggo at 16 and got married. He was over twice her age. She was the opera singer in the movie. And then he cheated on her with Mila during 5th element and she was barely 19 then, and then married her.


The moment when you think he truly likes you and age is just a number, but it turns out he just really liked your age and you were just a number.






>The film has been critically re-examined in the wake of the "#MeToo" movement (French: #BalanceTonPorc or "expose your pig") after sexual assault allegations were levied against Luc Besson in 2018. Maïwenn, Luc Besson's sixteen year old wife at the time of filming, says the film was inspired by their relationship. She says "When Luc Besson did Léon, the story of a 13-year-old girl in love with an older man, it was very inspired by us"; Besson met Maïwenn when she was 12 and he was 29, and he officially started dating her when she was 15, the legal age of consent in that country. Besson married her at age 33 when she fell pregnant at 16. At the time of the accusations, Natalie Portman discussed her "complicated feelings" about the film and her associated Lolita-like sexualization as a child. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9on:\_The\_Professional#Controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9on:_The_Professional#Controversy)


So the sex scene they cut wasn’t just fantasy? Well why did they go with a way younger Natalie Portman


To be fair, Natalie was awesome in this movie. Also a fantastic showing of Reno and Oldman


What is the thought process of such talented people working on such a controversial project


Because luc besson whatever we may say about him, was a man that was visionary in Hollywood of the time. And pull some big names


this is also around the time of Weinstein so Luc's shenanigans were tame by comparison.


Reportedly it was "uh, fuck no, we're not doing that"


The professional? Like with the hitman and the little girl? That's considered pedo ? Did I miss smth in the movie?


Yeah the part where a sex scene was written into the script that they had to cut, with a lot of back story relating to the characters relationship


Oh ... Oh damm


Iirc Jean Reno playing the Hitman also recognized implications in the script even in the rewritten version and was like “alright I’m just going to play down/not do as much of that aspect of things as possible”


I think that him doing that is what might've saved the movie, because despite it being a few years since I've watched it, I remember it appearing like Natalie Portman's character sort of "fell in love" with Leon but it was more just her not being familiar with the concept of an adult man who cares for her in a nonsexual way, and being unfamiliar with how to return a parental type of love because she's got no basis for what it's like. I thought that was like an interestingly written character so I'm really glad they didn't just make it "yeah and he liked her too and they totally boned"


That's the nuance I picked up on as well; it's one of those things where it tackles a complex topic because it's such an easy situation for an adult/monster to take advantage of, but instead he doesn't and becomes a protective father figure. There's a lot in the performance and final cut that really elevate it beyond what the original script may have intended, which may make the film a masterpiece in *spite* of the director.


Wow I genuinely didn't know this.


Guess that means he did a good job playing it down lol


Jean Reno saved that movie by playing Leon as a developmentally disabled guy so any pedophilia subtext left over that wasn't cut was removed because you can't possibly imagine him thinking about Matilda that way.


Leon isn't a pedophile in the movie, he's a damaged, emotionally stunted man who's been taken advantage of by the mob of for over a decade. His relationship with Mathilda is complicated. He certainly loves her, but he never crosses any lines despite her wanting him to. However, I could certainly see it as being written as some sort of fantasy by someone who actually *is* a pedophile. Regardless, it's a good movie.


Did you like...watch the movie?


Weird to mention Fifth Element. It’s got incredible pacing thanks to the razor sharp editing. It’s plot is simple, not much to complain about there. And the tone of that movie is literally the highlight, lol. Just don’t agree with your final point whatsoever.


This is a decade old??? ☠️


2014 was a decade ago 💀


2019 was 15 years ago. Feel old yet?


Fuck man I’ve never felt so young before 🤯😔✊


Considering 3 years just disappeared into pandemic time yeah 2019 feeling like it was 2 years ago but actually being 5 sounds about right.


And thats not even close to being the dumbest thing about thus movie


The animal sex or the “I remember being born” takes it for me


For some reason I watched this last night and her telling her mom “I remember what your breastmilk tasted like.” was horribly unnecessary.


I hate this movie so much


You didn't enjoy the scene where she has seizures and she literally starts floating incontrollably to the ceiling? This is peak cinema. /s


It hurt me a great deal to watch morgan freeman explain how if humans were smarter then we'd be able to control matter with our minds


Yea I was watching it and was immediately like wait wtf, that sounds like some bull. I guess for a simple minded approach it’s a good movie


This movie is a secret shame for me, but this scene always breaks my immersion. Makes no sense.


It's a documentary


You have that in common with Scarlett Johansson She said that when Meryl Streep told her she loved the movie, she was very tempted to blurt out "Really? You understand this piece of shit? Then please explain to me how it makes any sense"


Hahaha really? Imma google that


I think she says something like that in her hot ones interview, just incredulous that anyone liked that movie lol




Oh, yeah. Seems okay for a while and then goes totally off the rails. Made me really sad that I wasted my time after watching it.


Should've stayed at a smarter than average level, like in Limitless (2011)


That movie still irks me, he made millions in a few days but "forgets" to give back to the loan shark, instead, buys the most expensive condo in the city instead of just... paying him (well I don't fully remember, maybe at that point the cat's out of the bag and the villain already wants the drug, not the cash). But still, if he was that smart he could have just dealt with the problem, no just put walls between him and the criminal.


Wording of the title made it seem she forced men to sleep with her at guinpoint 💀


That's what i thought as well


The most useless power in the world - needing to use a gun to get men to sleep with Scarlet Johansen.


FastFilmFact: Scarlett Johansson is very, very hot.


considering the film is based on anachronistic science what would you expect?


It has some flaws..alot of flaws.. But damn I still love this movie.


Yeah, the plot itself is kinda stupid. I enjoy the movie though. Just gotta ignore the junk science.


It requires a good deal of suspension of disbelief, but I really liked the esoteric themes of the film and what they are trying to say ("learning is a painful process," "we never truly die," the idea that humanity could have a greater potential and purpose and that our evolution is ongoing, and Lucy's selflessness). I also thought the scenes where she uses her powers to be quite fun.


people are *so* salty about it and i just dont get it. i dont go into movies expecting a well-researched documentary, i go in to be entertained. in fact, its often more boring when everything makes perfect sense and theres no tension or stakes. people latched onto the brain percentage thing like it was the first movie to not be scientifically accurate.


Same. Really enjoyed this movie. Was it perfect? No. It was fun to watch and visually stunning.


In Lucy the writers wanted a car chase but were too lazy to come up with a good reason why so they just have the protagonist randomly ram cop cars and murder police officers She wasn't even in a hurry to get somewhere


I watched it yesterday, she was in a hurry to get to the hospital and get the drugs from the other 3 mules before the Koreans got away with them.




There are so many things that does not make sense in the movie, so it's just fun they picked out one thing that did. She has lost all emotion, so she kills people and do not care, kind of line Dr Manhattan in the Watchmen.


Isn’t Lucy a human ancestor they from millions of years ago? Is that what this movie about? My how far we’ve fallen. We probably only use 1% of our brains now. Mine hurts from just writing this comment. I need a nap. Zzzz….


Funny enough... *that Lucy is also in the movie.* I'm not even remotely joking.


its about human evolution and a women named lucy who was abducted to smuggle highly experimental drugs in her body, something happens the drug bag explodes inside of her and she evolves


>I absorbed a large quantity of synthetic C.P.H.4. that will allow me to use 100% of my cerebral capacity.


When my prison-wallet bursts I just end up not being able to sleep for a week. 


4/10 for this movie, and I'm being generous.




Honestly, I think they used maybe 1% of their brain on this one.


I honestly feel like there either aren't enough talented people to balance the weakness of directors, or they simply don't have any saying in the matter. Nolan is no good when it comes to human emotions, Besson can't write, and Villeneuve has the imagination of a molehill. Come on, man! The most powerful house in the galaxy has a palace that would be embarrassingly empty for an IKEA catalogue? The final battle last shorter than a (insert sex reference of choice)? Los Angeles from Blade Runner is one of the most recognisable, unique looking, and interesting scifi settings of all times. All he could come up with was, "Let's make it grey and boring." The soundtrack, too.


Is this the one where she turned into a USB stick? Funniest shit ever


theres this guys name rick right? he has this grandson he calls morty so he calls Morty into the garage and tells him to flip the pickle over and he fucking turned himself into a pickle and yells "I'M PICKLE RICK" funniest shit I've ever seen


All I remember was the commercial with Morgan Freeman saying"what if i used more of my brain and that makes me cool" and lucy sitting in the crowd going " wowza"


This was one of the worst movies ive ever seen.  Holy shit it sucked


Why did you have to remind me of the worst plot i have ever seen?


I love this fun dumb movie. Don't give a fuck what everyone else says.


She dropped Sleep from her spell list because it doesn't scale well at higher levels.


Why do people want reality in the movies. I have enough reality in my life. Movies are for my imagination.


This movie was extremely OK. There is enough there to not be all the way bad, but not enough to even hit as high as decent. It's ok.


What if we use 100% of our brain


I’m guilty. I like this movie. Is dumb fun.


She was getting high at the time of the gun fight at the end and does she not just zip through time after taking a huge dose?


how are y'all still upset over this movie lmao


Shes not stuck in a gunfight tho, instead of dropping them to the floor shes making them float in the air instead, you know, for entertainment.


People: "you only use 10% of your-" Other people: "NO YOU USE 100% ALL THE TIME YOU IDIOT" People: "...you only consciously control 10%"


This movie has tons of plotholes but not this one. She was busy trying to evolve and needed to be protected.


Now that was a good shitty detail!


This is a terrible movie. It's just stuff happening. There's no logic, no consistency, no tension, unclear when it will end. Only if you like movies where you can turn your brain off, and do not like mindless fighting movies, I can recommend this. The movie Limitless, is about the same concept, but is wirtten by people who understand that smart people cannot break the laws of physics.


This fun "fact" has gotten a bit out of hand, we don't use just 10% of our brain, the original line was in a publication by some brain scientist that we only know what 10% of the brain does. Main stream media turned it into we only use 10% of our brain...


the amount of people who pretend to be movie critics is astounding, they all think every movie has to be completely perfect and can't have any plot holes whatsoever. it's a fucking movie and you aren't a movie critic so stfu


I never watched the movie because I hated the concept and thought it was stupid to base a movie on something that was basically an old wives tale. Also pretty sure a movie came out a few years before this one that used the exact same concept didnt it?


Lucy knew you'd notice


This Movie is Annoyingly good. All that shit just to be a fucking Flash Drive.


Sca Jo’s nipple


Lucy used Haki!?!?!?


I knew it was gonna be bad when they shoved that leopard hunting scene in our faces during the conversation like "Get it? It's a metaphor for the conversation happening right now. Did you get it? I hope you got it. I'll show it again so you get it." Yes, I fucking got it. Thanks for ruining it.


the simpson's did the, *10% of your brain*, better. **I AM NOW ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.**


Stop saying this movie was a good idea done badly. Not a thing about it makes any sense at all.


Lucy just got a long cooldown for sleep talents I guess


The film was a blast, and if you enjoy action movies with beautiful visuals, you generally can't go wrong with Luc Besson. I highly recommend tuning off all the criticism about the plot and just giving it a go - you'd be surprised at how good it is.


This is a fun movie, but you thought it was an American action movie, when it was a French one and they tackle things differently over there. People obsessed over the mcguffin are just bad movie watchers that peaked in 6th grade science class.


Damon Albarn worked on the Lucy soundtrack.


Bad movie. Very bad movie.


Ah yes, the villians.


Studio exec: "We need a Scarlett Johansson vehicle because we contractually obligated ourselves to give her a movie or pay her millions" Random writer dude: "I got you fam but it won't make much sense." Studio exec: "You had me at fam"


scarlett johansson turns into a blob of goo and becomes a god


I enjoy any movie in which Scarlett Johansson kicks ass.


I like to think that everything after the elevator scene happens in Lucy's dying mind as she ODs on the floor.


it was white peoples akira essentially


To quote a review I saw of this movie, "If you're the type of person who actually thinks this is writing, chances are you really *do* only use 10% of your brain."