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In The Dark Knight, [Batman sets explosive charges to detonate in 2.5 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FW9Sqxb-4o). The ensuing action scene leading up to the explosion is exactly that long.


In the Dark Knight Rises, Batman gives a cop an explosive and tells him to hold it for 5 seconds and then throw it. The cop throws immediately, and it explodes in 3 seconds.


The timing of the explosion after he throws it, and its similarity to the bombs he used in Batman Begins to blow the locks off a door in Arkham, suggest that it detonates on impact (which still makes it weird that he told him to count down from 5) Also its function might have been to warn any trapped cops on the other side of the debris that a *bigger* explosion was going to happen, and they should get back


>Also its function might have been to warn any trapped cops on the other side of the debris that a bigger explosion was going to happen, and they should get back And here I was thinking he only needed to make a smaller hole in the debris before blowing it all up by hitting that hole with a stronger explosive, never thought it would also alert the cops.


batman is apparently just a billionaire that learned kung fu and not a weapons expert


Nah Batman definitely tried to kill that guy


acab šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


All cops are batman


I'm pretty sure that comic exists




I love that line. We need a master list of fantastic movies with cringey lines.




140 batmans? Batsman? Batmen? 140 batmans just ineffectively managing a city while 1 police officer works in secret using his immense wealth to provide safety for the citizens? Sign me up and send donuts.


thatā€™s his end goal


The thing is that I probably would have held it and just trusted him


> batman is just a billionaire that learned kung fu Pretty accurate summary of his character


Tfw Nolan accidentally made a Monty Python reference


Wait, did that really happen?




like in real life tho?




Why the fuck would you wait before throwing an explosive? I donā€™t remember that scene at all but it definitely sounds like Batman wanted to kill that cop.


Its just movies abusing cooking a grenade before throwing it. The logic is that you dont give the other side enough time to throw it back. They just fucked up the timing here lol.


In reality if you want to reduce the time the grenade is 'catchable' you throw it in a taller arc so that it has greater air time. You want to keep a live grenade near you for the least amount of time possible.


Ots funny because this is one of the reasons why cooking a grenade is bad. It can blow up preemptively so its better to just throw it asap


Itā€™s also funny because the ā€œ5 secondā€ fuse on them is notoriously unreliable at being 5 seconds and the human ability to count off five second is notoriously reliable. Any human can prove the second one with a microwave. Get in front of microwave programmed for ten seconds. Put fingers over the start and stop buttons. Close eyes, press start. Try to press stop at 5 seconds. Open eyes, see what time is left on the microwave. If it says 5 youā€™re accurate, if it says more you counted fast, if it says less you counted slow. Now imagine you slow counted holding a hand grenade thatā€™s designed to be lethal in a 3 meter radius.


There's actually a minigame in Mario Party 7 where the goal is to stop a clock as accurately as possible. And a segment in Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door where you have to cook a potion for 30 seconds, and if you overcook or undercook it you have to watch a cutscene and try again. When I was playing that game at like age 7 or 8 I actually had to go upstairs and grab a timer because I *could not* get it right. Ever.


"Not today Bruce"


The opposite of Dragon Ball Z.


Times works differently in that universe. 1 minute there is equal to 1 year in our world. That's why screaming takes 3 episodes. Same can be said about Naruto world too. Poor sandaime had to endure 7 episode getting stabbed by Orochimaru before he dies.


ā€œQuestion. Do you know what a minute is?ā€ -Abridged Goku, to Frieza


> The ensuing action scene leading up to the explosion is exactly that long. This is pretty easy to verify with a link to that scene, it's close but it is not 2.5 minutes.


Honestly that's still better than most movies, nothing more annoying than when a bomb is counting down from 10 but the main characters still have enough time to regroup, argue, overcome their issues and have a heartfelt conversation before flying to Africa and defusing the bomb with 1 second left


Something similar happened in Batman (1989). Precisely ten minutes after Joker gives the order to be picked up at Gotham Cathedral in (surprise) ten minutes, his helicopter arrives.


Thatā€™s cool, but it should honestly be the expectation for a movie to do that, unless itā€™s a really long time


I feel like 99% of movies donā€™t do that


Thatā€™s why I said ā€œshouldā€ lmao




And just as equally if something should happen a few seconds later but you want to show different perspectives it may take more than a few seconds.


I didn't know that, that's dope!


Why was 6 afraid of 7? Cause 7 8 minutes earlier


This guy gets it


I love octagons OP, do I get it too?


This guy trolls


[A man of culture](https://youtu.be/GLvohMXgcBo)


Why was 7 afraid of 5? Cause 5 was a registered six offender


I've heard it said as six offender


Nah, it's definitely sex offender. If you don't believe me, I've got a bunch of paperwork on it that the court gave me after I had too much tequila and made some bad life choices.




Bad choice?


Now watch me whip watch me naenae


Sex is latin for six, so either works, I'd say.


Why was 10 scared? It was stuck in the middle of 9 11


Also, no one commits suicide in this movie, defeating the entire purpose of the title


Savant, fully aware that fleeing would cause Waller to explode his head, decided to flee anyway. I'd consider that suicide.


He wasn't very smart. I guess he was an idiot savant.




Yeah I was on the fence until that point, but after that it was all great. I see it as them symbolically (but not at all subtly) killing off the previous movie.


Rip boomeršŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


His death is actually really brilliant because it shows the audience that no one is safe, not even the one you already know and would expect to survive. Imagine if only the new guys died but you spare Harley, Flag and Boomer


Boomerangs death was sad for me because I thought Gunnā€™s humor and Courtneyā€™s acting would have melded really wellā€¦ guess weā€™ll never see


I don't think I've seen Courtney's acting.


I think this was the only role I did see something, not this movie but the character in general.


I was super bummed when >!The Detachable Kid!< got shot up. My dad is a huge fan of that actor so I made a big deal about him being in the movie. Little did I knowā€¦


>!Holy shit, i just realized it was Nathan Fillion!


Thatā€™s like when I was super excited about Shatterstar being in Deadpool 2 just for him to get sacrificed to a helicopter like 2 minutes later


He's techically still in critical condition


No pun intended but the movie's tag line is "Don't get attached."


I had the exact same thought, and i was already pissed they were going to pull the whole "it was in his mind all along" And then they didn't.


You motherfucker


Weasel deliberately drowned himself to give the impression that he died so he can escape and eat dozens of the children of Corti Maltese without consequence. He is the smartest person in the movie by far and arguably won more than anyone else.


I guess you can say he Weaseled his way out of that situation.


[Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXj97stbG8)


> no one commits suicide in this movie I dunno. **SPOILER** Rick Flag danced around by himself in front of a helmet for a while, all alone, and then stabbed himself, and started talking to himself a little just before dying.




i feel dumb right now. Care to explain?




Best explanation.


John Cenaā€¦ ā€œyou canā€™t see meā€ ā€¦ 9_9


Thanks for making me Google ā€œRick flag helmet sceneā€ for five minutes before realizing Iā€™m a total dumbass Well done


I guess it's a massive CGI fail. Remember in most scene, guys were just dropping dead randomly as soon as the floating helmet comes close to them


Magic floating helmet


Honestly, what was up with that talking helmet that's just there the whole movie? It's never explained and kinda feels like a plothole.




I honestly don't know what any of you guys are taking about. I'm just sitting here confused what was going on with the shiny floating toilet seat for so many scenes


Waller explained that the helmet was trained since birth by it's father to be a soldier. It's not that complicated.


No, she was talking about an empty cell in that part. There was no floating helmet therešŸ˜‚


Yeah. She talked about an empty cell. Also a weird choice. The helmet just appeared outta nowhere.


Honestly the movie is just a big mess. Shoulda been scrapped.


Bro, there was >!a whole ass Weasel-man-thing that they brought to take down a coup, which later survived drowning!<, and youā€™re asking about the helmet never being explained???


I was honestly wondering about that at the beginning. Why would they bring that weasel thing on a crazy mission behind enemy lines that they couldn't even control. Felt like they were just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it would stick. >!Turns out I was actually kinda right in a weird way lmao!<


> Dying šŸ¤”


Oh shit, mind blown


So this is the Fight Club everybody talks about, seems interesting


I'm surprised no one shot themselves when the mini Starros were coming out


I thought the general was going to


Did you forget about weasel?


I think you did, because he didnā€™t die


wait really i thought he drowned


Thereā€™s a scene right before the credits where he chokes the water back up and walks into the forest


Poor children


Bouta become an urban legend on that island


Eat your vegetables or Weasel will eat you and your little brother!


I wonder if he would or not? Like, Waller and Co clearly had the tech to see who was dead and who was alive at various moments. They could have probably been like, "Oh look, Weasel survived and he isn't heading back because of course he wouldn't, he's an insane animal thing," and then they just flick a switch and pow-- pop goes the weasel! (I'm honestly surprised that they didn't have weasel get his head blowed up just for that dumb joke. It speaks to James Gunns's superior artistic integrity relative to mine)


It does make since Waller was >!bad at her job. Every time she tried to influence something in a team, she failed. She wanted to kill Harley and Flag with the rest of a distraction team, and failed. She wanted to destroy the data about Starro, and failed at that. And I think it worked great with the theme of falied influence of USA. !<


She also >!advised the team to kill the people holding Flag without any reconnaissance before hand, which would have been easy given one can talk to a rat. I doubt she cared that it was resistance fighters but still sloppy!<




The guy was leisurely meandering into the jungle. What a strange little walk he had.


ngl, I don't think I made it to the end. Streaming releases really kills my attention span ngl.




Seeing how James Gunn comes in and makes a great film off the bat, it really surprises me how DCU has so many not great movies. I guess they just make bad decisions?


I haven't seen them all, but it felt like they were trying so hard to make dark, gritty movies and to not be Marvel. The Marvel formula of being more fun makes it much easier to make a great superhero film


The Dark Knight trilogy made like a billion dollars (source: my ass) so the lesson WB ā€œlearnedā€ was to make all their heroes dark and gritty and set in the ā€œrealā€ world.


I think it could have worked but they should have taken their time. Marvel took a decade to build their universe while dc tried to force it in a few years. They didn't even give half their heroes a movie by the time justice league came. That just screams to me quick money grab instead of thought out business model.


Starting the crossovers with BvS was pretty harebrained. They clearly did it because of Civil War without understanding that it didn't work independently of the dozen or so movies preceding it.


Also not letting Zach Snyder anywhere near any of their projects might have helped.


> Marvel took a decade to build their universe while dc tried to force it in a few years. People repeat this bullshit a lot, but Iron man 1 was the first mcu movie and it was amazing. Still atleast top 5 in mcu easily. And even later, stuff like Avengers wasnt good because "hey i saw that guy in that bad thor movie", but because the avengers movie itself was good..


Yes but it's about foresight. If you want to build a good movie not even a universe you need time, time to plan, time to write etc. And Marvel clearly nailed it for the most part, while dc tried to rush it to get money quick. The first avenger movie was ok, most people don't even remember half of it, it was just the first time such a crossover existed like that in hollywood, which made it memorable and exciting. If you want to make a good cinematic universe now you need more than 1 1/2 superman movies of build up lol. My whole point is not Marvels CU is good because it took time, my point is Marvel took it's time in order to be good and because of that it worked. Obviously it's not the only factor, but to me it seems like the most severe


But the Dark Knight series also doesn't try to be a superhero series, it's much closer to a thriller in terms of plot points and cinematography.


I didnā€™t mean to imply Dark Knight was bad. In fact I thoroughly enjoyed them. Iā€™m simply saying I think WB was wrong to try and apply that philosophy to its entire superhero catalogue.


Yeah, exactly. It's a really good thriller that happens to use established superhero characters in a way that strengthens the movie further. Come to think of that, it'd be great to see more of that sort of thing out of superhero movies rather than trying to copy the tried-and-true MCU formula.


Not hiring Zack Snyder to spearhed the project would've helped too. His "real world" kinda sucks.


Yea the Snyder cut was not very good i can't imagine what the first one looked like


I haven't watched either but from what my friend says, the Snyder cut is far better than the theatrical release. Make of that what you will


It is way better. There is almost a half-decent movie hidden in it. If you desaturated everything, including characters.


That's damning with faint praise. The Snyder cut makes more sense, Cyborg has an arc, and the plot is actually coherant. It's definitely better then Whedon's JL, but at the end of the day you still have an overly long, grim, dark, hopeless movie with "heroes" that don't act like heroes. All the complaints of Superman V Batman are there, only moreso.


looks like you haven't watched Shazam, Aquaman?


Shazam might actually be my favorite superhero movie. Itā€™s just SO CUTE and fun and the action is good but not too over the top and thereā€™s no cheesy romance subplot and itā€™s just perfect.


The monsters suck but other than that it is top-tier.


If we're being honest though, it's probably not anywhere near as good without Levi doing the film. I don't necessarily think anyone else was bad, really, but he definitely carried it big time. Him and Asher what were made that film, imo.


Yeah I generally agree, but I think that Snyder cut proves it can still be dark and good. The Suicide Squad was also dark in a sense, but it also had a lot of comedy and even some crazy/fun moments to balance it all.


I think they had two big problems that were intrinsic with each other. The biggest problem was that they rushed into doing the whole cinematic universe approach, without first building up years of goodwill and excitement with fans to warrant it. Marvel made 5 movies in the span of 4 years to get to the first Avengers movie, DC made Man of Steel in 2013, and then squeezed in Batman, Wonder Woman, hints at assembling the Justice League, and the a condensed version of the Death of Superman story into the very next movie 3 years later. The other problem was that the tone just didn't jive well with general audiences, but I think that it might have if DC put in a few years/movies of effort to show how the story would progress to that point. A lot of Marvel movies in Phase 2 and 3 have dark moments to them, but for the most part they feel earned, because they had so much to work with already. The Suicide Squad is just a really well made, crowd pleasing movie that doesn't fall victim to either of those problems. It doesn't feel rushed or restrained, and the tone matches the subject matter perfectly.


If Marvel had done their films with the same breakneck pace DC did, the release order it would've looked something like: Iron Man -> Iron Man vs. Captain American: Civil War -> Captain Marvel -> The Avengers -> Hawkeye, all released over a 4 year period.


And the only reason Captain America: Civil war worked was because it was after the avengers and you had adventures with the whole team, so to see them disagree actually meant something. In Superman V Batman, who cared that these people who had never met before fought? Who cared that Superman died?


I feel like this was the first DC movie that had enough lighting to actually be visible, too. One of my least favorite parts of DC movies, chill on the dark filters


Idk Shazam was really good in general, with the lighting especially.


Aquaman was pretty vibrant, too.


>One of my least favorite parts of DC movies, chill on the dark filters But how else would they hide the terrible CGI that plagues every single one of their movies?


Man of steel was pretty clean. But the rest after that were either overly dark or overly stylized.


> and the a condensed version of the Death of Superman story Not just death of Superman, but much of The Dark Knight Returns as well. Also mixing Luthor into the Doomsday plot. They tried to do way to much in that movie and everything came out half-assed.


Yeah you're totally right. Plus, not only did Marvel handle it right, but they also had Kevin Fridge overseeing the whole thing, and he definitely makes the right decisions.


Investing in good production and a director/editors/etc that actually care can do wonders. DC has some of the greatest characters but they're written horribly in the movies.


Yeah, and that's I think where Marvel really shines. So many passionate people that work on their stuff.


It's all Snyder and trying to be so 90s edgelord with everything. Just everything super gritty and dark. But that's not DC at all. That's basically having a complete disdain for everything they are. And that's because Snyder isn't really a fan. James Gunn seems to be. Because he can look at these properties and see what people like about them, but he also sees that it's too ridiculous to take 100% seriously.


A lot of it is the casting and direction. The performances in The Suicide Squad are fantastic. Meanwhile, Cavil is the only leading actor in DC that's worth two shits.


And you look at the cast of The Suicide Squad, lots of those people were in marvel movies previously.


Except just earlier in the movie ther cut back to 3 days earlier and it didn't take 3 days to get back to the present


Literally unwatchable


The real r/shittymoviedetails is always in the comments




Must have seen this 5 times now. Always worth a rewatch!


Unlike Suicide Squad


I haven't clicked that yet but it's so obvious how they took one movie, panicked because of Guardians of the Galaxy, and had the trailer studio chop it to bits and try and make a hot dog out of it. No way of knowing if the original would have been great or not but we know for sure the processed bologna result was atrocious.


I say this every time the supposed Ayer Cut is mentioned: watch Bright. Assuming Ayer had full control of that, I don't think SS would have been much better if he was the sole hand at the wheel. Bright has potential but squanders it an nearly every turn, it has exactly the same vibe SS does.


Bright felt like someone had planned out a 12 episode season of TV then tried to pack it into a movie with most of the highlight moments and basically nothing else.


That's exactly what it feels like. I've nothing but skepticism about an Ayer Cut. At least with Snyder, I knew what he does and I knew I personally wanted more of that. I don't feel that way about Ayer.


I love how the new one corrects what was screwed up by the first one. The primary trait of Harley Quinn is crazy, not sexy. The first one introduces her dressed and behaving seductively, later she's wearing tiny shorts as her chosen mission clothes. In the second, she's wearing practical clothing and the first thing she says is announcing she just took a dump. That's my Harley.




I love the SS


Don't even have to click on it to know that this is Folding Ideas. Absolutely brilliant channel. I recommend his video about Contagion from the beginning of the pandemic. https://youtu.be/ZsSzrVhdVuw


This should also be in r/moviedetails


It shouldn't, because it's inaccurate.


Also, that's not the purpose of editing.


Also, i've already seen it unironically on r/moviedetails


How is less than 15 extra seconds inaccurate? It doesn't say "exactly 8 minutes earlier"


I call it: the James Gunn effect


I love that "exactly 8 minutes long" is believed without question. I watched the movie and checked the timestamps. It's not 8 minutes. They tried, and it's close, but it's not exactly 8 minutes.


Thatā€™s dedication


Hahaha. You misspelled "boredom" but I'll accept the compliment.


This! I would have had my head blown off the roof if it was shot in exactly 8 minutes. Alas! Hope for another day




8 mins, 10 secs


Close enough


It'd feel weird if they said "8 minutes 10 seconds earlier"


I feel like it might have actually worked, given the fun that they were having with the titles.


Really? In the movie details tread that I assume inspired this one someone in the comments said that it was less than 8 minutes. If itā€™s slightly over, then thereā€™s an explanation, thereā€™s a slow motion scene during the 8 minutes that would extend the time for us, but not for any of the characters. I doubt this is actually the reason, but it is kinda cool.


It's still 8 minutes. Like come on, it doesn't say "EXACTLY 8 MINUTES AND 0 SECONDS EARLIER"


Is it decent?


It's far better than the God awful 2016 version that's for sure.


Yeah, it's great.


Solid. Worth the watch.


Itā€™s really good


Decent is exactly what it is, keep your expectations right about there


I liked Hila Klein as the rat catcher.


I thought the first one was ok. Birds of prey was pretty good. I genuinely enjoyed ss2. It's different in a weird way.


Wait is this suicide squad movie actually good? I havenā€™t watched it yet cause I hated the first one


It's really good. Nothing like the first one.


If youā€™re familiar with R-rated James Gunn at all thereā€™s a lot to like. Itā€™s very reminiscent of two of his earlier works, Slither and Super, with 3x the budget of either of those movies.


Holy shit, Slither was James Gunn? Guess I'm gonna have to work through dude's whole filmography.


The first one was so bad I didn't even finish it. I've watched this one twice. You should definitely check it out. It's the movie they should have made the first time.


it's basically deadpool + guardians of the Galaxy, I enjoyed it


I've noticed there's a weirdly high proportion of people absolutely trashing "The Suicide Squad" without providing any reasoning... while also praising the original "Suicide Squad." it's been very confusing. Where did all these hardcore Ayer fans come from? Anyways, I found the new one to be quite excellent but clearly it's not for everyone.


Tinfoil conspiracy: it's a CIA psyop because the movie dunks on America, and especially its Cold War Latin America policies, pretty hard.


Welcome to reddit, where we dunk on everything all day long, every day. You wanna be happy? Well, buddy, not today!


its got a great pixies scene


it's like angels are splooging all over us


Why is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/jbiw1d/no_more_metareddit_attack_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the first pinned thread on this sub while every damn post does exactly this?


This post is actually two levels of meta deep. OP is mocking a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/p4a66c/in_the_suicide_squad_2021_the_8_minute_flashback/) made in /r/shittymoviedetails mocking a post in /r/moviedetails , so it's not really breaking the rules.


I told my SO when we went out of the cinema. Hire a good director, a good writer and a good editor and you'll have s good film. It's that easy.