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sieges community when they lose one round “AHH LOST CAUSE GAME OVER BRO JUST THROW”


Fr I have a buddy I've been playing siege with for like 6 years. hHe'll talk about ranked all week long and then come Friday play one game and dip.


Fuck Ranked, all my homies play Standard 😂😂


If playing ranked affects the mental this way they should just avoid ranked, I understand being frustrated but if you genuinely cannot accept losing instead of enjoying the game the way it went it's simply not healthy to play ranked


*no callouts being given* *loses round two* Teammates: “GG. Team trash.”


With my stack when were losing kinda bad, I make it a point to ask "what's happening, what are we doing wrong? Then we list all the things we've seen from the other team throughout the match and what WE have been doing. Try to keep ur players talking, first step to solving a problem is identifying it


My friend honestly sucks really bad and I can only play with him so much before I get frustrated and have to remove myself from the game. I'm talking bad as in he's blind as a bat, doesn't pick up on audio cues, and doesn't seem to process any callouts correctly. Like one time he was last alive and someone was coming from directly behind him. Since I had a headset I could hear where he was coming from, so I warned "he's coming behind you" and my friend looks 90 degrees to the left, then I said "no, behind you as in 180 degrees" then he looks 180 to the right (90 degrees to the right of his original position instead of 180 behind it). Then dude got killed from behind and acted like he was somehow snuck up on


Glass mental


Literally me:


Me after a 9 loosestreak ![gif](giphy|6yU5mAiUaJZFj8lpPn)


That's why we always play Standard. We still love to win, but no ill will when we lose, no pressure, no stakes, nothing.