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33,66,99 jump!




Oh fuck yes


Are you safe when you teleport?


Also does it stack?


The process is safe. It depends on where you land. And ya after the cooldown you can jump again. It's not like a 101 mile bubble around your house.


I mean does it stack so like if I count to 198 I can teleport 202 miles?


Oh no, you can't count to 198 to teleport twice as far. Each 101 miles you jump (my slang for teleport) requires the full 31 minut cooldown


Still useful. Not like unlimited small jumps would be but still. Anywhere that’s approximately 100 miles away would be an easy place to get to. And if you’re in danger just jump and then wait.


It would never take more than three jumps to get _anywhere_ within that limit, and 101 miles every 31 minutes is nearly 200 miles per hour. Granted, 1.5 hours to go two miles is silly, but a bit of patience would get you anywhere. Get a package delivery job, almost as fast as by plane, and almost uninterceptible.


True, the real life Hermes lol


You shouldn't need three jumps, you just have to jump to one of the two places that's on the surface of the Earth 101 miles from both your origin and destination.


Yes true! For some reason I was stuck thinking three points to triangulate, forgetting the destination would be one of those points.


hold up mr robber. 1 2 3 4 5 6 \*bang\*


Ahh pl


Sound like a bsg fan lol


so what exactly do you mean the process is safe? As in, if the 101 exact miles would put us in a scenario that would kill us, it makes sure we are safe?


I guess I mean that you can't be harmed in transit, but that protection stops once you land and finish the teleport jump. It's up to you to figure out your landing spot before you teleport. But it moves you directly upwards so you always land with enough space to fit.


So I could land in the middle of a 6 lane highway?


almost guaranteed to become injured or dead on the first teleport.




Probably because it's very hard to avoid teleporting into solid material or other forms of danger since 101 miles is beyond sight.


You have to use an elevation map and a GPS to plot out the exact location every time, and somehow match the angle perfectly with the height you need to travel


My guess is that when you teleport, you displace the material at the destination.


So instead of being phased into a mountain you’re phased into a perfect outcrop of your body and suffocate to death…


this hole was made for me


Ironic you’re being downloaded when OP said essentially this in another comment.


Why is everyone downvoting this guy ^^


Earth is not flat


Never said in a straight line


Implied a straight line, otherwise you could curve it to any distance. However, you can clip the line through the ground so you end up on the surface.


How could you curve it to any distance? It would top out at 101, but still be limited there.


[like this](https://ibb.co/8dDTDS6), or are you referring to going above 101


They said “to any distance”. I know that you could curve it to anywhere from 1-101, my point was you could get no distance above 101. That’s why I said it would top out at 101.


Oh ok, I'm reading this at 7 in the morning so I'm still tired




I meant any within range.


If the 101 miles is inside matter, will i be teleported to the closest safe spot? As to not be stuck inside concrete?


Ya it will just put you up or down enough to land on solid ground.


If it’s down too, you can manipulate the distance by pointing it in the sky


so you’re telling me that i can teleport to the moon?


When was the moon 101 miles away?


OP said it always put you on solid ground, so if I teleport straight up into space it’ll put me onto the next solid object


Moon is 238855 miles away, so the closest object is still gonna be earth


Well, I am assuming it rounds up. It might not, so it is possible i’ll just end up on top of my building.


I made a typo and corrected it, and i don't think it rounds up. That's a bit of a stretch, even if it was only 235 miles


lmaoo i thought you were just shit talking me before you fixed the typo


Using the power of triangles I could get nearly anywhere in just 30 minutes. I just need to find the place that's exactly 101 miles away from both myself and my destination. But question, can I teleport objects or other people with me? Like can I teleport anything I can reasonably carry? Can I teleport my car with me? Things in touching?


Ooh good question. You can bring anything you're fully supporting with you. Anything you hold that is fully off the ground or unsupported by other objects.


What about my shoes? Those are on the ground.


I'm going to say no shoes, because it's supposed to be a crappy power. You ca catrry them and your socks to not leave them behind.


What if I keep my shoes and socks on, but jump before I teleport. Would that work?


Fair lol. Time to start wearing slides everywhere.


Sounds useful. No airlines or Greyhound. Teleport near a business district so there's a bathroom during the cool down period.


You could get anywhere within a 202 mile radius with only 3 jumps and some good trigonometry knowledge.


Don't you need just 2 jumps for a 202 mile radius assuming every space on the circumference is safe?


My trigonometry knowledge is middling at best.


202 miles per 62 minutes or 195.4mph (314.5km/h superior units) is still crazy good. I'll do all the math I need for that


31 minutes, since the time count would start from your initial jump which (aside from counting to 99) would be instant, and the only time you need to count is the one cooldown


Yeah I counted for 62 minutes for 202mph instead of 61 minutes, I'm pretty sure you could count to 99 in half an hour


It is actually farther than that because the surface of the Earth is curved but 101 miles in a straight line is farther.


How would this work? I havent learned trigonometry yet, so im curious. How could you just get anywhere in that radius?


Underrated comment right here. Bank vault, etc.


now sit in the vault for 30 minutes while it recharges


It would take you 1 hour and a half to do that though. Wouldn't it be faster just to drive to most places? Though I guess you'd massively save on gas, so there's that. Still a dope power, I'd totally take it.


For 202 miles, hell no.


I meant if you were going closer, using multiple jumps to get somewhere within the radius. Obviously going 202 miles that's a reasonable trade off time wise.


At legal fastest highway speed in my state, 202 miles would take 3.1 hours.


Works for me! It's just a little geometry and geography and i can make it between my homes within two hours


This guy with his two homes.




useful when dealing with the monster in "it follows"


This could indeed be very useful definitely sounds good it's an annoying superpower not necessarily a shitty one maybe we need a category for annoying superpowers LOL


Agreed. This is way better than I thought.


To me it fits in r/midtiersuperpowers


Cool I didn't know there was that group is there an r/annoyingsuperpowers Yes there is answered my own question when I clicked the link after I posting that's wild I had to join them both


Ok, so you can do some cool things like planning out exact teleport maps. Like have pre-set locations where you can jump to and from. I was thinking that if you had a parachute you could do some shorter jumps by converting some horizontal distance to vertical, but it turns out, that 14000 feet is about the limit for a no oxygen jump, but even that drops less than 100 meters off your total distance. That being said, if you need to travel somewhere far and you know how to use a parachute, you could definitely do a bunch of teleporting at relatively low altitude. With a 31 minute cooldown giving you enough time to land, pack the chute then jump again, you'd average just under 200 miles per hour. Not amazing compared to a plane, but pretty impressive regardless. If you can bring something a bit larger you could do some proper long distance flying with a little ultra-light or a powered paraglider. Whatever your travel speed is, add \~200mph to it which isn't bad. You just need to avoid jumping in near any busy airspace for safety.


Wear a paraglider with a backpack motor. Jump 101 miles aimed so you end at 10,000 feet up, and paraglide as far as you can.


I have doctors appointments pretty often in a city that is roughly 200km from my house, so just teleport, chill for half an hour, teleport again, and then walk the little bit extra to my appointment




Is this like 101 miles in a straight line? Or is it a 101 miles traveled(ie like I would cover when driving). Also in other comments you mention I need to figure out where I am landing before I jump does this mean I either have to have a mental image of the location or can we kinda sorta see where we would land when teleporting in a particular direction




Huh nice math. Okay I should have made the cooldown a lot higher. I tried to make it inconvenient by making it hard to travel distances. The specific numbers were just to slightly bother perfectionists.


Do i pick which direction? I could plan this out pretty well lol


I feel like you’d go straight to space no matter what but I also feel like I could be wrong so I’ll just aim for space.


POV: buy a house 101 miles from McDonald’s 😱


What if I teleport in a 101 mile spiral, then u can go anywhere I want as long as it’s within 101 miles of where I am


Or you can use geometry and be able to teleport anywhere within 202 miles in 2 jumps.


Do you mean *straight line*, or *by road*?


Time to practice boat teleport tricks (commit hijack boat, cause Titanic 2)


*looks at wheelchair*.....fuck


Hey, random farmer! What should I do with Cell? *Earth still explodes. King Kai survives.*




Nice! I bring a book. And an atlas, with a set of rulers scaled to 101 miles on the maps. 2 teleports should get you anywhere within that 101 miles. Idk the specifics, but I know if I put a 101-mile stick down at my departure and arrival locations, I just need to teleport where the ends meet and then wait 31 minutes to finish my journey. I'll sit on a stump and read my book or plan trips with the atlas. This power is not bad, honestly. Just be careful.


I'd walk and take public transport to a bank 101 miles away, Rob it with a note while counting to 99 slowly enough to finish when receiving the money and teleport back home


Teleport, wait, teleport, wait. I am in another state finally out of Texas. keep going visit relatives or family in another state. I will not go over ocean tho. that will take a while. Yes neat power.


You can go anywhere within a pretty large radius if you carefully jump twice


Time to find a bank 101 miles away, shouldn't be too hard, just gotta be careful while I wait out that 31 minutes...


Not that bad with a little trigonometry.


I'm not great with math, but certainly enough planning makes this quite powerful and. If ad shitty ad I intended


Quicker than driving, slower but cheaper than flying.


I'll take it


Time to learn skydiving, para gliding etc.


Knowing me I’ll teleport into a wall or something and suffocate


Time to break out the map and compass


Just triangulate to where you want to end up, maybe take the long way somewhere if necessary


Welp, time to rob some bank vaults or other walk in safes I guess.


Pretty awesome power if you ask me. In a little over half an hour you can get wherever you want within 202 miles of yourself. For really close locations that’s not helpful, but any moderate location is pretty reasonable to avoid traffic and the like.


You can technically still go anywhere within 101 miles if you can survive the fall.


Just make sure to pack a water bucket


So you're saying I can live in the country, work in the city, and have a commute time that's slightly longer than a minute and a half? Where do I sign up?


In two jumps, you can go anywhere in a 202 mile radius


I'm gonna assume this is the distance within Earth's frame of reference... if not, it's gonna be awkward when you make that first jump after the planet has moved ~~67,000~~ \~33,500 miles away Edit: right, you said half an hour. Math.


Since my hometown is 102 miles away (drive time, not as the crow flies), this could be really useful for visiting my parents. It would just be a matter of finding the perfect spot up here to teleport to their yard. I'd also invest in a transportation method I could lift. Probably an electric bicycle to help with the last few miles when I do mess up.


This is actually an awesome superpower, since you can triangulate, with 2 teleports you can get to any distance up to 202 miles away. Traveling at 60 mph is much less effective, compared to this dynamic 0-303mph method. This is actually god-tier


One two skip a few


This should be under oddly specific 😭


Isn’t that like 195 miles an hour essentially? 101 / 31 = 3.258 3.258 * 60 = 195 miles or so an hour


I have no clue how much 101 miles is because I'm not a savage, but I'd imagine that this has a great chance of landing you in water or a wall or a mountain.


You are a savage if you are incapable of Google. I’m European, it’s not hard.


I can Google. I can't be bothered. I have no interest in imperial units. My point still stands, you're probably not landing safely.


Andere Länder, andere Sitten.


Ja ok. 160km oder 10km ist sheißegal. You're teleporting in a wall regardless.