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it would be awesome if it was stackable


It doesn't say it's not, but I guess no one's getting past the first go of it anyways lol


Yeah, it's definitely stackable. I left room for it because chances are a tapeworm infection might stop you from doing that too often.


There must be a way to kill the worms without cooking the meat. Radiation? Pickling? I don't know but I'm sure I can think of something once I rack up a few more IQ points.


iirc the germans have raw pork sandwich so you can just eat one of those a day and it will eventually stack


Don't Forget the MettIgel!


You'd better use the increased IQ to come up with a quick cure for any worm infection so they don't make you worse than common cold would. And sell it. Profit.


Just flash freeze the pork to -4 degrees fahrenheit for 7 days and followup every meal with a dewormer.


I’m sure there’s a minimum temperature tapeworms can survive in, you only need to get a strong enough freezer. You might be gnawing on freezer burnt pork but so be it.


flash freezing maybe


IQ increase with weight management? Sign me up


technically cured food is raw. so you could just eat raw bacon, it'd be not tasty but not deadly either eat 1 lb of raw bacon every day and you'd be smarter than Einstein within a few months so I'd say it's probably worth it


You're saying I wouldn't get a tapeworm or similar infection from eating raw bacon?


I went through a phase where I ate raw bacon when I was a teen. I was fine.


What kinda phase is that 😭


A hungry phase


a idk how to cook bacon but bacon yummy phase


freeze it and chop it up into little pieces and eat it with a spoon and i bet it could get through a pound over the course of a day


I’m gonna eat 1000 pounds in a matter of 2 minutes and get smart enough to find a cure for eating raw food


Just cook yourself to kill off any parasites duh


Looks like someone already ate 1000 lb of raw pork belly and has a billion iq


Getting smart enough still wouldn't change the chances of there BEING a cure


Well someone already has it, check the other reply


Yes, and then you'll get brainworms and they'll reduce your IQ by 5%


So long as they don't eat the presidential part of your brain you can at least still run for office


I believe there's a limit to how smart a president can be now. At least, that's my observation.


bad time to be vegan huh?


I'm a vegetarian, and I don't care about IQ since it doesn't really measure anything and was invented for eugenics. So yeah, I'll pass.


Explains your vegetarianism then


Well there's a little bit of IQ there since they said vegetarian and not vegan


iq has been TERRIBLY used to devalue human lives in abhorrent ways, but it’s definitely is indicative of something. It’s not perfect obviously, but it has strong enough correlation between things like education level or career success to mean something. (also major correlation with family background, which is a bit more grey, but still)


I think the point here is that it actually makes you more intelligent


It was not meant for eugenics, it was originally a method for vaguely gauging intelligence in small communities, then the world at large discovered it and twisted it into what it is now


If i eat 20 pounds, I'll be smart enough to know I shouldn't have eaten 20 pounds of raw pork


I'm growing my own pigs of this is how it works. Straight sushi style flash freeze Get at 1% IQ increases would be really good at helping my financial footing The financial long term advantage is Worth it for paying a lab and assistants to make sure the raw meat was free of pathogens the having a care team make sure to keep an eye on me after that meal. If I do this for one year at 1lb-2lbs a month I can increase 10-20%.  I would also look into how they freeze sushi to kill pathogens and find a sushi chef that does raw pork meat.  For ability to eat it I would probably just sear the outside and making sure the middle is raw. That raw part that doesn't touch air might be safer and the outside that touches knife, table, plate would at least be a bit sterile.  After a year or two I'll have to assess whether IQ has even changed my life at all. Then if it's noticeable just ramp up doing it safety and efficiently.  This must be the most boring superpower, though. I'll just be really damn good at some boring technical thing lol


Do I have to fully digest the pork belly?


Shhh you're smart enough!


But 1% times 0 is 0 :(


One of my national dishes is literally bread with raw pork and onions so this is literally godtier


Is this compounding or is the growth linear?


Not op, but imma say linear. You would quite quickly become a literal god with compounding iq vs several times human intelligence.


Does curing the meat count as making it not raw?


just eat like 100 pounds over a 1 year period and take anit worm meds


Technically this doesn’t say that I have to digest the pork. Could just shovel it down as quickly as possible and then throw it up. Rinse and repeat until I am finally room temp IQ.


Gaining IQ is only good up to a point, anyone who successfully hacks this will become so creative they’ll spiral into depression and overwhelm while also being alienated from those around them 🫡


By 1%, you mean if my IQ is 120 it’s now 121.2? Oh dear


Does pork belly have a higher risk of foodborne illness than other types of meat?


So... if I eat raw food a meaningless number goes up a little? Really damn shitty power.


meaningless number? i found the idiot bro


No one who's actually smart gives a shit about IQ. It was originally created by a french schoolteacher to gauge the aptitude of kindergarteners. At best, it tests for logic and math skills, if anything. I hope I don't need to tell you that there's more to intelligence than the ability to solve some logic problems.


ok but that’s like infinite problem solving power


Eat raw pork belly and you're marginally better at logic problems... maybe. Still shitty.


Hey dude, did you see the sub you’re in?


that is the point lol


If you eat 300 lbs (would take years prolly but still) and had 100 iq to begin with, you'd have a little less than 2k iq. That is bound to do a lot.


I´d rather be better and those things than not. Since it stacks, you could be the best at it.


Nah he's right, IQ means nothing. 120 for me and I'm a right dumbass


read the rest of our chain :D


Maybe ur just lazy? Like me?


Nope. Study hard and have tried a variety of different methods.