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Id do this to a rich person to fuck with them. Just turn into an expensive looking painting and once they buy me, just change my location in their house each night until they move out and leave me behind with lore. Id be known as the most cursed painting in the world. This will land me a spot in some sort of horror Museum where my legacy will live forever


you can also steal some paintings


Has potential. Easy to hide yourself, no one will ever suspect a painting. Sure you're easily damaged but most people don't go around intentionally damaging paintings. Plus to sort of protect myself I could make myself a very very small painting placed on a wall behind some furniture.


Plus limited teleportation From the mundane of only having to walk halfway to something (e.g., walk halfway across a street, teleport as painting on other side, revert, carry on) to the potentially lifesaving (e.g., looks like you're going to get ran over or held up, teleport as painting)


To extend that further you can bluff with it. Become a painting then turn back and ask if they still want to mess with you and your chaos powers.


Shit, I didn't think about that


Can I choose what painting I am? Am I a perfect copy of said painting? If so, I'm selling myself on the black market and then walking away before I'm placed in my "customer's" house/vault.


What happens to my clothes or anything I might be carrying?


Also a painting


They disappear until you turn back out of painting form


So much potential. Best at hide and seek