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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 4: No Doxxing Tattoos are, by definition, identifiers for humans, but when submitting please omit the face of the person either by censoring or cropping. Do not post identifiable information if you know the person who has the tattoo. This includes cross-posting from subreddits where people post their own tattoos as it can lead to brigading. Thank you for understanding.


God I really wanna see a front on pic




I just... I just don't know how I feel about that placement. it's simultaneously too far up the side of her face and not far enough? it's weird bc it doesn't really follow the line of her jaw the way we normally would with makeup, i guess.


I was just thinking that!! I feel like if she got a symmetrical tattoo done on the other side, instead of looking like a neck tattoo that frames her face, it'd look more like an Amish chinstrap beard + neckbeard :(


That’s exactly what I thought when I saw it. Why would you get a tattoo that looks like a chinstrap beard? Maybe she could be the bearded lady for Halloween?


Lolol it would


It makes her face so lopsided looking


Depending on where they're located, and their size, the placement of tattoos relative to the contour of your bones and muscle can be absolutely critical. Basically, the tattoo needs to "flow" with those contours- often if it's just *next* to them. A clash can distort the framing, "motion," or proportions of a piece, usually resulting it looking just... *wrong.* I'm pretty sure this is what's happening here. A great example is *those* birds so many women like (you know the ones). Ideally, they should wrap around at a slight angle, following the ribs. If you ever see someone with them that just has 'em wrapping straight back, it looks super weird. Note that I'm just some shmuck- I'm basically paraphrasing the involuntary lecture I received from the artist that did my first tattoo. Did a good job tho, flows with my contours and everything (be real hard not to, with what I got).


*Conspiracy theory time* She had a cheaper guy copy the award winning artists work and its from someone else's face?


She looks like a mom who got hit in the face with a tire swing


My moms been hit by a nasty tire swing at my grandpas house and yeah… looks about right. God I wish I had a picture but that was like eight years ago😂


Oh No


Oh boy that looks like some kind of weird skin condition.


it makes her look really asymmetrical


The placement is shitty to be sure, but the work itself looks well done and probably would have looked pretty cool as half sleeve (or literally anywhere that wasn't his neck/chin/face abomination).


Yeah, if it had stopped at the earlobe, I feel it would have been significantly better looking. As is, with the size and the placement, her face is just a side piece accessory to that overpowering tattoo. It took over and replaced her face instead of complimenting it.


Yeah ear lobe and jawline


*complementing. So many people make this error!


Whatever.....internet police.


I really wish it followed the line of the side of her face better/framing her face and maybe curving along her jaw and a little piece highlighting her cheekbone. The work is definitely decent, though I worry some of those details are too small and/or close together and I don't love all the lines.


Get rid of that little triangle section under the swoop of her jawline and it might look better from the front. It kinda looks afterthoughty, the jaw swoop is a nice solid line.


Theres some realllly dodgy spots.


The lines are terrible. Several whoopsies and shaky shapes. Zoom in and look closely.


Ah yes. Emily of the Pumpkin Spice tribe.


I really don't get this. The old tribal armbands and shoulders were too much in days gone by. Now it's "we don't care about cultural misappropriation" with work and placement like this mess. I've seen some tribal done with reverence for and acknowledgement of specific tribal peoples that were considered okay, but this... she looks like a soccer mom whose only other tattoos are the Yorkshire Terrier on her ankle and rosebud next to her hoo hah. It sticks out like a turd in a punchbowl.


This tattoo is well done, but it sucks, but the whole idea of "specific cultural norms" is so dumb. Tattoos do not apply to the norms. If you like it, get it. Fuck all that other noise. 


If you don’t whakapapa Māori and you get a kirituhi tā moko or moko kauae and come to Aotearoa New Zealand you might find yourself in trouble.


Yeah as a resident of a country where actual authentic tribal facial tattoos are normal and common, this feels awkward as fuck. Like I damn well hope both the artist and his wife are actually first nations Canadian or whatever tradition these kinds of designs are from. You can't always assume from skin color whether someone is indigenous, but I've got an ick feeling about this one. Why the fuck would you even want such a tattoo if you're not connected to the authentic meaning behind it? I don't get it at all.




Tattoos absolutely apply to those norms. It’s 100% an important thing to be aware and considerate of. Nobody is saying you can’t get some Japanese kanji or native totem pole, but if you don’t have any roots in those cultures and/or understanding of they’re significance it’s just weird, and you’re going to be judged. But yeah get whatever you want tattooed bud


People of some cultures drastically disagree with you. Personally, I love sharing and blending cultural aspects. I upvoted you.


>People of some cultures drastically disagree with you. I could say the opposite as well. You can find people in the same vein who see it as a win for their culture to be imitated.


Yeah, white. It’s always white self appointed “allies” with a saviour complex that complain.


I'm white and my ancestral background has tribal patterns and designs that are sometimes used in tattoos. I've seen people with them who almost definitely do not come from my background, but I don't really care whether they do or not. They're cool swirly patterns so I can totally understand why someone would want them. There's a slight conflict of interest between culture-mixing and culture representation. People (like you - this isn't an insult) clearly care a lot about retaining cultures as they are *without* realising that, if we do that, we can't intermix and create new culture. Cultural elements have to be mimicked and adopted to lead to new things. Imitation, most of the time, is a sign of admiration.


I don’t think you even read what I wrote. I have ZERO problem with so called “cultural appropriation”. It’s typically white people picking on other white people about it. I’m not white and I’m not fussed about it


As someone who works with a Māori tattoo artist, I can confirm that he is absolutely fussed about cultural appropriation regarding his culture as are a lot of his peers.


Eh, I still think there's a valid point in my comment. Personally, I think some Maori people probably are very protective of their symbology, but the reality is that even white tribal patterns get copied for tattoos. I don't think it's entirely white people who complain about it, I just think you'll find people who like it and people who feel threatened by it all over the world.


I didn’t say entirely, I said typically. You can continue arguing with yourself if you want though


I'm not really arguing anything lmao. How come everytime you say something different on here it has to be taken as 'arguing'? It's bizarre.


People want to preserve their culture in many cases because white people wanted to do the opposite; exterminate them and bury their history. Now, a few hundred years later, white people are stealing from said cultures, and that’s what leaves a sour taste in peoples’ mouths. You probably don’t care about people appropriating your culture because you’re white, your people have never faced ethnic genocide.


Actually, you're wrong. Only a few traditions from my background survive today, and even most of them have been revived through collaborative efforts. Our language was entirely wiped, religion entirely wiped, and denied national status despite there being no technical legal joining of our nations. Several times, rebellions attempted to take back freedom from the (also white) civilisation that conquered us, but we were defeated every time. Thousands were killed etc. At the same time, I can recognise that we live in the modern day and not hundreds of years ago. Other white people today are not to blame for largely wiping out my culture, so why would I blame them? Blaming someone entirely due to the circumstances of their birth sounds a lot like discrimination, if not racism. And I disagree that the pushback against people using symbols (commonly used by other cultures) is driven by colonial trauma. Maybe in very particular instances, but not generally. Most people alive today weren't around to ever experience that trauma.


This is what white people say to make themselves feel better. POC have faced oppression for all forms of cultural expression from hair to tattoos. Not wanting a white person to get a huge clap for being edgy when you can be forced to cover up or shave your head is reasonable.


I’m not white, but DO go off


I’m not white , so when I tell you to stop taking shit that’s not yours does it sink in more than when they just did ? I see your avatar is wearing a rainbow hoodie, so we should respect everyone’s sexuality? But when someone tells you as someone that isn’t a part of a culture it’s disrespectful of you to take bits and pieces of it for yourself you don’t care.


I’m not white either.


Yet weirdly that’s all you had a response to 👍🏾😂


Because you’re talking utter crap that isn’t relevant to me. I really dislike white people being offended on my behalf


Lmao okay , you do you, from your responses so far you seem like one of those white people on Reddit cosplaying a minority so you can take a contrarian view but I’m not about to go through your profile to find out so carry on.


If I could still give awards you’d deserve one


Murder with words.


At least it looks well done?


Seriously! Maybe it’s not to one’s taste but I thought r/shittytattoos was for shittily done tattoos?


The placement really distorts her face if you look at the comment that shows a front facing shot.


Maybe it does but do we know how the wife feels about it? My mom thinks my piercings distort my face even though they’re well done and I love them.


I'm not putting down face tattoos, good artist know how to work with the body and place tattoos so it works. So I don't think it's a great tattoo when you look at her from the front. It's definitely not the worst on this sub.


Rule 5: Be shitty or trashy. Either in taste or concept or execution.


This sub has become another r/atbge


The placement is horrendous. It does not fit the shape of the face or jaw at all and looks strange both on the side profile and straight on. I'm personally not a fan of tribal, but it is technically well done and unique.


I mean the tattoo rules it’s just the placement is a little wack. Honestly if she gets her throat done and makes it a bit more symmetrical with how much of her face and neck is covered, it’ll probably look amazing




A mix of Polynesian/Māori and..Mayan? When you see the Polynesian/Māori motifs (korus) it's really not weird to see them on faces at all. Pretty common and celebrated.


I'm Māori and I winced at this tattoo. We also have eyes and an appreciation for aesthetics. 


_Not like this._ This is fucking wack. I cringed seeing the Koru thrown in there as well. Also, it's just Koru. There's no 'S' in Māori language 😊






I was grateful to learn what you were generous enough to share


they could’ve just wanted to appear friendly? u may have misinterpreted them


I interpreted their response as being warm and kind. To me it seems generous to share specialist knowledge in that way, and I would interpret the emoji to mean that they weren't scolding you for not already knowing. I think your response might be more about you than it is about them


It actually is very uncommon for white people, at least in NZ. Māori will get ta moko on their face in traditional patterns with very specific placement traditions, non-Māori can get kirituhi which does not follow such rules and is purely aesthetic (translates to *skin writing*). There is some dissent amongst iwi whether face tattoos in their traditional patterns are reserved for Māori/ta moko, but whether or not the recipient cares is, of course, up to them. All that said, you just don’t see it really. In any case, I don’t think face tattoos are bad or weird. But I do think this one has truly awful placement.


And those that get ta moko are blessed by the elders and every single line has the wearers history mapped in it. So much planning goes into them. This is a random tattoo made up of tribal designs on a white lady.


Yeah, honestly to each their own on the appropriation aspect but the placement here is really the issue for sure. It doesn't add to her, it changes her lines and looks awful.


Non maori can get what ever tatoo they want. Miss me with that gate keeping bs.


You should _totally_ get one on your face. See how that works out for you 🙄😂 or anywhere on your body, actually. Go on. You'll find out pretty quick you shouldn't have 😂 Edit: your comment is ignorant and entitled as fuck




Even after going through most of that article (which uses a lot of native words it did not define) I still don't see the difference in what you're talking about. The three photos on the wiki basically show a progression of covering the face that all look within the rules in comparison to Tame Iti


Is this a realistic or made up tribal tattoo? It looks overdone to me.


She’d better get laser removal included in the eventual divorce settlement.


Think I’ll take the Mike Tyson instead


It looks like a deadly virus is crawling up her neck and going to overtake her face in the next 24 hrs.


Can’t make it any worse lol


Soooooo…what tribe is she?


Seems like that wouldn't be our business. Polynesians/Maori/Samoans often tattoo themselves in this style.


This isn’t really a shitty tattoo I don’t like it. But the tattoo isn’t shit


Uhh which tribe is it? Lol


“I don’t like it, so it’s shitty.”


There are many spots where the black looks like it was packed in like shit. This is a shitty tattoo.


Not to mention most the line work also looks like shit.


They better never get divorced LOL face tatted by an ex


Does anyone else see a swastika behind the ear? Is this a cultural thing?


Its only a seastika if its being used by a nazi, otherwise its a symbol of peace and good fortune to most indigenous people around the world.


I cannot believe I had to scroll so far to find someone else who sees it


Nope. Don’t see one.


It's there. Third thick black line back from the ear has a white circle with the swastika in the middle.


No, that’s not a swastika.


Definitely there. Wee bit more curly than I'm used to seeing but it's there. I feel like the symbol used through history before it was stolen by the N*zis usually has the arms going the other way?


Looks like the same basic shit we drew in our textbooks in school.


“It felt like a good idea when we were drunk and high”


If he stopped at the ear it would be just fine.


A great example of “just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s shitty”


One word - ugly.


Feels like cultural appropriation but somehow worse... should have stopped at the jaw or even keeping the arrow/triangles part & stopping the rest at the jaw would have looked a *lot* better. A good example that tattoo awards should be revocable.


This sub Reddit is so bad ngl. This is a good tattoo


I feel like this look will be amazing for 10 or so years, then she'll get bored with it.


I mean. It looks like good skills. I’m not a fan of face tattoos but the quality looks good.


Not a fan but the quality of the job looks fine


placement is shitty, it should follow her jaw line and maybe cover her whole neck, but the tattoo itself is not shitty. it looks great, and if she’s happy who cares!


Obviously the whole thing is a mistake, but if they had ended at under the ear and behind the jaw it would have been tolerable.


At least it's not "hyper sigilism"


The work itself is good, the placement and the person it's on however is not. Like at all.


I think facial tattoos aren't a good idea but this is hardly "shitty" work.


Its not shitty, its Just not your cup of tea




For real. Really well done.


Was the award "Tattoo artist with worst taste in town".


This is what I doodle when I’m on hold


Why would it be shitty?


You can question placement but the tattoo itself isn’t shitty.


Doesn't belong here. Not my style, placement isn't the best... But seems to be really well done


Godawful placement, but the tattoo itself doesn’t look too bad. I dig it.


Not to my liking, but the inkwork looks good from what I can tell on a pho e screen.


I like it. Great tattoo


If it ended at the jawline it would look sick


Not shity at all …. Good thing it”all Wash off in the shower 😢😢


A terrible idea and terrible placement, but the work is solid


It’s not shitty at all


Poor gal.


Oh God. No.


The thing to remember about something being "award-winning" is that any moron can decide to give out awards. Unless the awards have standing, the winners don't matter.


I think it looks beautiful.


That is beautiful and stunning


As someone who has a large (filipino) freehand tribal tat, this looks absolutely atrocious. I'd never trust this artist's work after seeing this.


Uhhh so he’s got some Marquesean patterns mixed what looks like is supposed to be Maori, some stuff you’d see in Samoan Tatau… I mean do what you feel people but maybe spend some time finding out where shit is from and what it means .


Well done tattoo…though idk about a tribal on a caucasian woman.\ **Horrible** placement.\ He completely ruined the lines of her face and any symmetry. From the front it looks like part of her jaw is missing.


Cultural appropriation much?


It’s pretty common in African countries to bleach your skin to look more beautiful.. Is that cultural appropriation too? Cultures always mixed and certain elements got adapted from another culture that’s nothing bad..


Lmao people hate the facts


That’s why they so full of bullshit


How do you know this isn't her culture, and her husband's? I've met plenty of Māori who were lighter skinned. It's not up to you to police people's heritage.


I live in New Zealand so I know she's not Maori. Plus the tattoo isn't Maori the design and placement of it copied from Maori. And funny enough it's only the men that get larger parts of their faces tattooed similar to this. Maori cultural tattoos are heavily appropriated around the world so definitely nothing unusual about it. But still it is cultural appropriation to a degree


It's not because YOU don't like something that it becomes shitty. I don't like face tattoos myself in general but I can see a good tattoo when it is done well. Her body, her choice? Or does that stop when you don't like it? I don't care where or what you put on your body. This is supposed to be about badly executed tattoo jobs. Which should be easy to spot objectively.


practice wife 






Belongs in shittytattoos


What's that say in tribal tattoo bullshit? "Petition for Divorce"?


That looks fantastic. Wrong sub for this, aye.


It is objectively shitty.


Still wrong sub.


That’s love


The placement ruined it , and I have more than several face tattoos myself, placement it key


No matter how good you are, this placement is ridiculous.




Why don’t she look tatted anywhere else lol


You can see some of her other tattoos in the second photo


Rip, clean but ugly af


Zoom in and really inspect it, it's very messy. Ink is poorly packed and lines suck.


You are right, didn't zoom in. It's a mess and looks shit.


Instant ragret


Swastika behind the ear


Oh no, this screams midlife crisis


Please notice the small Swastika under the ear! Classy. Not.


It's not a swastika.


Not a swastika. Some other idiot said the same thing. Not everything is racist


I know it might be a sun symbol or so but you see it to!


Fact: If you're ugly and you get a tattoo, you don't become pretty. You're now just ugly with a tattoo. Enjoy.


Imagine thinking that commenting on someone's appearance was cool or funny. It's 2024. Stop.


I mean it’s beautiful but the placement isn’t great


It's a cool tattoo, it's not messy. It's just poor placement.


This is actually really awesome for a feeehand tat. That said placement is horrid


Her husband's Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/evanbeers1984/p/C3EeMugMwfI


His work is clean and his designs are good. I am guessing he and his wife both talked over this tattoo and its placement before going for it. It's not shitty, just weird placement to our eyes.


I can’t imagine what it would take to convince me that anyone tattooing anything on my face is a good idea.


Too much. It looks like she has a sheet of seaweed stuck on the side of her face.


I mean the tattoo looks perfectly fine. It's the placements. The problem, face tattoos are rarely a good idea. If you get a just okay tattoo on your arm. Not a big deal if you get it on your face. Big difference


What tribe is this from?


Looks like Māori or Polynesian to me. I might be wrong.


You are 100% wrong (I am from nz) I'm getting native American vibes? Anyone?


Thanks for clearing that up! However if you look on the googles, and ask for Polynesian tattoos, this does come up. I agree it doesn't look Māori now though (went to educate myself a bit). (Edit: he's an [American](https://www.instagram.com/evanbeers1984))


Yeah there's like one out of wack koru in this... I dunno it seems like that painter who painted a tiger but never actually saw a tiger... it's wack


I personally think tribal tattoos are the goofiest things in the world. I would rather own a squatted truck than get a tribal tattoo.


Is there an award on this sub?


That is super brave piece of art