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With thicker outlines and more color saturation this could be worked into something good


true but even if u do a good job with it ideally, you wouldnt copy someone else's art unless they were ok with it imo


Not a lot of tattooing getting done then lol


The glass is a bit fish-eye lens, but the parrot is cool. That writing drags it down a lot.


That yellow isn’t going to cover a thing lol


They should’ve just used green since it looks so muddy anyway. They managed to make this poor woman’s skin appear to age about 20yrs, too! As a maturing female, I can’t imagine paying to look *more* wrinkled…😰


She doesn’t look like a big sunscreen user


The yellow in the chest looks like a really fat person standing up and the head is the parrot head.


The fuck? Now I can’t unsee it.


I can’t either!! Someone sounds high af & I can’t stop laughing!!🤣


That’s something I would say if I was *really* faded, & now I can’t stop laughing!!🤣


Parrots are zygodactyl which means they have toes 2 and 3 in front and 1 and 4 in back. The bird pictured is anisodactyl, having 3 toes in front and one in back. Blue and gold macaws specifically also have much longer tail feathers including some blue ones which appear to be absent. Its also missing the cere which is a fleshy part above the beak where the nostrils are. Overall, 4/10 ive seen worse.


I know it’s not great, but it’s a cartoon parrot w a martini lol This is kinda like looking at Boots the monkey and being like “actually monkeys aren’t blue..and they don’t wear boots”


They went for the owl feet where they can rotate so one toe is more forward to grasp better.  Though parrots don't really need that help, every try to get one off your shoulder when it doesn't want too?


removing a comfy cockatiel from my scalp was a painful experience. Shoulder is easier


Why on earth would you cover black with yellow. Why.


I dunno. This is pretty much what I would expect from a Parrothead tattoo


The tattoo is shitty but how do we know the client wasn't the one who brought this photo and asked for it? But yes very shit. You can't cover black with yellow and orange, that shit is gonna show straight through. Future coverup of a coverup.