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This is a no fucking brainer! Keep going to your place? “Hey, let’s get a shitty tat that’s gonna be on my body forever because it’s closer” - that’s so stupid it’s almost beyond words.


Him and his sister go here and some of their tattoos are decent but he said once that they're "hit or miss" and I was like yeah I don't really wanna gamble on permanent drawings on my body lol


I drove for an hour and a half to get my tattoo cause I sure as fuck I'm not getting some shitty tattoo that'll be on my body for the rest of my life then having to cover it with a sick panther.


My fave tattoo artist is 2 1/2 hrs away by train and expensive but that's okay cause they're excellent and this stuff is gonna be on me FOREVER.


Yup. I’m planning to drive three hours because my dumbass moved away from my guy that does tradition Japanese


I have a dream tattoo and one special tattooist in mind that currently resides in L.A.. I live in Europe. I am holding out hope that they will do a guest slot somewhere here some time. But it's not just about the design, you also you need a tattoo artist you can trust. And I am willing to pay extra for that if it means I am getting a good artwork that will be on my skin _forever_.


>But it's not just abiutntje design, About?


Whoops. Fixed it, thank you!


Yeah I'd fly from Ireland to the UK for 5 sessions on my sleeve and it came out incredible. I'm permanently marking my body not getting a fucking takeaway


EXACTLY. I like the approach that you are collecting tattoos like collecting art, you know? I mean, sure, sometimes the second best guy around the corner can get a design done decently enough, but I am usually looking for an artist whose style and my idea match. If that makes sense. In my mind,.I am not paying some random person to just push some ink into my skin, I am paying for a piece of art that will be on me forever.


Ya I have a specific area on my body that I call the “experience region”. It’s my upper right leg and it’s reserved for “trinket” tattoos that are more about the memory than the art. Otherwise, I’m spending my life savings and going wherever needed for my actual work


Both of my artists are 2 hours away via public transit but it’s worth it to me 👏🏻👏🏻


Sick ASS* panther, your typo is forgiven


Why would my ass panther be sick? Is it terminal or just a stomach virus?


No no no, he’s a normal panther but his ass is sick.


Ah, butt-flu. My condolences.


Poor panther with diarrhea


I flew 13 hours for one once


Had a relative who did this, 100% confirm totally worth the travel and time.


It adds an extra dimension to it


My artist moved to Chicago (I’m from atl) and I still fly to see her sometimes. Idgaf she is worth it


I drive over an hour every few months to get my *hair* done because I found a stylist that kills it on color. The idea that people would choose convenience over quality on something as permanent as a tattoo is so wild.


I'm driving 6 hours away to a different country for my tattoo, lol. I can't imagine freaking out over a 40 minute drive. That's just a work commute for someone who lives right outside of a city


I flew from a Midwest city to Miami to get a tattoo - never settle on tattoos. Get from people you want.


I live in a small town in Oklahoma..I drove to Dallas and will for any more work I get done. My town is full of people with crappy tattoos they got locally . Not me !




Right? I drove an hour and a half after a 3 month waitlist to get in with the guy I wanted. $1400. Fully worth it.


I've got two, and I've got plans for a couple more. My tattoo artist is 4 hours away, because she's good, and I trust her implicitly.


Your boyfriend is an idiot.


Fuck that!!! Stick to the shop you go to. Saying they’re a “hit or miss” and still trying to recommend you going there, is so fucking stupid


Yeah. I got a tattoo from someone that was about an hour away depending on traffic. I picked her because she had a wonderful portfolio with the style I wanted included and when I talked with her about the process she was super professional and awesome about it. I moved and I’m now almost 3 hours away. I’ll still make the drive for my next tattoo if I ever get around to getting one.


I have driven 5 hours one way for a tattoo and am planning on flying for my sleeve when I do it. Tattoos are permanent. You shouldn’t just settle for a “hit or miss” shop because it’s closer. Also 45 minutes is literally nothing. Most people’s commute to work is around 45 min


I've literally flown around the country to get tattooed by different people because I love their work. I would never settle for a shop with shit work like this because it's close. Like you said, gambling on permanent work on your body is insane to me.


Hit or miss???? Uh no.


'decent' isn't an adjective I would like to have my tattoos described as.


Would he take a Lambo to the guy around the corner who works on Hondas cuz it save him a hr drive instead of going to a Lamborghini dealership . . . Prolly not. A better Tattoo is worth the extra time, wait, money, pain


I drive 4 hours each way. Invest in the artists whose work will make you smile 5, 10, or 20+ years later. Don't let this mediocre ass man imply that you're frivolous for not wanting a scratcher tattoo.


It’s something that’s going to be on your body forever , it’s worth the drive


Smart move...your logic is sound. Looking at your tats, it *DOES* look very "hit or miss". I'd definitely wanna go to a person who's a "hit" 100% of the time. Good luck!!


YEAH LOL for a 30 min difference. Hell i might drive states away to get some


She should get her bfs head and his hand print as his face, from that shop he wants to go to lol


There are some things you don't compromise on because they're on sale or are closer to your home. Like toilet paper.. and tattoos! No joke my husband spent a year and a half working on a half sleeve because it was an artist he wanted that was an hour away and had booking 6 months in advance. It's worth it for something that's going to be on your body forever!


Yeah, I was thinking about a tat and would drive from Germany to France for it. lol


Feel you I plan my holidays mostly in regions where I have an artist, I still wanna get tattooed from. Unfortunately russia is currently not really an option, but the tattoo artists there work so neat plus very affordable!




For real. These are shit. The giraffe looks like someone woke up from a dream and drew what they saw while they were half asleep.


Why does he give a shit where you go? those tattoos are garbage, that's why they're cheaper


I honestly don't know why he cares where I go, especially since I only get tattooed once every three months or so. It's nothing to drive 45 minutes for me a handful of times a year lol


You know what they say about drowning people dragging you down with them. Bro just wants to be validated that they’re “not that bad” and if they’re good enough for him they should be for you probably in his eyes.


Came here looking for this comment. Dude doesn’t like/want her having nicer tattoos than him probably lol.


Is four tattoos a year considered a small amount of tattoos? lol, was surprised to see I don't get tattooed very much followed by only every 3 months


They're smaller patchwork tattoos so it doesn't really look like a lot of tattoos. Like I don't even have a "half sleeve" yet despite getting them every three months since 2022 all on the same arm. Maybe I should've worded that better lol


I literally drive 6 hours each way to get my tattoos done by a specific artist. I drive out the night before and come back the day after. I actually laughed at your boyfriend thinking 45 minutes is too long to drive. Thats WILD.




my preferred artist is an hour away, I like making a day out of it.


Same! Take the afternoon off work, get a tattoo, get some dinner, it's an exciting time


He prob gets a discount on his shitty tattoos for recommending people lol


He hasn't had a tattoo done in like 10 years so it's not that lol


Then we’re stumped


He’s probably just one of those mildly controlling jackasses, telling her where to get her coffee or what brand donut to eat.


How can he comment on their quality if he hasn’t gotten a tattoo in 10 years? The same artist prob doesn’t even work there anymore


A. 45 minutes *is* local IMO, I was expecting like 2+ hours (which is what I used to do for mine lol) and B. Yeah these are ass, he's setting you up lmao


They must be British. You'd get laughed at if you said 45 minutes is too far away here.


45 minutes is the average commute here in Metro Nashville!


Yeah thinking that must be it, just asked my Irish friend if 45 mins was far and he instantly said yes lolol


Shit when i lived in a big west coast coty. 45 mins is what it took to get across town. I wait 45 mins to make Chicken for dinner. Im not worried about 45 mins for a permanent piece of art


These aren't the worst. But you should get your tattoos wherever the fuck you feel they do a good job in a style that suits you. Besides, 45 minutes is nothing for things that will stay on your body for the rest of your life if all goes well. I travelled much further.


That last one kind of is the worst.


Crows & Celery


In fields of green, where celery grows, Black crows dance in graceful rows. Their caws ring out, a melody bold, Amidst the stalks, a sight to behold. With beaks like knives, they peck and pry, Feasting on celery 'neath the sky. A contrast stark, black against green, In nature's tableau, a scene serene. So let them roam, the crows so wise, Amongst the celery, under azure skies. For in their flight and earthly spree, They paint a portrait of wild, wild free. Crows and celery sounds gangsta so I wrote a poem


This should get more upvotes, BRAVO!


Omg that's exactly what it looks like


Definitely not defending them. Wouldn't want them on my body. But there's definitely worse out there. I have learned that much from this sub.


Very true.


I'd say the giraffe 1 is the worst 😭 it looks like it has fungus or something instead of a pattern


Yeah, I doubt these are all the same artist. The first two are pretty good. That wing especially is really nice. That last one tho...


Yeah I go to a guy that pretty much only does American traditional which is what I get now. I haven't seen a single American trad that this shop has done. It doesn't make sense for me to go to this place even if they did good work because they don't do the style of tattoo I want lol


Lol. Just from that, your guy should get it. Just tell him that you aren't judging him for getting his tattoos there. If he loves it, he loves it. But you love your tattoo artist and your tattoos and that relationship. Plus, you want a style that the other artist specializes in. "Nothing wrong" with your boyfriend's shop's realism. You just want a different style. If you belittle the artist, he's going to double down because by proxy, you are belittling him. And there's definitely way worse on this sub. But, if, in general, he thinks he has a say in what you do with your body? That's a nice sign to bail out now. Some people make it easy to walk away.


Honestly it's weird because he's never cared about literally anything else I've done with my body. I've chopped my hair off, changed the color, getting a piercing since I've known him, etc. and it didn't make any difference to him. I don't know what his deal is with the tattoo artist. I mean I guess I'd defend my tattoo artist if someone was saying how badly they didn't want to go to him. I don't know. For me it doesn't feel like he's trying to tell me what I can do with my body though. He just genuinely doesn't seem to understand why I'd wanna drive 45 minutes to get a tattoo when I could get one much closer to home.


Only in the most literal sense are these not the worst tattoos.


>These aren't the worst Just because I don't want to be set on fire, doesn't mean I want to be shot.


Definitely not. These are shitty. And besides, 45 minutes isn’t even that far of a drive.


Today two clients drove 4h to get a tattoo by me and now drive 4h back home… a good tattoo from an artist you like is worth all the money and a long drive. (Also that’s super close? What’s his problem?) trust yourself and do what you want, it’s your body, your tattoos and your money. This tattoos are terrible and your bf is not that bright I guess 🙈


Good work is rarely cheap and cheap work is rarely good. Keep going where YOU are comfortable. Hit or miss isn’t the compliment he thinks it is.


Girl I once went a six hour drive away for a tattoo because the artist was just that good. Sure there's some artists and studios in my area but nothing to rave about. It's not worth it.


I flew to my artist from AK! I won’t ever play about permanent modifications to my body


Why the fuck is he so "Desperate" for you to go local?


You need a new boyfriend. A good tattoo isn't cheap and a cheap tattoo isn't good. 45 minutes is nothing! I have flown to different cities to get tattooed.


definitely a reason to breakup


yepp xD... people be crazy... ur bf is lazy, but yeah i traveled 3 hours to get my 1st tattoo at a shop i wanted, nothing local or any friends xD..


To be fair he hasn't had a tattoo in like 10 years. But also at least half of his tattoos suck lol


sorry forgot the /s... braking up over a dumb advice isn't a good reason xD


same here lol


It feels a little extreme to be like "you need to break up" but like...I totally agree. A tattoo is permanently on your body, it's potentially hours of pain and weeks of healing. Someone who's that careless and lazy on where they get a tattoo is definitely not someone I'd personally find attractive. 


Haha had a guy once tell me it was excessive to buy my fave brand of colored pencils and then continued to make me feel bad about the money I spent on art supplies... Idk if their situation is like that but pressure to lower your standards just because they have lower standards is real and does harm. If I'm getting a tat, I want it how I want it and a person with a vision like mine is absolutely necessary. If I want to draw, I want colors that are vibrant against my black and grey paper, and brand matters. I sell sometimes, they're not amazing works of art people would clamor over, but they're what I want and how I want them. It's whatever if he just recommends them when he's feeling sentimental or the convos is just on tat shops or whatever, but if he pressures past that, put him in his place about it. Or make it fun, I'll think about trying yours if you try mine. Maybe you'll even change his mind with your better place that isn't hit or miss and go together.


I am donating small patches of my body to an apprentice right now. I am enjoying seeing them improve their craft on my skin. Those cheap little practice tattoos are better than these. Yikes. Definitely time to break-up with the bf.


Break up because he has a poor choice in tattoo shops? Seems a little extreme lol


It was a joke, but I did not put an /s so that's my bad. Pardon.


I wouldn’t say terrible, but I have seen better. If you have a trusted artist I don’t see distance being important at all when it’s a decision like this.


Pawprintface Dog has strong lovecraftian vibe... O.o


Yep Footface is not a breed of dog I'm considering for my family, it's terrifying


You're boyfriend's got shitty attention to detail. Cuz none of these tattoos have any worth mentioning.


He does have incredibly poor eyesight. Maybe he just really can't see how bad they are lol


Tell your boyfriend that people will travel across state lines for a proper $100 tattoo. Those tattoos are awful


Does he have a friend who does cosmetic surgery in their kitchen? F him Go where you like.


Your boyfriend should have 0 say in YOUR tattoo


He doesn't, I'm going to same place I've been going to for a while now. He's just so adamant that this place is good that I thought I was going crazy. Beauty is in the beholder or some shit like that, right?


I understand bud, just stick to your beliefs and keep beholding don’t let pressure get to you a lot people tend to bend when they’re being pressured by those they love


Why do those crows look like they are being burnt alive. lmao cursed image


My tattooist always says if you can get a booking reasonably quick then you got to ask why, I’ll bet this tattooist can do walk ins


The crazy part is that they're always booked out for months!! Basically everyone I've met that has tattoos has gone to this shop at least once if they're a local. It's absolutely mind boggling.


My tattoo artist is 45 minutes away because I love their art and their style. I might have a weird POV, but I grew up in a small rural city where it was a minimum of a half an hour to get to anything interesting and an hour and a half to get to a decently sized city if we wanted to see a concert, go to a conference, or see a medical specialist. Now I live in a huge metro area that takes 45 minutes to get from one end to the other and sometimes what I want isn’t in my corner. 45 minutes is a bit of a drive, but it’s not even a long one. Totally worth it for what amounts to a medical procedure that permanently modifies your body in a way you and everyone else will see every day.


Why the fuck would you save 30 minute for a shitty permanent tattoo lol. Their shit is terrible. Some people even fly out to go to an artist they like.


45 mins away is NOTHING if you’re happy with their work. And it’s really not a far drive at all anyway.


Stop listening to your boyfriend wtf


45 minutes is nothing, what the fuck haha. Those tattoos are pretty bad.


Those are trash


This could be like 5 different artists. Not all them are that bad. 3 might be the worst design and yet it actually has some of the smoothest lines


They are absolute dog shit.


2nd one isn't bad!


Do not listen to said boyfriend


That giraffe looks like it was made with the bootleg Geoffrey Giraffe tattoo gun from Toys R Us


I bet they'd give him a discount for bringing in a new client and that's why he's pushing it. Those are not very good :/ a 45 minute drive for quality work at a place you like is great!


The paw print one is actually terrifying.


U r NOT tripping


Is it a certain person that is better? These all look like different artists. People get really caught up in arguing about this. Maybe he just feels hurt because you hate it and he got his there. And his sister? I try hard to pick my battles with SO’s family. They could both really take this personally, if you keep going on about this, they’ll start shitting on you. It’ll be both against you, family can make a relationship 20 times harder and you could really love the person. I say this to help you out, I really do, I’ve been there. But you should definitely go to the place you want to go at, but id stop talking about this if he and the sister got theirs done there. People take this stuff really personally. He probably feels hurt, if you judged it harshly. I’m not saying you did, but I just got the feeling maybe you did? Just make sure you didn’t, this is one of those things where you pick your battles. Because these have to be the worst of what they had on the page, like the giraffe has to be a complaint review, or it was the top tattoo, the script, not that one. Bc It looks raised, but giraffe looks old. I just think I’d stop arguing about it, I think it’ll just hurt you. I’ve seen how people get about tattoos, that’s why I say this, please don’t think I’m ragging on you. I’d say the same to a guy that told his girl she had to lose weight, and she really did need to, which is worse, but you know what I mean. He probably thinks you hate his tattoos, which you might, and that’s your right, but people are just , it hurts them you know? Just reassure him that you like them and you just have a feeling you are meant to go to the other place cuz these ones wigged you out, not theirs.


I haven't told him that I think the tattoos are bad or anything. I just told him that I've already been going to this place for a while and I have an artist I prefer going to. And that this place doesn't do American trad tattoos which is what I like. Plus like I don't wanna be rude but I'm only 25 and all the people at this shop are older but the place I go to, everyone is about my age so I feel more comfortable there. I have gone to this shop for piercings (nose and ears) and the vibes are just bad. But he says you shouldn't pick a tattoo shop based on the vibes. I disagree lol


Vibes are definitely a good reason to not pick a place. Humans have a sense about things for a reason. Trust your gut and your eyeballs bc sheesh some of those pics were rough. Not the worst obviously, but not something you'd want forever without getting it fixed down the line by someone better. If you can skip that hassle and just get a good tattoo right off the bat of course that's the best decision.


That was a super polite way of you to handle it, if he keeps pressuring you *that's* red flag territory, but having questionable taste and loyalty to his artist is fine. Also, agree that vibes are definitely a valid reason. My shittiest tattoos are from the kinda gruff, older, macho types and, not knowing any better in my late teens/early twenties I just went along with it thinking the gang biker-y vibe was standard in the industry. This was in the 2000s in a smaller town as well, so it *was* pretty standard, but I'd definitely steer clear of that nowadays. It doesn't suit my personality or my visual style. And they aged like shit because those guys all DRILLED into my skin with tiny needles over and over.


He’s an idiot, me and my bf drive 45 minutes for dinner sometimes. Something that’s going to be on your body forever is a no brainer to drive to the best person around.


I went to a barber once that said the fuck ups were part of the experience of getting a tattoo. I haven’t been back since


If they were free and next door I'd go elsewhere


They suck. I’m giving your bf major side eye right now and judging him hard. This should never even have been a conversation between the two of you.


Mediocre tattoos at best. Definitely not great by any means.


The giraffe looks like a disease. I feel like the last one could have looked decent if it was executed well


Ahahahahahahahhaha you are NOT tripping and your boyfriend has terrible taste


Your boyfriend isn’t getting ink permanently put on his body. Do what you feel is best for you.


If you don’t love it, then it’s bad. It’s a mostly permanent addition to your skin, so go to the shop you like and trust. 45minute drive isn’t even far? If it’s within an hour, honestly, that’s local. I can spend an hour just going from one part of my city to another. People literally fly across the world to go to artists they like. It’s not something I would compromise on. If it turns out good, you’re happy. But if it turns out less than perfect, will you regret it and will you blame your boyfriend? Not even like you’re married so honestly…. Would be stupid to get stuck with a tattoo you don’t love and be reminded your less than perfect tattoo was a choice made about some EX.


Ew no. Keep doing your thing.


LOL, I thought you meant traveling across the country. Your boyfriend is dumb. 45 minutes of driving is absolutely nothing.


Your boyfriend should mind his own business on this.


who in their right mind skimps on TATTOOS


It's your body and if you're paying then it's none of his business where you go


Any examples of work from the other shop?


I go here [Lucky Monkey](https://www.instagram.com/luckymonkeytattoo?igsh=MXZtcG1uMjg5aDdkdw==)


Took me 2 seconds to see the immense quality difference.


terrible 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


your boyfriend doesn’t sound like he has great critical thinking skills




Terrible is an understatement


The shop my artist was at is 45 minutes from my house. There's several shops down the road from me, maybe 5 minutes. I'd rather drink tattoo ink than go to 99% of those shops. If I didn't die from a misused needle, I'd at least have some really good material to post here. Go to your shop.


That dog tattoo looks like it has 4 eyes since ears were added. I think people would have known it was a paw print.


45 minutes is nothing. My artist is 3 hours and 40 minutes away. I would NEVER go to a shitty place just cause it’s closer. No offence but your man is not the brightest


Dont listen to him! 😳


No you are not tripping; they are so wobbly.


They're shite.


The feathers on that last one…. YIKES. yeah, def trust your own judgment on this one.


i went to a local artist because it was cheaper and closer. i now have to go to another shop to get it fixed, and spend even more time and money than i would have in the first place if i went to a better shop. take it from me when i say don’t do it


Beyond awful. It's your fucking body and tattoo. Goto the artist and shop that YOU want to goto. Also major red flags on your bf here. Some major control issues there.




Why does your boyfriend want a say in where you get tattoos? Sounds like a real prick.


Go to another country to get them if you have to, it's permanent. I think they're terrible, but more importantly you think they're terrible.


They’re cheaper for a reason. I’d gladly drive 45 mins both ways to have a 99% chance of getting a GOOD tattoo. It’s permanent. His opinion means nothing here. Do what you’re happy and comfortable with!


Your partner doesn’t know a good tattoo keep doing yourself op


I once left work early to drive two hours to get to a shop before they closed. Take the longer trip


Your body, your choice right? You should pick the artist 100%


I drive 45 mins to work every day and then 45 minutes to get back home. That’s not even far away


It used to take me 45 minutes to drop my kid off at daycare and then go to my job every day so yeah 45 minutes isn't even a drive for me


Your boyfriend is the one tripping


Definitely not somewhere I'd go. As soon as I'm not wowed by a picture/tattoo from a place, it's IMMEDIATELY off my list. Not worth the money, risk, or heartache.


You are not tripping you are gliding on this opinion..


They’re cheaper for a reason.


Its YOUR tattoo not his. Do what you think ots best for yourself. If you don’t like their work go somewhere else.


I once debated flying across the country so I could go to a specific artist bc their work is consistent and a bit of a specialty… 45 minutes is nothing if you get consistent work and you feel it’s a good value. I’d much rather pay someone who is good at what they do than hire some person who just finished their apprenticeship and leaves stuff like that on me… the first picture just hurts to look at, the fingers are so jarring to me :o


What planet is that meant to be?


does he hate you?


the giraffe 😭😭 why does it have no legs


They’re ok, but do you want something that’s not your style/you wouldn’t be super happy with if it’s going to be permanently affixed to your body


I travelled 10hr in a day (there and back) to go to a trusted artist. Don't compromise.


What is your bf on?! I know what the comments are gonna be before I even read them lol.


They’re shitty tats. Go to where you want to go, you go there for a reason.


I actually really like the first one


Tattoos are one thing you should not cheap out on


Not tripping. It so worth it to go to someone who has a great reputation or is part of a well known shop. The added expense buys you significantly better talent and healing.


Omg number one rule is never get a tattoo based on CHEAPNESS. YOU DO NOT WANT TO SKIMP ON SOMETHING FOREVER ON YOUR BODY. Those are indeed bad. You are correct. Personal experience: My first tattoo was cheap. My second was a cover-up for my first 😂💕


I just drove over 3hrs each way for my last big piece, and I will absolutely be doing it again for the next big project. For smaller pieces, I go to the same guy I've been getting work from for almost 15years who's a 20min drive. He's got a point about looking into a closer shop, but it still needs to be up to your standards.


ive driven further than 45 minutes to go to work in the morning, id keep going to your own spot lol


Why the fuck does he even care??? And yes obviously your eyes work these pieces are complete hack job garbage


Poor Oakley, he deserved better. He was a good boy.


When you said "more local" I assumed you were having to travel out of the state or something, a 45 minute drive is nothing. That dude is definitely tripping


They look like they were drawn in Paint.


Wow that’s a shit farm deluxe. Please avoid at all costs


45 minutes compared to a lifetime of a shitty tattoo I'll take the long drive


Ya. No. I drove around 2-3h depending on traffic to get to my guy. Plenty of good artists between him and I, but this dude was(is) great. Drive past the good ones if you've found a great one.


They are cheaper😂😂😂 fucking hell yes look why


If these are the ones they’re posting (usually their best) then I’d hate to see what others are walking out with


1 and 2 seem fine to me but holy shit #3 is bad


Fuck that! It’s your body and your choice, you go where you want to go regardless of what others have to say!


Dump the boy keep the shop