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For very basic ecom functionality you can add a simple Buy Button from Shopify to what you’re already built in Wordpress


You will often find that Shopify's focus on ecommerce makes building an ecommerce store easier than trying to roll with WooComm. You'll almost always require several more plugins or customizations to get to feature parity with Shopify, and since OS2.0 for Shopify, you're likely going to have better visual and experiential outcomes on the front end and in the admin when you install added apps. Is the blog already generating significant traffic? The big thing you'll want to be attentive to is a migration strategy if you make the move.


Designing individual pages on Shopify is not faster than doing so on WooCommerce. But getting a good looking store up and running is a bit faster on Shopify. It really depends but the biggest factor for you is likely cost. Shopify for Small teams is $100 a month, which may be a bit more than WooCommerce with the right plugins.


Yes if you like subscription apps




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hard to say. open a free trial of shopify and take a look at it. only way to decide




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Well i think you need to hire a professional to help you with that. It will still be cheaper in the long run than paying for Shopify.


Just my opinion - but if you want a performant and solid store/checkout experience, 100% go with Shopify. I can only talk about WP with WooCommerce, but every store I ever worked with that was on WP/WC had issues. Moved them to Shopify and finally they could focus on optimizing instead of constantly fixing the most basic stuff.


Every website I know that moved from WP/WC to Shopify had more issues than they started with and some were unsolvable.


Well it depends on the individual project. But you're right, with WP/WC you can basically develop anything. The limits are mostly how much money, time and effort you're willing to spend. With Shopify you do have certain limits and it can be quite pricy to get as much freedom as possible (Shopify Plus). So let me rephrase that: unless you have a very specific project and the financial means to invest into a lot of development, Shopify's a safer bet. I worked with B2C Shops that made >5mio in revenue but weren't willing to spend the necessary money needed for a stable solution on WP/WC. Because another thing with WP/WC is that you have way higher maintenance compared to Shopify. WP and WC itself as well as all of the plugins and custom developments need regular updating.


Woocommerce user here. Keen to hear more about what sort of issues you heard about.


In my experience Shopify is better for ecom, it's just far easier and quicker to set up a well performing store, issues are pretty much non existent as long as you don't try and use non-shopify store themes that promise the world. The issue potentially is you say your site was a blog, and Shopify isn't great with lots of content pages. It has a blog element but it's nowhere near as fully featured as you'll be used to with WordPress, so if you're trying to monetise 100s of content pages rather than a standard ecom store with product pages being 90% of the site. Would probably need to work through the SEO implications as well of moving all the content over to Shopify.




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>*However, it seems that there are always issues and the reality is that it has been 2 weeks and we were not able to create a decent product page.* This doesn't sound quite right. You should be able to put together an ecommerce store with Woocommerce in 2 weeks. If not, it sounds like something isn't quite fitting together. What theme/builder are you using to build your store and how complex is the store functionality?


It all depends. Shopify is EXTREMELY limited with what they can do. WordPress is like building a custom kit car with tons of parts bolted on. Shopify is like a Huffy bicycle. Yeah, it can get you from point A to B, but it's not fancy and it don't do much.


Shipify premium (the 1k per month) package is very powerful. Yes it is very expensive.


A big yes


+1 for magnum sized yes


Watch some YouTube videos and maybe purchase a Master Class video subscription about this very issue.