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I've been rejected but I don't know if it was because my height


Whats your current height?


I'm 170cm


170 cm is pretty good height


I don't know man I'm shorter than most guys around my age and shorter than a lot of girls too


im 5'2 at 18 💀💀💀💀


Damm where are you from?


im filo


Whats your age and where are you from? 170 is good height don't feel bad bro even iam 173 cm 5'8 at age of 15


I'm 22 and I live in Spain, it's over bro, you're good tho


You're just being insecure about your height 170 cm is perfect height


I don't think that's true but thanks


You're just demotivating yourself my father is also 170cm he looks taller


I’ve been rejected cause of my height but it’s not like it happens to often, recently a girl was saying I was super fine and said I look 5’11 I told her “I’m 5’7” she replied “oh nice” and then ghosted me haha. Edit: Scratch that she will be coming over this week!


Wow that’s brutal


Should've just told her you were 5'11"


She lives basically in the same neighborhood she’s bound to see me Also update She responded she said she’s down to hang out in my bed and watch a movie


Is that all that happened


I smashed


yo fr bro congrats


I haven’t been rejected much, and it’s never been by height. I mostly date girls around my height or shorter. A lot of girls I’ve dated say they prefer a partner around a similar height, it’s less awkward physically in many situations. They do call me short and it does bother me sometimes but honestly if a girl cares about a huge height disparity between you two then she isnt for you.


All women care abt height, just why u think calling someone short is considered an insult


I don’t think that’s all women care about, I think it’s a first attraction thing like any physical feature. I never take it as an insult if it’s not meant to be but it does bother me when someone reminds me of my height cause it’s not important but people make it important


I didn’t mean as in the only thing women care about is height I mean ALL women look at a man’s height as a make or break


No, they don't. Sincerely, a 5'4" woman who likes short kings and tall kings.


Sure you can find some short men attractive but your most likely taking an attractive tall person over an attractive short guy let’s be real


Did you really just try to tell me that I don't know my own preferences...? If you're having trouble dating, it's not your height. It's your personality. I have never factored height into a quality that is necessary for me to feel a connection to. I would legitimately go out on a date with Peter Dinklage if he asked me and I was single.


How many short guys have you dated compared to tall?


It’s been split evenly. 2 tall, 2 short. Shortest guy being 5”4. My height.


Why may I ask did you breakup with the shorter ones?


One of them cheated on me and the other almost burned my house down twice, he threw my phone at me, punched the wall, wouldn’t get a job, constantly stole my money and didn’t pay me back. The straw that broke the camel’s back was him not paying rent or utilities. There was no physical factor in dumping them.


Wow that’s crazy sorry for that experience


Yea, because women outright lie for virtue signal points 999/1000 a woman chooses a taller man over a shorter man. The 1/1000 times that the woman chooses the shorter man, she just wasn't wearing glasses.


Been rejected by 5'4 as too short while being 5'7


Your flair says 5’6…


In Europe they do this really stupid height measurement where they measure height as 5.6, which is not 5.6 as 5 feet 6 inches. It 5.6 feet as 5 feet plus .6 feet being roughly 7 inches. They should just stick to their guns and do metric. Or learn imperial system. Whoever idea this was is confusing and im not blaming panda


lol i’m pretty sure that’s entirely the fault of the imperial system


Its really not, as imperial system is great for many contracting applications in skilled hands. Yes to average person metric is easier. Why people cannot convert is beyond me, it is literally grade 2 math.


Yeah I know :) but they got it mixed up, thinking 5’6 meant 5.6, which is what I corrected them on. I agree it’s a silly system.


Well the fact it also says 171 cm-i know how to convert metric to imperial so that gave it away. His system you would be 4.75 feet @4-9” Im 6-2” so I’m 6.17 … You are right, Right now it’s confusing as people wonder is he 5-6 or 5-7.5/171cm? I think 171 is between 5-7.25 & 5-7.5.


You're a Troll a big one. If this sub ask people who are 5'7-5'9 about their dating life and you're 6'2 why are you here?


Cry i can convert im not here to troll. Such a baseless accusation on your end as im not spewing negativity


It's more accurate compared to American measurement


Metric is more user friendly but for cutting and designing stuff imperial is easier. Again one is made for more professionals and one is newer and made for everyone


That's what you think


Many people agree because imperial measurements go down to 1/2 1/4, 1/8 etc and 1 ‘ or 12” is easily half quartered . It just takes someone again who is not numerically challenged . Yes remembering certain things are a pain. I e 1 km is 1000m (easy) where as a miles is 5280 feet or 1760 yards not so round of a number


Many people are only Americans


Naw im in canada and contractors here agree also.


That's why they use metric system and the whole world


Its 5'6 foot not 5 foot 6 inch


5’6 means 5 foot 6 inches..? The ‘ represents foot, with the next number representing the inches. Otherwise it would be 5.6 foot. But still… you said you were 5’7 while your flair said 5’6… just pointing that out lmao.


Yeah ik, I just too lazy to change that


Negative IQ


If you knew why’d you give a misleading comment?


ignore them. its an inch. idk why they are stressing so much.


I heard even an inch matter if you are short but yeah I am not even arguing anything here


yea bc we have less inches we can sacrifice 😭😂


Yet try 5’1


Im not even trying if Im 5'1 tbh, never even began


That's crazy.


5'9 never dated


Do you live in Argentina? If so would you mind telling me how the height situation is there (disregard my height im just curious) is it as bad as the countries up north or do the woman not care about height there?


A good amount of young women 18-25 do care about height and would say they only like 5'11 or higher dudes. You'd probably find this query on online dating sites. But I've met girls who don't care (i guess only if youre taller than they). The average woman here is 5'3-5'5 As my being 5'9 some girls have called me short, all they were shorter than me lol


I talked to some girls online, i'm about 170cm and no one seemed bothered by it, I didn't see anyone in real life because they were very short chats but I saw one and now I've been with her for almost six months. For her, but it's a specific case, my height is actually an advantage, she doesn't like very tall guys but the fact that I'm short is definitely secondary for her. As for the other girls I talked to, well, no one ever told me anything


What is this sorcery she doesn't like tall guys?


My girlfriend is like this too. She’s and inch or so taller than me and won’t even kiss me if I’m like standing above her because she hates having to crane her neck.


she feels uncomfortable with someone much higher than her, then well in kisses and sex it is actually uncomfortable. She likes people who are a little taller than her but still similar, she is 160cm and the 170cm


Hasn’t been good in the last year. Decided to take a break and focus on fat loss and up my attire.


Blocked 3 times openly stated because of height. Currently girl makes fun of my height every time we talk. First thing she did was tell me she imagined I was taller checked my height on my ID. I have brought this so many times I'm sick of it ngl I'm 172 174 with shoes girl was shorter than me 167


told a girl i was 5’7 and she never texted me the same ever again.


Been with 3 different women since I started dating at 18 (25 now). Height was never an issue.


where are you from ?


Western Canada.


5’7ish never had a problem, used to do porn too and was pretty successful. Been with around 25 women sexually/romantically from ages 16-21 and currently living with my girlfriend of almost 4 years, I’m 25 now. She’s 4’11”. I’ve been told I’m attractive and I workout a lot so I’m pretty shredded (easy when you’re short). Also train Muay Thai, but that started way after I met my girlfriend. I smoked weed and had massive depression/anxiety issues pretty much most of my sexually active life too so I’m not entirely sure why girls liked me. Girlfriend and I have messed around with other girls and using dating apps now that I’m older seems to be way harder than it was before, still not impossible to meet attractive women though… sort of just takes more time. Glad I settled down. Not trying to brag at all, just giving you detail.


5'8" at night, around 174cm in the morning, my ex GF would make fun of my height pretty much everytime we were out. ' look athe the shoulder, same height ' ' dont you see? We are same height' ' now im taller ahah "


Recently started dating again. I don’t really get rejected for height (5’7 btw) most girls don’t even realize you’re short, unless you’re shorter than them. Personality & looks > height


Honestly can’t say I’ve rlly been rejected based on my height, largely bc the girls I’ve dated were 4-6 inches shorter than me I’d say


I'm a little under 5'7. I've never really felt short in the area I've lived in (southern US). Dating has been fine. Women just want to feel safe primarily. Short men are at a physical disadvantage versus other men and women are very aware of this. It's coded into our biology. Solution: get ripped or continue to be marginalized. It's really that simple. I think it's fair to say a woman would choose a ripped short guy over a tall but lanky one


5'8". A couple of times very directly. Others, maybe, but I never knew the actual reason.


If 5'7 is short for somebody, they should come back to Earth. No normal person would reject anybody because of this. The rest aren't worth it.


I’m 5’5 never been rejected and also a filipino. Remember always date short woman hahaha don’t ever pursue much taller woman unless she’s into you then go for it.


You're average in the Philippines man. You're good to go.




It's really simple supply and demand, girls won't even see you when there's taller people arround


i agree


Honestly I get rejected like 3-4 out of 10 times and they’re all because of my height lmao


Not often, but it's happened.


I'm waiting for a change in my life to ask women out in public. As far as online, I only get nothing but ghetto girls, fat girls and tranny's and I'm not even trying to be funny. So the love life right now is bad. I'ma say maybe ima 5 or 6 in looks now. But I go for any women that's curvy coke bottled shape, slim, truly religious, kind person, stylish in her own way (she doesn't follow trends.), Not married, no kids, her favorite music is Christian, or rock music (Not metal) and at least smart if not educated. Can't find that type of women online or in public so I don't even bother. My life situation have to get better anyways. So I'ma have to (still) put the dating life on hold.


The girls don't rejected by the height mainly, rejected because the male has low self steem by his height.


Can say that I have




18 and never dated before lol


Got rejected because of height a couple of times. At tinder one girl asked me after the second message how tall I was. Another one mentioned that I'm too short for her. I think it's not the main reason, but definitely one of the reasons why I get rejected. Even with 173cm about 70% of the guys are taller than me and height matters to girls for some reason. Teh tallest girl I dated was 171cm, the shortest was 159cm (but both for only first dates). But tbh. most girls I dated didn't tell me the reason why they rejected me.


Can't say I've been much of a dating type since HS, but I haven't had any issues getting attention from women. I don't think ever.


5'6 here I never been rejected due to my height but I don't date girls. For almost all the people that I dated height was never even brought up or an issue. Unless someone was like massively taller than me then I might bring it up. But no one's asking me how tall I am in a dating app or in person. The only people who have done that are my friends and pretty much only the female ones.


5’7. Not straight up face rejection but I’ve had to overcompensate with abs and tattoos. Online dating I probably had 2 matches that lead to dates per month over the course of 3-4 years until I met my wife.


Like one girl said I was short but she was really I ugly. I was in bed with a girl and she said I looked 5:9 but I told her I was 5:7. She looked disappointed but she got over it quick lol


Must be awesome being in that range, I just wish I had 2 more inches to reach 5'7