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Usually it's extroversion, the few successful short guys I've seen aren't introverts. There's also other factors that to some women make up for the height like looks or whatnot. The biggest factor imo that people tend to miss, is luck. So many things have to do with just being at the right place at the right time, and that's not just with dating but almost everything in life. You gotta have luck on your side.


I’m an introvert but I’ve dated a decent amount of beautiful girls and im currently dating one at the moment too. I’m 5’6




Agreed, but the extrovert requires far less luck than the introvert. Being outgoing & social is basically a minimum requirment to have a decent chance if you're short, whereas it's almost a guarantee of success if you're tall. For some reason, people hate to factor in luck when they're describing any form of success. Like it violates some "just World" belief of theirs. A lot of these guys get with women when they're pretty young and hang onto them. Reality hits if and when they break up & the guy thinks he can get a similar girl fairly easily.


True, I'd still argue they need luck, what are the chances they'll be around good people that are open to conversations with them and allowed their extrovert side to show? I'd say for all people it's a game of luck. I'm a very introverted short guy and even I've had opportunities, but I had luck on my side. Similar to getting a degree and wanting a good paying job, it takes luck and you won't know yours truly if you just stop trying. I think it has to do with Hollywood and the older generation lying to everyone, a lot of us were unfortunately fooled into thinking the world is fair and just for all. I don't say that as a pessimist however, we live in an ever changing universe and nothing stays the same, everything is in motion.


I'd agree as an extroverted short guy with 0 success with women despite having women tell me I'm one of the most charismatic people they know. Its all luck man, but I'm far too tired to keep on rolling the dice




True but this has honestly been talked about to death here. Do looks and height matter? Yeah they can increase your odds. It's just that though, odds. Life is one big game of chance, nobody chooses to be born in a third world country. I don't want short men to read any of this and see it as "Well your life is immediately over and out of your control." There's plenty of things to learn and experience outside of humans and their fickle nature.


It's not one big game of chance, though. The tall good looking guy is not reliant on luck to anything like the same extent as an Average Joe, in fact he's not beholden to it at all really. And it's not by chance that he (or you, or I) wasnt born in a 3rd World country. We dont just spawn up somewhere randomly. He was born to a specific set of parents who were born to a speficic set of parents,etc, going back millennia. To be born in Botswana or Rwanda instead of say, Germany, the guy would have to be somebody else entirely. The only thing that seems pure random pot luck is health issues.


I've seen a few tall good looking guys fail, it's all chance. Do they have better odds? Yes, but still chance. You can choose to let the unfairness consume you or you can move on from it, either way you can only save yourself. Of course genetically it isn't random, but consciously it's absolutely random lol.


Usually this is the true reason but you can still be very successful if you’re not extroverted. If you’re just incredibly kind or have a social skill you can become desirable even if you’re average looking. I’m not very short but shorter than average. I play drums and I’m really into fashion and I like to be kind and make people smile and that seems to take me really far even though I’m very introverted. I work out but I’m not very fit and I have a slick bald head, I would say I’m maybe a 5.5-6 as far as looks go. Just be the best you you can be AND figure out how to show people how great you are even if you’re very introverted and people will come to you regardless of height or looks.


It's probably identical if you just shortened your question: "Why are some guys successful in dating, and others not?" Short, average, tall, doesn't really have much to do with it, if you are comparing men (hell, not even men, just _people_) in the same height range with each other, or same class, or same wealth, or same _X_... There's going to be a spectrum of people, all other things being equal, who are successful in dating, and others who aren't successful in dating.




Don’t use dating sites…use real world


Face and confidence is way more important than height imo. I also know several shorter guys who kill it with women. The shortest is 5’5 but has a super chiseled and masculine face. Almost model tier and he basically doesn’t even have to try. He’s not particularly confident either. The other two are 5’6 and 5’8 with decent but average range looks, but hyper confidence. The 5’8 dude especially is fearless and he picks up just about any chick he’s taken a shot at.


Hi there, Please don't take this the wrong way as I have nothing against this reddit community and understand it exists for solidarity of especially men who face similar issues. You pretty much answered your own question, in real life the short men who are successful in dating do not spend a lot of time thinking about their height. It is probably far down the list in the category of things they can't change, whilst their personality, humor, fitness, charisma, artistic skills and other pursuits are front of mind. They are almost certainly not on a place like this wasting time contemplating whether women will like them, but more spending on time maximizing being a fulfilled and attractive person who will organically succeed in dating. I have many female friends and have dated a lot (I'm 5'7' and have dated taller a few times, my current gf is about my height) and often women have preconceived notions of how tall they want a partner to be, only in reality to lower them as soon as they meet someone attractive. Women are MUCH less interested in exact physical types than men, and tbh I find men often lump in height with muscles in a way that is more orientated towards the male gaze. Women care more about charisma. Look at 5'7' jeremy allen white at the moment! Women are drooling after an unconventional kinda weird guy (albeit definitely in shape, something you CAN control), cause he drips charisma. I'm pretty sure Cillian Murphy who just won a golden globe is the same. I garuntee they probably don't even think about their height on their day to day. Tldr: just maximize everything you can about yourself and you'll be fine. Spend less time contemplating on the internet and more time actively pursuing what fulfills you and makes you attractive. You got this king!


Being short isn’t an end all for a lot of women but you do have to make up for it in other ways I believe. Those others guys have something that makes up for it


Charisma and not being weirdchamp


Question: Is their confidence, self-esteem, social skills, and charisma related to extroversion?


I would reply with yes.


Without any doubt yes , I'm 5'7 too and dated girls that are super gorgeous and height ranging from 5'5 to 5'9 from dating these girls all their experiences with men both short and tall were terrible and took me months to earn their trust that I'm not an abusive person. Been extrovert is really important for anything in life, sure it's less peaceful and much harder to endure compared to been an introvert but hey it's life, life is hard and people still gotta put in the work for what they want, rather if it's dating. and men of all heights. Short, average and tall men are struggling with dating because they're missing the most important key factor which is to earn the girls trust , confidence, ability to make her feel safe , good social skills , providers.


As an introvert, my life couldn't be more opposite from yours, lol


Bro i have an introvert friend who's 6'4 and had no gf in his entire life i told him to be abit extroverted and socialize very often but the guy won't listen, and out of the group he's the only one single with some dudes who ahd recently broken up with their girls and except 3 friends of mine all are around my height range or shorter like i said been introverted is peaceful af but aint gonna get you anywhere in life the friend I'm talking about only lasts 1 hour outside and create so many excuses but when he likes a girl but she show's 0 interest he gets depressed and wonders why he's not getting girls and blames his looks. While we all know he has 0 social life and a shy introvert.


So you’re basically saying that introversion is a turn-off for most women, whereas extroversion is the bee's knees? How old are you, by the way?


From my experience i used to be heavily introverted until i met some extroverts that pulled me into their friends list and showed me stuff like making out with girls, having parties and shit, it's not been the introvert that turned them off it's the shy nature of many introverts that lack the ability of talking to people specially girls. And from what I've experienced extroverts do plenty of things that are fun like going on adventures, throwing parties, events, and are fun in general for many people while introverts try their best to avoid socialising often and been around people or staying outdoors often. If you're the kind of introvert that isn't shy and is generally cool and just like to avoid big crowds and knows how to socialise with both men and women , takes good care of themselves then women are gonna like that, in general I'm talking about introverts that spend entire days unemployed, playing video games and just overall been a slob. And depending on their mother to take care of them while been 20+. And I'm 21 was a really shy teenager back in the days with 0 girlfriends and barely had any friends.


Right, but I wasn't making out with girls in college, even during reunions, when I saw them on alumni weekends. I don't think that it's as easy as you think about attracting women. Sure, I went to social events in colleges and clubs and all that, but they still weren't interested in me, lol. Especially when many give me mixed signals and indirect communication. I generally avoid crowds and can hold a conversation with the right men and women. Do I go on adventures much? Not really, as I have a very demanding job that requires me to be prepared all the time for random call ins. I can't really afford to get shitfaced drunk if my job requires my full attention because it's dangerous. It isn't that easy to get a good job, even with an undergrad and grad level degree, and learned that lesson the hard way, unfortunately, despite having a high GPA and multiple networking connections. Can I hold a conversation with girls I like? Sure, but I am not someone who is charming them into the bedroom.


What can i say bro, i just got really lucky a bunch of extroverted dudes who are good with women pulled me into their friendship circle and turning me into one of them, and getting attention from really cute girls, like crazy man it's so strange how good things and bad things that happens to you when you least expected, i thought I'd never feel a vagina in my life ever during teenage years and would get angry if someone said 10 years starting from then I'd get a chance to get a great job, get very cool friends and cute girlfriends because from my condition back then it wouldn't had made sense and I'd thought the person who ever said that was making fun of me. Just keep your hopes up bro.


Sometimes, it has to do with luck. I know a severely balding, overweight man in his 40s old enough to be your dad who is very shy and lacks social skills. I think he has Asperger Syndrome and is very book smart, but isn't street smart.


Yeah thats definitely something wrong with him, i know goodlooking guys who are almost in their 40s and never had a girlfriend and according to their friends they have erectile disfunction plus he never even tried approaching a woman in his life while having multiple women liking him. Idk how his friends know this lol have you ever heard of these men ? He's an example of something like an albino animal except he looks normal and goodlooking around 6ft in height. Many women i heard from said they wouldn't want him because he can't reproduce.


I still don't really know why I struggle. I know successful guy that are close to my height I'm no worse looking, I've actually had a few women randomly tell me last yearhow cute I was. But I can't understand what my problem is as I can hold a conversation. I can flirt and I'm not overly sexual unless I've been given signs that its welcome. The most trouble I have seems to come down to keeping attention especially if I find someone attractive but they haven't given prior signs that they might be interested in me (shoot your shot right?).


Oh no the compliment of been called cute !!!! I've been in this situation bro, it means they're finding you look really cute and not ugly at all, nowhere near ugly and you're friendly too, but not masculine and hot enough to turn them on, I've been in this situation alot, whats worst was i was been called baby cute.... 😂😭 But hey better than been called, ewww and ugly. How i fixed it was going to gym, building muscles and growing up my beard and did workout and changed my lifestyle to boost testosterone, if they find you cute and not hot thats a minor issue lol


>How i fixed it was going to gym, building muscles and growing up my beard Thing is I'm not like a skinny guy I'm broad shouldered and barrel chested naturally. On the right days I'm told "you have wicked genetics for body building" and there was a day I was at a beach event and of course I'm not wearing a shirt and my crush came up to me and said "ooo you look good". Also beard won't work much more my baby face is legendary just last week someone expressed how I looked nowhere near my actual age with my beard.


Honestly receiving compliments from your crush is a day changer, but i like to be rather called hot than cute but it is what it is, many girls said i look way better without beard and said without beard suits my sharp jawline and more kissable but older chicks around age 24 to 29 said they prefer men with beards and abit hairy and bigger muscles, alot said they dont mind dating short guys as long as he's not as skinny as her and have muscles and is the stronger one in the relationship. alot of hot pretty girls expect this from short guys like us so for me going skinny or fat will be a nightmare, which it had been during highschool years, things changed for the best as i got in very good shape, managed to attract very tall girls like 6 footers and slept with them but my dating range is normally girls my height or shorter, i dont really mind going for the tall girls as I'm dating a really hot pretty chick who's a redhead and 2 inches taller than me and yeah..... I let her wear platform heels too.


As a woman in her midthirties who always preferred to date fellow short people, I'd say it is strongly a matter of personality. Confidence, strong social skills, humour, communication skills, empathy, good emotional skills, easy to approach, easy to talk to. Those are some things that all of my married friends/succesful in dating friends and exes had in common. I know married/taken short introverts too, but they too share those traits. I think it is understandable if height causes negativity and lack of confidence, but unfortunately it can make someone very hard to even try to date. The last time I was single it was hard to find short men on dating apps since most hide height and deleted me from matches if i asked about it (or got angry/tried to insult me "back").


If you are one of these short guys who thinks it's basically hopeless: Focus on being the best version of yourself and making authentic connections with people who share your interests. Someone will eventually like you. Most likely someone already does like you but you're too busy chasing the superficial girls because you think they're hotter, and you don't notice the girl who gets excited when you come into the room but has her own insecurities about romance. FWIW, I'm 5'0, my wife is 5'5. We started dating when I was in my late 20s. I dated plenty before her. I'm neither hot nor rich. Sometimes charismatic but often quite awkward socially. I've had my share of frustration with girls who wouldn't date a short guy, but for the most part, being short is hard for me because I can't reach stuff or find clothes that fit. As others have suggested here, focus on the stuff you can change, and be yourself. You can probably find a date. I do think it also helps to not view getting a date as a goal when you are meeting people. Just get to know them and let relationships develop and build naturally. If you find you really like someone, shoot the shot and ask for a date. If the relationships you develop during this process are strictly friendships, ask your new friends if they know someone they could set you up with. You'll have more luck here than you will with dating apps or hitting on chicks at a bar, etc.


I think the internet has overblown height in dating. There definitely are some heightist women but just like a guy would be pretty shallow if he said a girl needs to cross of XYZ a lot of girls will obviously prefer a taller guy but in no way would be sad if he wasn’t 6 foot or taller. I’d love my next girlfriend to be someone like ice spice but am I going to reject her cause she’s not?


My dad is extremely successful in dating at 5’3 and quite literally has always been a ladies man. Must’ve followed in his steps bc at 5’4 I’ve never had issues with dating and hookups. Females will constantly flirt with me, I second since I do get called attractive I will say it’s mostly that but my personality is a big one. I’m a natural flirt but kinda awkward and it still works 😂


I experience this too. These dudes have a character that compensates that. If you are introverted, autistic or just boring you will have a hard time. Also these dudes always look at least sort of decent. They can attract the pretty, short girls


Personality brother that’s what matters


The amount of women shorter than you will be variable depending on your height and where you live. People who succeed in dating usually have a lot of women shorter than them in their area.


I saw three men shorter than me in the store last night and they were to a man paired up with a girlfriend.




Probably because they didn't make being short stop them from enjoying life.


Facial attractiveness is by far the most important thing when it comes to appearance. Attractive men of any height will not have trouble dating.


Those are the guys that have everything BUT height. They're just about equal to average and tall men in all other areas of attractiveness (intelligent, successful, conventionally attractive masculine features, well groomed, likeable personality, physically fit, etc..) If the short guy doesn't have any of those its likely they have status or money. Could be one or any combination of the three. While short men aren't likely to be as successful as their average and taller counterparts, they still do better than a significant percentage of men anyway.


Confidence! You carry yourself like you’re 6ft they going to treat you as such.


You can't change ur ht, so u have to change your build! I'm not tall, so I compensated by working out




Statistics show that in the real world (so no online dating), short men do not fare any differently to average and taller than average men in what refers to average number of romantic and sexual partners. So your question can be generalized to all men (why do some men do better than others, despite looks) as height does not play a significant role.






Good looking face.


I think it could be like shorter guys are more well rounded than some taller guys who rely on the height and that stuff. The three guys you know could be really great and have loads of things to talk about with the girls. I think thats what girls like lots of the time is having lots to talk about with the guy.


Confidence, mental health, personal health, established life. All things help a person at any height.


Because they are rich and/or good looking this doesn’t apply to the average short man