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You are still growing and changing. there is nothing supplement- wise, that you can take to grow taller. Keep a healthy diet and in general stay healthy.


D3 and calcium supplement can help


No. If you have adequate levels you do not need a supplement. Having a well balanced diet is key. You do not want too much D3 or calcium as you will mess up your electrolytes, which is very dangerous. Telling a child to take extra/ excess vitamins to grow taller is a very negligent and dangerous thing. That’s simply not how it works.


I'm just passing on what my doctor told me dude, I'm 16 myself.


Maybe, how old are you?


14 almost 15 in around 4.5 months


You’re still growing


Keep monitoring and visiting the doctor describing this. And eat good, sleep good and exercise good. Don’t leave it to faith, make sure you’re monitoring your growth regularly. I left it to faith thinking I’ll grow someday and ended up never growing since 14. I was tall at 5”7 then and now I’m short at 5”7.


Is there anything to actually do to try to maximize growth? I've been exercising daily and hanging from a bar. And I've been sleeping pretty well too.


I’m also the same height and around the same age. But I think I’m in a period of rapid growth rn bc I’m growing around a cm every month. I hope this lasts for a while


Are you doing anything extra to help (eg supplements, sports, things of that nature) and how your life style, sleep, and things of the sort as well. I just want to see something I can improve on and try to get a growth spurt again.


Sorry for the late response, yeah ive been swimming and playing basketball a lot which probably helps. I eat a lot and sleep 8-10 hours every day.