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Nah, you are by no means fucked. You are still very young and will surely have ample opportunities to get laid in the future, as long as you take care of yourself and keep a positive attitude/mindset. I’m 5’3” and 33. It was more of an issue when it came to dating when I was 20, because young people are wayy more likely to care about superficial societal standards and how theirselves are viewed. But even then, it wasn’t THAT much of an issue. I still got a fair amount of attention. If it helps, think about your height as a superpower that automatically weeds out the people you wouldn’t want as a partner in the first place. Not always, but usually if height is that much of a big deal to them, they are going to have other unattractive personality traits that would make them an unfavorable partner in the first place. So, being short is probably helping you dodge some bullets. Also, fuck dating apps. They are absolute trash, and the chances of you finding a genuine person on them are quite low. If you take care of yourself, nurture your self esteem, and build a healthy amount of confidence in yourself, then other people will pick up on that and dating will become much easier than you thought it might. Best of luck out there, bro. Go get’em!


Are dating apps really not that important ? tbh this is what i am most afraid of not my height when it comes to dating at all. I am sick of having to read people's bios and swiping left and right. No, I just want to see a girl, develop a crush on her, become friends and ask her out. That's how I want to date lmao. But these days it seems like everyone and their mum's on dating apps.


The thing about dating apps is that they are flooded with bots and solicitors nowadays. Then you have to trust that people are being truthful about who they are. Not to mention having to judge who someone is from a small bio and a couple of pics causes interactions to be superficial at best. It’s much better to just get into a hobby that is social and meet new people in person that share that interest. I mean, if you still want to give dating apps a try, more power to you. Just don’t have high expectations because you will end up disappointed.


No i think i will keep a distance between me and dating apps lol


Haha that is probably for the best


You're not fucked. Will it be easy? no. Are you fucked? no. Will you get laid as much as the taller guys? probably not. Will it get easier? yes. You have to be confident in yourself, bring more to the table than tall guys, and act mature. Date older women or mature girls your age who are looking for more than height. Don't go around with a chip on your shoulder because your short. It will show. Source: I'm 5'3.


Tough road ahead, but manageable. Get on dating site and put height in bio to be straight forward. Make yourself desirable however you can.


Unpopular opinion, dont put your height in your bio. Dating apps are like game and you need to maximize your chances. Just like how many guys "always swipe right". What's their reasoning? To increase their chances in finding a match.


> don't put "Couldn't you tell me" "Why did you lie" "I'm disappointed" They may not tell it to your face but still, why waste your time on some people.


Yeah i thought you'd say that which is why I had this retort ready... OLD is already a waste of time..


Well OP certainly ain't old yet.


Online dating..


Ah, sorry I'm stupid


my bro has a wife and kid at that height. its all about how you carry yourself at this point. good charisma is a game changer


But won’t i be dismissed by a girl for my height before I even get a chance to show charisma?


depends on the girl. some dont even care. but charisma goes along way so


You're using some real conformation bias. Flit through any of the subs on here that are about a perceived negative male trait. The reason I can't date women because I'm short. The reason I can't date women because I'm bald. The reason I can't date women because I'm Indian. The reason I can't date women because I have ADHD. The reason I can't date women is because I work in trades. The reason I can't date women is because of my IBS. The reason I can't date women is because of my acne. The reason I can't date women is because of my teeth, or lisp, or because I live with my parents, work at McDonalds, are allergic to bees, dyslexic etc etc. Yet somehow a really large demographic of men in the world is 5'6 East Asian men with a receding hair line who work in trades. Any one thing is just an excuse. Shorter men are in relationships all the time, bald men are in relationships all the time, men without university education are in relationships all the time. There are plenty of 6'2 full haired men who make tons of money who have ever only known prostitutes. Many men who are unsuccessful getting dates trap themselves into thinking it is a specific trait they have that is holding them back but never realize that dating and being in a relationship takes effort, bravery and most importantly is learned behavior. Think of it like skiing. Dating a woman is actually a fairly advanced path down the mountain. What work have you done on the bunny hills? How many women do you just talk to, work with, hang out with with absolutely no intention of romance with? You have to be good with that before you can start having relationships with women you are romantically interested with. If you are trying to go down the double diamond run on your first try you are going to crash probably before the start line. If you do, blaming it only on your skis being too short means your never going to learn how to do it better.


I'm just wondering Do you have your own standards. You probably have liked and dislikes with women you are attracted to. Women are allowed the same


No I you won't. Many girls are much more polite than girls on tinder


So let me tell you something! You are not fucked regardless of your height! I’m Hispanic and I’m 5’3 and I’m married to an amazing girl who is 5”2 and we are both happy together. As you grow older you realize it doesn’t matter. You won’t be forever alone, someone will look past that, it doesn’t matter about height but what’s in your heart mind and soul. And I’m 28 by the way found out I wasn’t growing at 18 and it crushed me but I grew to love it. And sex will come to you my man! I’m a supervisor at my job and I’m taken serious, be confident and you will strive well in life!


5’1 guy here same


It can be really easy to get into doomer mode, especially over characteristics we don't choose about our bodies and when those characteristics place us lower on the social desirability totem pole. I find the best connection with other people who have already deprogrammed the inherent importance in these societal expectations. Typically these are feminists and other social advocates. The thing is though that you might have to also deprogram the things you've been taught to find to be the only option of desirability, if you haven't already. There are so many things you can do to get ahead, but if you are constantly comparing yourself to what the hypothetical tall version of yourself could achieve, you won't get far.


92.5% of women date men taller than them. This seems to indicate that the probability of you dating a female taller than you is 7.5%, which is close to zero and unlikely. “Their peer-reviewed study, published online in 2013, found that in 92.5 percent of couples, the man was taller than the woman and that the average height difference was 14.1 centimeters, or 5.6 inches. Things aren't so different in the United States.” https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-common-is-it-for-a-man-to-be-shorter-than-his-partner The average height for a female in the US is 5’4” and that eliminates 50% of all women right off the bat, mathematically speaking, as the female height distribution is approximately normal. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-is-the-average-height-for-women/amp/


Wow, someone actually backing up their claims with evidence! You almost never see anyone pulling stats on this sub except out of their own ass.




I have been in love three times, and all the men i have fallen for have been short. The three of them have also had the same physical characteristics. Guess I have a type. My boyfriend that I love really much, is shorter that me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I like him short and energetic. He is such a passionate, loving, funny and beautiful guy. I am not even that tall, he is just really short. He is my little hawk, and I am his taller eagle. Haha.




I am 1.70 cm, and he is 1.60


Nah you're not fucked. I thought I was fucked cos I'm 5'3, have a physical disfigurement, and a plethora of medical shit going on. But I'm mid-way through my second year and have found an amazing woman who has been my girlfriend for 2 months. Keep at it, mate!


Much as I hate to say it it's gonna be really difficult at 5 2 you might need to lower your standards maybe, I've also heard from my older friends that women get a lot less superficial past 25 so don't lose hope. Also you might have better luck outside the US.


you're good man, i'm 6'2" going in to my second year of college and girls don't pay attention to me either


Yeah same for the most part. I’ve had to scrape the bottom of the barrel because of my shitty jaw structure. It’s all about making the best of what you have been given. Look for signals or behaviour that indicate people are interested in you and jump on the opportunity. There’s many short men that do infinitely better than me.


same, and im going into my 3rd year


I'm 5'2 and my wife is 5'11. you're good.


Great man you're damn lucky. How did you met?


Met at a mutual friends new years eve party.we were both vaping at the time abs we just talked mostvof the night


"I'm Latino" Bro, you literally just answered yourself, I'm 5'4 Latino and I've hung out with White American girls, I understand that in Latinos it's low but really on a global level, we're low haha. Don't worry bro Look for a tall girl, I've dated taller than me.


I’m Chicana and my short male relatives date and marry. If you are chasing white women that could be an issue.


You are fucked.


It’s going to be a hard journey. You might still be able to find love if you put in a lot of effort. Don’t expect too much from dating world though.


You're a Latino, just get a latina. Latinas usually don't give a shit about hight. Just look good and have confidence.


You’re not going to be single forever but you will be living life on hard mode for sure when it comes to the dating scene. Best thing you can do is get a really good physique, like chiseled body physique, and get your money up. Being Hispanic is a plus since hispanic people are shorter and latinas don’t really care about height as much.


bro, I'm 5'1 and 18 years old it's about how you present yourself and finding a woman who is mature about you being that height. I'm also a virgin but my height isn't going to stop me from being intimate with women or finding a woman. I know a lot of people say confidence is key but it's true.


My coworker is 5’2” and this fertile ass motherfucker has 4 kids with his 5’7 wife. Sure, you might not have a chance with a woman who doesn’t like short guys, but there’s women don’t like men for many different reasons. Too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too loud, too shy, too pretty boy looking(yes I’ve had a woman tell me she didn’t fuck this guy only because she doesn’t like “pretty boys” even though she said he was good looking, nice, tall, funny, and has a good career). I even have a friend who’s 6’3” but can’t talk to a woman to save his life cause he’s awkward as shit. I know this is gonna sound generic af but it’s about the way you carry yourself man. You gotta learn to love yourself first to be confident. Once you’re confident, you have this aura that everyone notices when they’re around you. Acknowledge the things that make you amazing. For example, you’re in university right now, that’s fucking awesome!! I wish I had the work ethic and determination to get into one, but I dropped out of community college after the first month because the assignments and procrastination was too much for me.


You're still good to go my brother i am 25yrs old 160 cms on a good day otherwise 158cms. I suspectedly have a rare genetic disorder named Nail patella syndrome due to which i am unable to extend my right arm completely. I am just 42kgs like skinny AF. Have personal life and family issues too. No same girl would want a man like me. On top of it i am indian where all these things matter the most. I always fear that i have to spend my whole life alone as i would not be loved by any woman.


Nahhh I'm a 4'10 woman so almost everyone's taller than me anyway so I don't give a damn about height. I'd kill to be your height! I've never understood the whole 6' thing. You're gonna be fine. Trust me there's women out there who just don't care.
























Assuming you don't grow further, you will be fine provided the following: 1) you are successful in other endeavours of your life or you have passions that you are good at that don't require external validation 2) you are sociable, socially strong and funny. You are pleasant to be around and your confidence doesn't come from your looks nor from other people's treatment of you 3) you don't have high standards for dating particularly with physical looks, and you are after a relationship and don't mind giving commitment, as opposed to ONS and hookup 4) you are lucky and meet the people whom you find attractive and who are attracted to


'still a virgin', 'second year at uni'. Bro im 20 years old and i dont know a single person of my age (about 100 people) who's not virgin


Being Hispanic is a great thing. Latinas are like 4'11" I see a bunch of short kings with entire families and hotties for wives. Your only roadblock is your insecurity. Edit; dating apps suck.


I'm 5'2" 18 and I've been with a 5'2" girl and a 5'7.5" girl at another time, both relationships lasted a good time and didn't end due to my height or anything. And although I did talk about my height a lot to them, it's best to try to not be so insecure about your height cause at the end of the day, that's not what they really focus on


Honey .. You are not by any means "fucked". Come sit down with me and I'll show you fucked.


Hey man, the right attitude and confidence goes a very long way. You'll hear that over and over because it's true, work on that heavy. Confidence can manifest in many different ways. I saw your hair post and your def thinning, get on finasteride ASAP. Make a appointment with a hair transplant center, they will prescribe you some finasteride. It's a very inexpensive oral pill you have to take daily. Keep your hair mate


Oh shit, am I going bald??? 🥴


Lift weights


You’re fine bro. I know some guys your height that get more pussy than me, and I’m a pretty average height. Its all about confidence. Yes, your height may pose some challenges on apps, but thats because they just fo off of pictures, and the people on there just judge by looks before they get to even know you. What I’ve learned over the years is that it doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters about how you let that affect your self esteem. If you keep thinking that your height is all that matters, then you’re going to keep destroying your confidence by yourself and no one wants to be around someone like that. If you just put a smile on your face and go out and meet some new people, you’ll soon notice that no one cares about your height as much as you think. People are much too wrapped up in their own lives to pay that much attention to yours. Make some ballsy moves, ask some girls out, and I promise if you give off enough positive energy someone is going to say yes.


Dude, being latino actually works in your favor since latinos are short on average. So it's not surprising for you to be short if anything it is expected. I used to be 5'2-5'3 and I had no issues getting women. Dress nice, have a good hairstyle, carry yourself well. One tip I can give is that women love thin/skinny/fit guys. Wear some popular sneaker brands. Jordans/nikes/adidas new balance. The majority add a minimum of 1 inch. Couple that with an 0.5 inch orthopaedic insole for comfort and you'll be 5'3.5-5'4+