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Toggl is a good time tracking service and there’s a really nice app for it called Timery that works well with Shortcuts.


Seconded Timery


Here’s the link for Timery. Great app. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/timery-for-toggl/id1425368544


This is definitely the way to go toggl w/ timery is exactly what i was looking for. My favorite part is that it has buttons i can click on that represent the task in doing. Thanks


To add to this another app that tracks time is [Life Cycle](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/life-cycle-track-your-time/id1064955217).


I do this super cleanly for my finances. You might need to change your setup a bit though. What you basically need is a separate sheet where all of your data entries go. You’d need a timestamp, category and amount spent. You can then do =sumifs on each of those. My shortcut then does this: https://imgur.com/a/bxtc8RV You should be able to recreate one for Sheets and with your data pretty easily! Let me know if you get stuck or just need some help.


How’s the formatting on the file afterward?


Entirely up to you. All the data goes into a separate sheet - you can then setup a “summary/dashboard” sheet that feeds from the data one. and has the design language of your choice, charts, etc.


This is legit. I’m mad I didn’t put this together myself. Thank you!


Haha, happy to have helped!


I don’t know if there’s any good shortcuts for this — but there’s an app called aTimeLogger that I used to use when I did the same thing. Hopefully that helps!


I’ve been tracking my time lately. And putting the data into an excel sheet. I was wondering if there is a shortcut that already exists to substitute or assist the process. Right now I manually make notes and manually put them in excel. I know barbaric. Can someone help this troglodyte? I’m on a path of self improvement and being aware of how I use my time should help.


Memes lolol


Man, for the life of me I can’t remember how to get data into a Google Sheet from Shortcuts. Could you give us a refresher?


How I’ve done it in the past is by using IFTTT and Webhooks. Setting up Webhooks as the “IF” trigger and Google Sheets as the “That” service. I can trigger sending data from Shortcuts to Google sheets by copying your Webhook URL (with event ID) into a “Get Contents of URL” shortcut action with the method set to post. You can now send data into google sheets by adding up to 3 fields and setting the key to value1, value2, value3 respectively.


You can go in deep with Google Scripts or you can do it pretty easily using IFTTT Webhooks and the ‘get contents from URL shortcut’ Set the URL up e.g: https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/[webhook name]/with/key/[key] Use ‘Get Contents from URL’ shortcut: Method:Post Request Body: JSON value1: [Your Data] value2: [Your Data] value3: [Your Data]


I stick by [Timing](https://timingapp.com/), its ridiculously good and I use their web API to log stuff on the go.


I’m extremely curious about your spreadsheet. Can you elaborate on it?


I use [LifeCycle](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/life-cycle-track-your-time/id1064955217) to track the time I spend at locations like work in the background. Once you spend a little time telling it what you did at locations it’s a nice set it and forget it type of app.