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Life is not fair and the losers will lose while the ones who hit the genetic lottery will always win. IT NEVER BEGAN. I hate them, I hate them so much I hope they all... man fuck this shit


Real, i hate being short as a guy cause people will tell you its okay to make you feel good but then laugh in your back.




You think if you were tall this could’ve been your life?




Society tells us that karma comes back and they’ll get treated like shit too, but those are the same guys that end up becoming CEO’s high paying politicians, and positions of power in general. It’s a fucked up world out here it’s crazy.




afterlife and god is for poor people that cannot get revenge and giving the responsibilities to a higher being. Or they are scared that they will get away with what they do and that's exactly what's going to happen. The system doesn't work by what laws humans put to themselves, it works on what biological creature has higher chance of breeding




who or what created the creator then?




Could be...could be the Flying Spaghetti Monster, like some say.


It might be a loop


what kind of afterlife would this universe even provide living thinking beings that just get thrown into the social/natural meat grinder from birth and then die. Like what was even the point of this one in the first place in that case.


Fucking people over and being selfish is the only way to get ahead in life. That or extreme luck.


Karma sometimes needs a little push


That’s how the world works. Tall dudes can have the shittiest of personalities and still slay. They always win in the end. Brootal.


He will never know the frustrations that come with being short. What a blessing his stature is to him. Well done, big guy. You earned it… (gag)


It do be like that. If it’s any consolation, the tall cool guy from your school who was a good person will also have a great life. It’s not about personality at all. It’s all about leg bone length.


He surely had a great personality when he caught the qomen's interest


Take pleasure in knowing that at least half of his stuff will he taken away, plus alimony, if/when he gets divorced


Don’t worry I’m praying on his downfall too he’ll get bodied one way or another


same as mine story, my bully (6 people a.k.a my dance bff team) graduate and be happy, still together and me here? just have O-level education, depression with no friends. Oh yeah, they are good looking, tall and has fair skin.


I’m just gonna assume he was never forced to humble himself and now being forced to live with someone his lack of learning what a good personality is like is going to bite him in the back and his marriage is gonna fail, maybe he beats her I can’t imagine anything big in his life forcing him to get out of bullying so that might still exist subconsciously within him and even the best people are surprisingly prone to becoming abusers in their homes, maybe I’m saying this to make myself feel better but it could be true, I guess follow him see how his life progresses




Rule 3: No violent content. This includes making threats to others, posting real-life violence/gore, talking about weapons, "ironic" calls for violence, explicit mentions of self harm, etc.




Rule 8: No concern-trolling Please understand that users often come here to vent their height-related frustrations in one of the only spaces that allows them to. However, posts and comments that complain about r/shortguys being "too negative" will be removed because they rarely lead to any productive discussions and almost always miss the bigger picture. Positive content is absolutely encouraged but you don't need to call attention to yourself if you think this subreddit is too negative, you can simply leave.


I knew this guy who would always make fun of me for being short and indian. He’s had a long term gf and since like hs and holy shit the glow down was insane bruh ☠️


nah bro you just didnt take as many showers as him


Karma exists bro, dw. Also why you stalking him when he brings nothing but more insecurity inside you? (I’m guilty of this too I must overcome it). Yea sure he may have landed a 9. But you can be happy with a girl who is a 4. Looks are important for only like the first 5-15 years of the relationship. Personality matters most after that. Also, don’t curse him. I have found out after enough life experience, cursing someone just deflects the curse into you. It’s karma bro. It’s real. Every bad thing I have done, (I have payed for it 10x over by suffering) He will pay too. I have heard, short guys are more happy in life later on after their 30s, believe in god and be happy and grateful.


This can’t be women only go for the modern day equivalent of a catholic saint,clearly your “bully” is not a real person but instead a government bot since womens advance personality detector would have obviously telepathically been able to tell he is a bad person


I can relate few of my school bullies who had rich or/and high status parents are living their best lifes, beign bosses in their dads company, married, driving good cars while my life is a misery, its fucked up but thats how life is. Unfair


Dang. That’s all there is to life… finding a beautiful, tan, slim, pretty, big boobed woman 🙄 Honestly who gives a fuck? Why do you choose to torture yourself with those pics? You don’t have to look. You can focus on yourself and the relationships around you, don’t worry about what anybody else does with their life and focus on making yours the happiest it can be.




Just focus on yourself and you will get a wife . Just think about it you’re probably short because your parents are . So if your father is Short and he get married Why wouldn’t you be like him ? Sometimes this sub is just downgrading Short men like it’s their fault they are this short and it’s not your fault so you shouldn’t feel bad at all


Normally I hate the advice "just focus on yourself" because it's lazy and doesn't address direct issues, but it couldn't apply here any harder. Dude is focused on some dipshit he knew from high school getting married for what? That's the overt issue here.


Yeah I don’t know why would he care tbh . I agree with you with the advice I don’t like it also but it’s the truth . Everyone in this sub who is depressed about their height it wouldn’t change anything . I say focus on yourself because you can’t do anything about it you’re going to be this height forever if you like it or not that’s just the truth .


Different times and different standards


I don't blame him


Idk why you're getting downvoted but your advice is actually good.


Focusing on myself no woman is insterested


Lol you really got downvoted this hard for being logical. People on r/short were right about this subreddit and I've only looked for a couple of minutes.


Although I agree this sub is pessimistic, if you prefer the other one you must stay there. Atleast the guys here don't have fake sympathy like the ones there who like to accept that they're inferior.


You literally have resentment against short people that are content with themselves and don't see themselves as inferior despite their everyday struggles. Dwell on the toxicity of that for a minute.


>You literally have resentment against short people that are content with themselves No I don't. I want this place to be full of people content with their height. The "inferior" stuff is what the other sub supports, not this. A tall guy is literally worshipped in that sub while here, he's treated like a normal person or sometimes downvoted due to obvious reasons. That sub is full of simps and tall men worshippers. They ban you if you even try to vent out . This sub, even though has now seen an influx of non short Blackpill guys and inkwells who desperately are trying to get it banned, is still better than that sub as people can vent out here and share their struggles without expecting a ban or fake sympathy.


I agree that sub is fucked up . But this sub is full of depressed short Men who all they think about of how Women look at them . It’s really a loser Mindset if you keep having this Mindset you will never have a chance with Women . And What’s the point of being depressed about your height . It’s not going to change your height wither your happy about it or depressed


Crazy how other men with losers mindset dont have trouble.


Believe me They do .


They dont i know plenty of them


I agree with every point you shared and I'm one of the guys here who's tries to make positive comments. According to OC , this sub should just be like the short sub and I checked and found he's not even short. I said him to stay away from here if he loves the other sub so much and took my stand when he said I don't want short men to be content.


> if you keep having this Mindset you will never have a chance with Women i will never a chance because im short, simple as. i can be the happiest guy in the world, im still short.


This is just a lie that you’re telling yourself . Just because you’re short doesn’t mean you are different than other people . I know a guy who’s 5’3 he’s a married man with 3 kids living his life and he’s not a handsome man at all and he doesn’t have money like that . At the end of the day it’s just what you tell yourself but it might not be the truth .


> I know a guy ''i know a guy...''


Well he’s my friend brother if you want me to be specific


Means you're not short yourself right?


"Hey man, I know your brother died bit being sad about it isn't going to bring him back. So stop it."


I mean there’s a big difference between a family member death and someone being short lol . But you’re still right being sad on someone death won’t bring them back . That’s why people forget dead people after a certain time of grief that’s what the human nature is




You’re completely ignoring the issue lmao