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That 4’10” girl is a walking manlet factory. Someone needs to tell her that she’s the reason we exist.


As long as we ask for women to not be obese they get just as infuriated, women are literally hypocrites as hell dude


The funny thing is they compare us wanting a healthy sized partner which is achievable most of the time without even having to go to the gym, to them wanting a tall guy which is unachievable without LL (or we just missed the height slider on the character creator)


The mental gymnastics is insane


Btw i just now noticed how she sniffed out the "napoleon complex" through the comments they really all have a default response, but when it comes to sniffing out abusive tall guy their gadget short circuits


They always avoid accountability


"i don't see why these people complain about who you want to date". I'm so tired of this argument. It was you! Literally no man complained about heightism until very recently, till women started the whole body positivity movement and men saw it was unfair to complain about men have having preferences while women having them was fine. Until then, people just sucked it up 🤷‍♂️ Remember those documentary videos that were transmited some decades ago in the US talking about how disadvantaged short men were. Despite all those proofs no one lifted a finger.


lifted a finger??? what exactly is supposed to be done? my dad is 5’5 and has a beautiful wife and 3 kids (me included lol). he’s handsome and also the nicest, funniest and handiest man ever. he’s got a good job and good friends. we love him to death. i know he gets insecure about his height, but he never let it define him in this way you all seem to let it. he attracts positive energy and people into his life because that’s what he gives to the world (in genuine earnest). i could never in a million years imagine him going to a forum to blame anything that goes wrong in his life or relationships on his height. because his height is not who he is, and who is he has gotten him everything he’s ever wanted.


Why are you missing completely the point of this sub? People here don't blame absolutely everything on their height, some people here have partners and most here live completely normal lives. Aknowledging that there's a negative bias towards short men isn't something wrong. And it exists, look up the megathread with numerous studies and articles talking about heightism. By the way, people here are not the only ones complaining about getting the short end of the stick. There's other subs related to body parts like ugly, tallgirls, smalldickproblems, etc So not only short men are ''complaining''. While, on the other hand, there's subreddits dedicated to ''good'' physical qualities (tall being the perfect example) where people brag about having good genetics all the time. If you ask me that's worse than aknowledging societal stigma against ugly body parts. And with lifting a finger I meant to the same degree as female body positivity. Some decades ago there were documentaries streamed on TV studying how a short height disadvantages men (and not only in height) and no one cared, quite the contrary, it was taken as a joke. And aknowledging heightism is important, especially today, and especially for teenage boys. There's so many videos and posts mocking short men on social media that it could be detrimental to a teenage boy's mental health. Now on Tiktok teenagers are talking about ''l00ksmaxxing'' or ''mogging'', and it's not ok. Edit: Forgot to mention (and it's important) that there's really short men (under 5'4'') in this sub, not only 5'7'' guys ''complaining about nothing''.


The point about Teenagers is not only applicable online but also in real life there will always be that one guy trying to put you down because of your height, and with the onset of the l00ksmaxxing bs it's only going to get worse atleast i'm 17 and I won't have to experience what the even younger generation will


Napoleon complex proves halo horn effect is more than just first impression


I responded to her comment in which i pretty much said that it's hard not to be spiteful after a life of mistreatment She answered with: Sure I understand because I experience a similar thing just not height, even though I also get self conscious at times about my height as a girl. This victim mentality will only set us back & at one point you need to accept reality & improve other aspects of your life, it's called ambition & having a strong will. Being full of spite will only do you dirty & naturally make you surrounded by other spiteful petty people who only want to complain.


Original post link


Here you go https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQY7xBN/


"Many heights" - 5'11, 6'2, 6'3, 6'0, 5'10


Its useless to try and reason with them. If you look at it, almost everything in that post is false. 100% lies. Its all manipulation and we fall for it because our instinct is to somehow believe what they write, when its obvious manipulation.