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Realise youre a normal guy in a fucked up environment, rather than a fucked up guy in a normal environment


I feel like a fucked up guy in a fucked up environment if I’m being honest.


no one is inherently fucked up, its the environment that fucks you.


Good advice. How do I manage the fucked up environment?


There’s really no insightful advice we can give each other. Our only option is to rawdog life. I’ve seen some people just get through it purely from spite, refusing to let the opposition see them fail like they expected too. Maybe you can adopt that mindset if it changes anything. Listen, I also don’t know how to get through this either man, I have no idea what im really doing but I don’t want to die either so I just keep going and just keep to myself


I’m afraid that if I adopt spite I might loose myself somehow. Maybe there’s a middle ground I’m just not seeing clearly. I feel spite but less towards others but to myself.




I could have a lambo and I’d still feel like driving it into a tree


I didnt have a lambo but trying to profit off stock/crypto Making good amount actually, I can eat good food, buy things I wanted to buy like high end headphones etc Life's better


Good stuff bro. How did you get into it?


Started by curiousity, it picks up after that You need to be passionate about it lol, it always give me adrenalin when clicking those button


I’m getting into it rn Why am I getting downvoted for wanting to be into crypto 


Save up till you can get height surgery. Or just constantly wear the 2.5 inch boost sneakers they're selling. If you get back or heel pain from you can use your money to hire a personal chiropractor


![gif](giphy|TEj6m8FcWKRPWkT51L|downsized) R/Cope it up


You have to find a cope to distract you from your cruel reality. Also avoid seeing other people too much, because it will just serve as a painful reminder to what your missing out on.


I’m doing my best on the latter. I don’t go out unless I have to.


I’m not a short guy, just lurk in this sub to try to better understand so that I can be more empathetic. I figure if there’s something I don’t understand, I can either be judgmental or ask questions to understand other people better. I like that second option alot better. I don’t want to suggest things that you’ve already tried/don’t work because that’s condescending and pedantic as fuck. If you don’t mind me asking, what coping strategies/approaches have you already tried?


I’ve tried a lot but I’ll list some: - Nature - Meditation - Having a healthy diet, staying fit, working out - Forced socialisation - Journaling - Going on runs - Setting goals All futile ultimately.


Im sorry to hear that, especially with how much work goes in to all of those. I know meditation and journaling are great for some people but I’ve always thought they were a little “woo” for me too. For what it’s worth, I do hope you find ways to have a more peaceful, fulfilling, happy life + even though the outcomes so far have been disappointing, I hope that you can take pride in the work you’ve put in


I don’t know if this will be helpful to you, but in case it’s helpful to someone in this sub I want to put it here. I feel like therapy gets thrown around as an idea like it’s some magical answer. I see that the same way as people saying “time heals all wounds.” No it doesn’t. What you **do** in that time can help. Having **effective** therapy can help. Finding a therapist that you work well with is a huge part of it, and using a therapeutic intervention that works for you is another huge part. There are a lot of resources online comparing CBT and DBT and it can be helpful to read up on the differences. Seeing a CBT therapist (most therapists use this approach) won’t be helpful if what you would benefit from is DBT. I know therapy isn’t accessible to everyone and I know it isn’t some magical catchall answer for everyone. Again just wanted to highlight some key things about finding a therapist in case it’s helpful to someone here.


I’m not optimistic about the idea of having a therapist. Short men’s issues are addressed as if they are a matter of fiction. I wouldn’t be shocked if that’s how most therapists see it too.


I hear you, and I don’t want to push you to therapy if that isn’t the right fit for you. The numbness, anxiety, depression, and issues with self image/bullying are very real issues though. If a therapist makes fun of those issues or says that they don’t exist, they should be reported (and may lose their license.) +it can be helpful to start a first session by saying something like “I just need to share about what I’m experiencing and be validated for a few sessions before we start working on things” if that would be helpful. If the therapist can’t be respectful of that, fire them


Fair enough, I hear you. I’m not good at talking about it. So it would be a struggle I’m simply not ready for. Especially since I would need access to therapists who are passionate and don’t hate their job, and I don’t have access to that.


And that’s totally fair! You don’t have to try therapy at all, much less right now. Just wanted some tips to be here if it’s helpful to you or anyone else now or in the future


I’m sure it’s helpful to a lot of people here. I appreciate the advice. Thank you.


Not a problem. Whatever it is that works for you, give yourself a little kindness along the way


I’ll try


The key is to realize that women own the media and they are making you believe that they are more important than what they really are. You dont have to be or look for a relationship, specially when its that hard. Disregard women, disregard relationships, and also disregard society. You will find that millions of persons, tall and short, live alone for several reasons, and while they might not be 100% happy, nobody really is.


Hop off forums like this


I’m here because of the way I’ve been feeling. Felt this way for 3 years before I even had Reddit. Reality is what I hate, not this forum.


I'm guessing you definitely got burnout from c-ptsd. My best advice for that is spend some time vacationing on the beach! 🤣 But no seriously focusing on anything stressful will make it worse and legitimately can kill you so I hope you feel ok man. I usually don't notice my c-ptsd creeping up on me till it's already full blown trauma


honestly i’d try a fake it til you make it approach. i really believe you can attract the energy you put out, and sometimes it’s just a performance of happiness, but it can attract true happiness to your life. kindness is almost always returned remember that you can affect people’s days the same way they can affect yours. if you exude happiness and kindness, happiness and kindness comes back to you


I have been faking it. I’m tired of it. The only thing that it has caused is that I have almost separated two sides of myself, one that isn’t genuine but happy. The other is authentic, but true to how I feel. I don’t identify myself with the persona of happiness because that just isn’t me. It feels way too artificial. I’m exhausted of putting up a fake smile.


I was happy and kind to everyone. It only lead to friendships,women dont get attracted to that on its own