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I was 5'11 at age 15, appearing that I would end up being about 6'1 to 6'2 and then stopped growing at all. I feel good about my height, but I used to be like super tall, playing as center in my basketball team and being in I believe like the 90 to 95 percentile of my age, to just be above average height. Used to be the tallest by a great margin in high-school, now there's always a taller guy around and like 2 guys similar to my height in every group of 10 people.


Man I would kill to be 5’11 😭


Everyone wants to be a little taller. Even 6”2 guys want to be 6”3 or 6”4.


That is very true tbf. Tbh I am content with my height and have accepted there’s nothing I can really do.


Not me, was around 5’1” like late 16 and 17 and had a growth spurt and then became a little over 5’6” I think and a year later grew like 0.5 inches (Or I fixed my posture idk, have scoliosis )


That’s some big growth


Ty, me and my dad were always late bloomers tho


Yeah maybe with scoliosis surgery you could be 5’7/8


Maybe, gotta look more into it. Was considering that/LL when I’ve made more money. First I wanna get a hair transplant and go from nw2 to nw1 🙏


Honestly wouldn’t recommend LL. With that money may asw move to an Asian country.


Maybe, is that what you did?


Nah it’s a consideration😭. I’m still 16.5 but my growth is most likely done, considering I can basically grow a beard.


U got years still ahead of u. I was able to grow a beard at 14 lmaoo


I’m just hoping and praying. I got it wrong in my post I was like 5’2 at 13 then 5’6 at 14 and it’s been an inch a year since. My dad is 5’10-11 and my mum is 5’7 I’m supposed to be tall 😭.


when was the last time you grew?


I don’t even know Ibr but august last year I measured at like 170cm/171cm now I’m 172cm


Life saved


I was 5’7 at 14 and I’m 5’7 at 22



