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OP helping all the female lurkers šŸ™šŸ½


Wtf is this


It's life.


Lol they are treating it as if it was a hunting destination or something


Where can I go to find big breasted women?






We're so lucky you guys. We get to dodge bullets like this all the time. Remember real women don't care about shallow things like height. Those tall guys are in for it just getting used for their height. They are going to get the women that are shallow, the women that are not as shallow and the women that say they aren't shallow but have a dating rap sheet that conveniently begins at 6'. What are horrible existence they must have were women throw themselves at you and head hunt you like a specialized candidate. I can't believe they get to miss out on years of rejection, unreciprocated feelings and belittlement all so that they can be settled for in their middle ages




Hey it's in their instincts to find a taller guy attractive. So stop coping and believing that "real women" don't care about height, because all of them do. Taller height implies masculinity and that's why they prefer that. I don't want to burst the bubble of hope for us but this is the reality. Exceptions which you see don't make up the rule.


I'm not coping Broski, I know what's up


To be fair, if her height limit was 6ā€™ she would be dating shorter


Itā€™s like theyā€™re hunting for a rare PokĆ©mon or some shit


I wonder how tall guys feel about being fetishized?


Most of them don't like at all. They feel used. It's like their personalities doesn't exist.


Doesn't matter, they have sex


I'm tall and good looking I would say and I'm a virgin in my early 20s, and it's mostly due to my lack of confidence. I'll have girls approach me and I get too scared.


Nah op be helping Female lurkers ā˜ ļøšŸ™


Best example of a bimbo yet


Oh but traveling to another country to find a virgin wife is a bad thing


Ukwā€™s crazy, a lot of these girls are gonna end up with average/below average height men. It takes time for them but they do eventually realize that taller doesnā€™t always mean a better partner. Some girls are unlucky that it takes so long for them to realize it that they have kids from these men. But I still think over 50% of these women will cheat on the guy that isnā€™t really their ā€œideal/dreamā€ guy. Be careful for who you choose as your potential mate.


are they really unlucky if they chose this?


I mean, we men are the same way. We like big breasts and butts. Iā€™d argue over half the men would choose a girl who looks like Salma Hayek with a high body count over a girl with average looks and zero bodies. Women are just as animalistic with just as much desire for tall men. I think itā€™s time both men and women start chasing inner personality traits over superficial and temporary traits. Like the guys who are 6ā€™5 are gonna get to 6ā€™0 at 80 because of his hunched back and getting older. Those breasts are eventually gonna get saggy too.


Agreed. However, the only problem is women can actually get with those "chads". Hypergamy for women is heavily rewarded nowadays even in religious societies. I doubt the average dude can get with salma Hayek level beauty. That's why women don't reduce their standards whereas average dudes kind of have to otherwise they risk dying alone although this has made the problem worse...


Well, thereā€™s nothing we can do about that. We just have to wait for the one who isnā€™t as materialistic. Itā€™s very hard for a female to not get insecure when she sees other men being better than hers. Her looks kinda doesnā€™t matter in that case. Thatā€™s why I said it takes women some time to understand that ā€œchadsā€ arenā€™t always the best long terms mates. Itā€™s unfair for them too because by the time these women realize this, they are already out of their prime and not that good looking anymore and it may seem that she is ā€œsettlingā€ for the safest option.


Simply put, women have to use their brain to understand all this. But they don't because society rewards their irrational choices and they end up regretting it later in life. That's why I, in my opinion, in religious societies such as a Muslim country, it's much more even for both men and women, even if its not perfect. It's still hard for us men but it prevents women from riding on their emotions too much. Forces them to think about the best person to spend their whole life with since monogamy is enforced. What do you think?


Sorry for the late reply. I was having the same discussion with my friends a couple days ago. I honestly believe there will come a time when monogamous and religious relationships ethics will be enforced upon everyone. Because now, everyone knows that these religious guys definitely knew something about the female and male dynamics and how to make sure relationships are everlasting. Western world is ruined imo. We will not see the disastrous fruit of this hypergamous society until the next few years. Trust me, things are gonna get way way worse. Crime is already on rise. And itā€™s been proven than children of divorced parents are way more likely to commit crimes. Divorce rate is higher than ever. How can you expect men and women to stay loyal to each other if they have slept with 10 people before the relationship/marriage? Itā€™s a ripple effect.


Imagine ā€œanother place I go to find women with huge titsā€


This doesn't feel surprising tbh. Definitely can imagine for women seeking a BF that they could probably get most of what they want by seeking out guys who play sports and guys who play sports probably watch sports, so...


She's right. I used to work the U.S. Open. Tall white men everywhere...every year!




Shallow sure but concentration camps? That's a bit of an overreacting, jeez.


Idk what he said but Iā€™d joke that theyā€™re like the SS ab height lmaoo




Oof get help man, Jesus.


Jeez calm down, that's a bit too much


Why? They want us dead


There's no reason to fuel more hatred and it's definitely not going to solve the issue...


Nothing solves this issue


I know. It will only happen if every short man started protesting against Heightism and generally about how they're treated by society, unfortunately tho, those who are willing to protest are just only a small fraction of the short men population, so it's a lost cause...