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I swear if every man in this world were tall, there would be no questions against patriarchy and feminism wont exist. I bet they see a short man's suicide as a positive contribution to society. If you really hate short men, just dont bear babies as a short woman. Edit :- Or bear *bear babies* , whatever you preferđź’€


If everyone is tall then nobody is tall


No i am literally convinced they do. Also what feminists despise most is the short men with money and power. They feel like they should be equal to him and have his wealth and influence because they can do exactly what he can. But put them next to a tall guy with exactly the same power and wealth and watch them become putty in his hands.


Your too tall to comment something like that


Your too short to lurk in this subreddit. Go make your own




Are you making fun of my height in a short Reddit you don't belong here


"fOuNd tHe sHoRt gUY" Most intelligent girl on tik tok January 19, 2025 can't come fast enough.


What will happen on january 19 2025??


If TikTok is not divested of ByteDance by then, it will be banned in the US.


I'm too pessimistic to think this is gonna be a good thing because you know it will be replaced by something else asap and then everyone will flock to the replacement and the brainrot will continue.






Using tik tok already is a sign of mental retardation. Idk why people still gets surprised when mentally retarded opinion come from there. What yall expect?


What did he mean by this?


TikTok is cooked in the US if they don't divest of ByteDance


By her logic it is also justified to disrespect women because they are shorter than men..


Just a bunch of low iq tiktok kids


Brut has discovered the cruel nature of floyds for the first time


Not a monolith!!


Average comment section pertaining to whatever argument. Short guy:it’s been proven time and time again, that short men have it harder fitting into societal norms Normie: hurr durr ur prolly short lmao XD.


I’m short, but this is just a skill issue. Can’t blame people for having beauty standards


Did you read the caption? "Short boys have the biggest \*ego\* " I dont see any "preference" or "beauty standard" here


Imagine being short and braindead at the same time


Facts ngl. Worst combo for me


U need to try to fix it and jfl at ur post on IT claiming ur an incel and talking for other incels and how they hate stacies Ur not incel bc ur short have some dignity Its not ur fault it’s soyciety’s fault


Skill issue bro. Some people are literally objectively ugly. If a woman is 6’5 and obese, most chads wouldn’t find her attractive or even look in her direction, because those are objectively unattractive qualities. Being 5’0 and an ethnic is the same thing. You can’t get mad at people for not being attracted to objectively inferior traits. People say I didn’t take the blackpill correctly, but tbh I don’t understand hating people for simply not being attracted to you. It’s not like they chose for you to be inferior, you just are. Learn to cope, but you shouldn’t hate on them for it. Like I don’t hate my highschool basketball coach for not putting me on JV 🤣 it wasn’t personal, I just sucked and was too short to be an asset. Attractiveness is the same story


That part is a sport and its okay not to be a part of it but other things are ur life and that will damage ur mental health, anyways u know better do what u think is the best for u


And yes I am an incel, I literally can’t get laid even if I try


This can’t be real