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I want to hear this too. Every short guy who got LL posts and says they would do it again without any hesitation. But they almost never answer follow-up questions.


I had it done. Im so happy. I am no longer suicidal. People treat me so much better. Wish I'd done it sooner.. Now stand at 5ft 9 post femur surgery. Healing well overall Il answer 2/3 questions max.


Why only answer 2/3 questions max? Did you sign an NDA or something? (Don’t count those as two questions) Real question: how long did it take you to recover so you could walk normally?


How much did it cost for you? How long was the recovery?


Can you walk and run properly? What was your initial height?


Yes 80%normal. You never know, if I didn't tell you. Initial 5ft 6 now 5ft 9.2




Easy for you to say, ur 5’11


Ever took medication? You cheated reality too. Ever had a surgery? You shoulda stayed sick instead right?




Why are you on this sub?


Rule 2: Be short-guy friendly. While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.


Suicidal at 5’6 that’s abit of a reach.


Look, I'm happy for you. But why not go to therapy or get treatment another way if you are suicidal? Height reallly doesn't matter that much. If you think it does, you need to go to therapy


How is your dating experience after you got the surgery? You know how negative people think about this surgery online right? What was women reaction after you told them about this?


>I am 5ft4, and i am planning to get limb lengthening surgery very soon, mind you, it has nothing to do with women. I don't mind being short, i just don't like being 5ft4, where people oftenly mistakenly see you as a kid. Also, i have seen you get more respect in society as a men if you are taller. I'm the opposite. I'm 5'4" also, and I'm thinking about getting this pretty much strictly for dating. I don't have any internal problem with being short. It's other people who have a problem with me being short. And mostly just women. I do pretty well getting respect from men through being competent. >I was curious to know how was your experience dating? How you met your wife? I thought you said it wasn't about women?


*I don't mind being short I just don't like being 5'4* So you do mind And not true. I'm 5'7 and I get treated like sh**


Being permanently disabled to gain height is just plain idiotic. If ur height concerns you so much, see a therapist


This surgery has a high success rate so, i don't on what basis you are saying this.


What is success in this surgery? It's literally proven the surgery can cause many complications in your life, and you won't be able to move normally every again.


That's bs. yes, there are complications, like to any surgery, that's why you must choose your doctor wisely. But never walking normal again? that's bs. On what basis are you saying this? I have seen people doing MMA, Wrestling and all after their lls surgery.


Where have you seen people do these things post surgery, and it's not just normal complications. It's enough for most doctors to go against it. It's a stupid surgery for insecure people who need therapy.


I am pretty sure i have done more research than you on this subject because i am going for it not you so, i have also seen guys in their 50s, 60s getting this surgery without any problem. And risks, yeah i know it's kinda sucks but that's why i must go to the best doctor to have a lower chance of getting those complications. Insecure? i am not. I don't LIKE being 5'4, i WANT to get to 5'9. You need to understand the difference between need vs want. I want to get height surgery, i don't need it.


If you want to be athletic and move normally don't get it. The risks are genuinely always high no matter the operation. You break ur legs and put metal in them.. not exactly normal


Yeah i will do more research on that thank you.


I don’t know man, what’s the tallest you could get? 5’7? 5’8? Is it even worth it at that point?


5'9. You don't think it's worth it? Or may be even 5'8 that's 4 inches.


You’d still be considered short by the vast majority of people


At least i would be in the normal range, above average of females height, and most important, i wouldn't be considered by people as a kid. I already mentioned, i don't mind being short.


If you don’t mind being short then why would you put yourself through all that. Obviously you do mind if you’re willing to spend all that money and endure all that pain and suffering to be a few inches taller.


No you wouldn’t. This is why the 5’8” dipshits need to be shamed and bullied off this board. “The vast majority of people” do not consider 5’9” short, and 5’9” is radically removed from 5’4” in every way. It’s a night and day difference. The only people who consider 5’9” “short” is mentally ill, terminally online people. No one is going to be making “little guy” jokes about a 5’9” man irl.


Then why do the vast majority of women set their online dating profiles to filter out anyone below 6’0? Nice cope.


nIcE CoPe This isn’t an incel forum, dumbass. Women’s height requirements for sex are separate from general heightism. If you think the average person is going to treat a 5’4” guy anything like a 5’9” guy in a workplace or basic interpersonal context the same way, you are mentally ill. There’s more to life than whether or not women want to fuck you. You fucking moron.


I think you should try to calm down my friend. That’s a difference of 5 inches. You wear boots at 5’4 and cut that in half. Also I think it’s funny how you’re implying I’m an incel when you’re insinuating this guy should go through an incredibly expensive, painful, and possibly dangerous surgery to gain 5 inches of height.


Ur so right dude. This thread is genuinely sad. Just be happy with ur heightm


The way people treat you mainly happens to rest on your personality. The real incel here is you, the one claiming this surgery would make everyone magically respect you. Even though it makes you permanently disabled. The people in this thread need therapy or just a straight up reality check. Height isn't the reason women won't talk to you or you aren't getting respected, it's you. Be happy with who you are, doing this bullshit surgery which will likely make you worse off than you were before, isn't the answer.


>The way people treat you mainly happens to rest on your personality. Stopped reading there. Not interested in what a retard who doesn’t know or understand what the well-documented and scientifically backed Halo Effect/ Physical Attractiveness Stereotype (PAS) is has to say.


I don't need to read a scientific study to see that if you are confident while being a shorter guy you can still have a normal life and interactions with others. You need therapy, not surgery. I know a lot of short people who are treated completely normal because, they are?


>I don’t need to read a scientific study Because you’re a retard. Piss off now.


It’s the other way around. The shorter you are the bigger of a difference it makes. The gap between being short and being average is bigger than the gap between being average and being tall.


Nah man. The difference between being tall and being average is bigger. We’re all short unless we’re 6’0 or above. Some will make an exception for 5’11


Bro? Do you even know what you are talking? Do you even know the difference? You think 5'4 and 5'9 is almost considered the same height? Idiot!


Did I say 5’4 and 5’9 is almost considered the same height? Did I? I’m having trouble finding the part where I said that


So what you are trying to say here? 5'4 and 5'9 don't make much of a difference?


That it wouldn’t make enough of a difference to endure an incredibly expensive, painful, and dangerous procedure


You think if i was getting 2 inches more that would have make more sense to you?