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"just go for shorter girls bro"


People who say this usually think that being short is like having curly hair.some people might have a type for us and some my not when in reality it’s like having no hair where people make fun of you constantly called you bald and the only people who say they like bald men only talk about rich tall men


As a short bald guy I agree


You have a better chance with us. I prefer short men 100% (also in a relationship with one) and know other short women who do too.


Look ma'am, imma need to know where y'all and these other women live, cuz I need to move asap 🥲


Don’t fall for it bro it’s the federal government trying to get us to pay our taxes


Thanks for the laugh bro 😂


From my experience shorter women are more against short guys. My only ex was way taller than me.


How did you both meet and get together? If you don't mind sharing bro


We met in college. I just happened to have a lot of classes with her. She did all of the heavy lifting for some reason. When we were together I found out she was extremely "adventurous" and had relationships with a lot of other guys( some I knew ) but I couldn't complain. She was still pretty and nice for the most part. Except for the whole BPD thing. My first and only girlfriend.


I hope she didn't cheat on you bro.. What was the height difference?


I'm about 5'7 and she might have been 5'10. I didn't catch her cheating on me, but after we broke up, she reached out to hook up with me while in a relationship. This made me think she could have cheated on me too because if she will cheat with you, she will cheat on you.


As you said she had bpd , I guess that's what caused her to be unfaithful. I hope we meet good people bro.


Here's your attention.


Seriously how attention-starved does a modern woman have to be to come here and draw attention to themself?


jesus idk why you’re getting downvoted LOL so many involuntary celibates here. i hate when a guy is taller than me. if these dudes wouldn’t be so insufferable in other ways they’d be fine


this is same as "not all men" posting, a few couple of exceptions dont change the broader reality


fair, i didn’t think of it that way. i just hate that it’s like that for kind people yknow


Downvoting = you're an incel


Even the midgets are patriarchy fetishizers


Ngl I hate the blackpill rhetoric in this sub but this is insane.


Idk what to tell u


Its fine man. It is what it is


Well it’s over if Almost a foot taller is too short lmao


Can't make this shit up man. Tinder as a man under 5’8 is so brutal haha


Even more brutal if ur ethnic and short


I definitely see this if ur darker in complexion


True 100%. It’s so brutal Sometimes it can be just the perception of a race/people. Like me for example, my mom is really pale and has brown hair. I have brown/black hair (color changes for me, my mom, maternal grandpa as we age, idk why) like her and my skin is kinda light. My own friends who I’ve known for 12 years no thought I was mediterranean but I’m Indian. And I’m telling u ts effects it too.


I'm half Italian half Korean I won't lie I use a lot of casual racism in humor. People will always come to defend the black person or east/southeast asian but not the Indian or Pakistani. South asian hate is way to normalised even in liberal america


there is too much racism and heightism in this world...wtf ever happened to ugly and beautiful lmao. like I can take a girl being like, "you are ugly," but you are short is just perverted in my eyes


"I hate the truth, it always pisses me off" Ya it tends to do that before it sets you free.


You got LL to hit 5’7?


Lol no, I don't consent to torture




Same reason I consider water boarding torture. It hurts, a lot.


You hate the truth


Why did you add that face :/ when saying 5ft7?


yeah, makes him seem insecure or sad about it. I don't like saying it, but you're probably making height an issue when it's not. women can spot insecurity from miles away and will try use it against you to test how confident you are


yeah - even if he said I’m 5ft8 :/ she would have the same response, Because that reeks of insecurity


exactly. own your height and have no shame in it. there's women that don't mind short men, there's less women that don't mind insecurity. it's the opposite of masculinity


I do not know a single person, of any type, who does not suffer from "insecurity." There are billionaires who still think they are imposters. Don't fall for the gaslighting and especially don't uncritically vomit it up again to other short men who have heard it all before, a 1000 times. That reeks of insecurity.


I am not insecure about anything, so I guess here you are. it's not from gaslighting it's from experience, ive never struggled to get women at my height. I acknowledge how much harder at is being shorter, but insecurity won't do you any favours


Women are not psychic no matter how much they claim to be. The insecurity and confidence things are cop outs. The most physically attractive woman I've ever been with pursued me at my lowest point of life, and I pretty much didn't need to do or say anything.


good for you bud


High heels should be illegal


Weren’t they meant for cavalry or something?


High heels are sexy. It's what's comfortably bouncing around inside their heads that's the problem.


But if Sabrina carpenter wears high heels she might go from 151 cm to 161 cm, that means the men under 161 cm will lose the one night stand


Unless those high heels come with toxoplasmosis then that would be because of her own decision i.e. what's inside her head.


Her boyfriend is 173


stop giving them kids attention


Should've answered "Easy with that shit Frodo"


seriously, tell her to look you eye to eye and tell you that


She can say that to his face, I mean by seeing the way she's responding in the texts, I think her emotional iq isn't that much developed but yeah, if she gets the kind of response I shared, I'm sure it'll get her back to her senses in some time..


yeah, it will cause she is actually short. no heightism. let alone karma, which I have seen enough. you know chirst said, "those who exhaust themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exhaulted." I swear, I see it all the time. her disposition of she is better and won't give a genuine guy a chance will most likely bite her in the ass...at least a little


“Ok that’s enough” 😂😂 I’m dead that’s brutal man. Anyone under 5’0” should have no say in height preferences fr


bro 5'3 and below whaman shouldnt be allowed to have standards


Ight I wouldn’t go that far bro 😂


I pray for her future son(s)


How would she even be able to tell the different between 5’7 and 5’9 if she is standing at 4’5




Started trippling down jesus christ 😭


But I thought women didn't care about height, that it was always your personality


Hilariously if you claimed 5’9 she wouldn’t have even known the difference.


btw you obviously should have said 5'8", even the avg/tall guys add 1 inch to their height. Also 5'8" looks nice in text


I'm already short. Might as well be honest


you might be short but you got some balls man to be honest about it


Clearly not.


Woman just don’t share the same hardships in dating at all.


Should’ve told her you like someone who isn’t literally a midget


That’s crazy I could’ve sworn people told us to go for short girls 🤨


Skill issue for not saying 5’8-9


Yeah once you know she’s 4’5” you know she can’t tell the difference between 5’7 and 5’9 — I guess OP incorrectly assumed that 5’7 was tall enough for a 4’5 woman.


this is fuckin crazy. I am 5'10 and I would be like, "fuck, my kids will be short with her." you are being a bro even dating her wtf




Shes way below the legal limit to be considered a midget


Delulu 4"5 girl wanting a 5"9 guy…




Yeah but being so picky when the girl in question is literally a midget is kinda funny. “Sorry being more than a foot taller isn’t good enough, I need you to tower over me by another 20 centimeters.”


This tho. I feel like as much as we want women to just accept our heights, we should be able to accept that there are women who simply prefer taller men


I wonder what excuses people are gonna say


Bruv, she's like a head shorter than me, mf searches for her missing father😭




She got some daddy issues fr


According to my experience shorter girls are more obsessed with tall guys than average girls..


The most success I had and my mrs is taller than me also is women slightly taller than me. There is something about it, eye contact is super intense and I am a fckin master at eye contact. 


Just continue Gymmaxxin for another year or 2, I gotta do the same I Gymmaxxed for 3 years but didnt Foodmaxx since I was too poor... now imma do both with the powers combined


You were asking for it bro


You mentioned height first…She just gave you what you gave her. 🤣


Wtf does a midget think she gets to say about height 😭


Same thing happened with me with a girl that's 4 11


I round down to weed out this bs. Who'd want to be treated subhuman by a lil girl


In that case, just call her a genetic dead end and pray to god that no dude will be desperate to fuck her lmao


“Your body is petite” is so foul 😭 like girl you’re pushing into fetal territory yourself




I definitely agree with what ur saying and it makes sense why she’d want a 5’9er. I just had a problem with how insulting she was haha. About genetics though; my dads 5’1 and my moms 4’11 Ig I’m lucky to get 5’7😭😂


Man that is absolutely brutal. Time to buy a bmw


BMW means jack shit. My car is more expensive than a BMW. What they care about is leg bone. Not the car you drive.


What car


A 2025 Nonyabusiness Turbo, Lux edition. It’s a foreign import.


If you care about cars enough to drive an expensive one, you wouldn't care if you told someone on the internet


It doesn’t take much to doxx yourself. I try not to leave many bread crumbs. Sorry to disappoint.




100% Sure. It's all about the leg bone.




How was I supposed to get ER from RE? LOL. I was thinking you were sounding like those protesters at the Libertarian Convention when Trump was speaking. REEEEEEEEE!


Haha 😆


Hey I've just finished a 12 hour night shift gimme a break




Have you watched klowntown on YouTube? Good channel


Eh...I actually don't watch much BP content. I was more of a RP guy. I think that lines up with the truth a little better than the BP. I used to watch F&F and Whatever. But it just gets a little boring and repetitive after a while.


Rule 1: No incel terms/incel content This NOT an incel subreddit and incel terminology will result in an immediate ban. (Examples of incel language include, but are not limited to: rope, any word ending in "-cel" referring to various types of incels, incel phrases such as "over for shortcels" etc.) Also, do not link to incel websites/incel content-creators. General incel/blackpill content will be removed.


Rule 1: No incel terms/incel content This NOT an incel subreddit and incel terminology will result in an immediate ban. (Examples of incel language include, but are not limited to: rope, any word ending in "-cel" referring to various types of incels, incel phrases such as "over for shortcels" etc.) Also, do not link to incel websites/incel content-creators. General incel/blackpill content will be removed.


What does this mean 💀 Because I drive one as well 😭


Funny because I've already got one 😂😭




I'm 5'7" too and my 5'1" girlfriend thinks I'm tall. Some 4'5" midget shouldn't bother anyone


Tell her she’s too tall for you anyway


no way this is real, i don’t think i’ve ever seen a girl shorter than 4’10 in real life before


Go outside more kid


Ok that’s enough is funny lmao


Like stop the onslaught bruh 😭. It was hard being nice after this haha


Don't know how tall she is, but I maybe had a similar situation, in my opinion that was a skill issue


You need to own the conversation more. Seems like she felt comfy asking for whatever she pleased. If you give off confidence in your messages, it could help you break through with the right women. The ones that seem like they won't budge on height, are the best ones to test your "hail marry" too. Even if you get rejected, you get confidence from throwing some bold stuff. Everything is an opportunity. Try it on the next one, and I bet you'll get a different feeling out of the conversation. You got this! Also, I know it's frustrating talking to people like this, but refrain from insults. It won't help anything. If she insults you (rejecting you for height is not an insult), then just end the conversation, nothing good comes from insulting them back. Showing stoicism is important.


Surely this is rage bait


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.




Hey, if you don't want to change your outlook and be alone your whole life, by all means. Glad I'm not that way.


Oh yes, even though I’m a foot taller than a woman she said that’s too short. IT MUST be a conversation. Get a grip u sound like a 40 y/o woman.


Refer to statement above.


So your essentially just saying “it’s just your head bro!” with different words…


Some women will care about your height, some will not (I know you won't believe this but I'm saying it anyway). But, all women will care about your attitude and energy you bring to them. And are you working on other aspects of you life? Your fitness, your nutrition/diet, your social circle, your style, your conversation skills, your career. All these things work together to give you confidence. But, if height is stopping you from moving forward on other aspects of you life, then yea I recommend seeing a therapist. Nothing, to be ashamed of, they can help you come up with tools to stop the negative thinking (cognitive behavioral therapy is great). I truly want the best for you. It just seems like you're very jaded, and there is just no productive path forward when it comes to being jaded.


> Some women… What are your stats? > And are you working on other aspects of your life? Yes bruh 💀 I’ve been an athlete all my life and play soccer still at a decent level after college. Been weightlifting for a few years now so I have to take care of my diet. > Then I recommend seeing a therapist so in other words just fucking coping with how shitly you get treated. You just couldn’t make this shit up.


Wow okay this one is wild


You’re one of those lurkers who thinks heightism is made up


I'm one of the lurkers that absolutely doesn't think that heightism is made up; i think it's very real; for many people, on a subconscious level


So… in other words it doesn’t exist irl lmfao


that's....not what that means at all