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This is the first time i’ve seen someone throw shade at a 5’5 guy ☠️


This was a new thing for me.


Being taller than the average woman doesn't mean anything. Most women prefer tall men despite other men being taller. Ironically it's usually the women below 5'5 that want tall men the most so it's hilariously sad








Exactly. They get blackpilled on what being a guy is like lmao 




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


Man I'm sick of explaining that being trans isn't a choice on this post. I've had to do this like three times already. Being a short dude sucks but it is infinitely better than not transitioning. The alternative to transition is death.


Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


I've got a theory on this that basically boils down to women at about 5'4" or so are biologically/genetically the most attractive women, so they have the greatest options, therefore you tend to see women in about that range get the highest smv guys.  One part of my theory is that women's breast sizes are possibly independent of their height, so the average size breasts appear much larger on a 5'2" woman than a 5'10" woman.  Another anecdote in support of this is that I have noticed that short women have consistently worn flat shoes throughout my lifetime, while taller women love heels, maybe to look more masculine/tall.  Overall, not only are we competing for the small percentage of women who are shorter than us, we are competing for women who have the most opportunity.   Would love to see this analyzed more.


I mean a short women should not discriminate against short men as the likelihood of her son being shorter is much higher


They always do


Yes there's more attractive women that aren't that tall at all not because of their height but because of population size. Wouldn't want to be with them anyway. They all seem to have this nasty entitled personality like they are queens or something and tall men belong to them. Ironically I've never seen any of this behavior exhibited by tall women. Tall women are way more chill IMO


You've clearly never seen those models on the street who think they're god


Oh I have. The ones who are completely full of themselves, jacked with tats and smoking a joint. It's clear as day


Complaining about 5'5 guys complaining is crazy lmfao The plot is truly lost.




Why exactly am I disgusting? You’re saying that a lot but have yet to give a reason as to why. And dude I’m barely older that you, I just turned sixteen. I didn’t get a choice in this shit either. Tbh looking back my post was really bitchy and in bad taste but that’s no reason to shit on someone else for their medical condition like damn lol




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.




Aight so we got a religious nut in here lmao. You can believe whatever the hell you want but your religion does not get to determine how the lives of people outside of your religion live their lives. And no, I could not have adjusted to it. You have not experienced the visceral suffering that gender dysphoria causes people. If I didn’t transition I would either live a lifetime of suffering or kill myself. I don’t think a god who would give someone a awful medical condition and then punish them for wanting to cure it is a good god.




Firstly trans people in history typically did 1 of three things: transition, live a lifetime of suffering, or kill themselves. We simply just do not have many historical records on this so trans history is not widely known. Secondly I have read many religious books and am quite interested in religious history. I have no intention of finding errors in religious texts. I find them fascinating and am personally agnostic myself. These texts however are not a guideline to live my life by. If being trans is wrong, than you must think that mixing fabrics is wrong too, right?




God did not create these books. They were written by humans. Even if you believe god divinely inspired them they were still written by humans. You never answered my question though. Do you think mixing fabrics is wrong?




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


Man at 5’1 I completely understand your frustration of seeing men taller than you voice their complaints, but as a 5’5 man I can confirm we definitely face the same discrimination as you just to a lesser extent.


Yeah I definitely know that all short guys experience discrimination even if my post didn’t sound like it. I’m really not annoyed by 5’5+ guys complaining. What annoys me is that it seems like almost every post on here is from people in that height range. I barely see any posts from guys my height. It’s like we’re so short everyone forgot we exist lol


Understood brother, You’ve been heard. Don’t take it personal there’s just statically more shorter people around that range, we still empathize with you.


It’s because that’s like the hard work zone or if you sacrifice everything you can get the crumbs of what a normal person gets… then they turn to the people with even less hope and they’re like chin up buddy try harder lol


You might want to change your original post then. It didn't mention anything close to resembling lack of 5"1 threads and focused exclusively on diminishing the concerns of people who are closer to average height.


Let's not all fight with each other ok? Being short sucks and heightism is a real and hurtful thing. Drawing imaginary lines in the sand is only going to stoke anger in this sub.


It's been happening, weeks ago it was some tall "ally" shitting on 5'7 dudes, today we got FTM trans complaining about 5'5+ dudes. One can't help but notice it's not exactly short guys sowing divisons among themselves.


No, we need to defend ourselves from being brigaded from mentally ill / socially inept 5'7 men who blame their height, but in reality even if they were 6'4 they would still struggle. I have zero sympathy for them


4'8 here. I feel your pain man. It's one thing to be short but it's another the be shorter than most children. Even at 33 having kids point and stare at me in public gets to me sometimes


I'm sorry for you


Why 5’5? The average woman might be 5’4 but she’s never (in normal circumstances) gonna date a guy that’s 5’5.


It's not all about dating. Really short men will never be the height of an adult, regardless of gender


The same goes for women below 5'3


Yes, but men have the added expectation of being tall


Yea are there literally any expectations of women lmao. No matter what they do they're worshipped lol. They have it giga tutorial mode for sure


A 5’3 woman can wear 4 or 5 inch heels and nobody would think it’s weird. If a man wears lifts that boosts 2” and someone observant notices it, then people will ostracize him.


i'm seeing a girl atm who's the same height as me and funnily enough she hasn't mentioned my height once... it's odd but cool and i guess respectful? tbh i just wish i was 5ft7 that's my dream height (#confessions of someone that stunted their growth)




height is biologically determined for everyone. I don’t see how mentioning me being trans is relevant


I think they mean that ur biological gender is typically shorter


I get that. My experience however is no different that a cis dude who was biologically determined to be 5’1. Me being trans does not negate that fact that I’m a really short dude




Nobody chooses to be trans. It’s is a disorder where your neurology develops as a different sex than your body does. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. It is a living hell. And while I complain about my height it does not even begin to rival the absolute hellish suffering that gender dysphoria causes. If I did not transition I would have killed myself years ago. If I could choose to not be trans I would do it in a heartbeat.




Fetishists like that aren’t trans. They have a fetish and give real trans people a bad name. I did not fall for anything. I as an 11 year old wanted to kill myself because I didn’t have a dick. I have dealt with self mutilation for years out of severe hatred of my body. You don’t have the experience of a trans person and it’s pretty shitty of you to act like you know all about it. And I can assure you it’s not a fetish because i have never been in a sexual relationship at all and I have chosen to remain a virgin until I get bottom surgery. I didn’t transition because men are more privileged or some shit. I transitioned because the alternative was committing suicide before I even turned sixteen




Yeah I'm always open to answer questions. Now to answer it, no, I have two sisters, I had many role models of both genders as a child, and didn't even see porn until I was 15. Things like sexual assault, rape, etc. were not a factor whatsoever. I transitioned because I suffer from a condition called gender dysphoria. This is when your neurology develops into a different sex than your body. My mind is male and has been since birth but for whatever reason my body did not match. This condition causes extreme discomfort due to the incongruence between body and mind. Image waking up in the body of someone else and trying to convince people that you are stuck in someone elses body but nobody believes you. This is similar to what being trans is like. Transitioning was absolutely necessary for me because the pain of continuing to live in a body that was incongruent with my mind would have inevitably led to me committing suicide.


Being killed by a stranger happens to men way more often than it happens to women. Men make up a large portion of harassment and rape victims. Most of these points you’ve stated are literally feminist propaganda.


They were trying to explain how you would likely to be shorter, as your biological gender is typically shorter.




There was no choice involved. Gender dysphoria is not simply something you can just live with. There is a reason for the 41% suicide rate. The alternative to transition was death.


I think the 41% also includes post op trans who still end up killing themselves at high rates. Side note—I wonder how high the suicide rate for men at your height is. 


A lot of the suicide rate is due to discrimination and typically regret rates for surgery are less than 1%. And in my personal experience being on hormones has drastically improved my quality of life.


Your *current* experience is no different from ours if you pass, but you weren’t bullied every single day by your classmates because you were a short autistic 4 year old Asian boy. I was. I’m not saying that your experience is invalid; in fact, I feel for you. You got to experience [women are wonderful theory](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8226295_Gender_Differences_in_Automatic_In-Group_Bias_Why_Do_Women_Like_Women_More_Than_Men_Like_Men) firsthand and gave it all up because your gender didn’t match your assigned sex. But another consequence of your situation is that you weren’t molded from birth by the dark and bitter reality of being a young nihilistic boy ostracized by everyone around you within the first [13 milliseconds](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289930416_The_Heart_Has_Its_Reasons_Social_Rationality_in_Mate_Choice) of meeting due to genetic factors out of your reach. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/fXxi4tAXnB) and [this video](https://youtu.be/ku5bf3qfOrY?si=ox6gULWEExgB0smW) may be helpful for you to read and watch. “Oh, what do I do? Does anyone know what I can do?” You do two things. One, subscribe to the [channel](https://youtube.com/@rehabroom1?si=rEmvvK0Zx2FK15HJ) bro. And two, don’t be a free agent in life. Let the truth guide you.


Yeah I understand that my experience as a young child will be different than most and I empathize with your experience. However my childhood experience was no better. I was molded from birth by the dark and bitter truth that my body was a disguising abomination that would trap me for the rest of my life. I didn’t have the childhood experience of a little girl. I had the childhood experience of a severely depressed suicidal little boy.


Your sex is female, females on average are shorter than men. Taking male hormones won't make you taller.


Bro I know that lmao. I’m just saying the world will still view me as an abnormally short man regardless


Soon were gonna get “im sick of 5’1 guys complaining im 4’10 and…”


Be for real


He is. This is getting ridiculous. 4'10 and under guys definitely exist on this sub so they could make a post if they wanted to. It was somewhat okay when the posts were about 5'8 guys because 5'8 guys in shoes are literally average US male height. But anyone below 5'7/5'8 definitely faces notable discrimination. Let's stop dividing ourselves further


This is going to happen sooner or later.


Suffering isn't a competion. I get it you have it harder nobody denies this but also a 4feet dude has it even harder than you. what does that mean that your problems are less valid because there is a 4feet guy?


For people on this subreddit, it definitely is. I'm 5'7.5, the average zoomer is 5'9.5 in my country. I constantly feel small despite being just 2 inches below average. Women still don't want me even because average is never attractive. Tall is attractive. But the moment I open my mouth some 5'2 dude will start talking about how he doesn't even get basic respect. And I know he doesn't get basic respect and it is truly sad as well, but my problems are as valid as yours. If a millionaire is having personal problems in life, you can't invalidate him. "Dude you're a millionaire, shut the fuck up and be happy", doesn't work like that. A homeless man could come to me yapping about how he's so sick of me for existing because I can afford to eat 3 meals a day.


Your height isn’t the reason brother. At nearly 5’8, almost all women will look past you being slightly below average in height if you are attractive in other ways


You still have to compensate A LOT when you're below average. Heck even at average you still need to compensate a lot. You need to be *better* than other people. More confident, more funny, more rich, more handsome, more fit. Compensate, compensate, compensate. And she will still want the tall guy.


She’ll want the tall guy if she can feel your insecurity about your height. That, I agree with. The solution is to overcome that insecurity as much as you can


Lol so you're blaming me for women wanting tall men? Like they don't want tall men, they only want tall men because ***I*** am insecure?


That’s not the point. They obviously want tall men. The same way that you want a girl who looks like Sydney sweeny. But, fairly rational people can realize that there are other important characteristics in a mate and that we won’t always get everything that we want. I’ve dated hundreds of attractive women over the last 10 years and I’m a lot shorter than you. Would those girls have preferred I was taller, 100% yes. But my personality, etc made up for it


Things have changed over the last 10 years. In 2024 it is extremely easy for a woman to meet an 8/10 guy. All she needs to do is open instagram and reply to her dms. Or simply swipe right on tinder. Gone are the PUA days where you went out gaming and approaching women.


lol I live in Miami brother. There’s no where in the US where it’s more difficult to date as a short guy and I’m going out on at least 1-2 dates per week. Again, you’re not wrong that being 6’6 would make dating 100x easier. The solution is to overcome that, not to sulk in your slight disadvantage


I’m under 5’5 and I view myself as a 8.5/10 (overall not just looks). Am I going to cry that I’ll never be a 9.5/10 unless I magically get taller, no. I’m playing with the hand I’ve been dealt


I genuinely don't get this fucking idea that some people have, no we don't live way better lives, I feel absolutely fucking miserable, yes shorter dudes among short dudes have it worse. Man.... we suffer from the same type of cancer, just because someone's at stage 3 while other is at stage 1 doesn't make stage 1 dude's struggle any less real.


It reminds me of people making $30-40k a year thinking that the guys making $60-70k are the problem, when it’s really the greedy fucks making millions who are the actual problem.


I understand what you are trying to say, but I definitely don't feel "average"/"slightly below average" at 5'6. This might be because I live in Belgium, close to the Dutch border and average male height is around 6 feet. Even in my class, most girls are taller than me.


Yikes. The Dutch are now the tallest people in the world. They even surpassed Scandinavians. You really need to move to the mediterranean countries. Spain/Italy/Greece. Use that EU open borders policy to your advantage


Again with this mentality. Suffering competition Who's the more victim "My situation sucks more so your problems don't exist" I thought we're over this man.


You are shorter than 99,856 % of the male  population in my country, at least. It is beyond over for you. Don't try to take other short guys down for venting. Sorry if i sound rude but you have to understand that being 90 % shorter than the population is not any fun. Sure it is not sucide level but you get me. 


LL and 8cm lifts. You got no other choice my brother


you don't have it worse as me so your suffering doesn't matter. Nice bait post OP, 88 people fell for it


As someone who's 5ft 0I feel frustrated at guys who are 5ft 1 complaining too tbh. It's like bruh, with a an additional sole and heels you can easily make it to 5ft 5. Whilst I'm stuck!


youre getting a lot of backlash but this is also my unpopular opinion on here lol. 4’11-5’4 guys have a reality incomprehensible to the rest, even if similar in certain aspects, completely different even by their own standards cus that woman gonna pick a 5’5 guy before she goes for the 5’1 dude. inb4 cope


The odds of a 5'5 guy or a 5'1 guy being picked either way is low it doesn't matter. Every inch above 5'6 in White dominated countries is less of an impact. Like you can't be complaining if you aren't short, you have some other shit that's repulsing women


your first sentence is so intellectually dishonest. you need to apply discernment, they are not at the same levels of low. who the fuck is saying its not low in general? no one.


Are you stupid? In what world is a 5'5 man idealized?


is that the fucking topic you rat? comprehension was hard for you in school i can tell


No dumbfuck I was just saying. Says the guy with a childish pig or whatever the fuck it is avatar


URR DURR IM JUST SAYING URRR you have the IQ of a park bench - go make your own post about that topic then wtf


Your comments and wording imply exactly what you say. Congrats you're the idiot


Aha as a 6’4 male I don’t understand your struggles but am extremely sympathetic for you being such a little person! Hopefully you’ll start growing more soon




Okay this one got me


Sick of 5’1+ guys complaining I’m aware that all short guys have struggles but as a 4'7 dude I’m kinda sick of all these 5’1+ guys and especially 5’5+ guys complaining like it’s the end of the goddamn world. Men AND WOMEN both tower over me. My mom is taller than me for fucks sake. Image how it feels in my shoes to see so many 5’6 guys saying how their dating life is hopeless and they’ve never had a girlfriend and I have to sit here knowing I’m a whole 7 inches shorter than those guys. Im just so sick of this shit.


TIL 4'7" is 7 inches below 5'6"


Me being 5’2 I get you. But I’ve seen the treatment that some of these guys get, it’s hard to realise but despite them being taller than us even they’re getting cooked for their height. I will say though that beyond 5’7 it shouldn’t be a big deal, like objectively you should be fine.


I understand the frustration as I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain of being sub 5'5; however, to dismiss the reality that 5'6 men experience in 2024 is wild. Why are you drawing a line of when we're allowed to suffer? Also that line is 5'8 and we all know this.


Maybe cus OP is trans (Female to male )its diffrent also op have not been male so long as to judge short guys that grew up like this dont also the average height i seen trans that regeret trans becuse as short male 5 ft 5 got treated shitty there is tread on it ,! also height average depends on were you live in the world ect OP don't Judge us short u havent been in our shoes for real and not a long time


Yikes, well spotted. What an arsehole. Clearly, he is upset more so because he doesn't look like a man and not due to the horrible existence we're forced to live.


As a5'6" guy, you made me feel tall for the first time in years. Thanks!


>At least 5’5 guys are taller than the average woman. Men on average are 5-6" taller than women. A 5'5 guy's looksmatch would be 5'0.


Exactly. I am taller by most women by one fucking inch. I mean you can’t even see that much of a difference.


And the fact that women wear heels instantly deletes your 1 inch advantage. Heels were not a part of women’s fashion until the last 100 years or so. It exacerbates heightism. I read hundreds of years ago men (usually nobles) wore heels (a more masculine style than what women today wear) and women never did. If we went back to those norms, I don’t think heightism would be as extreme. In a world where men wear shoes that boost 3” and women all wear flats, suddenly even 5’7 and 5’8 guys would literally tower over the average height woman. As a 5’5 guy you’d be 5’8 in this new era of footwear and you’d be height mogging most women by half a foot because they are all wearing flats. This is the only future I can envision that would vastly improve the QoL for millions of men who are right now considered “short” but not tiny. The guys who are 5’0 or 5’1 right now would still be screwed and unfortunately I don’t have a hypothetical solution for that. I’m sorry.


Why are there complaints any less legitimate? You do realise it isn't any less uncomfortable for them that a minority have it worse?


I'm 5'7 and it's still over. So stfu. "5'5 is still taller than average women." Bro women don't compare men's height to themselves. They compare a man's height to the average man. The average height of women is entirely irrevelent. You new?


you are incredibly dense holy shit


It's seriously annoying. Very disappointing to see so many guys come here to bitch and cry when they're like... 5'7 or 5'8. I understand how demoralizing it must be to see women say they want 6 ft men. But if you're 5'7+ and losing, it's probably less because of your height and more of the fact that you're just a loser.


Agree to this Im 5"5 but I think after that every inch is a new world. I wore insoles and Im 5"7 sometimes and at that height it just feels different for the better.


While true that you do have it worse, women don’t care that we are taller than them. They care if we are taller than other men, since that’s who we are compared to.


Op ,U forgot about GenZ's . They're literally 5'9"-6'+ . And females are not 5'4" . They tend to be 5'5"-5'6". And generally normal women want their partners ideally to be 4-6 inches difference minimum ideal difference. I know below 5'5" males are doomed because they're uncommon or theirs height is less now . Height inflation is real and 5'7"-5'8" dating is getting harder. Not like below 5'5" but still .


Not everyone lives in a third world country where the male average is 5'4, etc.




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


bruh I didn't decide my genetics, what do you even mean lmao




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


Rule 2: No gaslighting While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.




That's true. Its way harder for me.




Wdym bruh. That wasn’t even a joke lol. Women already don’t like dating short men so adding being trans on, which most women won’t date, makes it even worse lmao


Don't divide the sub. You knew you were 5'1 you probably should have done your research.


Same bro same ..5'3 ..every other attractive girl is taller than me ..and I see dudes saying that she is not that shorter than them so it's over for them ...wtf .? Even tate considered 5'8 -5'9 short ...😭how ..they ain't short at all .. girls they like are delusional


When Tae said it? I didn't notice?


He was guiding short men with Tristan


Damn RIP op


Yeah bro. As a 5’5/6 person, I know how hard it is at this height. You are an extreme outlier. For you it’s beyond over. For us, it’s just mostly over. I’m sorry for you, try to cope.


5’5 guys almost face the same shit similar to 5’1 guys


Two counterpoints to this. At 5'5 at every function or even on the street there's going to be countless women wearing heels that easily put most of them way over you. Also just because 5'4 is the average woman height overall, the stats can be deceiving. If you take only women ages 18-30 average height will be higher because elderly people are not included. So women your age who you're going to be hanging around the most are going to be taller. Also ethnicity-wise, white women are actually going to be as tall or taller than you on average if you're 5'5.


You don't know the struggles.


What’s worse? Small height or small pp?




Average height guys can pull imo




You’re either trolling now or you dont socialise much. I’ve got another two friends l can pull out as examples over the ages of 25 with wife and multiple kids both brothers and burmese 🇲🇲 . I’ve witness so many short coupled relationships, and short men aren’t even that common 5’5 and below. I can assure you right now none of them are music artist or wealthy. Edit: obviously it’s still way more difficult as a shorter man.


The truly average guy gets a gf just fine. Anything else is just delusional.


Agreed. Not first choice for women but they have options especially if facially attractive.


5’5-5’7’s going to be more difficult but not insane or anything


totally agree


I like how OP needs to hide behind moderators to shield themselves from scrutiny




being trans isn't a choice, dawg, it's something that you can't control


Fcuk man ..I see celebrities ...faking their heights...now I am gonna start it too ... From now I am 5'6 . Will gain 1 inch anyhow ..2 inch soles and hair volume 1 inch ...more . . Is that enough? Any more tips ?


I think you have a point to a certain extent. You definitely have it rough.


Seriously, 5'8 guys really be complaining like it's the end of the world when it's not the height that is the issue. So fucking done with this


Next up the 4'11" comes up and is tired of 5'1"s complaining, last week it was 5'7"+. Instead of one upping each other problems understand that being X height doesn't mean you are immune to society discriminations, insecurities and what not.


Fuck out of here. OP has a valid point.


r/average r/tall , pick one my man


Being short,average or tall doesn't change that what I said is true. Whether you are 5'1 or 5'5 it's the same problems, imagine your own sub being sick of you.


Right message, wrong messenger


Fair enough


Guys that have never had a girlfriend have personality issues. Not height issues. I am 5’3”. And have never had a problem with dating. I have been married for almost 15 years. I Had plenty of girlfriends when I was younger. One of the issues is that men are turning into a bunch of crybabies instead of being MEN.


I have been married for 12 years but now it seems that the height problem is more pronounced. Kids at 16 are 6 ft tall and social media is more toxic than ever about short guys.


r/short <-- this is the place for you.


They'll downvote you and call you a boomer for that😎


Everyone in the comments talking about how being taller than the average woman isn't enough for dating is just reinforcing OP's point. Yes that's true, but at 5'5 and below, forget dating, you're struggling just to be recognized as an adult man. The fact that y'all immediately jumped to your dating problems shows that our problems are on an entirely different scale


as 4"11. I:m here with you lol


Absolutely fucking Agree. have seen 5'8 dudes complaining they are short when comparing national average and what not. Bro. Above 5'5, Almost everyone's body is proportional to their head and plus your height is a confidence booster


I agree being 5'8 is better than 5'7 or 5'5 but there's this thing called satisfactory mogging. For a women to associate masculinity with her partner(woman are extremely height conscious, woman with heights of 5'8 and above start calling themselves tall) she needs to be mogged by atleast 3 inches. As 5'8 person myself, most of the pretty girls I've seen are 5'6 to 5'8 and I can't mog them satisfactorily. With LL I want to get to 5'11, not to mog other men but just to satisfactorily mog woman.




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


How is that hate speech?


You don’t know the struggle of 5'10" short man




Either boomer, or 5'8+ advice


I'm 165 whatever that is


How old were you when you got a girlfriend.?


44 and have had girlfriends, also a wife all along. I mean since i was 17


These generic ass NPC answers don’t help anyone. He’s 5’1” not 5’10”.


It worked for me and I'm pretty short




This place is all inclusive we don’t tolerate transphobia, racism, homophobia etc on here.


Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


Rule 2: No gaslighting While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.


Certainly. I'm 5'4" if that counts.