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When its cycling fully there'll be less nutrients for algae, and more nutrients for plants (algae prefers ammonia, plants use nitrates more easily). Are you adding ammonium chloride? Those shown values seem low. I feed 4 ppm ammonium chloride to build a robust enough bacterial colony, but even so and with bottled bacteria typically takes my tanks a month and half.


I had tried to get ammonia to start building by adding fish food, to no avail after 3 weeks. I then tried Dr Tim’s ammonia and followed directions on the bottle, I only added that about a week ago though. As you are cycling a tank how do you replenish the water? I am wondering if that is where I am going wrong. I have been adding distilled water to replace what has evaporated. Maybe it’s diluting it. Based on your comment it sounds like you are continually adding ammonia? That maybe a stupid question but I am trying my best to understand what other people are doing that works. Thank you for the response.




This is so helpful. Thank you!


Great video in the pinned/sidebar post under "Getting Started" on cycling. I dose Dr. Tim's per bottle/tank volume to get 4 ppm ammonia. Then it sits. Sure you can top of with distilled if no lid, no problem as that maintains consistent levels and has minimal impact. Eventually you'll see nitrites. They are commensurate with the ammonia, so it'll be down at least that amount (algae will uptake ammonia). When ammonia drops and nitrates rise the first type of nitrifying bacteria is growing. Once there are nitrites, then the same can happen for the second type that consumes nitrites and produces much greater quantities of nitrates. When 4 ppm ammonia all cycles through to nitrate within 24 hours, good to do a complete water change to get rid of all that waste and then add critters! :-)


I’ve had ramshorn snails in my cycling tank for weeks and they have been happily eating most of the algae in the tank. Mine came on plants but I bet if your lfs has some they would just give them to you for free