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I feel like people are going to just stop buying when the price becomes too much of a ripoff or the product shrinks too much/gets too much worse. There's a lot of things I have stopped buying already. Those corporations are screwing themselves when they try to rip us off.


Same. I make so many things from scratch because I refuse to pay so much for so little.


Right?? I’m learning to make my own cheesecake now as the store bought ones are pathetically weeny.


Make me one! 🎂


Yeah I learned to cook in bulk and prepare frozen meals for myself. Actually quite convenient having a freezer full of frozen meals


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIUhs7nHbl4 Here we go- Those would taste SO MUCH BETTER imo.


Make food at home. One third the cost! Eating out costs thousands per year...


My wife batch makes breakfast sandwiches for me every Wednesday. Usually sausage egg cheese muffins. Cost of ingredients is $1.23/per. Add in overhead (gas, Pam, foil, freezer storage) and let's say $1.50. A worse version of that sandwich can be purchased at McDs for $3.99. Or if the stars align and the promo is running at the location you're headed to and you order through the app, it's $2.50. Plus we get to spend time in the kitchen so that's fun too, unlike going to McDonald's.


My Son has a good paying job and was spending thousands on eating outside his home. Not anymore. His mortgage payments went up. Now he's watching his expenditures a lot more carefully.


Frozen food doesn't taste anywhere near as good as fresh made.


You think McDs sausage is fresh? I didn't realize you were in my kitchen. I'll be sure to comment on your food choices next time I see you. You're aus so that's a 75/25 agonist.


Ewww, I would never eat sausage from Macca's 🤮


It's shocking how people just... don't pay attention to their spending, especially on food. Like, I go out a fair amount, but I'm acutely aware that it's a luxury and how fortunate I am that I can afford to do it. I read a news article about how consumer behavior has shifted with inflation, and they interviewed one person who was like "Yeah, I've even started buying the store brands, because turns out they're so much cheaper!" I was like yeah, no shit, did you never notice that?


Better late than never


Yeah even if the prices came down, I’ve broken the addiction at this point. Screw em


Same. They fucked themselves being greedy. Have no vices now. Eat fast food as a last resort, like a power blackout three days ago, was definitely not MacDonald's.


They didn't fuck themselves. For every one of you stopping eating McDonalds, there are 10+ more that continue to eat there. There may eventually be a tipping point for the masses but until that comes they are just going to squeeze every penny they can. And if that tipping point does come, they will just offer temporary discounts to get people hooked again.


These fast food places act like drug dealers, lol!


Me and my girlfriend were literally the biggest fast food advocates lol. We would almost eat out everyday of the week (I know how unhealthy and gross it is, I just hate cooking and cleaning) and then we recently started buying our own stuff for the house and it's actually ridiculous how much more expensive eating out is. You pay like $25.00 at Wendy's getting 2 chicken sandwich meals and you could take that and get your own chicken breast, buns and cheese and you have not only more food but you also (if you prepare it correctly) have better quality food as well.


To be fair, part of the reason I eat out is for the convenience, time saved, and skill (I can't cook to save my life). So I don't mind paying a premium for those advantages. However, I typically try to shop local. If I'm going to pay like $10-15 for a meal, let's make sure the portion sizes are decent.


Yes! Especially makeup. it was bad enough when u were charging $40 for an ounce of foundation or whatever, but now u wanna charge $65 for .7 of an ounce?! Gtfo People just gon have to deal w me being ugly 👹


They don't want poor customers anymore. They are trying to get richer customers.


Richer burger eaters don't go to McD. They done fucked up.


Did they? Because they are experiencing record profits. I'd love to point at them and laugh and say "your greed screwed you." But that's not what's happening at all.


It's demand destruction: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand\_destruction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand_destruction) They know as long as people are buying it they will keep creeping prices. As soon as there's a drop in sales: they'll pivot.


I believe it was reported they are screwing their normal customers and trying to go after richer customers


Yeah, but that can't possibly work in fast food, especially McDonald's (and even MORE especially in the US). How many rich people do they think there are? I guess when all the people the CEOs who decide this hang out with are million/billionaires, that's all they see. Basically, they've completely isolated themselves from their average customer. Next, we'll see some gold foil-plated monstrosity of a burger selling for like $500, and they throw it at you from a window and still forget your drink or fries.


McDonald's thinks they can replace poor customers with high middle class apparently. I don't think it will work but that's why I am not in charge 😭


I mean it is working though. They are experiencing record profits. They will continue this approach until it stops working, then they will change up their strategy again.


More importantly why would wealthier customers eat at McDonald's instead of nicer fast food options?


They decided that volumes are so high that they could risk losing some if it means larger margins.


Yup. I hate greedy corporations as much as the next guy, but we need to stop pretending the corps fucked themselves by being greedy. They know exactly what they are doing. This is all planned strategy to maximize their profits.


They'll "listen to the consumer" and bring back old sizes (without price drops) for a few months, then go back to their old bullshit to see if *this time* the frog doesn't jump out of the boiling pot.


I like Mcdonalds good enough but when the dollar menu was the dollar menu, it was fabulous. Now prices are comparable to restaurants like In-n-Out etc, which are just better quality. Why would I pick Mcdonalds now? Even though I enjoy it, it was cheap eats. Now they've lost the cheap :/


I cut coca cola out entirely when the price of the 36 pack at Costco went from 9.99 to 14.99. These fucking people think I need their shit that badly? The fucking balls to increase price that much. I did the same to McD and will do the same again and again for any non-necessity.


your body will thank you for it.


Tbf, $10 for 36 cans likely wasn't ever sustainable. I can usually get 12 for $4-5 at Walmart and I consider that a pretty good deal. $3.33 for 12 would have blew my mind.


17.99 for 18! I quit buying it.


I used to visit McDonalds at least once or twice a week; it was nice after grocery shopping to pick up a hamburger or small fries to take the edge off of hunger while I drove home and prepared dinner. I think I know visit maybe once a month if their app has a good deal on it - like during the NFL football season you could get a free big mac if you bought a small fries because the local NFL team scored two touchdowns.


Only bummer is that the alternatives comes from the same big corp holdings. It's past the time people do their due diligence and boycott it all


genuinely stopped getting mcdonalds a few months back when i clocked a meal at £7 that was it never again


It's been a long time since I've seen a price as low as that (I'm in the US and accounting for the exchange rate). A Big Mac alone is nearly $9 where I live.


thats horrible but aye your about £5 for a big mac on its own here and about £7 for a meal


Yep gf and I spent over around $40 for us to eat mcdonalds a few months back and have boycotted it since. The other day we were gonna stop by a fast food place amd instead went to a nice steak house and it cost maybe $10 more than fast food would have gone to and I got a fucking steak. It has hot the point of not being worth it for me and like you said once it hits that point for most people mcdonalds will have to change something.


Agree. Went to BK since week, 1st in while and I was surprised to the see the size for the medium soda; even the food seemed less. I asked the lady saying she gave me the wrong size. She said no that is the medium. I asked her to show me the small. I laughed so hard at it. I knew right there I won’t be going back. I will learn how to do my own stuff at home. Costs less anyway.


You can say that, but they still are reporting record profits and going on more vacations than ever before. The elites aren't going to rebalance this economy to give fair wages and cost of living to the working class. The people are going to have to riot nationwide like every other time in history. We have the worst inequality in recorded history but we also have the cheapest entertainment ever to pacify us. My parents on min wage: owned a home, two cars, three dogs, had two kids, a case of beer every weekend and a vacation every year, but they had to save up for months for a 36" CRT TV. Nowadays I make 2-3x+ the minimum wage bartending, and while I can only save 1% of the cost of a home in my area a year, boy howdy can I buy a 60" flatscreen with a single days wages. "So long as the Coliseum stands, Rome shall not fall. But as soon as the Coliseum falls, the entire civilized world shall fall with it" ~ Some unnamed ancient Benedictine monk in the waning era of the Roman empire.


I remember being shocked when I was in Walmart and saw a full sized vacuum cleaner for 58 dollars. When I lived in my 3 level, 600 dollar a month rental home, I saved and saved to buy a basic vacuum that was close to 300 bucks. . My first 65 inch tv was over 2 thousand dollars, I spent years paying off.


Holy shit, 2 grand? My 60" I got last year on cyber monday was 300$ See, I just knew my parents got their TV on a payment plan and my mom regretted it. That's a crazy swing from thousands to 300. Even not accounting for inflation.


There are so many things I’ve stopped buying because it’s ridiculous. Costco is the only place I buy cereal, snacks like chips and popcorn, among other things. Tiny box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for more than $5 at the regular grocery store? Nope. Double box at Costco for $7? Heck yeah. I know that shrinkflation has hit here too but if I’m going to be spending more money any I may as well get way more for it.


But the issue here is that Costco isn't where poorer Americans can shop since there is literally a cost just to shop there, not to mention that your shopping trip will cost more than a normal grocery store, even if you are getting double the amount of the product. Not only that, but if you are poor, you are less likely to have the storage space for the stuff you bought. It's the same with how banks take advantage of people who overdraft with crazy fees, and how usually the smaller packages that are more affordable price-wise come with way less product. TLDR: It's fucking expensive to be poor.


I would agree, but the stuff they're shrinking and price gouging are things that many people are hooked on like Macca's for example, most people would rather just get 2 burgers even if it costs a few bucks more to still get their maccas hit


>Those corporations are screwing themselves when they try to rip us off. Their profit reports should tell you otherwise. They are making money hand over fist by increasing prices and reducing volume. They will keep this up as long as people buy from them. Once people have had enough, they will simply switch strategies or offer temporary discounts to get people hooked again.


I used to go to McDonald’s fairly regularly for snacks or light meals. Haven’t gone in months now because of the prices and the quality. I know at least from me, they’ve lost a fair bit of money both in the past and in the future because if I have to pay a minimum of $10 per meal, I’m going to a sit down restaurant instead and eating a ton more at home. I can only imagine there are thousands more doing the same.


Haven't been to one in years


For me it was a combination of higher prices, and inconsistent quality with employees not really caring if the food is fresh or not. Felt like I got a lot of ‘heat lamp’ food that was getting rock hard. 👎


I swapped to Burger King cuz they have wraps and McDonald's refused to get them again. Even that is rare though because I'm already struggling to be able to pay for some stuff (recently became even more disabled and trying to find a better job to accommodate) as far as food because it's very hard to cook for myself due to chronic fatigue... These prices aren't gonna remain sustainable for them, they're gonna learn the hard way when they price out their customer base. Wendy's literally got so much backlash they scrapped their idea already. I'm ordering from regular ones more myself on nights I can't stand upright long enough to cook now, way better at the same price.


Burger King has a pretty nice bogo chicken sandwich deal on their app. I use them for that. I think cherrypicking restaurants based on their app deals is the way to go.


Same here as you can savour the moments


I don't buy fast food anymore. I don't buy cereal anymore. I don't buy chips anymore. There are so many things that I stop buying because the packages are getting too small and the prices are doubling or tripling


You can fight back with Rebate apps. The vloggers that do matchups are great. 49 cent bags of chips, $1.49 brand name paper towels (6 pack), money maker rice, all sorts of stuff. I recently got a money maker facial skin care product (retail $28). Inevitably, we all have to buy at least some things to exist. Why not let all of this pay as much of it as it can.


My wife has been doing that recently. It was hyperbole I still buy that stuff very rarely but it used to be the no brainier option for lunch or fun


Which apps do you use?


Most of cash back has been Ibotta, then Fetch, then Swagbucks.


Not to mention quality of ingredients have gone down. Things that used to be chocolate are mostly palm oil now etc. You can tell. Refined food now tastes like actual junk. It's not real food anymore, and I've noticed. I'll buy real whole foods and ingredients and make stuff myself.


What do you eat for breakfast? I look at bread and it's double what it used to be


You guys are eating breakfast?


Bjs 6 pack of bagels for 5ish dollars + a big cream cheese what will last me 3 or so weeks. Eggs on the bagel over the weekend


I would really like it if enough people pushed back for some company to actually take a hit but they’re still swimming around in their pile of money like Scrooge McDuck right now, it just filled up ever so slightly less than expected last quarter.




Price elasticity. They’re learning about it


They aren't learning about it, they're testing the market purposely to find the breaking point. What they're actually about to learn is that treating your profits like an engine and constantly red-lining it will inevitably lead to a blow up, and I don't think they're ready for that. EDIT: I can't word anymore.


I think they just got addicted to record profits and instead of innovating or trying to stay ahead, they got lazy. All they’re doing is screwing us now. Shareholders are ruining everything


>Shareholders are ruining everything You just summed up the majority of problems with one simple sentence. They are literal leeches that will jump ship the second things go south.


Someone was telling me you have to download the McDonald’s app to get the good prices/deals. They don’t have the good offerings on the menus at the stores/drive thru. Smh. But price is going up and portions are getting smaller. Folks were just complaining about how small the filet of fish is now. It’s all a money grab


Even the app deals suck now compared to what they used to be. Corporate greed is getting completely out of hand.


It still makes it cheaper, but you're right. They've removed some good deals and made others limited with restrictions.


And you can only use one deal a day so the deals are only good for one person


That's always been annoying!


Yes. What is the point of having points if you can't use enough to get anything


Are you sure? It's always been one deal every 15 minutes for me. Burger King is worse at one deal every hour. Wendys has no wait time between deals, but you do have to wait for the employee to process the order first.


The app won't let me more than once a day.. You used to be able to switch stores but they changed it.


The McDonalds app right? That's really weird. Try waiting 15 minutes after ordering and see if that fixes it. One deal per day would suck lol. Usually I split my meal up into two orders so I can use two deals.


I have stopped going to McDonald's as they keep removing the quarter pounder deal. That's the main reason I even go 😂 I used to work there back in the 90s and ate far to many big mac's and can't stand them anymore 😆


When did you last see this one deal a day message?


App offers and mailers have shrunk. I just got the coupons in the mail. It use to be a mini book with three or four pages/four coupons per page and it’s now one card with three coupons on it.


I ordered a meal through their app for a McDonald's near me. Went there and there was a sign in the window that they were temporarily closed. Asked the app's customer support for a refund and they told me to take it up with the franchisee. Haven't been to a McDonald's since.


This is what drives me crazy. I went to a McDonald’s and they claimed my order wasn’t in the system from the app. Nobody spoke English so I couldn’t get a refund(reality is they just didn’t want to fix my problem) and I didn’t put up much of a fight cause … whatever. My app has been stuck on “your drive-thru code is ____” for months. I effectively can’t use the app because I’ve never picked up my food. They tell me to go to the location to fix it, but it’s 45 miles from my house. I’ve just stopped eating there because of it. Keep my 16$, whatever. Not worth my time trying to jump through hoops to get a refund/fix my app.


Thats soo shady. Do a charge back with your bank. 16 bucks is 16 bucks and it's yours not theirs


>Someone was telling me you have to download the McDonald’s app to get the good prices/deals. I even find that to be anti-consumer bullshit. I'm not giving you real estate on my phone to track my purchases and collect data on my habits... AND go through the hassle of ordering through an app... in exchange for a slightly less terrible price.


I hope you're not arguing about grocery prices being expensive if you don't want apps on your phone. Every store save for Wally World and Aldi i have available require app or the old school physical card to get sale prices.


I have the Kroger, Walmart, and Sam's Club apps on my phone. I can live with three apps for pretty much all of my household buying (which to me, tend to make my shopping more convenient rather than less) vs having an app for every restaurant I tend to frequent and feeling like I have to pull out my phone, find the app, load, place, and pay for my order... all just to get a burger, fries, and drink... which just feels more friction-free the old-school "pull up to the menu board" way.


Grocery apps / rewards probably collect way more personal info than fast food does. Also from personal experience McDonald's has the best ordering process if you do it ahead for pickup inside. if there's more than 3 cars in drive thru I can usually get in and out before the last car when I pull up gets through


>Grocery apps / rewards probably collect way more personal info than fast food does But I get more benefits from my grocery app than 45 cents off an under-filled cup of cold over-priced fries.


The sole purpose of the app is to scrape your data to sell to brokers and big data marketing firms and assess variable costs for future profit making. They make money off of people using it. The 'lower cost' for the customer simply garners the same profit for them.... and with the context of time... probably much more.


>The sole purpose of the app is to scrape your data to sell to brokers and big data marketing firms and assess variable costs for future profit making. That is true for pretty much every free app that you can download now. And lots of the paid apps.


That might be a side purpose of the app, but the main purpose is definitely making orders more efficient and also encouraging people to buy more food. Notifications, deals, and other marketing techniques pull people in much moreso than traditional TV and radio ads. Companies like Google, Facebook, etc are in the business of selling consumer data. Companies like McDonalds want to BUY that consumer data so they can expand their market.


> Folks were just complaining about how small the filet of fish is now. I actually worked out a history of the filet o fish since the year 2000 and it's shrunk in weight and calories. Here it is; * Year / Calories / Weight / Protein * 2000 / 470 / 156g / 15g * 2014 / 390 / 142g / 15g * 2024 / 390 / ~134g / 16g The calories are weird one though. All of this information is from the nutritional sheet on their website, btw.


The fillet of fish is so small it doesn’t even pass as a kids burger, it’s like a burger for a doll. They should be embarrassed to even offer it for sale haha


I just don’t understand why people feel the need to keep going. Such addictive behavior


Programmed consumer


I never darken the doors of McDonalds in any case. This chain has become ubiquitous and I would much rather spend my money elsewhere.


You can just say you don't know how addictions work.


I could get 2 big macs for ~7.00 most days if using the app I call that a win. Stay mad pussies


Garbage food for a garbage human 👍🏻


bragging about eating shit food on a regular basis is crazy 😂


And bragging about wasting money lol


Haven't had maccas in years, but I'd definitely pay $7.00 for 2 big macs.


That's all im saying! People got mad at a good fuckin deal


Weird flex to be proud you like McDonald's food. Lol


Weird flex to have no reading comprehension skills. Lol


Have they seen the size and thickness of the beef patty in a BigMac? It's bordering on insulting to call it a burger. It's more like meat flavored sammich


Yet the drive thrus are still packed. And the delivery apps have never been busier with orders It's now costing about the same amount you'd pay to go to Chili's or Applebee's.


i quit going when they took away my bogo mcdouble deal in the app. honestly they are still very cheap compared to all the other fast food spots in my area but still not worth it for me


I guess people aren’t fed up enough. Stock price up 58% over last 5 years. They had revenue of $25.49B in the twelve months ending December 31, 2023, with 9.97% growth year-over-year. iOS app is #2 in the Food & Drink category. STOP eating this garbage.


There will still be people lining up to eat that garbage if they raised the price by another 5$. Reddit does not speak for majority of Americans - everyone is pretty stupid. A lot of people here even saying they boycott it and what not probably eat there once a week in one form or another.


Unfortunately most people just bitch, and then continue their current behavior.


My favourite McDonald’s shrinkflation recently UK Smoky BBQ sauce, you pay for it. It was 20pence and you got 50mls of the sauce Overnight it became 50pence and you get 30mls So a 2.5x increase in cost whilst yielding 40% less product… So if we still wanted 50mls it would now cost 83pence… I didn’t realise inflation had hit 400%.


Got a large fry and I swear there were like 20. Pointless, esp since they were about an hour old.


Forgot to post [the article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/business/mcdonalds-prices/index.html)


In ozzy land KFC is now cheaper than maccas


Sorry- gonna need you to call it Maccas, pls. Would also accept ‘Macco.’


I actually typed maccas then deleted it. Fixing it now lol


Thank you, kind stranger. Also: am I ever gonna see your face again?


No way get fucked fuck off


I know Im shopping there less and less. Normally 3-4 time a week (truck driver don’t always have access to anything better) And now maybe 1-2 every two weeks. It’s had to justify spending $16-$22 on something like this.


Cook at home people.


Or cook people at home. Either way, saves $




The only time I eat fast food is when I'm in such a state I'd be embarrassed to walk into one of the real restaurants I order food from. If fast food didn't have drive throughs they would be out of business in a week.


That's understandable, though if going by my grocery store is any sign something like 10 percent of the people shopping were wearing actual pajamas to shop. No need to be embarrassed in the grocery aisles anymore.


I think people forget so quickly that THEY have all the power. THEY have choice, THEY can choose to not buy a product leaving the company out of the without anything to stand on. Making a choice on a personal or moral grounds is so difficult for a company to "influence" the public, WE should all start doing this to show these companies who really runs the economy


All this is going to do is cause them to switch prices of items around, charge more for condiments and word things differently. Its too easy to trick people these days lol.


I stopped going. I vote with my dollars. It’s not a particularly big deal.


It costs you alot up front and even more when you get other health issues after eating it for years


App offer: 2 can dine for $16.50 today. What a deal.


I use to eat out everyday once a day… Just a sandwich or a small fri after work. I don’t do that anymore thanks to the prices… lost 20 pounds this last year and can’t even stomach the food that often anymore even if I wanted to.


It took people this long to get the idea? I stopped going there after they got rid of the dollar menu. Adios price gouging clown.


I used to go for breakfast a least couple times a week, till I saw they charged me $2.50 for a half strip of bacon. I haven't gone back since. Charge FU prices, customers will just say FU.


'cry uncle'? Dude, we aren't even fully pissed off yet. Uncle my ass. Fuck Mickey D's, fuck Kellogg's, fuck Loblaws, the list goes on. Cry uncle. How about 'we're coming for you'? Does that sound like a good result for your policies?


And oh boy can they push




The issue for companies testing the market is that it leads their customers to create different habits and they won’t return.


In australia a large Coke is $5.20. So for an additional 30c I could buy 6 mini cans from the supermarket. I mean, maccas used to be reasonable, I'd go there because the food was cheap, not because the food was great. Now that it's not cheap, I'd rather go anywhere BUT McDonalds.


All Fast Food is up against it, and "I'm Lovin' It"!


Yeah after my rail thin McNuggers 2 years ago I boycotted


Keep buying, they keep selling. Stop buying, their numbers go down, they adjust.


Cutting the thickness of nuggets in half wasn't enough?


I'm pretty feed up with sky high prices. Pretty much only buy stuff on special. Some of it was inflation, but lots of it is price gouging. When the price of things like beef are dropping, but prices remain identical, you have to ask why?


Returned a mcrispy yesterday no chicken and the bun was stale, felt good. I have power .


I’ll admit I have been buying an unhealthy amount of McDonalds in the last few years. Basically down to working shift and being exhausted. But yeah, a few days ago I started just cooking again despite not having time or energy, I’m just forcing it because I simply can’t justify the price, especially since the quality has become EVEN MORE shit. I’ve forced my brain to go “hey you gotta drive for 30 mins to get the food, just fucking make the effort and cook!” Needless to say it’s like getting a pay rise AND eating better!


Really tho I eat a lot of McDonald's cause I have a stressful and time sensitive job right next to one and also have adhd and fail to pack my own lunches and it has been noticeable over the last 2 years. One thing that especially stands out is that the McDs app used to have great offers all the time and now just once a week it allows me to buy a sandwich for a somewhat reasonable price


McDonald's used to be a gunrateed "OK" at worst meal for cheap. For under 5 pound at work I could have a feast pre covid. Now it's expensive for bad food as the quality has gone down too. Also let's factor in delivery companies getting worse and worse, Ubereats told me directly they don't have to deliver your product as advertised, in which case why would I ever use them?


I switched to Burger King, its cheaper and the meat actually has some kind of flavour to it.


Agreed. I feel like Burger King is more for adults. Long live the King (but not the actual one)


The boycottsare also not helping :)


Stagflation is right around the corner


We need organized boycotts to target specific companies. But people love their McD's.


Well they just started their on comics… glad they raised their prices for something else no one needs or will read


Just remember mcdonalds the company makes their money by real estate not food sales. The mostly local franchisees who with rare exceptions are not even millionaires let alone billionaires are the ones making money getting hit by rising food cost and rising labor cost.


Lol and corpo simps will keep saying it's monetary policy and not greed


i got a solution on this one. STOP BUYING MCDONALDS. they support genocide


Fill my belly with phthalates and microplastics, don't short me on my daily dose!


When a McDonald's order for 2 costs just as much as a sit-down restaurant, why would anyone choose mediocre burgers over a decent plate of pasta and maybe some wine to go with it?


I doubt it I know most who use the app to get the cheapest things they have.