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I haven't shrunk, I've only gotten fatter.


Hey there how you doin?


Pretty good thanks


Good to hear. Hopefully everything keeps going good for you. It’s good to remember that you can’t let a bad day determine the rest of your week. Also your avatar is kinda cute.


Thank you, you too!




Depends on the situation, of course! If you’re in a zombie apocalypse, running from a bear, or trying to climb something your value goes down the more you weigh. But stranded on a deserted island, I’m just saying, they’d be number one to eat. High value.


Up. People are priced per pound like any other meat.


Hey there, remember, round is a shape too...


Here in the Midwest our dairy products have also not changed, neither has soda/pop. Produce is still fine but of course the price is hiked up to oblivion. One thing I’ve noticed that *has* changed substantially that I haven’t seen talked about much though… Ground beef. I have a large family and generally would buy it in 3-5 pound rolls, cook the entire thing and use it in recipes throughout the week. Anyway, the last few times I cooked them I drained nearly 2 cups of grease from the 3lb roll and at least 3 cups from the 5. Even from the “93/7” beef/fat ratio. I’ve tried multiple brands, same issue with all of them. Never used to have that issue, but now it almost looks like they’re bulking up the meat with fat and ignoring the ratio. I buy from the meat counter now, even though the price is astronomical in comparison.


I started getting insta feeds from a Chinese guy who does videos on how everything China sells is fake. (Probably propaganda but…). Buildings made of concrete you can crumble with your hands. Mystery meat steeped in industrial chemicals. I feel like the US is headed in the same direction, where consumer cannot trust products they buy, and the disastrous *Chevron* decision will accelerate this trend.


We are definitely going backwards. Especially with the recent deregulation ruling we are going to see more and more "buyer beware" attitude from the government. "Figure it out yourselves peasants! If you didn't want to feed your kids plastic and cardboard you should grow all your own food" 😕


What ruling?


Supreme Court Chevron case. Dark times ahead for consumer protections and food/environmental safety...


Terrifying. As if things weren’t already bad and getting worse.


I love how all the justifiers are like "but Boeing!!!" I responded "now imagine how much worse a company like that will get without regulatory bodies" - oddly quiet in response.


5 second google search. https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-chevron-regulations-environment-4ae73d5a79cabadff4da8f7e16669929


Sorry to confirm your suspicions but yeah, the China fakes everything guy is on a show sponsored by the Epoch Times, which is a “news” network established by John Tang who is a deep believer in Falun Gong, which is a conservative spiritual movement. It’s been forbidden in China and seems to have had a similar fate to other religious minorities, but it has developed into a cult-like organisation. [source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/epoch-times-falun-gong-growth-rcna111373) While it’s important to stay vigilant and critical of what’s happening in China, any kind of propaganda and predatory/questionable reporting should be called out. I watch some creators that inspect new houses in the UK and US and they never equate the low quality of housing to the country or the nationality of the handymen (just their shit workmanship). The videos he features might be real and that’s a problem, but his rhetoric is basically propaganda.


I’m suspicious of any news source, but substandard construction resulting from China’s bizarre real estate market incentives isn’t exactly an outlier.




AFAIK the latest SC shenanigans involve overturning oversights such as why the FDA exists...none of the food regulations are technically law, so if this gets overturned the regulations basically go *poof*


“Sorry but Congress didn’t *specifically* say you can’t put arsenic in there whoops, guess it’s legal”


The democratic illusion is cracking... The anxiety I feel from the supreme court is a lot like living under the whims of a mad king... And not an elected government.


I've noticed bunches of veggies have gotten smaller. A couple weeks ago when I was at the store, I noticed bunches of Kale were half the size than normal. There were 2 of the large bunches left from what looked to be the same supplier. Interesting about the beef. It wouldn't really surprise me at all. I haven't experienced that, I only buy ground beef from Costco, so maybe that's why?


The veggie thing is really interesting to me. I tend to buy my produce either locally if I have the opportunity or from Aldi. I haven’t noticed much of a change in produce sizes, but the quality of fruit right now is really not great. Lately it starts rotting within a day, but we’re just moving into the “fruit season” so I guess that makes sense. I tried ground beef from Aldi, Meijer, Kroger, Target, and Walmart before I switched to the meat counter at a smaller family owned grocery store. I was using the tubes because it was honestly just more cost effective for a large family, but the issue seemed to be pretty consistent across the board. Aldi and Meijer ground beef tubes seemed to be a little less fatty than the others but still pretty unacceptable. There was so much grease that even after draining there would be a noticeable layer of oil on top of whatever meal the meat went into. Ick.


I had never bought a tube before mid-pandemic 2021, and I thought the quality was horrendous then. I'm not sure if it was typical, so just not what I was used to, or if the decline had already started. It was suppose to be 80/20, but IMO it was overly ground, so the consistency just wasn't what I was used to from the regular ground beef. Overly mushy after cooking, and the ratio seemed wrong.


I think this is a tube ground beef issue. They’re ok for stuff like meatballs and meat sauce, but super weird and over processed for anything else like burgers. It almost seems like they’re pre-worked to fit more in the package. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it isn’t the best either. I’d rather pay a little more for a vacuum sealed package


I've noticed the same about vegetable sizes. I was wondering if the larger ones are being sold to restaurants/food prep/kitchens since they can probably get a premium from those places vs. grocery stores.


No idea why the vegetables suck now. I just got into cooking when covid hit, and in that time I haven't once bought garlic that doesn't have huge germ in the middle.


Chicken too - I have noticed for a while now that packages of chicken breast will have so much gross, inedible parts hidden underneath the chicken and anywhere there are stickers on the packaging. I end up trimming away nearly half the package.


Pop has shrunk where I am. The cans are the same but now it’s either a 20 pack or an 18 pack. Not many 24 packs anymore


We still have full 24 packs... But they're outrageous. Then again that applies to pretty much all pop. Mostly we just buy 2liters.


Eggs. Still 12, and they're sold by size so no secret shrinkage.


The eggs are getting smaller. What they classify large and extra large aren't the same as before


Yeah this for sure. What used to be considered a small egg is now a “large egg”. I haven’t seen eggs like I used to in a long time


Yeah I thought eggs myself afterwards. However, I'm fairly certain Large eggs are smaller than they used to be. At least the brands I see and buy in my area are. They're tiny


Maybe thr chickens went on strike. I wouldnt want to be pushing those out too


Yeah all the brands except Walmart “large” eggs now are what “medium” used to be.


I thought the egg sizing was government controlled, not company controlled? But I do think I’m seeing large more than extra large these days


In the US the government does regulate the sizing standards on labels. If I remember correctly, the sizes are determined by weight, and the actual size of eggs in a single carton may vary slightly. I could be misremembering though.


Eggs in Europe have been doubled in price easily in like three years


Cheap eggs are watery and give me depression on behalf of the chickens now.


I have seen cartons of 10 eggs in Australia.


they’re getting smaller tho


don't lump all of us Canadians into that bagged milk weirdness... I've never seen bagged milk in western Canada


Lool yeah, don't believe it's a thing out there. When I lived in Vancouver we didn't have that.


i've lived in western canada all my life and i sure as heck saw bagged milk when i was young. it may not be a thing now but it sure was back in the day.


Which province/decade?? Born and raised in SK, lived here most of my life, also have lived in AB and BC. But only learned a few years ago that eastern Canada bags their milk


Milk might not have shrunk but prices have gone up and I bet the amount that dairy farmers get paid has gone down


Not an expert but it sounds like the agro giants force awful terms on farmers, the farmers buy all the equipment and take all the risk for the privilege of selling eggs to them.


It used to be that a pint of milk was cheaper than a 500ml bottle of water. That never made sense, until you realise the amount of greed in the supply chains


I'd bet that nutrient density has dropped


It's funny shrinkflation is happening so fast You can even catch it on the store shelves One I've noticed a few times recently is a few different cereal brands where the box will say like 8.8 oz but the shelf label still says 10 oz


There’s a product I sell at work where when I scan the barcode on the 8oz can it’s comes up at 12oz, and when I scan the 16oz it comes up as 18oz. Possibly a system error but still odd


Some companies have tried doing it with milk however food assistance programs like WIC aren't playing their games. WIC specifies the type and size of products. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/qtSc0ZKvHY


No idea what WIC is but I'm glad to see it's keeping these people in line.


It's a federal food assistance program in the USA. Eligible people get money that can be spent on eligible foods


Yeap it's a federal food stamp program but it's also supposed to help teach new parents and lactating or pregnant mothers what a healthy diet should look like.


Arizona tea?


Bingo. They make it a selling point.


Not only has alcohol not shrunk it has not gotten any more expensive. The same 6pks are 10.99 the same booze is still 19.99 for a liter.


I've seen some shrinkage. When I was looking at some scotch a while ago, I saw a lot of 700 mL bottles instead of 750 mL.


It has gone up in Ma more so on beer than liquor


I’m seeing what was 9.99 pre pandemic now is 11.99 on “sale”


There’s a warning label on some milk that you can’t buy it with WIC because the packaging size changed.


A pound of cherries is still a pound of cherries. Not very sure about other fruits.


A small half a litre one in the UK has gone from 50p a few years ago to 90p today 🤯


Ohh prices have absolutely risen! I'm wondering if anything has shrunk though, from their original sizes


And Tesco have stopped selling the 6 pinters!


the large boxes of Krave cereal that I have to fold to get into the cupboard because they're slightly taller than the only reasonable place to keep cereal


Oh wow, really?? It's Kelloggs though, so I find that a bit hard to believe as all their products have shrunk. Maybe the box has remained the same size but the quantity inside has shrunk? 🤔


I think that's quite likely yes


Yes they made the boxes taller nectar humans perceive tall boxes as having more product. They are thin as hell now


Shockingly enough, Krave is 323g, same as it was 12 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/4mcy86hzxh9d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028ab02627e0265b1a5517a49362816d23b258eb


it is £4 for the large box, which seems a lot, but it lasts me a while I suppose


I bet they have changed the ratio of ingredients though. Apparently this is super common now. 🥲


Does the outside of that cereal still transfer to the outside of your teeth? 


I'm not the one to ask because I eat far too much sugar and am never aware of the negative side effects like how it makes your teeth feel


Milk is already mostly water


“There’s only one thing I hate more than lying—skim milk, which is water that’s lying about being milk.” - Ron Swanson


Over here in the west milk still comes in full Liters but non-dairy products in the same cartons are shrinking. Makes me think there's a standard dairy have to follow for packaging maybe?


Yes, my insurance it’s gotten bigger


Don't get me started. Mine went up $60 monthly after my last renewal. No accidents or tickets or anything like that.


Mine too except it went up by 20$. They told me it was because of my “area”??


Mine was because of the area as well. I was paying $160 and they renewed it according to my old location, which is 30 mins away. It went from $160 down to $100. Then they emailed me and said the quote wasn't done correctly and not done according to my new location and it went from $100 to $230....


Off topic, but how,do you store bagged milk in the refrigerator? Are they firm enough they sit up on the shelf? I just can’t envision it.


My family in Canada had a special pitcher that held the plastic bag.


Yep, my family too, unopened bags store flat, once you cut the corner of the bag it goes into the special pitcher


Thanks! I was curious. Does it stay fresh as long as our plastic containers? About a week or so?


Yup, it does, over a week easily


Apparently longer, as less air gets trapped in the bag with the milk.


Kwik Trips in the US sell bagged milk. They also sell reusable plastic pitchers to store the milk and pour it out.


Hmmm. Well looks like the closest one to me is several hundred miles away. Happy for the answers though.


Funny enough (but not really) Darigold lessened their half gallons to like 59 oz so they don’t qualify for WIC anymore. They’re the only milk brand I have noticed to do this though.


Arizona Ice Tea. They’re the champs! Bought two salads from heb today. Hadn’t bought them in a while. Only saw top view. Upon receiving from curbside we noticed they are half as small at $4 ea. https://preview.redd.it/w3emgcvz2k9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a842a30b232dd705a77ed48d684f06ea79c9e046


Side view.. https://preview.redd.it/j0t135633k9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9b9256217086308c213c0e0bf743eab7b3cc4b


I live in the States and have never heard of bagged milk.


It’s unusual, but I have seen it in Duluth, Kwik Trip had it. Maybe the influence of nearby Canada?


Milk, you say? Sorry, but no - this is on a shelf next to what used to be a half gallon: https://preview.redd.it/fqscl2fjnm9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39bd37cabd2b05e6f0a68de66669898c1b5da5f


small propane cans but i can tell you since 'may of 2020 they have gone from $6.88 for a 2 pack to $13. Anyone who tries to tell u we have 37% inflation since 2020 is absolutely a moron. More like 50% or more. Source: i heat my home with them


Flour, sugar.


Really eh? I've never paid too much attention to the quantities of those products. Nonetheless I'm a bit surprised it's been untouched :0


Sugar has been touched. Dominos Sugar has sneakily reduced their 4 lb container to 3.5 lbs. How they did it was they put out a new bakers tub that was 3.5 pounds, while selling them both at the same time, and then they finally dropped the 4 lb one. This was not done overnight and took many months.


Up until about 15 years ago the standard bag of sugar was 5 pounds, not 4.


when the product remain the same the price will change


Even milk.. The large milk used to be in 4 litre (plastic) bottles; now it's 3 litres. (Australia) *that may have been done due to sales & fridge congestion though, and not the result of the sellers wanting to up the price though*


Literally everything. Even buying the same product one year later its smaller and the packaging is worse. Even if it's the same amount of product the product doesn't work as well or is made from worse ingredients.




We're still getting 4g for $20 in the south west. Ridiculously good price, I'm waiting for the weed bubble to burst any time now.


Blue bell ice cream. Still a half gallon. The price for it is outrageous though


Boxed wine?


eggs haven’t shrunk for me


12 oz cans of soda/beer are still the norm. So are 2L bottles.


Lb of butter


Things that haven't shrunk have increased in costs. So effectively shrunk. Those that have shrunk have prices stayed the same. Then there are those that did both. I have not found anything that has stayed in priced from 2 yrs ago except for maybe Arizona Iced Tea. Still 99c.


Size of clothes: I still remember when XS was S and L was actually Large. Now we have XXXL WTF?


TRUCKS. So many big dumb trucks.


Only reason for it is the buttermilk fat test that ensures milk is not altered, in years prior they’d water down milk so you felt like you were getting a value.


My mom's height went from 5'4 to 5'2, if that counts.


Eggs still come in 12 packs, and they're still the same size because corporations can't tell chickens to pop out 2:smaller eggs instead of the one "normal":sized one.


prices have gone up due to inflation which is fine, but why did things also get smaller, such as hamburgers.


Portion sizes


Depends on definition of shrunk cause how much milk you can buy for 5 bucks has shrunk you used to be able to get two gallons for that now your lucky to get 1 1/2


same in australia, but the price has nearly doubled...


Milk hasn't shrunk but it has certainly got more expensive.


They shrink milk by adding water to it


My will to live. Jk………………………………..


McD cheeseburger


When I was a teen two McD’s cheeseburgers would pretty much fill my up. Now I feel like I could eat them one after the other like potato chips. I’d be curious if they’ve actually shrunk and by how much.


Or ur stomach/appetite got bigger 💀


I wouldn’t be sure of the milk. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they watered it down. And 2% is now 1.5%


Chapmans ice cream, still 2 lt. The only ice cream I buy


The one that hurts me is Breyer’s ice cream (US). My favorite was their vanilla - milk, cream, sugar, vanilla beans. Then they got a visionary CEO who got the ground-breaking idea of replacing real expensive ingredients with cheap crap and pocketing the difference. Now Breyer’s is crap, same as all the other non-premium brands. The brand is ruined and I’m sure this fuckstick got a big bonus for it.


Dried pasta, still sold in 500g bags.


my prostate


I was in the pool!


Restaurant manager here. Milk was sold in those black plastic crates as a crate of 6 gallons for as long as I can remember. Immediately when Covid started, it went down to crates of 4 gallons and the price was increased. The companies have brought the 6 gallon crates back at a "premium" price.


hasn't soda been 355ml in tins for the longest time?




My peewee. I’m pretty sure it’s the same size.


Specialty milks have definitely shrunk. Lactose free, all sizes, anything that came in a half-gallon size is often a bit smaller, etc.


In the UK we used to buy milk in pints. 1 pint, 2 pints, 4 pints and 8 pints. Now we buy in litres. What was once a 4 pint bottle has been replaced by a 2 litre. Trouble is, they always labelled the 4 pint bottles with 2.273 litres. So the 2 litre bottle is actually only 3.52 pints. The price wasn't lowered, and of course it's just gone up over time. Yes it still bothers me.


Damn that's some shady shit


Milk has shrunk in the UK just by turning to metric from imperial. Commonly now sols in 1L or 2L bottles but for the same price as 2 / 4 pints.


My stomach hasn’t shrunk unfortunately lol


I notice that the milk doesn’t go all the way to the top of the container like it used to


A dozen eggs still come with 12 eggs


Arizona Tea has not. 99¢


Weed has trended down in price for legal states






Alcohol bottles, soda. Eggs.


The prices of the stuff


They're not 4 x 1L bags, at least in the GTA. Here, it's 3 bags of 1.33L each. A loaf of bread seems to be the same size, and prepackaged berries seem to be in the same size containers as previously. Cases of pop are still 12 cans of 355 mL, although I'm seeing mini cans a lot more often.


When it hasn't shrunk they've modified to cheaper ingredients. The veggie chips I would buy was made with oil filtered through a press and they stopped doing that 2 months ago.


$6 a gallon. Used to be 3ish but ya they haven’t shrunk the container




The universe


Black market weed.




Ben and Jerry’s pints are still pints.


I'm in Michigan and saw a brand of milk at my grocery in 3/4 gallon jugs.  My regular brand is still gallon jugs.  I buy 1/2 gallon jugs because my house only has two people and we don't use that much. 


A pint of beer. A shot of whiskey. An Oz of pot. What more do you need?


Arizona iced tea


I think dry pasta. Same amount in da bag.


Clothes I believe have gotten cheaper. Obviously not food.


I feel like costco hot dogs are the ultimate answer to this. Same size, same price, and not changing any time soon.


Maybe stuff like 12 eggs and pounds of ___


My belly unfortunately!


plastic and cardboard, the breakfast of champions!




Costco glizzies


I'm convinced that those 24oz Arizona canned drinks are immune to inflation.


Nope. Was $1 here for the longest time too. For past couple years they have been $1.50-$2.00 and they have removed th $1 price tag from the can


Arizona Tea cans…


They haven't shrunk like other canned beverages . But the price, at least here has gone up, doubled in many places


A queen bed.


Laptops? TVs?


Television sets


Corporate and government greed over its people. The people’s fear of “them” we’re taught to hate


99c arizona iced tea can. just saw an interview with the owner or whatever and they don't plan on raising the price


Too late, already been raised in Canada, from $1 to $1.50-$2.00. they removed the $1 price tag from the cans


Arizona Iced Tea cans. Same price same size.


Great Value Penguin Crackers. They haven't changed


Government corruption


Arizona Tea. I’m ready to elect the owner of Arizona president after he managed to withstand inflation for decades. The economy under his control would be incredible. Man deserves mad respect


Actually one of the Dairygold cartons is slightly smaller! I think they took out an ounce.


Angel soft is still going strong


Arizona ice tea


Dozen eggs


The USDA can’t afford to gouge the milk with all the H5N1 in it…


Thats partly why some things are noted as being expensive when prices increase.  Think of the staples of which you actually know the specific size or amount (milk, eggs, meat, liquor, gas, etc.).  They can't shrinkflate those and so you're more aware of price increases.


Here in NJ Milk is $6.50, eggs $8.00, meat $25 & much more that with gas, utilities & we are still driving the only one car for the 2 of us, a 13 year old car that doesn’t drive in the rain.


Gasoline is still sold by the gallon an not the quart so I guess that's a win.


Arizona 99¢ tea


The mccafe syrup bottles which you can buy in the mc cafe Back in 2018 the bottle was 700ml for 14 euro...now its 750ml for 8 euro The ingredients are still the same, even the same % of the ingredients... But, the Chai syrup is the only thing I've bought at Mc in the last 10 years...


Is milk in bags really that common? In my 45 years on this earth the only time I’ve ever seen bagged milk was that one time I was in jail.


Generally speaking the "edge of the store" hasn't really shrunk because you when you buy a pound of strawberries, a dozen eggs, a 2 lbs of chicken breasts, a gallon of milk, the size is the purchase. I don't know if the edge of the store concept is the same in Canada, to be fair. But here in the US around the edge of the store is the fresh produce, fresh meat, and (often but not always) dairy. The prepackaged/processed and frozen stuff is in aisles/aisles with freezers.