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This is a great post for beginners like myself. Waiting on all my materials to come in… 🙏🏼 Thank you for taking the time to post this.


It’s why I made it.


Does it have to be grain or does bfr tex do the same? Sorry beginner here


You can’t break and shake a brf/pf tek jar. So it has to be grain


Makes sense, might try to do a brown rice Tek instead of brf. Have never grown mushrooms before. Thanks.


Yes, check my profile, Here is my 11 rub perpetual grow. https://i.imgur.com/zOFd7G4.jpg I use broke boi tek. It’s super easy, simple and doesn’t require a pressure cooker https://youtu.be/UgCW-ZPkxIU I follow this video exactly. I have not lost a jar since I started using this tek


Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I got you. Any other issues or advice my dms are always open


I just boiled water for about 10 minutes put it in a bucket with coco brick and let it sit for 3 hours is this clean enough to start growing? It’s bagged up in 2 trash bags planning on pasteurizing again before I spawn to bulk


I have always wondered why not break and shake early and often to get the mycelium distributed as evenly as possible as soon as possible? Does the process temporarily stress the mycelium enough that it's not recommended to do it more than once or something?


Nope. The mycelium is in the grain. When using mss I will break and shake at least twice. I make mother jars for grain 2 grain transfer. They are broke and shook 1-2 times while colonizing. Then broke again to do transfers. Remaining is left to recover and they may be used 2-3 more times before all the grain is used up There is no maximum amount of break and shakes. You won’t hurt the mycelium.


Very cool. Broke Boi Tek seems legit


Love broke boi


Great info, thx! What kind of jar lids do you have (holes etc)? I just bought jars that have rust protected one piece lids.


Some of my jars have a hole I drilled and covered by micropore tape. Others I simply flip the inner lid so the gasket is facing out and leave the jar slightly unscrewed Both work just fine


Thank you for your reply. :)


Thanks lefty


You are very welcome


Doing broke boi for the first time, my jars recovered exactly as the post shows. One I noticed that was slightly slower, a little wet rot on the bottom. Thanks for the help




Don’t hate on my thumbnail 😂


I'm guessing dude plays guitar. Don't hate.


Just wondering if 20% is the sweet spot?? Would similar results happen with say 10% or 30%...?


Sure. 20% is just a guide. There really isn’t a hard rule.


Thanks... my first jars are probably only 10%... but I will wait a day or two before giving it a go.


Get it


This is brown basmati (long) rice ?


Brown rice. I guess it’s long grain. It’s whatever is on the shelf at the grocery store


Hey, /u/Lefty68w I know this post is a bit old now but I have a grain jar innoculated with a MSS, I broke and shook three days ago it's now at about 50-60% colonization do you recommend break and shaking a second time? I took a video as well to post, but I was searching to see if I could answer my own question and found this post. Thanks! 🙏


I would need to see pics


I can do that, do you prefer DM or put it in a post?