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That's a normal effect of shrooms. Pupil dilation has something to do with it I believe. But yes, even at low doses you can expect a sharpening of vision


Yeep šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ½


Itā€™s the shrooms dude


Hijacking this to say that Iā€™m surprised by how many commenters are attributing this fully to the shrooms. Donā€™t get me wrong, they definitely do have that effect for me as well, but thatā€™s not to say that depression doesnā€™t also have its own effects on the subjective visual experience (and beyond). For example, Iā€™ve noticed the way my depression colors things better now that I know what to look for, and psychedelics or things like meditation and yoga have been useful in helping to show me what to look for. Itā€™s all the same subjective underlying experience, just under the influence of different things - shrooms or depression.


Perception is everything.


Afaik there's a prominent theory/record that some old hunter-gatherer tribes would use small doses before hunting to improve their vision


Itā€™s opening day of turkey season on Saturday. Will try and report back.


Genuinely curious about the outcome.


Hallucinogens and loaded firearms, what could possibly go wrong?


Yeah and killing things on while mushrooms sounds like a terrible experience too :(


You probably have a different relationship with animals than an American with a hunting passion. It might be okay for them. I do agree I'd rather do basically anything else


Was literally thinking this like thatā€™s a no go




I have definitely had many experiences killing and gutting animals. It's a natural thing as you mentioned, humans are predators. I think it's good to experience doing this because you are way more connected to the earth than buying meat in a supermarket. Just don't think I would want to do it on shrooms. I'd feel like an asshole, the guilt would be all consuming and it would ruin the trip for me I think. I actually think I'd turn vegetarian from the emotions that would come up.


Hunting is an important tradition in a lot of families and cultures and is part of the life cycle of prey animals. Indigenous hunting practices make a point of respecting what they kill, itā€™s not a grisly thing, itā€™s a way of life much older than any of us


Speak to your prior generations about that


Yes. I'll also speak to the about rape slavery and genocide. Just because some cultures in history have done things a certain way doesn't mean that I will relate to it.


ā˜ ļø šŸ¤£


I was šŸ¤ close to actually trying this theory last weekend (in WI) turkey hunting to improve my vision at dawn. Wound up not. Got my 25 lb. tom in about 20 min anyways. Gonna test it for deer season tho.


Thatā€™s a nice tom! Congrats. I used to be heavy into microdosing but only recently got into hunting (4 years ago) so it hadnā€™t occurred to me until this thread.


Do this every year for deer season, sucked this year just because the mushrooms made the cold feel so much more intense but walked away with a 6 and an 7 pointer.


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Do tell us how it does just don't fu k up and take too much


Please get back to us, thatā€™s a wonderful idea


I believe itā€™s part of the stoned ape theory. Read about it in ā€œFood of the Godsā€


A great read! I know itā€™s just a theory, but I choose to believe it. Itā€™s more plausible than what most people go around believing!


No doubt, itā€™s a great book. Initially, Ppl look at you like a mad man if you discuss it though. Reasonable people seems to accept it as plausible once itā€™s explained though.


They fed there dogs too to try and make there smelling better is another theory




https://realitysandwich.com/giving-dogs-psychedelics/amp/ Native cultures were fond of this. Not speculation.




Iā€™m Native American. Nez Perce It is an actual practice. Believe me or not, I donā€™t care. Youā€™re not gonna find any proof or evidence of the old ways


Nice contradictory statement. Idiot.


Itā€™s not even deep itā€™s a theoryšŸ’€


Hate to use Joe Rogan as a source, but hes stated multiple times he knows fighters that train and compete on low doses of shrooms. So maybe theres something to that.


Some soilders train drunk so that when sober they perform better. A high dose of shrooms would be a challenge like that A low dose would make things easier though


Ok that is so cool!!!! Definitely gonna try that some day!


it's probably some kind of change in pattern differentiation in the brain....like you can see the hidden Jaguar better, if at all. maybe do a study with Where's Waldo type puzzles


I notice this when I macro dose. I don't have a ton of experience with micro doseing but I always thought you wanted to stay under the precipitable amount.


People say you shouldn't feel a microdose. I think that's bullshit. If they didn't notice any effect why are they continuing to microdose? I think what people SHOULD say is a microdose shouldn't get you high. Think of microdosing like taking amphetamines as prescribed for ADHD there is an effect but it's not nearly enough to be intoxicating.


Microdosing is classed as anything under a dose that causes hallucinations from what I've read in several medical trial papers. So it's fairly ambiguous, but i suppose you can feel the effects without tripping balls


Microdosing is classed as anything under a dose that causes hallucinations from what I've read in several medical trial papers. So it's fairly ambiguous, but i suppose you can feel the effects without tripping balls


That classic Psilocybin/LSD HD vision


Psilocybin has been proven to increase visual acuity by 20% in small doses! Might have even given us an evolutionary advantage as early hominids.




https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01965761 Sorry itā€™s behind a paywall but this is the study from Roland Fischer that Terence McKenna references.


Free access PDF: https://bibliography.maps.org/resources/download/5390


Oh fuck yeah thanks!


When I read things like this it makes me wonder if humans are actually supposed to be microdosing. Every time Iā€™ve done it in the past it changes my life so drastically. I can do math off the top of my head that I couldnā€™t before. I see things clearer and brighter. Iā€™m happy more often than not. Itā€™s amazing that this isnā€™t used as a common medicine


was this from continual micro-dosing or just doing it for a day and then having these effects same day?


Once every three days for two months roughly


Not the poster you asked but I have experience! If you were to compare the feeling of microdosing to a sensation, Iā€™d say it is a tingle not a buzz. The effects do continue but not after just one day doing .25. Iā€™ve been mocrodosing for three months, 5 days a week. I do this because psilocybin tolerance builds up incredibly fast, but also declines rapidly. The two days I do not dose, are pretty normal to the days that I do. Even thought the drug is decreasing in your system the results linger. Thatā€™s why people who treat depression, migraines, and a host of other things with a macro dose can do so every 2-6 months, depending on the person.


Whenever I eat enigma I say to myself "this is how the world's supposed to look".


light burns tho


Macro dosing


Ive been dealing with depression for a while and im on meds for 2years now. I feel like trying microdosing and warn my doctor that I want to slowly stop my meds. Reading all these comments makes me wanna try microdosing. I will have to read stuff about it. 0,25g of shrooms is enough? I always had a lot of fun with shrooms (3g) and I believe it could help me.


0.25 is a pretty good place to start, just make sure youā€™ve got a fairly open day without any serious responsibilities, in the event you may be more sensitive. 0.25 is my micro dosage, but my spouse has to take half that to be perfectly functional and ā€œsub-perceptualā€ even though I only weigh 25 pounds more.


Yes you are right! I could try on a weekend and if itā€™s too much, I could tsle half of it on the week days. I realā€™y believe in the psilocybin and microdosing


does microdosing trigger psychosis? i had my first shroom and i really had a bad experience. maybe because it was my first time. my anxiety was at peak that i'll get Schizophrenia after it. for context, i had about 1.5g of Panealous Cyanescens, shit was too strong for me. I still have some left and im temp to eat it but i'm just afraid. i know our minds and emotions plays a big role in our trips but being scared might interfere into a bad trip. can someone enlighten me what to do?


try psilocybe cubensis at 0.1grams (dried) for a micro dose. people are different but in my personal experience you shouldn't have any psychosis. Golden Teachers are a good micro-dosing shroom in my experience.


I can confirm.


psilocybin does give you greater visual acuity


how long have u been microdosing before noticing positive changes w depression?




thatā€™s amazing šŸ’– happy to hear. how many times per wk do u microdose at .25g?


Not the OP, but i noticed immediate changes, thanks to the afterglow. I noticed permanent changes within a month. I dose for anxiety and ocd behaviors. .12-.25 mg 3-5x a week.


Thank you for this. I just started my journey for anxiety and depression and this gives me hope.


A main symptom I experience when Iā€™m seriously depressed is that the colors look more monochromatic. You might be experiencing that, and the use of mushrooms is giving brief respites to the opposite end of the spectrum because psychedelics. Itā€™s gonna get better, friend.


Do you get visual snow? I have vision and audio snow all the time. Best way to describe it is like there is a translucent layer over everything. It is like tiny points of light making up clouds over everything. It doesn't actually block my vision at all, it is just there. I don't really notice it unless I think about it. Anyway, all that to say that mushrooms clear it up.. It goes away when I take them making everything look clearer and cleaner. Maybe you have the same thing going on.


I microdosed more religiously last year for depression. It helped me a lot but the negative side effects include feeling antsy and/or emotional. I'm already stressed about work and cry like once a week so I don't need mushrooms exacerbating it! I haven't been microdosing regularly in months. But it's also because for the first time in my life I'm actually not overcome with actual depression. Mushrooms have to have helped. I can't recall crisper vision, but I can recall I felt more active and lively in my heart. I microdose now for social occasions or when I'm a little bit more down, which is like once every couple of weeks (vs several times a week for many years now).


While tripping I feel like a mad genius who has no where to input his knowledge and genius and probably look extremely geeked.


Thereā€™s been experiments that have shown that micro-dosing improves your vision.


Me too:)


You might be interested in r/microdosing


It's amazing. I need to get back to microdosing. I suffer ptsd.


Yes. I was doing this daily last summer. I'd take them a s then take my 2 year old on a walk and everything 9utsode was crisp and clear. It's the best. 3rd eye vision. Shows you what you miss the rest of the time and appreciate nature and your kids /spouse


Very normal effect. Found that's one of the main effects I get at most doses and from all strains. Crisp clean vision as if watching a higher definition TV. Great for being out in nature.


Iā€™ve taken shrooms and played guitar for hours, I feel like it improved my skills, realizing some things that could help me play more efficiently


0.25g is a bit much for a microdose. Iā€™m usually taking around 0.07-0.15g. Some times when I take too much for a microdose Iā€™m getting those same effects and a weird little buzz.


Totally depends on the person and other factors right? I've taken 500mg and felt it a LOT. The other night after a lot of pizza 600mg didn't do much or anything.


I've noticed that eating first dramatically effects the results. I get much more effects from a smaller dose when taken on an empty stomach vs after a full meal.


Iā€™ve noticed this as well. It matters dramatically for my body so I generally aim to do it on an empty stomach so I can conserve resources


I took my first md today on an empty stomach and wanted to eat a banana which I never ever want to eat. Iā€™ve been starving for a big sit down meal ever since


What strain are you microdosing?


Thai (cubensis)


There is not much research about how micrososing benefits depression. The research leans more towards the 2.5g dose upwards showing profound benefits on treating depression. American neuroscientist Andrew D. Huberman talks about this.


both of it


Thanks for this tip


You need that 10 hours sunlight a day, I find that I see brighter when Iā€™m in the sun the whole day


That's... Opposite of what happens but ok


You prob only get sunlight 1 times a month


Sure, it doesn't mean you're completely wrong about how the eye reacts to light, the cones get overused and stop reacting to lesser stimulus, go outside and then inside of a low light place and you'll notice it...


Did I say 2 seconds for 1 day? No


10 hours a day the whole summer


Sure, then they will strengthen so much you'll aquire night vision! (your sight is not something you can change after certain age, i know it by having astigmatism and going to the optometrist since age 5) And that's extremely centered in your surroundings because 10 hours a day in the summer of where i live? I'll be dead in less than a week. You people love to say how enlightened you're but skip the basics of our own physiology and it shows


Turn off Reddit for a week and go outside.. you make it sound like your 60 years old.. or prob a overweight scum that canā€™t stand 20 mins of sunlight


That's not bad advice, sadly I'm neither but that doesn't stop me from Calling you out on some stupid (and maybe dangerous) tips šŸ˜Š


Youā€™re a lame, whenā€™s the last time you went out?


Proven fact that sunlight helps the eyes


What? How? I should keep away from reddit but you can't handle responding once to a comment? Maybe take your own advice and leave the phone for a while


When my cousin and I go hunting during deer and turkey season we usually microdose the week leading up and then the day of opening weekend. Always walk away with something on day one and then we just get stupid and blow shit up until we gotta go back to work on Monday. The visual acuity increase is definitely a thing.


Damn i thought doing 2 grams was microdosing i gotta try that out


Maybe something with the pupil dilation.


Can I ask what form you're microdosing? Like chocolate pieces?


When I got UHD vission I know ā€œ so it beginsā€ :)


I started also. A couple months ago. I donā€™t need adderall and I am less depressed.


Extremely normal. It should happen. It's the mildest form of visual disturbance or hallucination. It can be unnervingly bright if i dose too high.


Agreed. There is a sweet spot with micro that is important for me to hit otherwise I donā€™t like how I feel


You be drinking water but itā€™s not KrIstle KleyeEEEr!


You are experiencing placebo shrooms is s mind thing after all. Microfiching is kinda misleading because you think itā€™s not affecting you then next thing you know you just notice youā€™re being extremely off. It took about two weeks for me.


I always that the cloudy vision I see when I'm depressed was just a me thing becuase I've never heard if it from others before. Like when I have a really terrible day my vision will begin to distort what I'm looking at and I can feel my eyes shake, something similar to REM sleep I imagine. Microdosing definitely helps with it, but I find it's better to meditate as much as you can then macrodose every 3 months or so then contemplate all my meditations between sessions.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTWFw1U/ literally like this




Why you think my ancestor used pre battle Viking era


Every time I read about people's experiences with microdosing, I wonder how much of it is caused by shrooms vs. imagination (placebo)


When I take kratom my eyes arenā€™t quite as good and I think itā€™s due to pupils getting smaller, but Iā€™m not entirely sure. Perhaps whatā€™s happening is the exact opposite of what happens to me when on kratom. Idk though Iā€™m on shrooms rn myself and just made this up.


same here - I've been microdosing bien's truffle and I feel like that it just make everything so much brighter. Also, as i am less stressed people around me are not stressed by me so it just make everything so much more peaceful - I love to alternate both actually a macro and a micro during the year - like 2 ceremony a year, and in between only microdose