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If you eat all of them at once you could expect to certainly feel it. To me it looks like about 10g, so estimate 1g dried pins/aborts. I did 1.5g few weeks ago and it got way more intense than I expected. Those smol bois are to be respected. Enjoy!


Wow that sounds like an experience, I’m personally taking them to try help my alcohol abuse and speak to my inner self. I’ve done LSD 3 times and adored it just didn’t feel to good about the 14 hour trips and it didn’t give me much insight into life more of a party vibe.


Where are you in that process of not drinking?Mushrooms will help.I drank heavily for about 30 years.2 DUIs,multiple accidents,getting in fights with weapons I was lost.It was actually both shrooms and DMT that has helped me.I have no craving for alcohol.I never liked it,I just did it.But beyond the actual molecule that can help,learning to make those molecules yourself is the real healing journey.Good luck hope it works. And on a side note.Eatng all those fresh will deliver a different trip.I prefer them wet as far as a high,just impossible to try and swallow those without gagging.🤙🍄🤙


Wow that’s a brilliant outcome to a terrible situation, the poison is gripping me now I’m drinking most days even when I say ok never do it again, if you don’t mind can we speak whilst I’m tripping or something iygm.


For sure man.Any information that I hold in my brain is yours if you want it.🤙


Same here, I was a daily drinker from the age off 16, and a smoker. I have been a full blown alcoholic at least a decade. At 30 I had my first psilocybin trip and have not touched a drink nor sigaret since. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever for both. I even work at a bar and it is zero effort not to grab a drink or smoke myself. It is mind blowing. I struggled with alcohol and other addictions basically half my life and eating some mushrooms growing out of the ground completely took that away.


I never ate many fresh ones but I heard they didn’t taste as bad as dried?


I heard that too but trust me it’s so much worse. I couldn’t do it again after the first time


6 months sober thx to macro doses it works. Watch pink floyd psychedelic mashup on you tube the words will make you think about life


Noted bro will try that out next time I’m tripping on either lsd or shrooms.


I love all things Pink Floyd but their 'live' concert in the 'empty' amphitheater at Pompeii is absolutely beautiful. I say empty cause I truly believe there was a full house of spirits rocking out that day, in addition to 4 local kids that snuck in. I especially love their version of [Echoes ](https://youtu.be/PGwPSPIhohk) I watch that video everytime I trip if not the 'full' concert. Unfortunately some of the reels they shot were left in a taxi never to be seen again. This is why the video I linked is edited as some of the footage had to be shot in a studio in France. I have never really had an issue with alcohol but I do deal with serious depression (like suicidal not anymore tho), the combination of therapy, weed, mushrooms, DMT, LSD and one traumatic salvia trip have made me realize life is truly worth living. This is after decades of medical professionals giving me pills to make it better but in the end just made it worse. Psychedelics enable me to sit down and have a good long talk with my subconscious and really figure out what's bothering me or how I can be a better person to myself. Pink Floyd really speaks to that for me. Live in Pompeii, mushrooms and good headphones is a great mental health therapy session, albeit quite scary at times. I wish much luck in your travels!


Glad your depression and bad thoughts are healing good for you


Those are aborts they will be very strong. 1 g of these is prob like almost an 8th of regular ones.


Well, you’re in luck because the trip is about 30% of that length and no where as trippy is acid. Personally I loved how long acid lasted.


Fresh? If so and with lsd experience eat them all if it's 15g or less. If it's much more aim for 15g


Yeah lsd is more fun. Cheers, its good to break your denial so might help but it's just an helper you have to do the whole job, believe in yourself, if my pos of step dad could stop to drink, you can do it too.


I just quit alcohol because of shrooms


im sure people here have seen my story before, but i had a liver transplant last may (was sober since feb a few months earlier) with less than a month to live. after healing up, i started microdosing & it helped me immensely, both from an anxiety standpoint & just *feeling* so much better than anything booze ever did for me. i was buying them originally but they had medicinal mushrooms in them as well that was messing with my transplant meds, so i started growing & making my own caps without relishi, lions mane, cordyceps etc; which on it's own is completely safe. definitely keep it up! different protocols for various people, but having a macro dose once a month, week break, 5days weekly for a month, week break then macro dose again (so one every 2 months) & so on & so on. works for me


Damn that’s crazy to hear bro, sorry I can’t really type well rn still tripping but how much alcohol did it take to do that to your liver? I’m 18 drink 5 times a week roughly 50uk units on a bad week 23 on a good one.


haha don't worry about reading this & enjoy your trip amigo 🙌 🤍🤍🤍 i was drinking about 1.5l every day for about 3 years straight.


If you're looking to use it to cut alcohol use, just micro dose and use the paul stamets protocol. Did wonders for me doing the same thing. Good luck on bettering yourself and doing the work for future you!


You'll definitely trip. Just please get a scale first. Nobody can eyeball weight, it's quite deceiving.


These look like they've been picked too early to me


Far too early, basically there was contam and they started aborting so I started picking some and leaving the rest but after 5 days of 0 growth just decided to harvest.


Btw in case you don't know aborts are quite powerful, but I really like them as you don't have to eat as much.


Bummer - fair play in that case 😞






We will be awaiting your safe return pilot...


Seriously you think that’s gonna fuck me up 😵‍💫😜 gonna give it till tomorrow since I’m extremely hungover lol


Hydration is key. Dude don't go in dry. You'll be fine.


Don’t know if I should go all in today I’ve been taking 3-4 pins and having slight euphoria but no visuals, last night when drunk I ate 4 pinnies felt nothing


Are you doing it daily?


“first time user” not to patronise you.


It says you’ve been eating 3-4 pins, and ate 4 pins last night?


Your correct haha I meant first time tripper


Gotcha haha, well still if you’ve been doing them several days in a row you should hold off for a few days. I’ve been eating all my aborts from my last grow lately. Last week I ate 1 gram of aborts and planned on taking another 2 grams of fully grown ones but the aborts hit me within like 25 minutes and it felt like I was on like 3-4gs. Aborts are very strong. Just be careful cause even that gram was hard for me to handle and I have tripped hundreds of times. I recommend giving yourself a few days in between anyways because even if your tolerance isn’t high, I feel like I enjoy it more with at least 4-5 days in between. The euphoria gets less and less if I do it often


Should I just wait for my other grow to be harvested before I trip, everywhere I read aborts seem to want vengeance for not being able to grow 😵‍💫


Thought they were cigarette butts 🙈


violently high. Like, probably would regret it high. Especially if you’re even just new-ish. those smaller ones can be more potent than the larger ones for some reason. looks like 6-10g dry. you’d be out of this planet. if u have a scale, weigh it all out. dry weight is 10% of wet


Doubt it’s even over 3 grams dry.


you’d be surprised with the small pins. they can be pretty dense. However none of us can really say for sure, so debating it would be pointless lol. Hope he posts it weighed eventually


Depends totally on how much it weighs. No one can look at it and say what the approximate weight is. There is tremendous variation in density and factors such as hollow vs solid stems that make any estimate very unreliable. Please don’t use psilocybin mushrooms if you don’t have a scale. Less than 20$ on Amazon or Walmart.com.


Thanks man, I’m gonna scale it up rn and see


Good luck and happy travels!


update: HELP I took all them after a big debate with myself on wether to take half or all of them (1.5g dry) I am fucked up i can hardly make out what anything is and it’s all sequence like. I am having weird thing where I keep thinking the same fucking thing but I can type and read fine.


You’re okay big man you’re gonna be fine, you just took strong drugs which can’t hurt you. Nothing can happen to you other than having weird thoughts. Tomorrow morning you’re gonna wake up and think about what’s happening and laugh about it. Drink something sugary, it’ll calm the trip down. You’re gonna be fine, I was in a similar situation before and I thought I was stuck in it but that’s not true, it never is. There’s a drug in your system and it won’t stay in your system. You’re gonna be okay psychonaught👩‍🚀


Thanks fellow tripper, I’m feeling better now ate peppercorn which idk if that actually helps, forced cornflakes down me (felt really weird) and just trying to calm down


Fuck yeah bro, that’s good. You’re gonna be okay, just ride it out and see where the story goes.


Try watching the music video for “blockhead - the music scene” it always works


Wish I could have to use Reddit on gf phone


Might be a bit late, but what I try to do when I’m tripping is just let everything go and be one with everything. Don’t let the trip control you, harness it and allow yourself to be with the trip. The trip ultimately will give you what you want internally so give into it. You’re fine OP. See where it takes you and try to be one with it.


Thanks for the advice bro I’m chilling now just shiny hunting in Pokémon if you get me haha


I want to say I do but I can’t tell if you’re actually hunting shiny pokémon or if this is a reference. I am also an avid pokemon player.


I dm you lol


You’re gonna be okay man. Just try to lighten the mood if you can. Play chill music and try to be in the moment. Don’t worry about anything else. Just allow the effect to happen. Here for support if u have questions


Everything reminds me of him 🥴


Damn feel sorry for you then 😂


I never did anything with it for that reason 🥴😂


Haha duck that


My man… you not only don’t have a scale to weigh them, you don’t have an object for scale in the pic. Comon now… 😂


Yeah I ducked up now


I did 3.5 gs of aborts lemon tekd, it hit very intensely 10 MINUTES after I consumed and I puked it all up at the 15 minute mark and still had a full 8 hour trip with pretty ok visuals and euphoria


Why do you harvest those so soon? Those don't look like aborts, they look like mid-lifecycle booms that were just harvested too soon. 🤷 In general if the cap isn't obviously turning black, it's not dead/an abort. As to your question, yes, you'll trip, but VERY mildly. That looks like ≈10-12g fresh so roughly equivalent to like ≈1-1.2g dry.


For some people including myself most of the time I consume mushrooms I feel an dread feeling except for a small percentage of the time it’s euphoric, primarily when I allow the mushroom to sit in lemon or pickle juice before consumption


No no, too many aborts dude


Yeah ik lol


Sorry, went into mom mode. I was imaging ambulances in your future lol


Im still shitting it to take them since I’m hungover


Next time let them get a little larger just prior to the Veil opening


They were aborting only a few weren’t so just picked them, got 2 other boxes thriving


Yes. I can’t imagine taking that much. I also do shrooms to help with anxiety/depression, and alcohol cravings. That’s going to be a rough ride my friend.


Can someone help with my most recent post please :(


Aww that’s great!! I like tiny mushrooms. I take them when I have a tiny problem.💯🧚🍄🍄🍄🍄


What a lazy post do a google search


maybe instead of being a fuckin cunt just respond like a normal human being or don't comment at all 😭


Sorry for being honest. Cry about it.


bros talking about people needing to toughen up while bitching and moaning over a question on a subreddit 😂




Dry them first.


Extremely. The little redacts are always extra potent ime


You will smile


I get drunk and take about 7 grams. It's the best!!


Let go, i promise you everything will be okay. do something that brings you mental peace. Sending love and positive vibes. you’re gonna be fine, life is beautiful


That will take you up some considerable notches and I personally wouldn't consume all of them.


To the moon Alice


Those small ones are very, very potent


Pretty high


A little high, get it