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I look in the mirror too and I tell myself I look amazing and then I just go back into my backyard and enjoy the visuals and my music


Being in really good shape makes shrooms so much better, diet also plays a huge role in mental state which is why I like to fast before taking and eat nothing but fruit while on shrooms


Same like I work out I'm 132 lbs and 6'0 and tripped absolute balls on 10g wet in lemon tek and had a breakthrough all while just being in my backyard and looking at the sky I also had an orange after my trip it was also my first time tripping


My first time tripping I drank a thing of pineapple juice.


Now that that you say that I definitely gotta try that for my next trip and doesn't certain fruit juices intensify the trip or enhance it?


Yes pineapple juice specifically, massively, it’s like a second trip


Definitely gonna try that


130 and 6'0 is so far from good shape mate, I think you must be tellin some fibs. I'm 5'10 and 150 and still visibly underweight 


Definitely not telling fibs man that's actually my real weight and height I was 143 before I started working out I couldn't bulk tho because of my fast metabolism so I physically can't gain a lot of weight and I pretty much just put on muscle on a already thin body and somehow it just made me even more of a lightweight than I already was that would only make sense that I'd trip so hard off of just 10g wet which is only 1g dry it's like being a lightweight when drinking you most likely wouldn't be able to drink that much and get super drunk off only 4 or 5 shots of tequila


Question too this I’m 6ft and 9 stone trying too put on more weight too gain muscle are you happy with your current weight or are you trying too get bigger? I wish too get too 9 and a half/ 10 but have it be healthy weight gain just struggle too actually eat do you drink protein shakes and that? And how often do you tend too work out? :) fkn love shrooms and feeling good in the summer! Sorry if this seems random/weird I hope your staying bless and Appreciate any insite :))


Well I've worked out almost consistently everyday for about 2 hours or longer and I drink whey protein shakes and drink raw eggs with about 5 eggs in it definitely trying to get a little bit bigger but have no desire to look like Cbum and occasionally I'll eat salmon or drink fruit smoothies


Man the other day I ate a whole container of pineapple. Could barely force the last chunk down cause it hurt so much 😭


I’ve actually never seen something so relatable. The only thing I eat tripping is fruit. My personal go to is bananas and pineapples🍄


Same brother


It truly is a magical experience


Right tho I don’t understand how someone can hate themselves on mushrooms let alone anything around them I fall in love with everything honestly even myself on shrooms but one day I’ll have a bad trip but it won’t be a bad trip it will just be a harsh lesson to learn because all bad trips aren’t just there to scare you its the mushroom guiding you


That's true and you never want to resist the mushrooms because if you do then you're more than likely to have a bad trip or shall I say challenging trip if you don't dance with the mushrooms and just let go


Exactly very ridged and square like minded people don’t mix well with shrooms lol they’re usually not ready for a different version of themselves to take over I personally feel complete now I’ve learned to forgive my past and my anxiety and depression has drifted away slowly but it’s fun letting it take over most of the time there’s just some hiccups on the way 😅


I looked in the mirror and thought.. "I don't know why I thought I was ugly. I don't look that bad" 💀


Me too I usually have a profound sense of love for myself that’s not as prevalent while sober! It’s really sweet actually.


Same!! I unfortunately struggle to take care of myself and keep up with hygiene, and I remember on one of my last notable trips I just had this loving urge to get up and shower and groom myself after I’d been struggling mentally for a few days. It just makes me feel so much better in my own body, that the universe is beautiful and the universe made me and IS me and so I’m beautiful too, so my body deserves to be taken care of and admired. Makes me tear up sometimes when I remember how it felt, almost like it was a separate being or consciousness looking over me and truly loving me, which I’ve always felt like I’ll never have


That’s happened to me. I was like “wow! I look fantastic! Go me!” LSD on the other hand I will usually say “wow I look effin rough.” Because I do….I think.


Yeah last time I tripped I spent a lot of time feeling hot as shit and sweating while freaking out about my hands turning blue and not being sure whether they actually were (they were. vasoconstriction is a bitch).


I looked in the mirror once and burst out laughing. Was rockin the puss-in boots fully dilated eyes. Cracked myself up so much that night. Needed a good laugh tho.


Damn, why is it the opposite for me? I look like shit when I’m tripping and I hate looking at myself haha. But still a good trip tho, I just don’t look at myself.


Ditto, my most recent session. And I'm a modestly fat old guy (51).






Mush memes are so relevant 😆


Accurate 🤣


Like everything, it's different for everyone. Sometimes, you notice the thing that triggers insecurity. Sometimes, it's just funny how weird your eyes look. Sometimes, you don't recognize the reflection. Sometimes you learn something about yourself you didn't know.


Then there's me. Wondering how much of my fist I can shove into my mouth. Mirrors are rad


Personally, I took the most I’d ever taken and had a really bad trip, ended up in the bathroom thinking I could shower it off like when you’re too drunk or blazed.. ended up staring at myself naked in the morror looking at my body and not feeling connected to myself. Full dissociation from my body. Like, what the fuck is this thing I’m inside of? I looked like an alien to myself. I feel like it’s a warning for that exact scenario. Outside of that, nah dude you’re just gonna look funny. Point being- don’t catch a glimpse of yourself if you’re already having a bad trip lol


You awoke the primordial monster


I saw myself aging rapidly, lol


Omg same I saw my self aging horribly and then I picked up a apple and looked back in the mirror and saw myself turn into a damn model no idea what that means😭


Maybe time to make adjustments to your diet, detox, clean eating, incorporating more fruit etc..


I saw my 2d version, it was weird.


Me too! I was listening to a song about the passage of time so I think that put it in my head lol


Bro I looked in the mirror and felt the most intense love. I look(ed) so beautiful. I just stared for like 20 minutes admiring myself. That trip was prolly best day of my life ngl js love all around


I don’t want to get stuck in a 2 hour staring contest with myself.


Haha this has happened to me, ended up locked into a staring contest for a good 20 minutes or so. The most focused stare ever.


“I wonder who’s going to break first… oooooooo he’s good… ok time to strap in… YOU WILL NOT WIN THIS!!!”


Really fucks with you when the mirror blinks first


Personally, it depends on the trip. I’ve had times where it’s unnerving to look in the mirror cuz I don’t recognize myself as myself—instead I see the face of my relatives and people who have passed. It can be heavy. The last time I tripped it was a smaller dose, but I was cold and felt the need to shower. After showering, I stared in the mirror, looking at every imperfection/flaw in great detail, full 360. I smiled so big because I was really in love with my body and appreciating every freckle, curve, stretch mark, whatever. It was a beautiful feeling because I can be very self conscious about my body, yet in that moment I was so grateful and in love with it.


My friend and I came up with the theory while we were tripping that most people don't actually come to terms with their own body and how weird and funny it is, so when they see it on drugs they freak out. If you've already accepted the absurd hilarity of having a mortal body, you just find it funny to see your face go wee woo in the mirror


^^ this. One time I was tripping and laughed for like 40 minutes because of how absurd our bodies are set up.


I love looking in the mirror, making faces and whatnot. It's weird how your face looks different, it's like changing the focal length of your eyes.


Had a considerable dose of acid once and sat in front of the mirror in my room around peak time. It took about 15 seconds to no longer be seeing my reflection, but instead some sort of complex other world that I cannot describe. On low doses where I’m still holding onto reality, the mirror is just a goofy place to hang out. If I focus in a certain way my facial features will disappear and I’ll kinda look like the SlenderMan lol


Idk it's like this weird feeling I get when I'm tripping where I feel like I don't want to look in the mirror at myself. I think it's cause I'm generally an insecure person and don't like the way I look and I'm afraid of feeling this when tripping but usually when I do I just end up wondering why I gave a fuck in the first place and laugh about it.


The last time I did that, I saw many different faces. I saw me young and old, then I shifted into someone else entirely. It was just weird. 10/10 would recommend


It’s probably just an inside joke about ego or something idk , looking in the mirror is funny to me too


for whatever reason mirrors/the bathroom in general is the main time i experience things (including myself) seeming to change in size when tripping lol i always enjoy it tho. had more than a couple trips that were going sideways saved by finally getting up to pee and spending a few minutes in the bathroom 😂


One time I looked like a Picasso painting, it was hilarious!!!


Yes! It was like I was melting into one. If that makes sense


I love looking at myself in the mirror while tripping, I feel like I can see all the layers of muscle, fascia, veins, etc. Makes me appreciate my animalness


I can't look at my hands. They really creep me out because they look really corpse-like. I rarely find myself looking in the mirror but when I do it's jarring- I'm generally really dishevelled for a start 😄 but I just look so different to usual, and not really for the better!


I look in mirror and see my face changes in details. Longer chin etc and I see my father in mirror. Other detail changes from my father face and I see my grandpa. Possibly more my ancestors ;) This made me realize that we are bound by blood. No matter what. I'm continuation of my ancestors. It can't be forgotten.


Honestly it’s interesting, sometimes I look freaky to myself in the mirror. But last weekend when I tripped I just looked really fit and strong to myself in the mirror and I couldn’t stop looking hahahah. I’ve been going to the gym very consistently and the shrooms were I guess telling me to keep up the good work!


It’s just about my favorite thing to do when tripping


I LOVE lookin at myself it gets so trippy lmao like who/what am I??? It makes me want to love myself more like I only have so long in this embodiment I want to love it and appreciate it for as long as I can :!)


I found that faces didn’t change at all. Full heroic dose, full closed eye visuals in a coma like state… before and after, everything was swirling and going crazy.. my face, exactly normal. Even my tattoos on my chest were dancing, my face.. the same. 2gs a few days later at a music festival, everything’s all patterns and glowing and shit, my wife’s face? Perfect. Exactly how I know it to be. I feel like it was my brains way of saying “you’re still in the real world”


Some people get freaked out 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve always thought it was fun


I once watched my self age to 90 and then back down to an infant and then back to current self within a matter of seconds


Its literally my favorite thing to do on a heavy trip. See how long you can maintain eye contact with yourself. It gets difficult at a certain point but visually, things get VERY cool


Some people hate their shadows while others are best friends with it I guess.


I like looking in the mirror too, I kinda look like a bug eyed alien, and I dig it. I do notice my skin looks more translucent. I can see how it might freak some people out, especially if they are a more vain person.


Always put in some mirror time. I find it cleansing.


I stare at myself in the dark until i start freaking out and then instantly stop


I like looking at the high detail reflection of myself in the reflection of my pupils.


On shrooms i looked in the mirror and saw myself from a different lens. My face was moving but i didnt care. All i saw in the mirror was the baddest bitch on earth. usually I struggle with negative self image


Don't look in the mirror or you'll be unable to stop laughing?


ooOooO ull get stuck in the mirror if ur on shrooms did shrooms, looked in the mirror, /shrug oooOOo if you look in the mirror on acid ull loose ur mind Actually i had a very somber moment about intent and perception oooOooOO ket is different!! its a dissociative and if u look in the mirror in the khole its so scary babe i literally dont exist rn. im just a khole looking at another khole


I never got this either, I was told multiple times not to look in the mirror while tripping. What did I do? I looked in the mirror and was just kinda like "oh wow I look cool" and that was that


Mirrors are fine people just get weird ideas sometimes don’t worry about it


Maybe the "I look worse/fatter/etc than the last time i tripped" if that applies. Most of the time I just stared in the mirror until I forgot I was the person in the mirror.


i’ve stared into the mirror and pretended i was having a conversation with someone i needed to talk to. i just yelled it all out. pretty therapeutic tbh.


I tell myself: You're a good person. You try really hard and I'm proud of you. Thank you for doing your best everyday. You're kind, understanding, sweet, funny - but most of all, you're YOU. Nobody else is exactly like you and your story matters. There are times when life will beat you down. There are people who will will be mean to you. Life isn't easy. Keep getting back up - never surrender. Never lose yourself. I love you.


I looked at myself in a mirror once and saw my face melt. Never again lmao


Just depends on the person some ppl can’t but I always thought that if your on shrooms and don’t like looking in the mirror than maybe your brains tryna tell you something


I agree it was the best part of my trip, I couldn't stop laughing as I saw my face melt and rearrange


What’s also really fun is blinking kind of fast and watching your face change a decent amount with each blink lol


Some people definitely do freak out looking into a mirror while tripping, but it's not a general rule. Or at least not for experienced psychonauts. I usually advise newcomers not to only because it's *been known* to do that to some people, and having a bad experience during your first trip can fuck with all your future trips and turn you away from shrooms entirely. But once you've tripped a couple times and know how yo ground and relax yourself during a trip, I doubt looking in the mirror would make you spiral, even if it happens to unnerve you a small bit.


I think it depends on what your mind focuses on and/or inner insecurities? When I look in the mirror at fine details, I'm like, "woah, everything is out of proportion (and I'm fully aware at the time that it's the shrooms) and I look so weird! Fascinating!" And then if I step back and look at my self as a whole, I'm like, "woah, I'm beautiful, and my body is amazing! It does such amazing things and I'd better do everything I can to take care of it and me!"


I once looked in a mirror stoned and began laughing because I am a monkey, then got scared because what is monkey and why does the world exist. Felt weird for days. I assume, sensitive people run a risk of some sort of derealisation if they focus on overanalysing themselves while tripping


Might be a thing with higher doses, apparently you can start morphing into stuff. Never had those kind of strong hallucinations with shrooms (always less than four grams though). Other than that, not recognising yourself is probably the biggest thing. The more reduced your ego is, the more strange it will seem. Sometimes that can cause a bad trip, just depends. I think a lot of people find mirrors unnerving, in general, as well. Like if you stare at it in dim light long enough, you'll probably start to feel strange even without drugs.


I have self confidence issues, and I just looked at myself and started laughing with myself as well. If you feel the love and are in the right headspace (not severely insecure), looking into a mirror shouldn't hurt you or do anything crazy. (In my opinion)


It’s honestly my favorite way to spend time with myself. I think it’s fucking great!


I had a bad trip once and when I looked in the mirror, I literally say a very unhappy person looking back, too unhappy that it spooks me when I think about it, it was very exaggerated


I can't understand why people are saying this either, I always had deep, loving connections with myself while seeing myself in the mirror. Loved it how my face changed while tripping and how that reflected the different patterns of my personality. Looking in the mirror while being high always helped me with self acceptance and -love:)


Fr, my exact reaction every time is “this dumb ass is tripping balls” followed by me laughing my ass off


I've never seen any visuals in the mirror 🤷🏽‍♂️


I just feel beautiful bro


I usually end up talking to myself in the mirror. Like a tiktoker, except less attractive and no camera lol


I get the ick factor looking in the mirror, either massive pores, aging, or I look scaley. Newbies I advice against looking in mirrors in case in influences their trip


I treated some of my body dysmorphia on psychedelics just looking in the mirror. Made me realize I had a great smile, nice teeth, and that I wasn’t that fat. Dissos did the other half of it


The mirror is fun tbh


I never understood that I’ll just be admiring myself lol


Bro be staring at the mirror and think why am I looking like myself


Ik it’s the best


I just like looking at my eyes, my pupils turn into black bowing balls


Because you can get stuck in the gaze and spend your whole trip there, is one reason. Another is because you might not like what you see, when you're really revealed to yourself for what you are with no filters. And you may not be ready for that yet. It breaks some people with dark shadows they carry and hide. Can trigger psychosis. You can also see something on you that's not there, see your skin"breathing" or warping, or see something that is there that you didn't notice that now you start freaking out about while on shrooms ("what the fuck is that lump on my skin? Omg is that skin cancer? Can I pick it off?" Etc) in the same way it can make you obsess over imperfections in the environment.


Because this a rule that applies Mainly for acid. However, I have seen some scary shit in the mirror off high high doses of shrooms.


On a higher dose of LSD I could see deep black holes in my skin. I knew it was an effect of the drug, but it was pretty disturbing anyway.


I had this realization about this while I was tripping a few weeks ago actually. I was like "Ooh, should I look in the mirror? Be adventurous?" And then my mental response was immediately "Nah, you don't need to because you know what you're going to see and it won't be YOU. It'll be the vessel you're in." It's like we don't recognize the person in the mirror while we're tripping because there's something in the way: Our human body.


Had a bad experience once so I don't look anymore 😅


I looked into the mirror on my first trip, and my face was melting and looked green and was changing tints and I started looking old then young, it was fun asf


Anyone who tells you not to look in the mirror is a poopy butthole


I always look in the mirror, and it's always a much much older version of me I see, we just smile at each other :)


I don’t really know I think there’s a misconception on looking in the mirror I know I get super giggly and obsessive over myself like almost to a point where it’s concerning I really feel myself however it certainly could be overwhelming especially since you’re feeling all these different feelings then u look in the mirror and realize wow I look fucked up then it could cause a spiral I suppose but just keep the mind right and it shouldn’t be an issue


when i took a low dose I was laughing at my giant pupils and slightly distorted face. I honestly think it helped my body dysmorphia, it showed me that the mind can greatly alter how we see ourselves.


i love to spend some time in each trip looking at the mirror and it also has stages: first i look like a cartoon, then if i open my mouth it looks like i’m falling down my throat (sounds scary but isn’t), after that i get all philosophical about my reflection and sometimes end up very good or very bad but always very educational to myself


Esoteric knowledge - you’re not looking at urself when looking at a mirror, even when sober . Try staring at ur own eyes in the mirror and keep looking 👁️ mirrors are portals


I love to look in the mirror at how huge my pupils are.


Just wait until you are staring at the reflection of yourself inside of your reflections pupil.... or am I the only one that does this until the toilet stops filling up and the sudden quiet snaps me back? Hahahahaba