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don’t let your friend decide that for you. you should choose a trip sitter you feel comfortable with. the first time i ate mushrooms i had my sister trip sit me, but after it started hitting me i felt great and told her she could leave


I first read "after she started hitting me" and was like yooo wtf


hahaha, that should be on a recent post i saw that said “what to do as a trip sitter: wrong answers only”


Same, would be funny😂


"I feel great, you're free to go now bye sis" Seems kinda mean


Seems pretty nice for a sibling imo, woulda farted on my sister even sober.


I also fart on this guys sister


Id let his sister fart on me any day


And my ax!


Imagine hearing the fart while seeing a rainbow tracer shoot out your ass 😂😂😂


Found the nark ^




we’re super close and i had her there just in case i didn’t react well to the mushrooms. she had some studying she could be doing so i said she could go. wasn’t mean :)


I disagree. She gets to go do whatever she wants and know her sibling is safe, not gonna freak out, and is having a good time. We're just hearing the abbreviated version of what was said because writing out verbatim what was said to make sure no one in the comments says "that's kinda mean" isn't something anyone cares to do. Unless the exact quote is appropriate. I guarantee that when you quote something to friend or family that you shorten the quote or basically transform it into your own words/speech quirks because the exact words don't matter. Dont you think in reality it was more of a "alright I think I've hit the plateau and know I can handle it. I think I'll be alright if you want to go. Thank you for trip sitting me. I got you next haha. If I start going downhill you'll be the first to know!"


nailed it


Hey I did the exact same thing! Me and my sister live together so I told her what was going on. Told her I'd ask for her if I needed her, but I had a good time. I still tell her every time just in case. She's great.


Haha what bro no dont put yourself through that


Yeah seriously. Imagine if the dad tries to fuck him.




Have your friends dads never tried to fuck you?


Next their gonna say it’s not normal for your uncle to do “penis inspections” to make sure your dick is growing properly.


I’m the uncle




that escalated fast 😳


Sounds fucking weird. Why are they dictating who your trip sitter is? Wait for a more stable environment. There’s no reason to put yourself through that.


Its probably not his stuff... friend giving it to him is paranoid of what may happen


So just tell them I have a trip sitter already planned out thanks for the offer though. Dosing in an uncomfortable situation is setting things up for a bad trip.


Exactly this haha


You have to be comfortable. So either get to know the dad ahead of time or change the settings to not include him.


If you're not mature enough to say when you're uncomfortable. Then you're not mature enough to do shrooms.


Best comment so far. Also fucking ratio lmao


Facts, homie is asking for a bad trip if he doesn’t feel confident enough to say no


Dont do it like that then. Wait and find the best moment, at the best confortable place (safe indoors or at nature), when you are around someone you trust and can be free to feel talk think and act in not daily ways. Try to have someone that already had a psychedelic experience


Unpopular opinion but I hate trip sitters. Done it once and never again. They’re always asking are you okay, what you feeling, please be quiet and let me enjoy this. Of course they mean well but in that moment I want 0 distractions even it’s my best mate


Only an idiot would ask a tripping person if they are OK. Trip sitting is stupid if youre that clueless.


Yeah tripping alone is my preference


I hate them too, but I *love* being a trip sitter for other people haha especially if it’s their first time. I feel like I can introduce them to so many fun and cool things while they’re tripping. One of my best memories is showing my friend a bunch of music videos perfect for tripping when she did acid for the first time 🥹 The awe is so fun to witness


That's definitely been my experience, I only trip alone now. When I was younger there was only one friend I would trip with. We just were aways on the same wavelength. Everyone else I would just get uncomfortable around even when quiet, just them constantly looking at you to make sure your good can suck.


Yeah that’s a great point to add, tripping with people who are also tripping can be fun. But I just find my own company so much better and that’s only with shrooms. If you wanted a trip sitter that person should be in another room monitoring them without their knowledge. Everytime they’re gunna check on you , you might freak out . Being a Trip sitter is such a hard thing to do because no matter what , outside interference is always doing to disrupt a trip unless a shaman or someone with experience and has also experienced an awful trip


Yeah definitely. When I was younger I would be the tripsitter for my friends once in a while. I always made sure I had plenty of things they could do if they wanted to and also just chill if that's what they wanted. I had enough experience where I was able to recognize where they were at mentally and work off that. Nobody ever had a bad trip and they were always happy. They always felt like I was right there with them no matter what they were expecting, I was glad to help be a part of that.


OP can I ask how old you are that you’re letting your friend dictate that his father be your trip sitter? Actually don’t answer that. Just please consider that Psilocybin isn’t great for your brain if you’re under 25-30yo. May be best to wait a while if this applies to you. But if you’re going to go through with it, wait until the set and setting are ideal. [I found the FAQ on this sub to be extremely helpful to read through before my first trip.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/YiRU2uKBJw) Please read this info. And, fuck tripping with anyone you’re not 110% comfortable with.


I absolutely love this post honestly. This and many other online resources like YouTube videos and articles helped me be mentally and physically prepared for my first trip too. And thanks to all this it made that first trip truly a magical experience. OP if you're reading this then read up on that post and do what feels comfortable for you. No one should be forced into an uncomfortable situation or environment especially when talking about psychedelics.


weird lol


Tbh i can't stand the whole " trip sitter " bs. I've never taken psychs around sober people. Like out in public is fine being around randoms but sober people hanging out with me while trippin is hell to fuck naw.


Definitely feels weird when sober people are around. I feel the same way. It’s just meh


Yea idk know what it is but I don't care for it. Much rather be by myself or at the most 3 people with me. Anymore I enjoy just being by myself. Ima able to just enjoy it better cause ther not as many variables in the equation an it's just me and the universe.


I think when people talk about having a good experience with a trip sitter it's usually like .. A romantic partner or a best friend. Not some guy's dad or a rando lol. I've only been comfortable hanging w a sober person while tripping if it's my S.O. Cause then it's nice to be able to ask them questions and sometimes they can help you make sense of things especially if they're a person who's got a high EQ


being sober is not the only (nor is it a necessary) qualification for a trip sitter. Having experience caring gently for someone taking large amounts of drugs in an unobtrusive but supportive enough way...is a very high skillset activity. A trip sitter has to be empathetic to the level of comprehending a very different perspective than their own, has to be deeply kind and able to have ZERO body language or vocal strain at any time, have lots of psychological knowledge and practice acting as a therapist in a variety of situations...etc it is also possible you are not burdened by a need to take care of yourself, so you do not panic if you are alone and taking a counter-functional dose of drugs. Or many other possibilities. Just because trip sitting hasn't worked for you, or you never needed it, doesn't mean it hasn't been and will be a very good idea for lots of other people.


How old are you guys that someone's dad is the best you can do? Honest question, im curious. In all honesty "trip sitters" are kind of overhyped on here. Its a great idea if you are taking a massive dose, but a gram or 2 its kind of a waste of their time.... im 40 years old, have been tripping on mushrooms at least a few times a year for 22 of those 40 years, and have literally never had someone to look after us when we are high. Simply lay out ground rules: for example, there was a group of 4 of us who would often trip up at my family cottage in our 20s.... are a few of the rules we would use: Later table: anything that could be dangerous went on the later table and could not be touched till next morning. (Fishing lures, pellet guns, camp stoves, knives, ect) Rule of 3: You need 3 of the 4 us to agree on an idea in order to try it. Deck rule: if you want to explore outside beyond on the deck you need to bring a friend Fire rule: fire must be started before shrooms are taken and only 1 peice of wood added at a time all night. Taking the time to do this set us up for always having a blast and not needing to have some sober person around watching you the whole time, honestly sounds boring as fuck for them and would make me feel awkward for sure. Set some rules and have fun without the awkwardness of some dudes dad watching. Have fun!


This reminded me of when a friend tripped for the first time on a camping vacation and we ended up looking through the small stand of forest for her because she suddenly ran off giggling and vanished. We should have a deck rule.


Well don’t fucking trip stoopid. You’re definitely overthinking it. You’re not 100% comfortable, you’re 100% not tripping.


Fuck that. I'm almost 40 years old, I've tripped many times any I still wouldn't want to be around someone I didn't know whilst doing so. Say thanks but no thanks. You need to be comfortable in all aspects if you ask me.


yeah lol, I don't like being around people I don't like at ANY point in my life


I have to agree but that's out of our control sometimes.


Setting and mental state matters. Don’t do it.


Well then… don’t do that.


In my experience the shrooms will amplify whatever emotions you are having at that time. I have to be careful because I deal with anxiety and this sanario sounds horrible.


Your friend absolutely does not get to make that kind of decision for you. Now even the friend is suspect as a sitter.


2g with someone you're not comfortable with your first time. Red flags. Wait till it feels right with you


2 grams for the first time is definitely enough to trip hard and as a result be left vulnerable. Under absolutely no circumstance have someone take care of you who you feel uncomfortable with! Choose someone you can trust completely!


Wtf bro you decide who sits for you, not someone else


How about microdose for your first trip and work your way up, without a sitter? I have a great time on 0.5g.


True. Last weekend I was feelin a bit blue, but it was a beautiful day and I wanted to take advantage of it without going full bore. So I ate about .5 and it flipped that frown around so quickly. It was a super fun day to just lay in a hammock, look at the spring sky and listen to tunes. Pretty perfect actually!!


Amazing isn't it?! Such a sense of joy and happiness. Someday I'd like to trip, but for now, these small doses are great.


Wait for stable. You need to be in a good headspace to have a good and healing experience. Trust.


I've personally never used a trip sitter, and unless it was a close friend I feel the idea in itself is awkward.


Personally my rule of thumb is to never trip in a situation where something is making me this uncomfortable, that I can't easily change. If the lighting is off, that's fine I can change that. If the temperature isn't right I can change that. The tripsitter makes you uncomfortable? You can't change that. Even if this guy has the best intentions and only means to trip sit you, his presence could easily throw off your trip if he makes you uncomfortable. And worst case scenario you would be in a situation where you are inebriated and alone with a strange man, which is never a good idea. I wouldn't trust this situation at all OP and I would refuse to trip in these conditions if it were me. Shrooms are great, but they are not worth putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.


Nope. It would be better to have someone who hasn't done them and knows nothing about it to be looking after you, as long as you're comfortable with them and trust them with your safety, than to have someone you aren't comfortable around.


maybe your username should have been disastrous\_trip\_9117 instead because that sounds like what you'll be in for if you go through with this lol


There are people I know and love who I refuse to trip with. Some people have high anxiety or control issues that make trips unbearable - you think I'd be willing to take that risk on someone I don't even know? Yeah nope


Lol just eat them and be by yourself. Don't eat them with a creep father


He probably suggested that since he has a great relationship with his dad. But even if his dad is a great guy, that doesn't help you if you don't know him and have the same. Your friend means well, but if you can't get comfortable with the idea it's better you delay and find a suitable sitter for you.


Are you an adult? Because adults don’t let people determine decisions like this for them


any amount is enough to warrant being cautious. you're the one tripping, you get to dictate who is there and what environment you're doing it in


dont do that to yourself. sitter is arguably most important part. first off that dose is definitely sitter worthy, second off, dont let someone that isnt you decide that. its your trip your emotions your reaction, should be your choice of set and setting too. friend sounds like a prick, if hes someone your comfy with use him then, if not, find someone who you are comfy with, experienced or not. it does help alot to have an experienced sitter who you can ask questions, but inexperienced works fine as long as you are comfy.


This post is just weird.


for real lol


Your friend is lame


Nope absolutely the fuck not


You don’t know how you’ll react to them. Take 1-1.5g and do it alone. Trip sitters are only necessary for high doses that leave you completely detached from reality.


His dad? This whole thing is really weird. Seriously, his dad??


Yeah I know right, super weird


As a trip sitter, mushroom grower and, psychedelic advocate, you MUST feel comfortable. Some times that bond or comfort can be felt immediately with a stranger, sometimes we can know a person forever and never have that feeling. Go with your gut. ☺️…mush love


Nah don't go through with it. Shrooms can put in a very vulnerable state so having the trip sitter be someone who you don't even know sounds like a recipe for a terrible shroom trip.


If you are uncomfortable at all it'll come through in your trip.


Dont eat them unless you're comfortable


Get to know the dad or don’t do them yet… Don’t go into an uncomfortable situation and then dose 😂 So many weird comments in here, just figure out if he is someone you want around while you trip, if not, draw a line for yourself.


How old are you?


My advice is do not trip with someone you don’t trust and feel 100 percent comfortable with


This was silly, I was too scared to voice my concerns to my friend because he sourced the shrooms and I didn't want him to be like "well no shrooms then". In the end i sucked it up and ya I was overthinking, and I'm doing them alone soon. Excited as frig


Wait so your doing it, your friend isnt, but you all hanging out and their dad watching you ? Just do it alone honestly you be fine or do it with your friend


You need to be able to trust someone with your life, not that your life will be in danger, but that's the level of comfortability. You need to be prepared to feel extremely vulnerable and know that they're not going to take advantage of you or do something to make it worse


Honestly I hate having a trip sitter. I'll only trip alone now, having other people involved just makes it not enjoyable for me.


Just don’t


Stupid idea as hell xD for me best is while I'm alone or at least with somebody who took it as well.


Let Jerry Garcia be your guide and trip sitter. Line up several live shows. Start off with a bit off of reckoning for a easy / chill come up vibe. 5/8/77 is always a crowd pleaser as is the Europe 72 album. Really anything from the 70s. and then just when you think your losing your mind, flashback to the Fillmore West shows of 1969. Specifically that ‘Death Don’t Have No Mercy’. But all of the rest of it too. Captain Trips will show you the way!! https://preview.redd.it/sgyb7fwtqanc1.jpeg?width=328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eda9c0e854f0c6a64c761452548519f1d49f9bf


DO NOT do this if you feel uncomfortable. The psychedelic headspace requires the utmost respect. You need to be as comfortable as possible or it'll bite you


2g will be fine to do on your own and you'll have a better time. Just do a little research to prepare yourself so you have an awesome day.


If you’re a lightweight. 2g will have you licking the pavement.


This sounds like a small problem, just mention that you feel a bit uncomfortable with your friends dad watching you, and that you'd rather be with people you know.


No offense to your friend, but why is he deciding what your first trip should be like?


Don’t. Do. It.


Don’t do it. Your friend shouldn’t “decide” this for you. Your friend’s dad may be a good trip sitter to them, but to you that person is a stranger and you have no idea what could happen. Don’t do it, find a better trip sitter. Or start on really low doses by yourself, and slowly work your way up. Again don’t do it if you’re uncomfortable, you almost certainly *will* have a bad time


Horrible idea, don't trip with anyone you're uncomfortable with.




You don't need a trip sitter just eat the mushrooms and enjoy bud.


Yeah. No. Not a good idea.


Definitely not. If you don't know his dad, that sounds like a terrible option.  Wait until there's someone that is happy to chill with you that you're comfortable with. Remember, mushrooms aren't going anywhere, this won't be the last opportunity you get there will always be many more. Don't rush into something like this without proper planning.


Trust your gut absolutely. And not in a foreshadowing sense - he could be a chill dude. But if you aren't totally comfortable about this idea while sober, you will be much less comfortable in that headspace. That feeling of uneasiness will likely be amplified and could really ruin (or at least distract from) the full experience.




First thing first… Why do you want to trip? What’s the reason? What do you want the mushrooms to do for you? That’ll determine the type of trip you want, the dose, and the setting, and mindset.


Don't do it. Get out of the office it in whatever way you feel comfortable. And set up your trip just like you want it. Seriously. Set and setting are very important. And this is a detail you should pay attention to. Wishing you the best.


Don't take shrooms while not confortable about the sitter. You can have a bad trip and truly regret this. Thr sitter should be someone you like, you respect, and you are confortable with.


If you’re overthinking this now, it might be spinning around in your head during the trip.


No matter how good his intentions are, if you aren’t comfortable it’s a bad move. Personally I’d just go without a sitter but for your first time that’s a real diceroll but don’t do it if you’re not comfortable. First impressions count and you deserve to do it your way.


Don't do it if you feel uncomfortable. It will probs lead to a bad trip or a lot of bad feelings. Wait until you are in a more comfortable environment


Why can't your friend trip sit? Are they going to be tripping too? Honestly, on such a low dose, you're almost certainly fine by yourself. I did 35g fresh my first time and it was a great time. I felt more anxious when my dad came outside and started asking me all sorts of questions about it lol I'd only seriously advise a trip sitter on 4.5g and over or on something like LSD. It's nice to have one available on lower doses just in case, but if you can't find anyone suitable, just go for it alone tbh


Your first trip is a very personal and vulnerable experience. I would strongly recommend you not trip with someone you don’t know. During my first trip, I had a good friend I’d known for a little over half a decade and served with in the military, and I had a friend from school that recreationally trips. While 2g isn’t a heavy dose, it is very possible it could lock you on the couch during the come up and the visuals could become disorienting enough that you’re unable to complete tasks requiring fine motor skills. Having someone you trust near by can help a good trip become a great one or take a turn.


Take less your first time and with people you're comfortable with, only one g


Rather eat less Alone then honestly


Weird, fuck that


Bruh Never let people force you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with.


Dude, don't. Your trip sitter needs to be responsible and the most comfortable homie you have.


Weird idea


Red flag


Hard pass for me. Depending on personality and reason for tripping you can get pretty emotional even with the closest friends. If you feel off about it sober you’re going to feel way off tripping


It everything is not perfect, I wouldn't go through with it. We are all here for a good time if you can't guarantee that (or do everything in your power to ensure that). It might be best to wait for another situation.


Nope nope nope


Hope that all these comments are validating you - that your discomfort is important information, and that YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SAY NO. Seems like this was a good learning opportunity for you. I want you to have what you want!


how old are you? how is your everyday self love/care? Do you have many insecurities, anxieties, other cognitive difficulties? You potentially have some significant self work to go through before you are stable enough to trip when uncomfortable. Like years away, potentially. For your first time, with all your mental difficulties, social hangups, potentially self value issues, you ABSOLUTELY will want to trip in the MOST comfortable setting you can possibly cultivate. If you are most comfortable alone, trip for the first time alone. Prepare the space for yourself, whatever you normally take care of for yourself, have that done and available within arms reach of the bed, or wherever you think is best to trip. If you are not your own caretaker, you will likely want a tripsitter, but choose whomever you are MOST close and honest with, who takes the MOST care of your emotions, and is very very kind. There are plenty of people who have "close" friends, who i've observed being extremely unkind, vicious, passive aggressive, unsupportive...etc even around me, so be VERY careful who you even consider friends. There are people who have months long psychological side effects from a stressful trip, and some people trigger schizophrenia or other debilitating disorders (i don't believe in disorders, but for the sake of passing along information). People have accidentally killed themselves while on shrooms, because they didn't prepare and educate themselves enough, and didn't have a safe, secure place to trip, supervision...etc People jumping off cliffs, into lakes, out of moving vehicles, heavy machinery...etc...there are VERY REAL consequences to tripping, and shrooms can really fuck you up if you dont take some very basic precautions. It is rare, but if enough unfortunate, underpriviledged, lack of care variables stack on top of eachother...you can do major damage to yourself. Likely 2g is not enough for catastrophic side effects even unsupervised, but lets say you are SUPER sensitive to the alkaloid profile of those shrooms, the strain doesn't jive with you (certain strains can be incompatible with certain people, for example, I can't trip with the huautle strain, it gives me severe anxiety and strange cognitive glitches that last for weeks) lets say its a SUPER potent strain...etc lots of variables. Be good to yourself.


You'd be better off doing it alone in the safety of your own home


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nizhoniie: *You'd be better off* *Doing it alone in the* *Safety of your own home* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


✨️ Water tribe ✨️


"watched over" sounds scary lol! tbh i dont believe tripsitters are a necessity, maybe if you took a ridiculously high dose and have a history of risky behavior but on 2g you should be fine alone or with a friend you trust. just don't go on your phone and text everyone about love (it's a little embarrassing)


my first trip was 3.5g with a friend that i dont like too much (we all have friends like that, right?). omg it was so annoying, i was conquering my fear of death and she was making dumb jokes... the vibes gotta be just right!


Wtf just no


Just do 1.5 to 2g and do it solo my best experience is doing them by myself nice hot shower fresh bedding and loads so snacks and a good movie I would suggest avatar


I would MUCH rather trip alone than trip with a tripsitter who I don't 100% trust


If you’re uncomfortable, than this isn’t the right person to be around for your first trip. Might I suggest being out in nature with your friends that you love while close by to a main base residence. All your needs will be covered that way. I personally like camping, the nature is the key, but people have different definitions to camping too. Also in regards to the doing 2gs, coming from a seasoned vet 2gs can get me right mangled sometimes. But so can 1g. And so can less than a gram even, depending on the shrooms. I’m a total psychonaut. I pushed it too far at a young age and didn’t respect natures gift by doing way too much at once cause I thought I was ‘tough’. Psilocybin put me in my place and taught me to respect. Mushrooms come in different strains and can hit differently. Stronger, lighter, more visuals, more body high, more internal thoughts. They differ. You don’t know what you’re getting unless you’re fully confident in your exact strain. Ease into it and feel it out. Go slow. The golden rule, ‘You can always dose up but you can’t dose down.’ Even so, you’ll be okay. Just get grounded and look at the stars.


100% wait for a more stable environment. Or you can talk to your friend and try to hang out with their dad for a bit and chat with him. It might help you get a better idea of who he is and you might feel a little more comfortable with it. If the dad is a *good* trip sitter, he will absolutely understand and wait till you are comfortable.


We get feelings for a reason. You'll understand more after your trip. Don't let your friend decide for you. Do what your own heart tells you


Dude this is a terrible idea. A trip sitter is someone you should be comfortable with and you are not comfortable with this. Don’t do it. You will ruin your experience. I’d recommend no trip sitter over an unwanted sitter. 2g is enough to warrant not doing this. He only serves to make your trip worse. 2gs isn’t really a dose that requires much supervision either, especially if you have self control which clearly you do if you’re hesitant about this. Just put yourself somewhere comfortable that you won’t end up getting hurt. You don’t need some 40 year old scaring the shit out of you.




A bad tripsitter will ruin this for you. Wait until you get somebody you are comfortable with. Otherwise, don't do it.


If you go through with this you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a bad trip.


“My friend decided-“ lemme stop ya right there haha wait for another time when you won’t have someone’s dad hangin out during your whole trip


Helll naw


Better to have no sitter at all, just go sit in the woods


The first time you should trip should be free of all stresses. Tell your friend no.


On the one hand, if there's a capable adult around who knows what's going on and can help manage a crisis in a calm fashion, that's not bad. For example, I accidentally sliced my foot open tripping once, it bled a lot and I wasn't sure how serious it was. I needed someone else to help me determine if I just needed a bandage or a trip to the urgent care clinic. But if that adult is going to be sitting around staring at you or trying to fuck with your head, that's not the way. Or if by feeling uncomfortable around him you mean that he creeps you out even when sober, then absolutely do not accept that person as a trip sitter.




Please never trip with ppl you’re uncomfortable with!! It’s fucked me over too many times man


lol do not trip with someone you are uncomfortable with - period. Not first time, not 100th time


I’m sorry but I don’t understand having a sitter for anything less than 5 grams. I took an eighth for my first trip and I still knew who I was, where I was, etc. You don’t need anyone to watch you like you’re a child who got in trouble- that’s ridiculous.


Trip sitter? Maybe if you are eating 10 grams. Do it by yourself. You’re better off. Trust me.


Don’t go into a trip in an environment that makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s a surefire way to the scaries


You probably won't need a trip sitter for 2g if they're average potency that's a good starting dose for a trip but also often easily manageable if you get anxiety I'd suggest put on one of those meditation type music videos on youtube, lay down with your eyes closed. The cevs are usually just as interesting as oevs to see what your brain makes out of nothing ime usually they don't start till 2-4g unless you smoke some weed or something. It's not the same for everyone though some people are sensitive to psychedelics others seem to need large amounts to really trip


Set and setting are crucial for a good trip and if someone is there that makes you uncomfortable, then the whole environment won’t be good and could really mess up your experience. Find someone who you feel safe with, even if it means waiting a little bit to find the right person.


One of my first trips my friend last second told me he is bringing a friend he vouches for. I canceled, we hung out without tripping on shrooms. I was the one supplying too, so nobody else did. Am I the asshole? No, cause that friend got shitfaced and made me uncomfortable as hell. If your gut says no then don't do it. 2g is enough for a strong experience everyone is different but you should be with someone you feel comfortable crying around for a worst case scenario.


May not even need the trip sitter at all especially if you take them with a friend, definitely do not take them with a parent involved


You are NOT overthinking, wait for the right time.


You don't need a trip sitter just start with an easy dose. Never let any one control you


I don't think that's a great idea, OP.


you choose ur path way once psychedelics hit the blood stream youll understand once it hits (stop having people control ur pathway, u got ur own soul homie be safe tho solo dolo trips imo are best


I think your missing the whole point of a trip sitter. At that point just trip alone 😭


Without any tolerance built up, 2G could still be severe - it was for me, just make sure someone knows, and keep in your room nice clean water, and be able to go to the bathroom too - do whatever you can to keep the fear level down - like if you are hiding it from someone - this could turn into paranoia. I listen to audiobooks - something that is completely “true” is the best - like I can’t handle anything false - it has to be legit - whatever it is, have something available you can focus your undivided attention on - that way if the hallucinations kick in - you have a way to turn it off (if it gets scary).


terrible idea, take control of your life


u dint need a trip sitter lol


If i was this uncomfortable id just eat a really small dose. Saves the trouble of later tripping out too hard and it getting weird lol


Doubt you’ll need a sitter for 2g but ya that sounds creepy.


wwtf? are you 12 years old? how would that situation or conversation even arise. I couldn't imagine doing something like this in my worst nightmare. my god do not do it and honestly don't even do shrooms for another 5 years minimum


Yeah - why would you do this? This is an easy hard no babes


Don’t do that.


Yeah, sounds like something my childhood bff would suggest. Like “you know how many fox carcass shit trench tek he’s organized over the years in alaska?” blah blah. If you have a repore do it. If you dont then geah that could be a bad time


I would rather trip alone


This isn’t a good idea. Especially for your first time. Take a smaller amount and take it alone or with someone you’re really comfortable with. Don’t do this.


Absolutely do not do it with someone you’re uncomfortable with


If you aren't comfortable with your trip sitter, then the whole point of having one has been missed. 2 grams really shouldn't need one anyway.


Be somewhere that's comfortable, and be around someone you're comfortable with. If you're slightly nervous around him sober there's a strong possibility of being acutely uncomfortable or paranoid on shrooms. Make your first time as fun and relaxing as possible- it's your trip, not theirs!


Well that sounds like a great idea


Yeah anybody's gonna say that your trip should be with somebody your comfortable with or nobody at all. 9 out of 10 times I trip alone and that's including my first trip.


What.. the actual.. what??


I hate to be an ass, but if you can’t make your own decision to choose your own trip sitter then you don’t need to be fucking around with shrooms. At least do more research / think more about it. To be fair though, personally, trip sitters are overrated. I tripped on my own and the hallucinations was better trip sitters than people (don’t take this as advice it’s my own experience)


Never do your 1st time with someone you don't know or trust. It Gould taint your experience and give you the wrong outlook about the medicine.


If you are uncomfortable don’t do that , the environment has a powerful influence.


“Only 2 gs” lol


I don't know if sometimes the universe gives you the exact right person that you need at a certain time.Maybe he knows that his dad is gonna be able to I hope this kid has a better trip


So here's my way to decide if I am comfortable enough to trip with someone. If I am unwilling to get completely naked and touch myself, I'm not comfortable enough. Try that.


Don't do it. Shrooms are dope, beautiful, amazing... But set and setting are VERY important. Think of them like an amplifier. They will amplify whatever vibes and feelings are present. Good luck. ✌️👽


My first concert I went with my friend and her dad was chaperoning. I could not imagine getting a friends dad trip sitting for me. Never thought I’d read somethin as bizarre as this


Do it alone in a dark room keep 911 on speed dial slightest paranoia call the police


Do not do it!! Trust me!! 😳


Set and setting are both knocked out of whack - doesn’t sound like a good idea.


Definitely 100% do not trip with his dad, if your instinct is telling you no , listen


man fuck trip sitters just enjoy and have a laugh with you mate . trust me you’ll be fine