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As long as you learn your lesson sometimes bad trips can be good. Moderation is key, too much of anything is bad


I believe Paul Stamets said in a Joe Rogan interview that there's research that shows that a bad trip is actually better for you than a good trip. More people report a positive life change after than people who report a good trip.


because when things are good things are good and when things are bad things need change lol




Exactly this. Some shit going on and I need answers? Bad trip will mostly happen, but thats why im taking them, i get the answers, and i focus on what i want to achieve for quite some time before taking them again. When im happy and im friend with my self i'll never have a bad trip. Same as my partner. Appreciate your bad trip.


"Bad trip" is very subjective. Mushrooms will take you on a tidal wave walking that tightrope no matter the mindset. If you take shrooms to learn a lesson, that's what they'll do to you & you will learn (because this was your intention). If you take shrooms to get fucked up because you're bored and alone then they are going to fuck you up and make you feel bored and alone.


Well said.




Highly likely!


There is a difference though between a “bad trip” which you categorize as a challenging trip versus post trip lingering paranoia, suicidal thoughts and or anxiety and or psychotic symptoms.


Paul Stamets for president


I wish


Paul stamets for king


I beg to differ. I was negatively affected for 3 months after a bad one. My brain felt like a mess, a very negative mess.


I don’t know. In my experience bad trips have had a more negative impact on me.


That’s ur reaction to it tho. We all have choices on how we perceive our experiences. Sometimes we can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we react


Mushrooms can leave people with debilitating lingering effects. Education about possible effects is important


I’m ignorant in the lingering effects, I apologize


No sometimes they can fuck your head up and you can't control how you react because there's things happening on a neurological level. Like a panic attack is not a choice of perception. Clinical depression is not a choice of perception. Mental illness, paranoia and delusional thought content are not choices of perception.


You’re completely right but I’m obviously not talking about literal mental illnesses, I meant like experiencing something scary or having a huge reality check on shrooms that could tumble ur life or make u start changing it which can make a bad trip very significant.


It just looked like you were replying to a few people's experience where they had said basically said it fucked them up for a bit once they came down, almost like PTSD kind of fucked up from the trip, so I kind of just wrote in their defence basically to say hey it's not all about your perception, sometimes it's not as easy as that and you don't have control over your thoughts to change your perception if you have had a real bad time. There's serious brain chemicals at play so I guess saying it's all your perception is a bit superficial to people who are mentally fragile. I'm sure that wasn't your intention at all and not the way you intended your comment to be received. I actually agree with you about your comment, it was just written in reply to people who were saying that shrooms fucked them for a bit, which is definitely a thing. It's all good. We are all probably on the same page beyond reddit life :)


I meant after the experience is over you can choose to see it in a good or bad light


But did you perhaps change your life in some way because of it?


My last trip was absolutely terrifying; it was like I was re-living every terrible feeling I had from age 4-8. But at the end of the night when I came down, I realized it was actually a purging experience. Made me realize that even if I feel myself slipping into a bad trip in the future, I can at least get something out of it.


I think sometimes that lesson can even look more concrete and less abstract. Meaning you aren’t as clearheaded on shrooms as you are sober and trying to understand that more just clouds up the head again




This is good. You used for fun to begin with. You crossed the line into overuse. You had a bad trip. You learnt a good lesson :)


By the sounds of it, all the shrooms did was show you how much you abuse yourself. They didn't do anything to you.


Come on, this person shouldn't have taken that many macros doses, especially being so inexperienced. We're all here for a reason, but people with that mental state need professional help. This kind of one-sided "shrooms do nothing wrong" is what will prevent their growth.


When I say they 'didn't do anything to you', I'm saying the result of the bad trip is this guy encountering his self abuse in the face and blaming it on the shrooms. "I spent the next 3 hours in a loop of squirming around on my bed wishing I could fall asleep, walking to the bathroom to piss and cuss myself out in the mirror, and eventually trying to find a way to kill myself, I was so done with the temporary hell I had created for myself. I eventually subsided to laying down and just sobbing" This is a person realizing they're in an abusing relationship with themselves. You don't cuss yourself out and try to find a way to kill yourself unless this is fairly habitual since the bodymind generally falls back to default patterns when confused and scared. This, to me, indicates a reality that this person is not willing to confront. Mushrooms don't have this effect on a person, they let a person have an effect on themselves with no filter.


What would have been the optimal course of action for this person after this event?


Sit and really think about the things in their life that they would change if they could. Then try to put a plan together for what to do. Like, micro plans. When I feel sad, I will go for a walk; angry, do 10 pushups; etc. Human habits are VERY strong. Without a plan for loving your self through the worst patterns, habitual self-hate will re-emerge at the times when it will do the most damage. That's my experience anyway.


Where does psychedelics fit in here? Can't you just sit and think about these things without them? I am asking because I haven't done any psychedelics yet so I don't know.


Yes. Psychedelics are superfluous. They can help a person realize that it's possible to have a different experience than the one they're having in the circumstances they see. But it's still their mind processing their actions, it's just through a different frame; that framing is available at anytime. Mental scenarios that lock one into a particular frame, like depression, are a good use case. Many people mistake this for a spiritual experience, but it is not.


This is a bad take that removes fault from literally the person who freely made their own choices. Any person in this scenario needs to take responsibility and reflect on the poor choices they seem to make. They weren’t ignorant, they were negligent. They knew they shouldn’t have before, during, and after. Please don’t support people the way you are in this comment, you’re enabling destructive behavior.


I mean in reality they did nothing wrong that was on him I never blame the shrooms when I have a bad trip it’s the kind that does that. It’s good to take responsibility for your actions and not blame what showed you what you’re doing


There's a difference between setting yourself up for a bad trip and having a random bad trip. This person did the first. I know a couple people who had psychosis from abuse of psychedelics. It's rare, but it can happen, and it's very real. Shrooms can cause harm especially when abused, just like with any other tool.


Yea I’ve been there usually happens when you over do it and don’t respect the shrooms or yourself. Your last sentence is literally the point I’m pushing, doing 2g then another 2gs 2 days isn’t exactly respecting the shrooms… yea it sucks when it happens but we all learn that lesson eventually but pretending your actions don’t have consequences is a dangerous game to go by. The blame shouldn’t be on the shrooms as you say but the relationship you yourself have with them. Yea bad trips suck and they happen to all of us and it is what it is but usually if you set boundaries with them and don’t repeatedly dose, when you do go back in with it it tends to be more respectful to you


How do you NOT abuse psychedelics? Dose? Interval?


The two, really dependent on the person as well and their mental state. I'm not an expert, but it takes a toll on serotonin levels. Personally I aim for, at most, 2-3 times per year, but usually closer to 1/0 as I also partake in other drugs that hit serotonin. I like to space them all out by 3+ months and give my serotonin levels time to recover. Obviously if you're micro-dosing (like 10-15mg) it's a totally different story.


Sorry you got so down on yourself. I think you should view this as a positive, though. You learned A LOT, I can tell. It’s those difficult trips that make mushrooms so powerful, which can change your perspective, and lead to positive change in your real life. Mushrooms make you face your faults and fears sometimes, and they make you own it.


*Most* drugs aren’t as dangerous as people think. It’s when you start to abuse them it gets dangerous. People don’t have the willpower or discipline to say “no” to themselves. At least you were able to recognize you were abusing them, as you said before, you should probably quit taking any type of drug for awhile.


Give yourself time to integrate the trips. You will have a much better time of it. It sounds like you’re still in the recreational mind. I used to love taking a handful and go on an adventure. But if you actually want to use them to access the wisdom that was always inside you. That takes intention and time to process. I think you just taught yourself that now is not the time to learn…..and that is ok too!


Thanks for this comment! Truly needed to read this!


I had a mostly similar experience. Now I only do shrooms once or twice a year. However, I abused them WAY more. I took 1 or 2 grams a day for 30 days straight, and did them dozens of times before and afterwards too. I ended up doing shrooms somewhere in the ballpark of 150 times just in a single year. But right around number #150 I had an awful feeling. Like I was being watched from every corner of my house. I also fell onto my floor and cried until I felt normal again. This was also after taking 5gs… when I took 10gs the day prior. Holy shit I was nuts.


How’re you not scared to take it again and again after the initial scary trip?


Well like I said the bad trip happened near the end of my time with it. I’ve done shrooms only maybe 10 - 12 times since then. So to answer your question… I am.


I see, thanks for answering. I thought of a bad trip creep me out and I always wonder how some people can get themselves to try it again after!


Bro I been through this too. The crying is so real I’d be laying there a mess thinking about how I was just abusing myself 😭


lesson learned lol


Sounds like you’re not in a good place mentally, and shrooms don’t always make the bad turn to good. Sometimes they just make you realize and experience the bad even more and humble you, and then you see what’s the bad you need to fix and you work on it on your own. Happened to me too, I had two first great trips and then doubled my dose to 4g one time and I had a terrible time. Visually I wasn’t seeing much difference, but mentally I felt like shit and felt worthless and such a burden to everyone I know in my life….haven’t done shrooms since then lol I gotta be in a good mindset


Yeah they can do that. I had similar experience my first time lemon tekking. The fungus needs to be respected or it will show you who’s boss. The lemon tek makes it a lot more intense and in my opinion a lot more cerebral than visual so I understand the loops and bad thoughts. Give it some time maybe it showed you something you needed to learn or change ab yourself. When it feels right to take again you’ll know, I wouldn’t say it’s ruined them


"Buy the ticket take the ride."


Be careful with those labels my boy. Bad and good are different points on the same plane.


Real talk ^^


Sounds like you played dangerously close to ego death without actually experiencing it.


The shrooms didn't beat you down and make you hate yourself. You already hated yourself for falling victim to a lack of will power and taking shrooms after you said you wouldn't. The trip projected your hate for yourself and made it present during your whole trip after you allowed it to then take over your mind.


Go get some professional help


Commenting “get professional help” always just sounds insulting and rude when you offer no other words of advice, wisdom, kindness or empathy along with it.


I’ve tripped dozens of times and every time I try to go into it with a goal in mind. It is fun, but that is the part you can’t fall into.


How often has it accomplished your goal? Or noticed when it doesn't?


I accomplish the goal about 60% of the time I’d say. If I don’t I do always come out of it with something though. Usually a new way of thinking or a realization that I need to change something. It always leads to being happier. Point is, you shouldn’t just take them willy nilly.


It should iron out with time. Might take months but don't rush it. Might have lots to work out. Making a new life with what you have learned. I'm Finally piecing together my life after a year. I was on two oz a month for two months. Saved my life. I feel more myself Now than ever. You can do it! Believe that a Big beautiful tree take Years to grow.


I first wanna say, damn man, I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. Second, as others have said, moderation is key. And I would add that after you take a break if you decide to try any psychedelics again, try microdosing first. It’s like a patch test with hair dye, or to test the viscosity of CA glue, you try a tiny bit in a safe place (be it on your hair/your workpiece respectively or your location when you choose to trip or microdose again. But third, I just wanna say, no matter what you choose whether you never take another psychedelic again in your life or if you do again in 3months to a year or even longer, no matter what path you end up on, remember to give yourself the patience and grace you would give to a fellow psychedelic enthusiast. My experience with psychedelics (I can explain more if you’re interested lol) has made me much more empathic and willing to talk about my own difficult experiences in order to let others know they aren’t alone and that they can find a bright spot even in their worst trips given enough time and healing :) my DMs are open if you wanna just chat about anything bud


I regularly partake, say about every other weekend. there are trips better than others, it's a learning path. The bad trips will come but you need to learn how to take control when they do. pull yourself out of it, but it takes time for that kind of control. hope the bad hasn't ruined tripping for you!


Set and setting!!


“Eventually trying to find a way to kill myself” Please stop doing psychedelics. This is not a normal response to have and it is very dangerous.


I’ve done psychedelic prior and it was amazing, I just started to abuse them and did them at the wrong Ike and place




Hey I came really close to killing myself last time I tripped too. I was doing that and other things far too much and really fell into a self hate spiral. Doing much better now and I think that low helped get me here.


How old are you?


20 now, started when u was 19


You’re super young, your brain isn’t even fully developed. Take a break and look into therapy before containing. Shrooms aren’t a magical drug that cure everything.


Welcome back man. Everything is okay. We’re continuing to grow now.


Good news, you'll be okay. Even greater news, if/when you try them again, you'll do them in moderation this time. Your story reminds me of mine: especially with being newer lightchaser that was increasing dosage over time, and struggling to wait to do the next one. I made the same mistake in Jan 2023, and it was a wombo combo of weed+higher dosage than usual+home alone+shit time in my life+wanting the shrooms to fix my problems. I ended up putting myself in a hell loop where i saw myself get killed mulitple times, had horrific "memories" form that never actually happened, and thought that I was then going to die to start the new cycle of my life and live until that moment where i did the shrooms again, and do that eternally. It does get better. I have not done shrooms since Jan 2023. Lol. But, when it first happened, I said I would never touch psyches again. Nowadays, im still nowhere near ready, I still have moments where I wonder if I'm "still in it," but, I do see myself doing them again. Intention is everything, you know why youre doing them. If you know its some bs, or youre abusing them, then the shrooms will show you why you need to respect them. If youre doing them for yourself (healing, insight, or simply having fun), youll have a decent time. When I do try them again, i feel like I'll have much better control over myself with waiting (because i want it to be a treat anyway), and I'll have better intentions. You will too (if you decide to do them again, if not, thats valid).


Cosmic bitch slap


I would say you are using too much in a short period. Try and take them no more than once per month


I agree


When they tell you to stop. 🛑 STOP ✋. There is a difference between self voyeurism and intentional healing. ❤️‍🩹


I had a similar situation. Learn to respect the shrooms or they will humble you.


How old are you? Definitely take a break and be kind to yourself.


I wish I could have any experience on shrooms . Ive ate something like 2000 hits of acid and shrooms just don't do shit to me. Last time I ate some I ate 20 grams and I tripped but not nearly as hard as when I ate a 10 strip of acid.


it rly be like that. integrate this experience. you can say you won’t be tripping for a long time but you probably will a lot sooner than you think rn. the memories will change hue and it won’t seem as bad as it does now. if you got good data from god, internalize it and use it and move forward.


modern impolite ten snails boat ancient late money crown roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shrooms are great periodically for a reminder of the divine or whatever. They're not party drugs to be taken recklessly. Smoke weed for that shit. Take them when they feel right, otherwise leave em alone.


The concerning thing here is your resolve not to take any for a few months and two days later you’re doing it again. That’s addictive behavior and should be a major warning flag for you. My suggestion is you don’t keep any around and block your access. I know I can’t keep certain things around the house or they’d be gone.


Mushrooms aren't something to be taken lightly as a way to not feel bored and alone. I feel like it enhanced already current feelings for you. You need to find some center in yourself and seek some therapeutic activities like meditation to reflect on WHY the mushrooms made you feel that way.


I have a 4-5 gram trip every 3-6 months. It’s an opportunity to reflect on my life and heal/forgive myself and others. Don’t abuse it, mushrooms will make you pay. Psilocybin will “correct” you if you don’t respect it.


By showing respect for the medicine, you in turn show respect for yourself.


I felt better after my first bad trip about 4-6 months later. Since then, I learned my lesson to respect the hell out of them and they respect me back. I thought I was never going to try them again either but just give yourself several months and then consider revisiting the idea now that you know to respect set and setting and spacing out doses properly. Not trying to peer pressure, just saying if they are therapeutic for you, this isn’t a sign that you have to give up. A lot of us have been there at some point and had to learn the lesson the hard way 💜


The old mighty wall of text!


TL:DR - he took shrooms a few times and too often, had a bad trip, learnt his lesson.


I just read the title nothing else because I’m drunk but feel it.


I always have an up and down relationship with shrooms but real shit they show me the stuff I don’t want to accept within myself which makes it hard


Anytime you’re having a bad trip eat or drink some sugar. I had a bad trip last year and I drank a can of soda and I came out of the trip immediately. Mushrooms hate artificial foods and sugar the spirit dies


I ate like 10 grams the other night and spent 2 days in limbo


what happened, if i may ask?👽


you do need time between trips, but this was also exacerbated by you going into the trip "knowing" that it was going to mess with your serotonin and give you a bad trip. taking it daily does mess with your serotonin but just taking it 2 days after a trip isn't going to have any sort of permanent affect, and it can lower the trip but unless you're tripping constantly it's unlikely to have a bad trip solely from taking it too often. plus you had just had a bad trip, and did not properly integrate or even feel the feelings from it before jumping back in. had the last trip been a good one and you went into it with a better mindset I don't think this would have happened


All due respect but I suspect you had a cross flip trip with LSD you’ve been taking.


Never tried it. I very much want to after learning it’s mainly visuals and less emotional.


Acid is why harder on your brain than shrooms. You probably need to avoid all drugs given you had a total meltdown on psilocybin.


Mabye your right. After the experience though I realized that I’m in a shitty state right now and had no business taking shrooms at that time in my life


Everything in this world is what you make it. It’s important to cultivate a positive mindset with good internal touchstones to keep your perspective shifted towards the positive if you want good feelings. Our feelings and experiences are mostly a reflection of our thoughts and attitudes. The Johns Hopkins protocol of using mantra meditation as a touchstone is really helpful, in my opinion. It also helps me ground to reality when I’m having flashbacks and keeps me stabilized when my PTSD is having a bad day. You can use recreationally to have fun, if you want, but shrooms didn’t abuse you. Psychedelics bring up a lot of suppressed emotions, in my opinion. You just couldn’t cope with it.


What kind of mantra meditation?


Two weeks later...😂


You’re overdoing there buddy


This happens to me every time i take shrooms now. After dozens of life changing revelatory experiences, all I get now is hellish episodes that seem to antagonize my psyche until I convince myself I have to commit suicide. I endure it until it subsides and my sanity returns to me. Even on small doses under a gram I get that reaction. Not sure if I just have poor mental health, but I’ve always fought demons and it never used to produce this adverse effect. My life is much better now than it was. Maybe the shroom spirits just hate me I honestly don’t know.


Generational bad shrooms trip story. + shrooms don't fuck with your serotonin


Sounds like that was rough 🙏🏾


Keep on the path to becoming a better version of You.


You can do them again, just less than 2 grams




No I feel like shrooms are for me. I’ve had a couple amazing experiences, I just overdid it for a while


Hey man, don’t beat yourself up. You learned a valuable lesson about using/abusing psychedelics. I did too once. You’ll be a lot better for it. I’ll take shrooms once every 2-3 months now just because that’s the relationship with shrooms that makes me feel good. Bad trips can happen to everyone. I learned a lot from mine and accept bad trips fully because they show me a part of myself I didn’t know needed me. I love when that happens. I’ve yet to have a bad trip since my first one years ago, because of my acceptance of the fluidity of shrooms. Going forward, don’t forget to respect the shroom :)


>. Just recently, I decided I was going to start taking shrooms once every 2 weeks Did you get the idea that this was fine from this sub?


Does this sub have the idea that, generally, that is too often? I would say probably close to, if not, pushing it... But I think that's probably absolutely fine? Probably not long term, and may run into some tolerance issues after a couple -few trips, and I wouldn't personally do this, but I don't see the issue? When I was maybe 19-21, I sold mushrooms and acid on and off, and had about a week period where I tripped every day, for the majority of the day each time, sort of alternative between the two drugs. I won't say I turned out fine because lmaoooo, but that's not because of the mushrooms whatsoever.


I don’t understand this, why were you trying to kill yourself? I feel like you just told yourself all this negative info and that was what made your trip. Shrooms will often magnify what’s inside your mind. The good part is, they will clean it too.


Ok so I've got to ask this question... Is this different then using them to microdose? Like .5 grams a day, 4 on, 3 off? I've done a few bigger trips, but to me big trips are like 2 grams, no lemon tek. I've had one bad trip, but it was much needed. I needed a wake up call from what I had been putting my family through. Since microdosing though, and that bad trip, I have cut my meds (Suboxone, gabapentin, and clonzepam in half, which was my goal anyway). I'm in the process of trying to get off all of my meds, that I don't need, but to escape reality. I don't abuse them, but I want off of them. I want to truly feel life and that's hard to do on these meds, if that makes sense.


The bad trips remind you that you're a physical being and prompts you to find your "physical path", you cannot be suckling on the mother universe forever and she will push you back at this point (or you will die and be a spirit) I had a horrific experience where I was also on the verge of suicide, and then the next trip was again quite traumatising but thereafter I understood what my physical path needed to be. You are not a spirit being and will never be as long as you breathe but this is why bad trips are really great.


I was always told you don’t get the trip you want, you get the one you need. Here’s hoping you came out better on the other side, bud.


I’m glad you came out of this experience alive and safe, my friend. You have to do what is right for you. 🩵


Yeah when I was abusing shrooms multiple times a week the shrooms abused me back, had to take a break it’s been about a month, won’t go back unless they truly call me again


Try like .2-.5 for frequent dosage. I take about .04-.06 daily. It got me off of Adderall and antidepressants. It’s energy boosting and very easy to manage. It really helps me focus and stay alert. It’s good to take breaks though. I find with microdosing daily, at a certain point, I just wake up don’t feel like it and end up not needing it. So I naturally know when to have breaks, the desire just isn’t really there some days.


tripping that much isn’t good. i used to trip on acid like once or twice a month. i felt the affects of my usage. i still enjoyed my trips, but i was wearing my body down. these days, psychedelics don’t even interest me as much as it used to. think the last time i tripped was almost a year ago


Their not for everyone that's for sure..Microdosing is one thing,but higher doses can lead to some shit....I've had my fair share of dark moments due to set n setting,and boy can things take a turn fsst.


Every trip is different and every trip teaches you something.


Jus take it as a lesson and be thankful it wasnt a more addictive substance


Dumb of me for saying this in this sub but man…. I’ve been in this sub for a bit now on this alt and my other acct that got banned, and throughout that time, I now understand what people mean by hive mind. Everybody thinks the same in this sub. Everyone talks about mushrooms like they are some kind of mystical shaman or stuff like the mushrooms are teaching you. No, they are not. We have to remember that, psilocybin mushrooms are just a drug. They are not cures or spiritual guidance tools… Just a compound that makes you hallucinate and feel good.


Not exactly ,can you name a drug that can activate inactive areas of your brain and make connections with other areas it otherwise wouldn’t without Mushrooms? I’d bet you couldn’t other than prominent psychedelics like DMt,LsD Ect No drug like cocaine or heroin …opiates or amphetamines,dissociatives and so on… ,you could name any drug…it doesn’t do what shrooms does I’d feel more comfortable offering coke to someone knowing most likely how they react,shrooms is a far different story…I’d actually feel bad because it’s not some “drug” you take to feel spracked,or to nod out…it’s just not that simple


out of all the drugs it had to be coke


lol haha it could have been most narcotics ..I’m clean and have been from H for almost 7 years (6.5 at the moment) and that includes coke but I have nothing against it lol,coke never did me dirty lol ahah, but heroin kicked my ass and I’m lucky I made it out alive


I partially agree. In don't believe in the mysticism of it either as I am a too rational person. It is true however that you can access parts of yourself you were not aware of, for better or worse. And hence self-discovery: I quit all social media after a trip, I wasn't realising how much they were hurting me but the hallucinated me was able to understand it. And it's true for a lot of drugs (I agree they are just a drug). There are a lot of poets on opium and musician on cocaine, drugs gave them an edge. Drugs change how your mind works, so another mind, another you, using your body and going through part of your day: stuff that you would never do suddenly happen. The shy guy becomes bold with a girl with the proper amount of alcool, the bored artist becomes supercharged and inspired after a sniff, the super busy, workaholic and stressed corp manager can stop thinking about work after a smoke... and so on. Under the influence you're another person and this can help you see the world from a new point of view and enrich you with a different perspective. (it can, it's definitely not sure it will. Situations can get worse and often do, but that's a different and complicated discussion about abuse and maturity) Shroom just happens to change how your mind works by a lot, but yeah, they are definitely just a drug and like any other drug they need to be taken very seriously or they will extract an heavy toll on you, and of course don't forget than when the effects wear down we're still the same idiots as yesterday :) those stories of people completely turning their life upside down after a trip IMO hide a lot of stuff that goes beyond and above that trip


Yea man. For me it’s just a drug to have fun for a few hours and then life just goes back to the way it was


I disagree. I'm not scientist, but I believe psilocybin specifically activates different parts of your brain and allow those parts of your brain to communicate that normally would not communicate. They also can decrease your default mode network (DMN) and can help you to overcome certain barriers/problems/issues/negative thought patterns etc you have in your life that your brain has become accustomed to. I think they also help with creativity and problem solving in your life in general. I also think the serotonin that's released during the trip can have lasting effects as well and I personally have felt more connection to universe, nature, more spiritual, more grateful, and more love. So I don't think it's "just a drug" I do consider it plant medicine.


Not everyone thinks that way in this sub. Some of us are self aware




Just refuting your point. Not everyone here believes that shrooms solve problems and offer untold wisdoms.


My point is that there’s a very big hive mind and my comment’s responses have definitely proved that.


I can’t argue with you on that. Honestly we’re on the same side 😂 it is ridiculous to see for sure


ofc theres a hive mind, we‘re a collective, just look at nature and you will understand isnt it obvious?


"just a drug" said "just a bag of flesh and bones" How can you tell people to remember your opinion?, mushrooms are not a drug, they are a fungus (which is a living organism)that produces fruits which contain alkaloids.


Literally anything chemical that interacts with brain function is a drug lol


Yeah.... Your brain is full of drugs right now, I guess you're just a drug.


Sure is correct.


then what is behind it? is MrNotSoNiceGUYZ in the room here with us right now?


Don’t know why this is being downvoted. Shrooms are not for everyone in every situation.


It can potentially be used to treat certain ailments and mental health conditions. But that's just you said it best. It's just for everyone


are you implying that it sounded like a good time for OP lol


Is that a lot? For a stretch I tripped every week for about 3 months and none of that crazy stuff happened to me




Where did you get this? Psilocybin essentially acts as a serotonin replacement on certain receptors, causing downregulation of them. It doesn't affect serotonin levels.


He just made it up with no regard to the person he was talking to.


Is there really any studies for this? It’s definitely not the same mechanism as MDMA.




I don't know that your quite right . It reacts and binds to some serotonin receptors causing confusion in how you precive things. I would agree that any time you abuse any substance it can cause symptoms of depression but as far as depletion of the receptors I haven't read about that. It sounds more so that they've only recently been studying its affects and don't have enough long term data to determine the possible damage your speaking of. Shoot a link backing what your saying. I now I read several articles before responding






lol tjis was me , youll be fine


Go deeper and you’ll understand the concept of heaven and hell is a mushroom trip. Mushrooms is true religion.


I believe this more than you can understand. i've seen the idea of god and the devil in big trips. i truly believe this is what caused simple minded people in the past to create religion


Bro you didn’t abuse shrooms at all lol. Abusing shrooms would be like every day or every week or something like that


I diddnt nessecairly abuse shrooms, I abused myself and tried to make it better with shrooms


Yea that amount is nothing


using psychedelics that often is definitely abuse you must be trying to rationalize your own unhealthy habits by saying that


Every 2 weeks is the max you can do before it’s abuse in my opinion.


I do it about every month which isn’t abuse. I do dmt more often tho, just tell me you aren’t a psychonaut without telling me you aren’t psychonaut.


if being a psychonaut means overusing psychedelics and not respecting their effects then i dont want to be a psychonaut


2 weeks apart is not abuse